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I Have a Fiancee in a Parallel World Chapter 40

40 – Director Song Yoo Kyung

The red evening sunset seen through the wide window is quite beautiful.

Director Song Yoo Kyung’s office.

After finishing the second round of the quarterly evaluation and coming here with her, Jihoon realizes that he is not very interested in the black tea in front of him.

‘Her skills are almost as good as President Ares’s…’

Feeling embarrassed, when Jihoon is thinking that the tea scent isn’t that great, his eyes meet Director Song Yoo Kyung’s.

She smiles gently at him, and Jihoon feels a slight pang and hurriedly drinks all the tea.

“I see you like tea. I didn’t know the taste was so good.”


I drank for no reason…

“Since there are rarely any guests invited to the director’s office… I didn’t think to prepare good tea or coffee.”


Jihoon didn’t even give a simple compliment about the taste of the tea. It didn’t sit well with him, but he poured himself another cup for no reason…

“Do you happen to know why I brought you, Kang Jihoon, here?”

Seeing that Jihoon had finished the tea, Song Yukyung began the actual conversation.

“It’s probably because I’m too strong for Class 11, right?”

Without any shame in speaking for himself, Jihoon boasted foolishly, causing a gentle smile to appear on her lips.

“hehehe…that’s right. You know well. The way Kang Jihoon performed in the 1st and 2nd quarter evaluations was something that a student from Class 11 could never show. So I thought, maybe you’ve been reawakened…”

Jihoon’s expression subtly twisted.

He wondered why she wasn’t mentioning his reawakening.

“But, that’s not it. It’s not a reawakening. You didn’t show any new skills compared to before, nor did you use any extraordinary magic abilities.”

Director Song Yukyung revealed her thoughts slowly and carefully, as if differentiating herself from the others who had asked if he had been reawakened.

“I didn’t have a reawakening?”

“No, I didn’t.”

Wearing a expression that suggested she had expected that, Song Yukyung brought the cup to her lips.

Shortly after, she put down the cup with a wrinkled face.

She knows it doesn’t taste good. Why did she give it to the guest…

Looking at his empty cup, Jihoon felt unjust.

“You used a transportation skill in the 2nd quarter exam… but there’s only one skill written in your student file… Is that correct?”

Her question this time was light but somehow not light-hearted.

Jihoon stared at her intently, as if he knew something, and continued to answer with that expression.

“Yes. The transportation skill is my only skill.”

“How far can you teleport?”

How far…?

The fact that he had used the transportation skill to go beyond dimensions and even to parallel worlds crossed Jihoon’s mind, making him hesitate on what answer to give.

But eventually, he relaxed his expression and answered foolishly.

“Around 10 meters? I didn’t measure the exact distance, but it’s not very far.”


She held her chin in thought for a moment.

“It’s nothing special…”

Those were accurate words. The range of mobility was not that great, and it wasn’t a skill that could be used limitlessly due to the mana consumption.

It was merely a skill useful for causing panic in the enemy or avoiding life-threatening moments, just once or twice.

“However, the utility of the skill can vary greatly depending on who uses it.”

Her eyes flickered as she stared at Jihoon.

For a moment…

Jihoon felt that she was somehow looking at the White Moon he had placed beside her with a faint gaze.

“Do you know the White Moon?”

“Yes. It’s a famous sword…”

It seemed like she understood that the question wasn’t meant to be answered like that, but Jihoon didn’t ask further, feeling that she wanted to say more.

“Anyway, Kang Jihoon has been reassigned to Class 2 this time. Congratulations. Hansuyeong, who was on the same team, has moved up to Class 8. It will be the most remarkable reassignment record in the history of the Academy!”


Class 2?

For Jihoon, who had been receiving 2 million won in support from Class 11, being reassigned to Class 2, which gave him 8 million won, was a tremendous gain.

However, Jihoon, no matter how high Class 2 was, couldn’t accept the fact that there was a higher class above him.

“Aren’t you happy?”

“I am. I just want to know why it’s not Class 1.”

Did she not know that there had never been a case where someone went straight from Class 11 to Class 2 in one quarter?

