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I Have a Fiancee in a Parallel World Chapter 37

37 – The Black Encyclopedia

From Noble mtl dot com

“…Did you really hunt it, Koo Hunter?”

“What is that… How can he be a top-ranked player…”

“It was a sparring match, a sparring match! Winning or losing doesn’t matter in a sparring match!”

“But still… He seems to be hurt… Is it possible for the one giving the instruction to get hurt too?”

The audience that had been watching Jihoon and Sungjoon collide from the beginning to the end was taken aback.

Guseongjoon, the 17th ranked Sword Master.

His pulled-up mana, his movements, and the skills he displayed were too overwhelming to be considered sparring match level.

Pressuring the opponent, dominating, or even seeming to test the opponent’s skills…

Jihoon managed to dodge all of his attacks with ease.

He was no longer evaluated as just a Class 11 Storm.

The lower class students were astonished by the match, but the upper class students could see it.

Kang Jihoon. The guy who was famous for being a dropout of Class 11 is on a higher level than anyone from Class 4.

It was no accident that he defeated all of the Class 4 teams and made it to the finals.

He is strong.

However, no one could determine the extent of his strength.

Since they couldn’t even withstand Guseongjoon’s swordsmanship…

Maybe the outcome of the remaining finals stage had already been decided.


Surprise was not only limited to the upper class students.

Professor Joo Sung-ho also realized that Jihoon’s skills were exceptional and was filled with admiration.

If he was the Guseongjoon that he knew, there’s no way he would lose so easily…

Professor Joo admitted that his own abilities were insufficient to accurately gauge Kang Jihoon’s skills.

“Well… I should report this to the chairman for sure…”

Unaware of the fact that Chairman Song Yoo-kyung was observing everything from a corner of the arena, Professor Joo diligently wrote something in Jihoon’s file.


“Why are you bothering someone who says they don’t need it, seriously…”


As Jihoon constantly rejected Guseongjoon’s attempts to pass him Baeckwol, he suddenly felt a chilling presence.

“It will be necessary.”

It wasn’t a voice or a text, but it clearly conveyed its meaning to Jihoon’s mind.


Jihun’s brow furrows once again.

“Guirdo… you say?”

Guseongjun casually responds to Jihun’s muttered words.

“The previous owner of this sword also said it seemed like Guirdo. Seems to be a common sentiment.”

“Previous owner?”

“I can’t reveal who it was, but this sword was never originally mine. It gained fame after I started carrying it, but the sword had its own original owner.”

“Then why don’t we just return it to that original owner?”

“…That’s not possible.”


Jihun contemplates.

That sword is Guirdo.

It wasn’t the first time he’d seen a sword that speaks to its wielder.

Guirdo… it chooses its master by itself.

By possessing that sword, Jihun knew he would be entangled in unknown events, but if the sword chose him, there was no avoiding taking ownership of it.

If Jihun were to stubbornly refuse, that sword would return, even if it meant shedding the blood of hundreds or thousands.

“Carrying Heukwol for so long… How tiresome…”

It had been bothering him from the beginning.

From the moment he heard the name of the sword, Jihun recalled his own beloved sword, Heukwol, which he carried in the world of martial arts.

But Baekwol and Heukwol would have no connection whatsoever.

They were two entirely different entities that existed in completely different worlds, their similar names just a mere coincidence.

It was true that he felt a desire to wield it, drawn by an irresistible force.

He wondered if Baekwol would feel even remotely like Heukwol.

In the end, that curiosity…

Beyond the unease, it was Jihun’s curiosity and attraction that prevailed, and he found himself succumbing to it.

Taking Baekwol from Guseongjun’s outstretched hand as if entranced.


Baekwol shivers again, sending chills down his spine.

Closing his eyes, Jihun senses it.

“Yeah… It’s a sword that will come back anyway. It might be easier to accept it sooner this time…”

With his eyes closed, as he feels the sword, Jihun thinks that the sensations transmitted by Baekwol are surprisingly similar to those of Heukwol.

How is this possible…


-Daehyup!! Kang Daehyup!!

-There’s no need to be surprised… It’s not my blood

Yeonhwa runs barefoot into the garden in shock. Her large eyes are filled with tears.


-Even if it’s not my blood… I’m not hurt

Her chest, still surprised after hearing my words, doesn’t calm down. She takes off my clothes and runs her hands all over my body.

That’s right. I appeared in front of Yeonhwa looking more disheveled than usual.

