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I Ran Away From Them and Became an Academy Professor Chapter 127

127 – Again


Similla screamed in surprise, probably because Cabri suddenly appeared.

Then, ashamed of her, she covered her mouth.

However, the problem now is not that, but the problem with the cabrio that sticks to it and doesn’t come off.

“He’s a real professor!”

“So it’s fake?”

She was stuck in a situation where she was immobilized by the clinging cabri while making strange noises.

Flora, who came out late, discovered the figure and stopped the cabri.

“Cavri! The professor is in trouble!”

Even so, it was also funny how he grabbed my arm and pulled it into his bosom.

“Wow, oppa is very popular?”

As Simila looked at me with her widened eyes, Flora, with her arms in her arms, looked at her with her wary eyes. She had the appearance of a woman looking at her lover.

Mila was taken aback by Flora’s gaze, but introduced herself by hiding behind her hockey.

“I’m Similla! A friend of hockey! …I’m Havir’s brother!”

Since when have you been my younger brother?

“Your hair color and eye color are different?”

“I dyed it!”

“What about the eyes?”

“I also dyed my eyes!”

Then Flora said, ‘What is this guy?’ She looked at her with the same eyes.

I don’t know, don’t ask.

“I’m not your brother.”

“Yes? Javier, we shared a drink!”

“No relationship, you’re underage.”

“You shared a drink instead! Then you’re blood brothers!”

What is this guy really?

The idea I was thinking of was completely unexpected.

Does MBTI start with E?

Also, Flora, Cabri, Nawasimilla, perhaps realizing that they weren’t looking at each other as members of the opposite s*x, let her guard down and approached her.

“Sorry, it’s my first time meeting you, so excuse me. These days, when I’m related to Professor Havir, I get weird without even realizing it.”

“Why me?”

If anyone hears it, they’ll think I’m a flirt.

Similla looked at Flora, who was telling a strange story, and accepted her apology.

Then he held out one hand to her.

“It’s okay, sister!”


“If you’re going to the academy, you must be older than me! I’m 16!”

“···It’s nice, and the sound is good.”

Seemingly liking her two letters for her older sister, Flora shook her hand as Similla held out to her.

As she watched, she saw dark circles around Flora’s eyes.

It looks like I applied something to erase it, but my eyes are not normal eyes.

“Flora, are you tired these days?”

“Yes? No? Get enough sleep.”

Then is there something difficult?

Flora sighed as she saw me worrying about herself.

“I do have one concern.”

Flora couldn’t think of a way to say what to say about her Rebecca, and her mouth fell.

At that time, Cabri, who was still resting his head in my arms, looked up at me and said.

“He’s here.”


That person?

“That, that, when we went to Flora’s hot spring, she suddenly attacked her mansion… Rebaka? That S-class adventurer.”

····What? Rebecca?

So fast?

I knew I was released, but it was too sooner than I thought.

Did you ask the information guild? Depending on the difficulty of finding someone in the dark side information guild, you will be paid quite a lot, right?

I was lost in thought.

Furthermore, during vacation, I went to another region far away from the capital.

There was no way I could find it during this time.

····Come to think of it, it wasn’t me that Rebecca was fighting.


I frowned.

I had forgotten the obvious.

Have the sensitive senses of the days of adventurers been all crumbled because of being complacent in peace?

Of course Freya’s name is widely known.

From nob le mt l dot com

No matter how S-class you are, the principal of the best academy in the empire is more famous than an adventurer who ventures into an unexplored and unknown place.

Of course, the position has a lot of responsibility and authority, but there are also a lot of responsibilities to do, so I do a lot of outside activities as well.

Even the looks. Her appearance, which was more beautiful than an ordinary elf, made the already famous Freya shine even brighter, and her photo was published several times in the newspaper.

There is probably no one in the imperial capital who doesn’t know Freya.

It’s me, I didn’t know because I had never entered the capital after graduating from Hestia.

Anyway, it meant that the Information Guild, which handles a lot of information, couldn’t have known about Freya.

Dogs are crazy guys who would even find out the color of the emperor’s panties if they got money.

Although the metaphor says so.

Anyway, Rebecca is here now.

Again, her hands were shaking. My heart is pounding.

The damn trauma kicked in again.

Anyway, it seems difficult right now.

I need to calm down and meet Rebecca…


Instinctively turn your head to the voice.

Rebecca was slowly approaching her, her innocent black hair waving.

I realized her as soon as I saw her.

Because I was happy these days, I thought my trauma was getting better because of my happy daily life.

-f*ck you.

From nob le mt l dot com

No. The trauma was just sitting in a corner, squatting and condensing his body.

As an existence like a time bomb that can explode at any time.

-Are you excited? What is a male

It was the opposite. I like the present, so I was afraid of the present collapsing.

Besides, the present almost collapsed for Harin and Seri.

The trauma has not diminished at all.

On the contrary, because they were the ones who brought me down, the trauma increased.

– Suck.

Treat me like a dog, treat me like a dog.

The image of Rebecca automatically flashes in her head.

It’s disgusting. Nausea rises.

-I got excited too. Take it off

It is true that Serido, Harindo, and Lii also gave me pain.

They were also very scary and hated, but Rebecca was… The greatest of all the horrors of the past.


In the end, unable to stand the nausea, I turned my head and ran in the opposite direction.

There was no way she wouldn’t notice it because it was blatantly directed at Rebecca, and she stopped right there.



“Brother? Why is that?”

The people around me suddenly closed their mouths and followed me as I ran.


I was raped by her.

I Ran Away From Them and Became an Academy Professor

I Ran Away From Them and Became an Academy Professor

그녀들에게서 도망치고 아카데미 선생님이 되었습니다.
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
At some point, I ran away from the women who bound me and used abusive language and became an academy professor. Why are you trying to find me so much? I left the party and became an academy professor.exau


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not work with dark mode