Soyoung Song calmly explained to him, looking at Jihoon’s face, which she couldn’t understand.

“There has never been a case where someone went straight from Class 11 to Class 2 with just one quarterly evaluation. Moreover, this reassignment is a result that I personally influenced.”

It was a fact.

Despite Jihoon’s overwhelming martial prowess and his outstanding test scores, most of the professors had submitted opinions against reassignment to Class 4 or higher.

The skills Jihoon displayed in the final match of the second test.

In all other aspects, Jihoon had hardly used mana, let alone skills.

The old professors who believed that showing one’s abilities through mana and skills was what made a hunter, regardless of Jihoon’s martial prowess and grades, had refused his entry into the upper classes.

But Director Sooyoung Song.

She wasn’t such an easy person.

She had to raise Jihoon, whom she had marked, to the upper classes and observe his achievements up close.

She thought.

That the newcomer named Kang Jihoon was definitely not an ordinary hunter.

Magic, skills, and not using them well were by no means conditions for devaluing him. She couldn’t allow those foolish professors, who had never seen such a unique case, to treat him poorly.

“Cough… I’m not trying to brag about using my influence to place Kang Jihoon as a top-class student… Oh! That aside, does Kang Jihoon have any contact with a guild?”

From Noble mtl dot com


“At the first test, Ares Guild put up a strange placard…”


Jihoon, his mind dwelling on the overly massive placard sent by Representative Lee, its cute message and handwriting, frowned.

“As for Ares Guild… We have some history with them, which is why the placard… I’m not sure why they’re doing that, and I want to stop it too.”


She looked at Jihoon, who appeared flustered and embarrassed, as if finding his discomfort cute, then finally asked him seriously.

“With your skills, can’t you just leave the academy and join any guild immediately? The academy’s financial support isn’t bad, but it probably doesn’t compare to the income you could earn in a guild…”


Jihoon pondered for a moment before responding, facing Director Song Yoo Kyung’s sincere expression filled with questions.

“There are ways to earn money even while attending the academy, and I’ve thought about a few. And also…”

A brief pause.

“I have my reasons. I have circumstances that require me to study and train. For me, this is a time for learning, not working.”

“I see…”

If there are circumstances, what those circumstances are, and what he wants to learn. Just as Jihoon had refrained from inquiring as he did earlier, she decided to be considerate and not pry into it first.

“There must be something… Yes, like the one with the same skills… Surely he has some undisclosed circumstances.”

Song Yoo Kyung’s gaze grew even deeper.

Her two eyes, as they gazed at Jihoon, held unspoken emotions.

“…You’re looking at me too intensely.”

Startled, she suddenly realized that she had been looking at Jihoon too intensely, thanks to his comment, and quickly adjusted her posture.

“Hoho… I’m sorry… I’m sorry… I got lost in thought because someone reminded me of someone…”

She took another sip of her tea, pretending to be distracted. But once again, she put the cup down without taking much of a sip and frowned, placing it just out of her reach.

“Is there something special required to move from Class 2 to Class 1?”

Sudden question from Jihun

“What? Did you say Class 1? Well… Class 1 always has a set number of 12 students and doesn’t increase the number. In other words, if someone goes up to Class 1, one person from there should come down to Class 2.”

“Um… I see.”

“Yes. So, for now, let’s adapt in Class 2, take it step by step. I, as the director, and Kang Jihun, will be watching your progress, so if you need anything for your training, feel free to come to my office anytime and ask.”

“Are you saying that if anyone from Class 1 is brought down, they immediately become part of Class 1?”

“What? What is that…?”

As the conversation with Jihun suddenly veered in an odd direction, Song Yoo-kyung began to feel an inexplicable sense of unease washing over her.

I Have a Fiancee in a Parallel World

I Have a Fiancee in a Parallel World

평행세계에 약혼녀가 있다
Score 8.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
n the blink of an eye, I have spent 10 years in a parallel world. In real life, I was a failure at the Hunter Academy who was ignored by both my crush and my childhood friend. But now I don’t care about those things. I just miss the fiancee I left behind in the parallel world. But why has the world started to show interest in me now??


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not work with dark mode