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I Ran Away From Them and Became an Academy Professor Chapter 111

111 – Vacation

How long has it been since I started attending Hestia as a teacher?

It must have been about half a year to seven months.

In addition, all academies proceed, and there is a waiting period for all academies’ cadets.

That is during the vacation period. Vacation in English.

It is a celestial period that not only the cadets but also the professors are waiting for.

Money comes, but no work. Of course, you can come to the academy to take care of multiple overtime jobs.

Basically, the time devoted to students disappears, and even if teachers do overtime, there is still a lot of time left.

So, not only students but also professors often take care of all their work at the beginning of vacation and go back to their home.

“And that’s me too.”

I said as I stroked her sister Haki’s head.

Starting tomorrow, vacation period. Having taken care of everything in advance, I plan to go back to my hometown today.

It meant that I could reunite with my parents after 7 years.

“It’s been a while.”

What if I get awkward?

If you think of your parents who are insidious by nature, it may feel awkward for a while, but you will soon get used to it.

“Someone hasn’t contacted me for 5 years~”

Haki smiles warmly and sarcastically.

It is true that there is nothing to say about that.

This is probably the only unfilial person in the world who hears about his son who disappeared without contacting him for 7 years only on the news.

But it’s unfair that I didn’t do it on purpose.

What can I do that made me unable to write letters for those five years?

Besides, even after coming to Hestia, I was so busy that I didn’t have time to write letters, and a lot of big things had passed.

So many big things have passed that I can’t even believe how I can be here right now.

“But older brother, do you know where your home is?”

“What? No matter how much I forget it? It’s [Fermin].”

“…My brother moved them to [Libya].”

“Oh right.”

Before I truly became a teacher, I moved my residence just in case the party members of Astria would go to my family to find me.

“I have to apologize for that too.”

Thinking about getting hit on her mother’s back after a long time made me feel sick and miss it.

····But I don’t think I’ll miss it that much when I meet tomorrow.

Because it hurts so badly.


“Uh heh…”

Three women surrounded me as I sat on the bed in my room.

Kabry clung to me like glutinous rice cakes as always, and Flora leaned her head on my shoulder shyly.

Freya pushed me with her bust, which was more overwhelming than Kavri and Flora, and made me embarrassed.

“…What are you guys doing now?”



“Me too.”

What the hell is charging.

“Javier said he’ll go back to his parents’ house tomorrow and stay for about a week. I’ll have to go back to my parents’ house tomorrow as well. To meet my old friend Sergen.”

“I am, my dad is here and will stay.”

“I also went to my parents’ house once before, so I’m staying.”

“What does that have to do with charging?”

“Don’t notice. You mean you won’t be able to meet Havir for a while.”

“So I’m charging the professor’s power for a few days.”

“If I don’t do this, I think I won’t be able to survive.”

What is the professor’s power?

Strange things keep happening.

I looked at the time.

Looking at it now, it seems that the time has come to depart.

As if waiting for my thoughts, Hockey brings his luggage.

Then my eyes get cold when I look at the scenery in the room.

“What are all these people? I knew Mr. Kabri confessed.”

I didn’t expect there to be two more.

Honestly, I knew that all three of them liked my older brother, but I thought that only one Kavri had already confessed his feelings.

“Answer me quickly, older brother.”

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No, little sister, don’t look at me like that. I am not guilty.

I just slept at home and woke up to find that I had been forcibly attacked, confessed to, and kissed… Do you believe me?

“That, that’s…”

I told Hockey, who kept asking for an explanation, everything.

“Looking at me now… Are you asking me to believe that…?”

Hockey’s voice trembles. Of course it would be hard to believe. You may be angry.

I glance at her and lift her head.

···Huh? Why is her face so red?

Actually, hockey is not used to this kind of behavior.

He was too young before he broke up with his older brother, Habir, and even after that, he was so engrossed in training that he graduated early, so he didn’t even have enough time for his s*x education.

So I unintentionally became a very Confucian character.

He wasn’t familiar with s*x, just like the Cabri he was not long ago.

It was hard to believe that even such a gentle-looking Cabri attacked and kissed her forcefully.

“···I don’t know! Home or shop Get up quickly!”

“Uh huh.”

Let me get up from my seat.

The three clung to each other like leeches.


I could hear the regret in their voices.

But stop here.


“It’s in a very remote country. I have to teleport and ride a wagon for about 3 days.”

“Did you come like that when you came?”


It’s almost a week to come and go.

I used hockey and teleport, and as she said, rented a wagon and started going all the way to Libya.

“You can smell the smell of country grass anytime.”

“Is that so? I’m not sure.”

Where the wagons were strolling along the road, I saw a number of elderly farmers and students attending celle.

Thinking about it, hockey graduated early.

Come to think of it, I was still a kid.

“… Older brother.”


“I feel an unpleasant gaze from somewhere.”

“An unpleasant gaze?”

“The gaze that seems to be looking at me as a child…”

Why are you so quick to notice?

I guess I resemble my mother.

Three days passed quickly as I looked around the outside scenery.

And under the guidance of hockey. Finally, we arrived at the first home we saw.

My parents are inside. It was a reunion after 7 years.

If we meet, what should we talk about first?

Apologies for coming back after a long time? The various stories that happened during the adventure?

My head is getting jumbled up.

I’m also worried about the way my parents look at me.

Will you still see me as a son you love after I haven’t even contacted you for 5 years?

My heart is pounding. Not the pleasant pounding I’ve felt recently, but the pounding that comes from worry and fear.

I grabbed the doorknob.

It’s scary, but you can’t avoid it.

Let’s face each other and talk.

I made up my mind.

And I opened the door.

The door swings open vigorously, and the first thing I see in front of me is.

What did you want to see every day…?


My mother’s foot flew into my face and hit me directly.

————————————————————————- ————————————–

I Ran Away From Them and Became an Academy Professor

I Ran Away From Them and Became an Academy Professor

그녀들에게서 도망치고 아카데미 선생님이 되었습니다.
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
At some point, I ran away from the women who bound me and used abusive language and became an academy professor. Why are you trying to find me so much? I left the party and became an academy professor.exau


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not work with dark mode