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I Have a Fiancee in a Parallel World Chapter 48

48 – The Unvanishing Gate

“Hmm… It’s more modest than I expected.”

The day after parting ways with Sooyoung, Jihoon went to Big Number Guild alone.

Compared to the image of the guild he had heard from Sooyoung, he was actually quite surprised by the relatively small size of the building.

While it boasted a clean and modern appearance with high-quality finishing materials…

“It’s the smallest guild I’ve been to so far…”

For some reason, the Asian branch of Big Number, one of the world’s top three guilds, was more modest than some of the large guilds in Korea.

But the size of the building didn’t matter.

Jihoon stepped into the revolving door at the entrance.


As soon as he entered, he was greeted by a blond with blue eyes. Jihoon awkwardly waved his hand towards the white woman without saying anything.

Returning to the modern world and meeting a foreigner for the first time, he couldn’t hide his perplexed feelings.

No, he probably hadn’t had many experiences meeting foreigners even before going to Mulim.

The white woman who greeted Jihoon had a very tall stature, large chest and hips, and long legs that stretched out prominently.

The dress she was wearing was made of tight material that clung to her body, revealing her figure in a bold manner. Even the chest and thigh areas were slightly stretched, creating a very provocative atmosphere.

If most men were in front of her, they would have deliberately avoided her gaze and looked elsewhere, not knowing that drool was about to fall from their mouths and losing their minds.

“Hello. You must be Kang Jihoon, the hunter from the Academy, right?”

“Oh? You speak Korean well?”

“Yes, I speak Korean well. Don’t worry and speak comfortably.”

“Really? But why are you dressed so lightly? Aren’t you cold?”

“Comfortable… doesn’t mean you should use banmal… (informal language).”

“Oh, sorry. I guess I’m not good at Korean…”

Jihoon was far from ordinary.

“My name is Ellie. Frank, the boss of Big Number Asia Branch, is waiting on the upper floor.”

“Did you know I was coming?”

In response to Jihoon’s question, Ellie smiled brightly and made eye contact with him.

“Of course. You’ve shown such remarkable movements, so it would be strange if we didn’t know. Our guild’s information network is not that weak.”

“…You really speak Korean well. But why are you being so cheeky?”

Following Jihoon’s words, except for Ellie in the lobby of the building, there was not a single sign of an ant’s baby.

There were no busy clerks like in other large guilds, nor were there guild members preparing for missions.

“Oh! There’s a reason… Would you like to go up and hear the details?”

Following her guidance, Jihoon stepped into the elevator.

27th floor

A white man in a suit who was already waiting in front of the elevator reached out his hand to Jihoon and welcomed him.

“I’m Frank. Nice to meet you.”

“…Nice to meet you too.”

As they exchanged awkward greetings, Jihoon’s awkward English slipped out.



After exchanging a few words of greeting, the two stood awkwardly.

“I’ll be your interpreter, so feel free to communicate through me,” Jihun said, letting out a sigh of relief as he followed the guide into the conference room.


Jihun and Frank maintained a tense standoff with Ellie sitting in the middle.

Despite Ellie’s ability to interpret, they simply stared into each other’s eyes without speaking.

Tension hung in the air, and eventually, Frank spoke slowly.

Ellie, listening to him, translated carefully to Jihun, her face reflecting her discomfort.

“Do you think… isn’t that too aggressive? Hmm… They don’t seem to have much magical power, but do you think they might be hiding some other force?”

Translating Frank’s words, Ellie conveyed them to Jihun.

“Does it really matter, and where are the four Korean Academy Class 1 students affiliated with Big Number?”

“Isn’t that too… No, I mean, isn’t it too aggressive?”

Jihun shrugged his shoulders, seemingly unfazed by Ellie’s awkward expression, similar to a moment before.

As Ellie translated Jihun’s words back to Frank, his brow furrowed before he relayed a message to Ellie again.

“I’ve heard that other guilds have achieved their desired results through force. Do you think the same could happen to me?”

Ellie faithfully translated Frank’s words.

Upon hearing this, Jihun promptly stood up and walked toward the spacious office.

Frank and Ellie exchanged bewildered glances, not needing to discuss further. Jihun’s intention to use force had been clearly conveyed.

Frank, wearing a stern expression, prepared to rise from his seat when Jihun threw a subtle remark.

“Why don’t you have a seat and enjoy the show, sir? Ellie, was it? Enough with the games, come here. Testing people as you please is quite impolite.”

Astonishment momentarily filled her calm gaze, but soon, her eyes turned incredibly cold.

