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I Only Talked About the Quest Content Chapter 39

39 – Episode 5. You were just pretending to be a fool? (1)

* @ *

Tak. Widely. Widely.

The professor continuously taps the blackboard with chalk.

Most of the students in the classroom were looking at the professor and concentrating on the class. Mine, who was there, was also trying her best to concentrate on her class.

However, I kept thinking about the conversation I had with Abel last night, and I couldn’t help but get lost in thought.

‘Abel Sirius… ….’

Last night, the answers I heard from Abel, who was taken to the student council room, were nothing but very boring things. It seems to be the truth, but every time I say it, it feels like it’s subtly contradicted.

Her persuasive power was clearly enough to convince her of Abel’s words, but her subtle sense of discomfort made her feel uneasy.

While talking with Abel, Mine was sure of one thing.

‘There’s still more to hide.’

However, as she could not figure out what it was, her mind could only be filled with unconvinced guesses.

Mine, who arbitrarily thought that the discomfort she was feeling now was coming from that, let out a sigh.

‘By the way, Irene Tersi… …. ‘It’s a name I haven’t heard in a really long time.’

When Mine was young, Irene visited the imperial family for inter-species exchanges, so she had several opportunities to see her.

Because she was young, she couldn’t remember her face clearly, but she never forgot the memory of her thinking she was prettier than anyone she had ever seen.

‘I never thought Irene would be mentioned in the mouth of Abel Sirius.’

Yesterday, she had asked Abel not only about her relationship with Irine and how he found out about her, but also about her disappearance.

Abel spoke as if she knew something about Irene, but she consistently answered that she did not know anything about the disappearance case.

However, contrary to what she said, he showed a strange nervousness about the story of the disappearance.

She guessed that Irene may have been involved in Abel’s change.

‘Is it because of Irene that Abel suddenly changed? But the timing is not right…….’

Irine Tersi went missing when Abel was less than ten years old. Even if she had met her just before she went missing, she thought, it made no sense for Abel Sirius to change now.

There was a long gap of 12 years.

‘Or… ….’

This is the only case that Mine can think of right now.

“If for some reason she has been pretending to be a b*tch all this time…… ?”

She mumbled possibilities out of her mouth without realizing it.

People don’t change overnight.

This was a truth that Mine naturally learned as she met and observed numerous people.

But Abel changed overnight.

Mine thought the reason Abel didn’t commit her misdeeds during winter break was simply Houston’s stay-at-home order.

However, when I looked at the events that the Sirius family reported to the imperial family, I could not help but be shocked in a positive sense.

She revealed that the woman she thought was a witch was actually a saint.

She discovered the location of the Beral Church that was hiding in the Sirius Territory.

Holding a fragment of the World Tree in one’s hand.

Continued to increase the saint’s divine power.

An improved version of Lina’s spawn.

And now, the infamous Dark Elves have followed his words.

When Mine recalled that all of these events were related to Abel, he felt briefly dizzy.

‘If by chance, the personality that is being revealed right now is really Abel’s……. ‘Why on earth did they hide it until now?’

No matter how hard Mine thought, he couldn’t think of a reason why he would pretend to be a fool.

However, there was no possibility to support Abel’s change as much as this.

‘Abel Sirius…… What on earth are you looking at? ‘What on earth is your purpose?’

Doubts keep coming.

When Mine became convinced that she could not resolve this question unless she heard it directly from Abel, for some reason she thought of her brother, Peyton.

As Payton’s face appeared, Mine unconsciously clenched his fists.

‘…… ‘Is Abel someone who can interfere with my plans?’

She couldn’t help but feel uneasy as she guessed the relationship between Abel and Peyton to some extent.

Now Abel was no longer simply the son of a member of the Sirius family. She was the daughter of a duke who may have had an elf clan behind her.

If that happens, the impact he would have would inevitably be significant. Furthermore.

‘Abel belittles himself as incompetent, but he possesses knowledge, ideas, ability to understand situations, and even eloquence. That’s not something everyone can have. Depending on the situation, he is bound to be more of a threat than anything else.’

At one point, Mine frowned slightly as she looked at the sweat on her palms. The fact that she was nervous and wary of Abel without even knowing it felt like humiliation.

‘I, who did not tremble even in front of Sir Jeff, am nervous about Abel, who has never properly held a sword… ….’

Just as people feel fear of what they do not know, Mine was secretly feeling fear as she had no idea how Abel would move in the future.

Wiping away the sweat with her palm, she clicked her tongue and turned her head to look out the window.

‘First, I need to know whether Abel is on Payton’s side.’

“That’s all for today. Thank you for your hard work.”

Mine was brought out of her thoughts by the professor’s call to finish her class. After completely blowing her class, she smiled and closed her book.

‘Oh my…’ ‘I guess I’ll have to move on separately later.’

With a sigh, she got up from her seat and went out into the hallway to prepare for her next class.

· * * *

“It’s a pendant… ….”

She completed the quest and fiddled with the emerald leaf pendant she had received.

