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I Ran Away From Them and Became an Academy Professor Chapter 115

115 – I endured

“Son, do you have any concerns?”

“What are you worried about again?”

“There’s not going to be anything. Huh? It’s like a woman or a woman or a woman problem.”


“No way…? You’re 27 now. Have you ever dated a girl…?”

“… What?”

What are you looking at?


Suddenly her mother’s voice became very serious.

She approached me with her unusual eyes and grabbed my shoulder.

“Tell me if you have any concerns? It has been said that we haven’t met for a long time, but it doesn’t change that we are family and I am your mother.”

Why are you doing this again?

Anyway, since ancient times, mother’s behavior has not been predicted at all.

It was the same even now.

My mother still looked at me with serious eyes, and she struggled to open her mouth.

“Because I can respect Havir even if he likes men?”

“What is that…!”

“Mom understands everything.”

And while doing so, the image of my mother patting my shoulder is really… What can it be?

“I like that girl.”

“…Mom, can you understand?”

“Understanding isn’t the problem, it’s because you like women?”

“Why don’t you be honest with me because you can understand me?”

“You say you don’t understand, so why don’t you understand?”

“····You like women?”

“That’s a man… Why are you looking at me with suspicious eyes in terms of liking women?”

“Then why don’t you have a girlfriend? Are you lacking in looks? That’s not true. How handsome I gave birth to you.”

“…That’s right.”

“He says he’s handsome with his words. Even my son is like that.”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“So you really like women?”

A sigh comes out spontaneously.


“Isn’t there a girl you like or a girl you like?”

At that moment, three women came to mind.

Cavri, Freya, Flora.

They were attached to me, saying that they were charging until right before I went to my hometown.

As I was lost in my imagination and didn’t say anything, her mother smiled wickedly and tapped her on the shoulder.

“I see? I like you. I like you.”


“It’s nothing, but it’s a bad feeling. Your face is full of smiles.”

I quickly covered my face with my hands at those words.

I was laughing thinking about them without even realizing it.

Anyway, they seem to have become more important to me than I thought.

Those kind of people who are happy just thinking about it.

“What are you thinking about again? Hey son.”


“I’ll teach you how to flirt.”


Then my mother started talking without my consent.

As I heard, it was the story of the first meeting between father and mother.

A story about 30 years ago when the two of you were boys and girls.

Because I was forced to listen to a story I didn’t even want to hear.

It was a story about a sophisticated city woman who seduced a naive country man.

Using a man’s weakness and psychology… At the end, “Who said to hold back, you coward&” Was amazing in many ways.

It was so amazing that he had said such a thing without shame when he seduced his father, and that he had said such a thing without shame to his son in the past.

“That’s how you were born.”

“I didn’t really want to hear the circumstances of those parents.”


Until this shamelessness.

I think I resemble my father more than my mother.

I can’t do that.

But that’s not the problem.

“But what are you doing by telling me that?”

“What are you doing to seduce the opposite s*x?”

“To my mother, the opposite s*x is a man. I, a man, know how to attract men.”

“…Is that so?”

This is really absurd.


Rebecca smiled as if she was glad to be reunited with her colleague.

“It’s nice to see you again, Lii.”

Rebecca waved her hello to Li Yi, but she didn’t let her guard down and growled at her.

In an instant, Rebecca’s face goes cold.

“Do you know where Havir is?”

“…I don’t know.”

“Lies. You know.”

“You don’t know?”

“····Really? Is that so? Don’t you know?”

Rebecca quietly clenched her fists.

The look in her eyes changed as she looked at Li Yi.

“Then don’t keep looking like that.”

As Rebecca stomped her foot, her gust of wind rose against her.

The ground made of bricks was shattered, and a tremendous energy of life enveloped Lii.

Li Yi closed her eyes at the sudden storm.

And when she opened her eyes immediately, Rebecca was right in front of her eyes.

At that time, it was already too late to react.


Rebecca’s fist hits Li Yi’s leg.

“Your legs are so fast it’s hard to catch.”

Li Yi, who was blown into the wall by her shock, got up again, but she limped her leg with no less shock.

Rebecca’s strike was very strong. Her just had to be thankful that her leg wasn’t completely broken in the attack.

“Actually, I hit it with a bad idea, but it’s harder than I thought.”

The beast itself, especially Choi Kang-jong’s excellent physical ability, was able to withstand even though her leg was hit squarely.

Li Yi growled. A blue aura covers her body.

Like a werewolf, the characteristics of a beastman gradually began to emerge from a body that was close to a human.

‘It’s not broken, but it’s safe to say that her right foot is completely useless.’