Ellie stood up from her seat and walked slowly towards Jihun, ignoring Frank, who seemed to intend to stop her by saying a few words in English.

Her icy gaze seemed ready to pierce Jihun, as if she intended to cut him in half.

“Don’t use informal language… I told you not to.”

“Did you have my permission to test me like this?”

Elli’s surroundings freeze.

From the ground she stood on, to the ceiling, even the air enclosing her and Jihoon…


Crackle crackle.

“You might have a sharp eye, but seems like you lack perception. Being arrogant without knowing when to yield can lead to a big downfall. Big Number is on a different level compared to the pitiful Korean guilds.”

The freezing air around her transformed into hundreds of sharp thorns, preparing to advance towards Jihoon.

“You’re really good at Korean… but if you think I’ll take it easy on you because you’re a woman, I might end up in big trouble… I’ve made mistakes in the past and I can’t repeat the same. When it’s time for kind words, I bring the Academy students with me.”

With Jihoon’s final words, hundreds of ice thorns from Elli poured out wildly.

However, not a single thorn could even graze Jihoon’s shadow.

Jihoon unfolded his high-speed movement skill, “Wormhole,” raised his inner energy, and swiftly engaged in a footwork-based spell, making his movement untraceable even to the eye.

Jihoon had evolved the high-speed movement skill in his unique way.

“Uwuh… Uwuwuh… Uwuk.”

Startled by Jihoon suddenly appearing in front of her, Elli, struck in the abdomen, retches with an incredulous expression.

“You don’t defend your chest… Are you greeting enemies in that kind of attire? Are you thoughtless, or have you underestimated me too much?”

With her dress sagging, exposing one side of her chest, Jihoon admonishes Elli with a stern gaze.

“Ueup… Huk… Hu…rt…chh Hck.”

“What? What are you saying… Bring the kids… Why are you laughing? Are you a pervert?”

Observing Elli, who seems to be either groaning or laughing, Jihoon returns to the sofa where he was previously seated.

Jihoon realized something had gone awry.

Finally feeling a bit relieved from the pain, Elli tidies herself up and approaches Jihoon, sitting in front of him.

“Truly… truly remarkable.”

“It’s unpleasant.”

“I’m sorry. I had to assess your level somewhat with my own eyes.”

“I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve said it. Bring the kids and leave after you’ve said your piece.”

“Please don’t think of it too unpleasantly. You’ve seen my chest too, after all.”

“Who asked to see it? It was nothing special.”

“You f***ing s***… No, no, why English expletives…”

“I can understand ‘f***ing’ too…”

“Ahem… Well… Anyway! Hong Taekyeong, Kang Kijun, Yoo Seolhyun, Jang Minjae. I can’t offer these four to you right now.”

“Will Big Number close its doors today?”

“Hoho… Why are you doing this so frighteningly… I’m here to offer you something much better.”

“I’m not interested. Just open the door.”

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Jihoon stands up from his seat and draws a white moon.


As the dazzling white moon shines brightly with cheerful sounds, Ellie hurriedly speaks.

“You might have noticed, but there are only three of us in this building. Breaking it all down won’t help.”

Jihoon’s expression contorts with discomfort.

“The Asian branch of Big Number is a temporary organization established solely to eradicate the ‘Unvanishing Gate’ in Shibuya. The four of you from the Academy are also under temporary contracts.”

Ellie spits out words that were never asked.

Jihoon has a foreboding feeling that if he continues to listen, he’ll get involved in something unnecessary.

“Then… when they return to Korea, tell them to come straight to the Academy…”

“Eliminating the boss monster and the gate that never disappears! The hidden boss monster of that gate has finally revealed itself. Do you know where that intelligent bastard has been hiding all this time?”

“No, I didn’t ask. Stop talking. Tell the kids. I’m leaving.”

As Jihoon turns to leave, Ellie’s last words are thrown at his back.

“That demon used a teleportation skill to hide in another dimension!”

“What? What did you just say?”

Jihoon’s eyes become intensely serious.

Even Ellie, who was constantly talking to him without being asked, was momentarily speechless in the face of his sudden change in demeanor.

I Have a Fiancee in a Parallel World

I Have a Fiancee in a Parallel World

평행세계에 약혼녀가 있다
Score 8.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
n the blink of an eye, I have spent 10 years in a parallel world. In real life, I was a failure at the Hunter Academy who was ignored by both my crush and my childhood friend. But now I don’t care about those things. I just miss the fiancee I left behind in the parallel world. But why has the world started to show interest in me now??


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not work with dark mode