Inside the pendant was a painting by Marie Tersi. She must have really liked her brother, as she carried pictures of her brother in these items.

In fact, the younger sister hated her older sister, calling her foolish, but she said.

Anyway, I wanted to see Irine’s face at least in a photo, but it’s a little disappointing.

In the original work, Irene Tersi mentioned that she was the most beautiful among the elves, but it was a pity that not even a picture of her remained.

Still, if you have this, it will be enough to create a relationship with the elves. It was an item of great value.

However, apart from this pendant, there was one thing to be concerned about at this point.

That was to find the missing body of Irene as soon as possible.

As the magical energy is caused by the mana residue remaining in her dead body, the problem was bound to increase if the vast amount of mana contained in Irene’s corpse was completely converted to magical energy.

But the problem is that in order to find the body, you need to know the location of Deimos, but it seemed like they had no intention of telling you about the quest right away.

I don’t know if he was planning to tell them only after the situation got more serious, or if he thought they would all die if they met the cult leader now, but he was completely ignoring the quest.

When I suddenly felt frustrated with the quest, I smiled bitterly as I grabbed the pendant.

“… “Err.”

Although I know that I shouldn’t rely on quests unconditionally, I get used to the help from quests I’ve received so far and end up asking for it without even realizing it. Even though I know it’s not good.

Although I am always careful to think for myself, I am not a great person to the point where I can ignore the answer sheet floating in front of me.

“Ah~ It’s here! Abel!”

When class was over and I was getting up from my seat, Lina came to her classroom. She looks around her to see if the professor is there, and then she suddenly enters the classroom.

“Lina? “Why did you come here?”

“How are you feeling?”

Even though the department building is quite far away, I guess I couldn’t bear to come because I was worried about what happened last night.

“I asked you about that this morning too?”

I smiled and put the pendant in my pocket.

“What is that?”

“Something that will become important in the future.”

I vaguely explained it. Lina tilted her head to the side and followed my hand with her eyes.

“So you came to my classroom to ask that?”

“What do I do when I’m worried? “Shouldn’t you worry, then?”

“Please worry. “It will continue in the future.”

To divert her attention from taking her eyes off her pockets, she said with an exaggerated grin. Only then does he take his eyes off his pockets and look at my face.

“… “Are you really saying embarrassing things so casually?”

“Is there anything to be ashamed of? “Are you just being honest?”

“You’re too honest… …. “I’m ashamed of everything.”

“We’re engaged, so what? By the way, isn’t it time for afternoon training soon? Is it okay if I come here?”

“That’s okay. “Because participation is voluntary anyway.”

“And then you get really upset by Princess Mine?”

“Even if I don’t say anything, I’m feeling scared and broken.”

Put out your cheeks slightly with a pouty face.

I still have vivid memories of beating Mine, but it seems absurd that I haven’t won a single match since then.

“But is it really right for Princess Mine to keep breaking me like this?”

“That’s right. Keep doing that. Instead, never give up? “I always spar with Mine thinking I can beat him.”

“But that doesn’t mean you lose in the end.”

“But as we spar, the difference in skill between you and Princess Mine will decrease.”

In this way, Rina learns her skills, gains experience, and rises to the level of a sword master.

In some ways, Mine and Lina feel like destined rivals. They were catalysts for each other’s growth.

“You never know. “Do you think you can surpass my expectations and defeat Mine once more?”

“That’s right. “Because there are no absolutes.”

Lina crossed her arms and cocked her nose. Although she would break down sparring with Mine, she was glad that her confidence did not seem to have diminished.

She was planning to console her so that her self-esteem would grow if she ever lost the prosecution.

“Anyway, I’m fine, so go quickly.”

“You’re trying to let me go secretly, are you? “I guess you don’t want to be with me?”

“I want to be with you. “But I just don’t want to cause trouble like this.”

“Really? Hmm~ I think so. Then…… “Do you want to eat dinner together tonight?”

“Sorry. Thank you for the dinner offer. “We can’t eat dinner together tonight.”

“Huh? Why?”

He mustered up the courage to ask me out on a date, but he seemed embarrassed when I dumped him right away.

“I have plans for dinner tonight.”

“Promise? With who?”

“…… “I have to go see the elves.”

He looked at Rina’s eyes and said as if she was throwing a tongue.

“What? “Didn’t those elves try to kill you?”

“I didn’t mean to kill you.”

The assassination team, whose mother’s orders were absolute, unusually refused the assassination order. At the point when they tried to compromise with me, it was as if they had been cajoled by me.

“But you still threatened me.”

“Even if I didn’t want to do it, I had no choice but to do it. “Because they know that if they don’t do that, they will die.”

“No, I’m not some saint, how can you understand that?”

“I can’t help it.”

Even though the situation was tense, the assassination team trusted me and surrendered. If I don’t go to see you, there is a high possibility that you will feel anxious.

You may trust and wait at first, but as time goes on, you may become more anxious and regret that you should not have trusted humans.