From the top of my head to the tips of my toes, there wasn’t a spot untouched by blood.

The substance stuck to my forearm must be the flesh of an unidentified witch…

As I try to bring my hand to Yeonhwa’s tear-stained face, I hesitate.

This dirty hand, this horrible hand soaked in hundreds of blood.

Is it alright to bring it to that unblemished and bright face?

Yeonhwa, who has been constantly searching for wounds on my body, stops with her hand raised and our eyes meet.

She reads my mind and instantly grabs both of my hands and brings them to her own face.

Her white face instantly becomes contaminated with the red bloodstains on my hands.

-Wait a moment… Yeonhwa, it’s dirty…

As I speak and try to distance myself even the slightest bit from her, she clings to me even more forcefully.

Not only her face, but also her neck, ears, and the white robes she’s wearing…

They all become a mess, tainted by the blood that was on me.

-Please… don’t hesitate to touch me at any moment… please…

Yeonhwa is now shedding a different kind of tears.

I sense her gaze on the sword at my waist.


Her eyes filled with doubt.

-Ha… Heukwol… Heukwol is here again…

-Heukwol… you mean?

-Yes… I think this sword’s name is Heukwol.

-Who told you?



She didn’t need much explanation.

Just my expression that said it was inevitable when she briefly faced me.

With just that, she fully understands my situation and emotions.

-You seem to have made up your mind or fate is leading you, Daehyeop. If it’s unavoidable, you should accept it.

-I don’t want to possess anything in this world. I don’t want to form any relationships.

Only when sadness envelops Yeonhwa’s eyes, as if the world is collapsing, did I realize my mistake in what I said.

-No… Yeonhwa, you’re not like that. You are an exception in all aspects.

-Daehyeop always tries not to leave anything in this world. But it’s already too late. Even I, this Black Moon sword…it’s already all Daehyeop’s. Daehyeop is no longer just a simple stranger.

It was around this time.

My identity as a modern citizen was starting to become vague…

As relationships that Yeonhwa and Black Moon couldn’t refuse were formed one by one, I began to think that maybe I am not the person who should return.

Kang Jihoon, a citizen of modern Earth’s Republic of Korea.

Both his identity and sense of belonging, as well as his longing, were gradually fading away.

-All people long for their hometown…

I couldn’t respond to her words. Can she endure the separation from me?

In this moment, Yeonhwa, who crumbles the world just by thinking about separation, is speaking.

-But Daehyeop must know for sure. This Murim is now Daehyeop’s hometown. The hometown of the heart. Daehyeop is not someone who briefly stops by. Even if you suddenly return to your original world, you must…you must come back for me, who will wait forever…

While sobbing, Yeonhwa’s hand, which was suddenly on my waist, tightly grabs Black Moon.

It’s a silent gesture, but I feel the meaning behind it.

Yeonhwa is thanking Black Moon.

To me, who wanted nothing and didn’t want to form any relationships, she constantly comes to me and says thank you.

Black Moon, who was chillingly crying, accepts her touch more calmly than ever.

From Noble mtl dot com


“Thank you…use it to your heart’s content. It’s yours now.”

Seongjun, who handed Bakwol over to Jihoon, had a very satisfied expression on his face.

As if he already knew it wasn’t his own.


On the other hand, Jihoon’s expression as he receives it is that of someone carrying a heavy burden.

Unwanted but eventually inevitable destiny.

Jihoon once again recalls Yeonhwa and the Black Moon, sinking into deep contemplation.

Gradually, Jihoon, Sooyoung, and Guseongjun all relocate to the audience seats as the second semifinal match between the two teams of Class 4 unfolds.



Jihoon feels the White Moon wrapped around his waist incessantly vibrating.

Perhaps he’s gained a sword much fiercer and more savage than the Black Moon, crosses Jihoon’s mind.

[Team Choi Seungjun Victory]

The not-so-long second semifinal match ends.

The name of the victorious team leader displayed on the large screen is a name Jihoon is familiar with.

I Have a Fiancee in a Parallel World

I Have a Fiancee in a Parallel World

평행세계에 약혼녀가 있다
Score 8.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
n the blink of an eye, I have spent 10 years in a parallel world. In real life, I was a failure at the Hunter Academy who was ignored by both my crush and my childhood friend. But now I don’t care about those things. I just miss the fiancee I left behind in the parallel world. But why has the world started to show interest in me now??


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not work with dark mode