She was right to give up her idea of beating her, since her speed had put her handicap on herself, her foremost strength. Still, if she can buy a little, a little bit of time, she can get out of this situation.

“Do you roll your head?”

Rebecca rushes in and her foot barely brushes Lii’s head.

“Did you avoid it?”

Her airborne feet land on her ground and her rear foot lifts, aiming at Li’s face in succession.

Pang- Pang- Pang- Pang- Pang-!

Li Yi struggled to avoid all 5 attacks.

‘I kicked it in the air and it sounded like this. It will be difficult if it gets hit properly even once.’

For her, fighting Rebecca in close quarters was her suicide.

Li Yi spurred her to the ground and jumped behind her. She simultaneously throws her hidden dagger at Rebecca.

As Rebecca throws her fist into the air, the air shakes and daggers fall.

“I thought it was a wave, but it’s like a long wind…!”

Li Yi turned around behind her, climbed onto her roof, and ran around Rebecca on all fours.

Originally, Lii’s position in Astria is scouting. She is not a role that fights intensively.

She was killed more often, searching for information, or climbing a tree than the ground.

Her Relatively low fighting ability, but that certainly didn’t mean she was weak.

It was she who was able to kill so quickly that even though her opponent knew of her existence, she did not even notice that she was dead.

However, there was a flaw in that advantage.

Still, Li Yi does her best to protect the man she loves.

To endure the pain. Her usual speed, if not perfect, doesn’t let her catch herself.

The speed is gradually increasing.

Then he runs towards Rebecca.

Her claws were sharp and ready to tear her throat.


As Rebecca blocks, she jumps back behind her and climbs onto her roof.

She continues. She runs around the buildings and looks for opportunities.

Seeing the best, best, and greatest opportunity.

Endorphins circulate in her head.

I don’t feel any pain.

She ran towards Rebecca once again.


Rebecca clicks her tongue. It can be seen that she was taken aback by Li Yi’s fierce resistance.

But she’s still a long way from neutralizing her.

Before Rebecca is ready to punch her again, Li Yi quickly slips out of her range.

Like a beast aiming for a moment in a slight gap.

Aims for the enemy’s life while growling.

That was Lee Gavarin.

Her concentration goes up to maximum.

I can feel every single cell of her.

She may be mistaken. But now, at that moment, Lii Gabarin feels her own prime.

“I see.”


Her seems to have a brief moment that can incapacitate her.

Give strength to all four of her feet.

Her sharp fingernails were sharp like thorns.

Lii’s body is ready to sting at Rebecca like a bee, like her rocket.

The wall of the building is cracked. Right before Lii jumps off the building.

Thanks to her endorphins, Lii’s leg sprained as she forgot her pain.

And Rebecca never misses that moment.

“Are you crooked?”



Rebecca’s arm presses down on Lii’s neck.

She slams her fist on her abdomen at the same time.

Blood gushed out of Riyi’s mouth, who suffered severe internal injuries.

Unfinished, Rebecca grabbed her Lii by the head and slammed her against the wall.

“You fight like this even though you’ve screwed up your legs? I’ll admit it’s amazing. You really tried to beat me 1v1. It would have been a bit risky if you hadn’t broken your legs first. But… Is it over now?”

At those words, Li Yi laughed.

“Yes, it’s over.”

Rebecca feels reluctant to see her smiling Lii.

“I endured.”

“You said you held out?”

It was then.

“Go there, ladies.”

A man’s voice was heard.

Rebecca’s eyes widened.

Because I heard a man’s voice right next to me.

‘You said you didn’t notice me when you came all the way here?’

The man Rebecca looked at had her blue hair and a huge scythe clutched by her neck and arms.

“I usually don’t like children fighting, but first of all, since I’m a professor here. Does your daughter also go to Hestia?”

“Faces to see for the first time.”

“Of course it’s the first time I’ve met you.”

Rebecca was taken aback for a moment, but she quickly regained her composure.

It is easy to hide her presence. So is she a skirmisher? But the scythe she’s holding in her hand isn’t for scouting.

Then, after she learns various skills, she may be a chowder.

However, she said she was a professor. She is said to have been recognized for her skills in any field.

But, it doesn’t matter.

If you don’t know your face, you’re not famous, and in the end, you’re not very famous.

He never got tired of such a person.

Kay laughs at Rebecca.

I Ran Away From Them and Became an Academy Professor

I Ran Away From Them and Became an Academy Professor

그녀들에게서 도망치고 아카데미 선생님이 되었습니다.
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
At some point, I ran away from the women who bound me and used abusive language and became an academy professor. Why are you trying to find me so much? I left the party and became an academy professor.exau


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not work with dark mode