So, I was thinking of visiting before that happens.

From Noble mtl dot com

Just like when Clara was in her slum, I’m probably the only person the killing squad can trust now.

I’m sorry, so I’ll have to pack a lot of food and go.

“I’m just saying that, so please skip it. “Because everyone has their own thoughts.”

“Of course, since you are you, you may have thoughts…… !”

Lina muttered her mouth a few times and then her voice gained strength as if she had made up her mind.

“I’m going with you too.”


“I can’t send you alone to a place that might be dangerous.”

“It’s okay. “Don’t worry, those guys will never try to kill me again.”

“How can you be sure of that?”

“Because I am the only one who can protect those guys. “They probably know that better than anyone else.”

They may not know anything else, but they are excellent in terms of insight and understanding of situations. Regardless of trust, you probably have a good sense of who can take your side.

“Still… ….”

“Trust me.”

Lina tried to refute her words to believe, but shut her mouth.

Lina believes in me.

I can’t accurately gauge the level of trust she has, but I think it’s enough to let most things go without questioning her. Like Houston.

“…… Okay. “If you say that, I’ll see if you believe me.”

Lina reluctantly answered that she understood, but her complexion did not look good. In the end, she seemed unable to let go of her regrets.

“If I did something dangerous one more time…… “I will follow you too.”


· * * *

Catena Prison.

It was a prison that mainly housed criminals who committed crimes in Ferrator, and was famous for torturing prisoners in front of them.

It was a prison structure designed by torture technicians who knew well how much mental pain can drain a person.

I was in that prison. With Princess Mine.

“It’s really dark in here. “It’s compared to the market place over there.”

Unlike the imperial market place, the eerie atmosphere felt in this prison, which is not even properly lit, sends a chill down the spine.

“Even light is nothing more than a luxury for criminals.”

“…… Although I agree with that. Was it necessary for the princess to follow here? “I just needed you to sign the permission form.”

“I don’t know what you’re going to do, but wouldn’t it be weirder to obediently allow it?”

“What… “That is also true.”

As soon as the knight guarding her entrance saw the princess, he greeted her and opened the door. The gatekeeper gave me a suspicious look as he opened the door.

I really still can’t be trusted.

As we passed through the main gate, we were greeted by a driver who was waiting inside and working.

“Welcome, princess.”

“Guide to where the elf is imprisoned.”

“Yes. Princess.”

The knight who answered immediately picked up the lamp and took the lead. I followed the trustworthy knight and princess.

Every time I walked, I saw terrible instruments of torture, but I pretended not to see them. It was because when I looked at it, it gave me goosebumps and made me feel bad.

I take the stairs and go down to the basement.

“I don’t think I’m wasting the princess’s time for no reason.”

“…… Why? “Is there anything I shouldn’t follow?”

“Not really?”

Tap! Widely!

Every time you step on the stone steps, the space resonates and a chill passes through your toes. If I stayed in a place like this for a long time, the cold would seep into my body and I felt like I couldn’t help but feel sick.

The further down the stairs I go, the more determined I become to get the assassination squad out as soon as possible.

“…… Abel Sirius.”


Mine, who was leading the way down while remaining silent, suddenly called out to me.

“What do you want to do with the elves?”

“I can’t believe I’m using it. “Why do you say that?”

“Why did you try to save the elves? “If you hadn’t intervened, you could have avoided responsibility.”

“Didn’t you ask everything you were curious about yesterday in the student council room?”

I spoke leisurely, looking at the basket of food. I’m not sure if the amount is enough.

“Speak without turning your words around in a strange way. “What are you going to do with the dark elves?”

“You seem to have more questions than yesterday. “You’re not going to believe anything I say anyway, right?”

“But there is a difference between listening to a story and not hearing it.”

“If you had just said I would trust you, I would have said it obediently. “The princess also really enjoys going back.”

“…… “You don’t even know whose ‘side’ you are on?”

“Would you believe me if I said I was on Princess Mine’s side?”

“Well… ….”

I don’t know.

It was an answer unbecoming of Mine.

If it were normal, I would have said that I don’t trust anyone. Have you changed your mind about something?

“We have arrived.”

The driver opened the door to the basement and entered. The knights who were watching the prisoners inside came out and saluted loudly when they saw the princess.

When the princess made an appropriate gesture, she lowered her hand.

“Oh, there is.”

I walked slowly, looked around inside the bars, and grabbed hold of the bars with the firing squad crouching in the corner.


I call her name.

The assassination squad hears my voice and raises its head. The shadow on her face and her eyes, which had been losing hope, began to sparkle with life.

When they saw me, they hurriedly approached the bars.


You must have been very anxious even after making your own choice.

I picked up the food in the basket, thinking that it was a good thing I came.

“I’m hungry. “Let’s eat first.”

I Only Talked About the Quest Content

I Only Talked About the Quest Content

퀘스트 내용을 말했을 뿐인데
Score 8.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
I only talked about the quest content, but those around me started to rely on it.


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not work with dark mode