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I Ran Away From Them and Became an Academy Professor Chapter 116

116 – Overwhelming

“I was born with a pretty face, but what if we fight like that? I’d be embarrassed. Oh, I wonder if Rose hates me if I say this to another woman.”


“My wife. She’s pretty.”

“I’m not curious.”

“As Gee asked.”

Rebecca spit-! She spat and put her finger in the middle.

Kei laughs at that scene.

“It’s pretty temperamental.”


Words do not connect.

She was too lazy to talk to the man in front of her, and she wanted to get things sorted out as soon as possible and go find Havir.

She kicks the ground.

“Did the beast girl faint already?”

I’m sure they’re not the main combatants, but I’ve heard they’re S-class, but they said they’re on a different level from A-class.

But how strong was that lady, so she was able to subdue her right away?

Was the compatibility bad?

Kay patted her chin and let out a hum.

It looked like he was trying to gauge how much skill he had.

Seeing her like that, Rebecca started getting annoyed.

“···I just need to kill it quickly.”


She learned naturally from years of adventures where the slightest mistake could kill her.

Whatever the battle, timing was the most important thing.

Yeah, when he’s a little bit off guard, when he blinks his eyes.

The moment Kay blinked her eyes, Rebecca jumped out.

She simultaneously lifts his head and kicks her foot.

Even before his foot touched Kay’s head, he still hadn’t reacted.

She laughed.

Because Rebecca never doubted her own victory.

And that trust was shattered in an instant.


It was so violent that a sandstorm blew from the ground in the aftermath of the kick.

But the most important man in front of him was blocking his feet with his arm.


Rebecca panicked and landed behind her.

She couldn’t even imagine that the attack would be blocked just now.

She just felt like a girl.

‘This man is not normal.’

Kay brushed off her own hand that blocked her kick.

“Oh, it hurts quite a bit. I’ll go this time?”

At the same time, Rebecca ran out.

“I’m coming.”

Said Kay grabbing her scythe and cutting her sideways at Rebecca.

I ducked down to avoid it, then kicked it back.


She immediately blocks it with her scythe, but Kay’s body floats.

Rebecca does not miss that moment. Starting from his back, he strains with the thought of breaking his ribs with his shoulders, arms and fists.



The sound, like a bomb exploding, explodes loudly.

As the smoke slowly dissipated, the man in front of me disappeared without leaving a trace.

Rebecca was certain of Kay’s death.


If only he hadn’t heard his voice above her head.

She reacted immediately, but she lost her fighting spirit in an instant.

The sky was purple, as if in hell.

And the man flying towards him looked like a god of death who had come to take his own life.

However, he straightens his posture. Coming from the air means you can’t change the direction.

Rebecca uses the best skills she knows.

Grab her heels and quickly spin her body backwards.

She folds her knees in an instant, then straightens out and kicks.

The goal was a man’s stomach.


The technique was perfect. Had he been hit, it would have cost him his life.

If that’s right.

‘Don’t you feel hit?’

It was then.

A blade as cold as frost wrapped around her neck from behind.

“How on earth?”

I couldn’t understand it at all.

The overwhelming difference in power and sense of defeat that you taste for the first time.

I wondered if he was really human.

“How can I… It’s just that I’m stronger.”

I didn’t want to hear that.

“Come to think of it, I saw a newspaper about you guys.”

Astria. A party that made a name for itself after catching an A-rank monster.

“It’s an A-rank monster. It’s an opponent you can be quite proud of.”

Rebecca had a question.

It was because of the nuanced way of speaking that seemed to easily think of A-class monsters.

It was inevitable.

For the past 600 years, this is because Kei has single-handedly dealt with all the resurrecting Demon Lords, the only S-class monster.

He remembered something from the past.

A memory of the night Rose and I fell in love.

-Yes, I went to a dungeon today. All in all, there was an S-class monster.

-Is the gold monster strong?

-It’s not strong, it’s the highest rank among monsters.

····Now that I think about it, Rose attacked me like this while dealing with the demon king.

Should I thank you for this? Um… It’ll be fine


Rebecca was not convinced.

From nob le mt l dot com

No, even if you can understand it, you shouldn’t.

She couldn’t let go of Havir-senpai like this.

Unfortunately, there was no other choice but to run away.

However, running away is not easy. He needed something to embarrass him.

Thinking with her eyes closed, Rebecca gradually concentrated all of her mana into her right arm.

Something full of magic becomes a bomb beyond imagination.

The man who noticed the incident hurriedly tried to stop it, but he was caught off guard because he was lost in nostalgia for the past.


Rebecca self-destructed her arm. Then he shook Kay with all his might and ran with all his might.

Kay gasped in embarrassment.

“What a crazy b*tch.”

‘We have to escape from here!’

Rebecca ran with all his might.

Slowly, a way out appeared before my eyes. Then, a pink-haired woman appeared as well.

Rebecca swung his foot at a speed that the woman couldn’t react, since she was so distracted that she had to deal with it as quickly as possible and run away.

“What is this?”

‘Are you… Blocked again?’

“Put this away!”

The pink-haired woman swung her arm at Rebecca, at the same time knocking her against a wall, knocking her unconscious.


What is it?

A warm feeling.

I feel warm.

I opened my closed eyes.

“Oh, I came to my senses!”

“It’s a problem even if I come to my senses.”

“Yeah, but this is crazy.”

“Yes, the severed arm is growing.”

Then, the scenery in front of her eyes was a green-haired woman healing herself, two pink-haired women who seemed to be her mother and daughter, and a blue-haired man holding a scythe.

“… Huh?”

My body felt strangely stiff.

You must have been walking around the academy until just now, right?

I couldn’t see Havir-senpai who was around.

“But what if it goes wild?”

“What, I can control it.”

The people in the front are only talking about English language.

But by the way.

“Who are you…?”

I Ran Away From Them and Became an Academy Professor

I Ran Away From Them and Became an Academy Professor

그녀들에게서 도망치고 아카데미 선생님이 되었습니다.
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
At some point, I ran away from the women who bound me and used abusive language and became an academy professor. Why are you trying to find me so much? I left the party and became an academy professor.exau


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not work with dark mode