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I Ran Away From Them and Became an Academy Professor Chapter 112

112 – GadiB

Party Milky Way.

The party was a famous party that was on the rise.



When the man called out to the girl, he replied chewing gum.

The face of the girl with flowing black hair was full of annoyance, and her voice was full of nervousness.

If anyone sees…

“If anyone sees it, they’ll know that the captain cuts off the work.”

Another man sat down on a chair and said to the two of them.

The man standing next to the girl called Serene was the leader of the A-class party Milky Way.

Another female party member sitting next to the seated man opened her mouth.

Serene raises her finger in the middle of her speechless.

“Is Seren tickling like that once or twice?”

“Well, that’s right.”

The man and woman giggled at each other.

At that time, the captain said.

“No, it’s right to work.”



The words that came out of the man’s mouth made everyone in the bar round their faces.

It was daytime, and there weren’t that many people, so everyone could hear the normal conversation.

Even though it was a class A party, it was also because everyone thought it would be beneficial to get even a little information, so they were listening to the Milky Way.

The captain continued to speak while holding Seren’s hand.

“Seren, I fell for you.”

He spits out embarrassing words.

Since the face is also handsome, I could see that it is not a skill that has been done once or twice.

But everyone knew.

To the extent that the captain would not lead a promiscuous life.

He was rather a nice guy.

The captain’s sudden bomb-like words made the party members more excited than the two of them.

Unlike how he looks, he shouted all the more because he was a Berel who liked love stories.

And it was the same with Iris, who was sitting next to her.

The two shouted excitedly like monkeys.

“Wow, it’s ahhhhhtrhame?!”

“Oh, I saw Felice again~ You suddenly confessed this?! You’re a f*cking man!”

“These days, a woman didn’t even look at the boss when she challenged him. There must be a reason!”

“What is it? Weren’t the two of you already dating? I really like it.”

Captain Felice’s face was red.

Seren was also looking at him with her face red without saying anything.

A strange air flowed through the bar.

Felis utters the long-awaited final line.

“I like it. Serene.”

“Take me! Take me! Take me! Take me!”

“Take me! Take me! Take me! Take me!”

Meanwhile, Felice takes out a ring from his pocket.

He casually took the ring with her ring finger.

Berel and Iris, who were sitting, felt their hearts pounding more than the person concerned, as if they were being confessed to.

The ring almost reached her ring finger, and the moment everyone was expecting it, Serene’s mouth opened.


A short, chilly sigh, different from the atmosphere of a bar that reverberates as if leaving.

But no one heard because the bar was so noisy.

When the ring didn’t show any momentum to stop it moving, Seren got nervous and hit Felice’s hand.

“That sucks.”

Then the ring clicked and plummeted to her floor.

The atmosphere in the bar, which had been hot, turned cold like ice in an instant.

“I’ve been hearing some f*cking sh*t, but it’s a spectacle, really?”

In doing so, he broke Felice’s hand.


“I told you not to mess around.”


As her Serene snapped her fingers even worse, her serious Barrel stopped her.

“Hey what’s wrong! Didn’t you like it too?”

“Where the hell did you even get a hint of that?”

“No, I thought you liked it because your face was red!”

“Your face is red?”

“Look in the mirror.”

Serene listened to her berel and used the mirror in her bar to see her own face.

It was definitely blushing a lot.

It was enough to look like a shy girl’s expression.

However, Seren herself was not ashamed of it, nor did she like it.

She said that she drank and her face blushed. Seren didn’t like to drink. She only drank a drink.

There is only one conclusion.

“Did you get drunk on the f*cking soda?”

Seren looked at Felice.

She added little bits of her alcohol to the drink without her noticing.

Serene, who was weak to alcohol, could get drunk quickly even with a small amount.

Seren looked at Felice interrogatively.

“You can’t look me in the eye? I’m dying of disgust. What kind of drunkenness are you borrowing?”

Her thick swear words dug into her Felice’s chest.

“Hey, don’t you remember I told you not to f*ck around? If I was kicked like that last time, wouldn’t it be worth giving up? I’m a body that owns it.”

‘Strictly speaking, not yet.’

Seren swallowed the last words.

Because he hasn’t accepted it yet.

“···Captain? What do you mean by that?”

“Apart from the fact that you didn’t confess once? Did you really sneak alcohol into Seren’s drink? Like a pervert?”

Party members’ expressions began to rot.

She started to look disgusted at Felice, to the point of throwing away her evaluation of Felice she had seen so far.

Serene looked at them like that, and then she spat and said coldly.

“Going out to the party.”

“What? Serene!”

“I don’t want to be with a bastard like that at all.”

Seren got out of her bar and went outside.

Her stomach rumbled. I want to see him soon.

She immediately packed her things and left her village.

She uses teleport and travels by carriage for several days.

The flower fields were beautiful there, but since it was a remote place, development was slow, and the inconvenience was that many farmers lived in the countryside.

It was the first time I happened to go to this area after receiving a request from a party.

“And this is where we first met.”

The girl closes her eyes and imagines.

Three years ago. The day before the Berry’s Bear hunt, she was walking down the street from a nearby inn.

At that time, Berry’s Bear suddenly appeared from somewhere and tried to attack him.

Even before the walk, there was no plan to fight, but she was an enemy she could handle enough on her own, so she took the sword out of her waist without being particularly nervous…


A boy who was farming ran out and grabbed a farming tool and blocked the way between Seren and Berrysbear.

“Run away!”

A boy desperately shouting to himself to run away.

It was the first time in his life that a boy gave his back to himself who had slaughtered his enemies with great strength every day.

Besides, his arms and legs were shaking.

He is very afraid that he will die, but he does not take a single step back for himself.

Seeing that, Seren felt the emotions she experienced for the first time in her life.

Her face turned red.

Her heart raced.

I want to have it.

At that time.


Berry’s Bear made a loud noise and tried to tear him apart with his sharp claws.

At the same time, I pulled out the sword at my waist and reversed it, cutting the guy’s body in half.


Seren calls out to the boy who is dazed while looking at the body of the guy who collapses helplessly.

“What’s your name?”

Only then did the boy come to his senses.

“Me, me?!”

“Yes you.”

“Uh, my name is… Lake…”

Hearing the name, Seren laughs seductively.

“That’s a good name. I’m Serene.”


“Yes, Serene Gadiv.”

And then, Seren puts her arm around the boy, Lake’s neck.

Embarrassed by the sudden skinship, Lake’s face turns red.

Seren liked that look even more.

“You are mine.”

I Ran Away From Them and Became an Academy Professor

I Ran Away From Them and Became an Academy Professor

그녀들에게서 도망치고 아카데미 선생님이 되었습니다.
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
At some point, I ran away from the women who bound me and used abusive language and became an academy professor. Why are you trying to find me so much? I left the party and became an academy professor.exau


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not work with dark mode