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I Have a Fiancee in a Parallel World Chapter 35

35 – Inspector Fighting to Protect the Healer

“I really thought I was going to die from fear. But Jihun, he said something like ‘seems like you have very bad luck’ to him? Ah, just thinking about it still scares me…”

“Right… If you hang out with him, your heart sinks more than once!”

In front of the academy’s downtown area. A shabu-shabu restaurant.

In front of Jihun, who is diligently putting meat and vegetables into the broth, there is Sojeong and Sooyoung, who are excitedly chatting.

“Sooyoung talks a lot these days…”

“But then, the friend named Yu Jeong that we saw there before suddenly appeared-“

Couldn’t Jihun hear their admiration?

Sooyoung was no longer timid, pouring out stories to Sojeong with excitement.

“Han Sojeong… How did you manage to find this shabu-shabu restaurant? How do you always know and show up every time we have a meal…”

“What? That Yu Jeong girl appeared again? Why does she keep showing off? Seriously!!”

Sojeong snapped irritably upon hearing Sooyoung’s words.

“No one listens to me…”

Even while talking about Jihun, Sojeong and Sooyoung in front of him did not listen to his words.

The warm sunlight streamed in through the window, carrying with it the tantalizing aroma of meat and vegetables simmering in the broth.

It was, quite literally, a peaceful lunch.

“So, tomorrow it’s the round of 32, then the round of 16, and the day after that, the quarter-finals, right?”

“Yeah, that’s right. Sojeong, what about your class matches? How’s the schedule for your group?”

“There aren’t that many people in Classes 1 to 3, so we’ll finish in two days. And it’s not that intense either. Usually, the rankings don’t change much. I’ll wrap it up quickly, and then I’ll come watch your quarter-finals and the finals.”

Sojeong’s words, assuming naturally that Jihoon and Suhyeong would make it to the finals.

After spending several days together with Jihoon, Suhyeong felt no discomfort at all with Sojeong’s statement.

“It would be great if Sojeong could come and cheer us on! Jihoon, don’t you think so?”

“What cheer? It’s not like we’re doing anything extraordinary.”

Jihoon replied absentmindedly, grabbing a piece of meat he had cooked and taking a bite.

“I heard that Ranker Guseongjun will be observing the quarter-final matches. We’re just going to see his face!”

“What?! Guseongjun? The 17th-ranked Hunter?”

“…Who’s that?”

Amidst Sojeong and Suhyeong’s excited chatter, Jihoon heard a name he had never heard before and felt a sense of unease.

“You don’t know Guseongjun? He’s really…ranked 17th, you know! Among all the Hunters in South Korea, he’s the 17th strongest, a top-tier Ranker!”

“He graduated from the Academy. He’s been coming to observe the quarterly evaluations and briefly guiding the teams that make it to the finals since the year before last. Taking care of his juniors, isn’t that so cool?”

This time, Jihoon picked up mushrooms and vegetables, putting them in his bowl.

No matter how excited Sojeong and Suhyeong were, the conversation meant nothing to Jihoon.


From the round of 32 to the round of 16, and then the quarter-finals, Jihoon and Suhyeong’s team sailed through without any issues.

Since being criticized by the chief professor earlier, Jihoon had realized he needed to truly experience the attacks more. Now he diversified the areas he allowed himself to be hit.

Left arm, right arm, back, thigh…

In trying to endure the pitifully obvious attacks, Jihoon had inadvertently increased his endurance significantly.

The problem wasn’t just allowing attacks, though. If he swung his sword or used his fists, everything would end up severed or burnt like Changhun. Changhun had a reason to endure the pain, but the other participants didn’t deserve such treatment…

While receiving blows just enough not to cause major harm, Jihoon continued with attacks that wouldn’t seriously injure the opponent. It was as if he was crafting a picture of winning after a fierce battle.

“Wow, those two really have a perfect sync.”

“Yeah… It’s not just Kang Jihoon’s exceptional tanking and swordsmanship, but Hansuhyeong’s timing in using healing skills is an art too.”

“Even though it’s a team of two, I don’t feel any positional gap.”

As Jihoon’s performance continued to improve, Jihoon and Sooyoung’s team had risen as a dark horse team boasting the strongest teamwork.

Finally, the semi-finals and the finals were unfolding on a Friday.

Jihoon and the swimming team were facing a team made up of 4th-class students.

From Noble mtl dot com

Starting from the round of 16, all seven teams other than Jihoon’s team were composed entirely of 4th-class students.

Choi Seungjun’s team, who had suffered a terrible defeat from Jihoon’s Tanghulu skewer, had also made it to the semi-finals.

“Go, Kang Jihoon and Han Sooyoung!”

“Show the power of the 11th graders!”

“Han Sooyoung is so pretty!”

An impromptu cheering battle had started.

The only 11th-grade team among the teams made up of 4th-class students.

Moreover, the team consisting of only two members, Jihoon and Sooyoung, began to shine like a beacon of hope for the lower-class students.

The lower-class students who had already been defeated and dropped out were now enthusiastically supporting Jihoon and Sooyoung, not as competitors but as their champions.

As the atmosphere continued to heat up, suddenly…

“Oh… Look over there… Isn’t that Hunter Guseongjun?”

“What?! Oh, it’s really him. It’s Guseongjun Hunter!”

“Wow!! He came again this year… I’ve never seen a top-ranked player in person before… It’s so impressive!”

Guseongjun, the top-ranked player, walked across the field, and as everyone saw him, they started cheering and shouting words of praise.

It was like a celebrity visiting a high school.

“hahahaha, you came again this year. The busy top-ranked player must really love his juniors.”

“Are you here just to see the juniors? I came to see the professor after a long time. Have you been well, Professor? You don’t seem to age at all.”

“This guy… hahahaha!”

Professor Jusungho warmly welcomed Guseongjun with a happy laugh. Guseongjun was not only the academy’s top performer but also his beloved disciple, and he felt grateful to him.

A top-ranked player actively participating in the important quarterly evaluation for juniors – how splendid and beautiful it was.

Every year, after Guseongjun’s visit, Professor Jusungho could feel the students’ academic enthusiasm rising significantly.

Then, at that moment…


The honking sound that announces the start of the game.

Seongjun quickly moves and takes a seat next to Professor Ju in the stands.

“Shall we see the skills of the juniors this year?”

“hahahahaha, sure. Let’s take a close look and give some teachings. Oh… of all times…”

Professor Ju’s pleasant smile fades slightly.

Of all the matches that Seongjun sees as soon as he arrives, it had to be Kang Ji-hoon’s match…

Professor Ju becomes somewhat uneasy.


The quarter-finals were not particularly different.

Ji-hoon performed a fierce battle, just like in the round of 16, allowing himself to be hit just in the right measure.


When the healing skill from Su-yeong flew towards him, Ji-hoon felt a pain in his left arm and the back of his hand.




Swinging his sword several times, Ji-hoon creates cracks in the opponent’s tanking skill.

Thankfully, it seemed that no one noticed his careful actions to not get defeated in one blow.



Instead of Ji-hoon, it was a magic skill aiming for Su-yeong who was behind him.

In no time, Ji-hoon flew next to Su-yeong and continuously repelled the magic skills.


Receiving the healing skill from Su-yeong once again, Ji-hoon collided head-on with the opponent’s sword and shields.

After several exchanges, Ji-hoon finally ends the match with light injuries inflicted on all the opponent’s hunters.

“Phew… It’s really tough to be gentle.”

Ji-hoon had suffered in a different sense.

“Wow!! We won again!!”

“It’s the finals!! The 11th-class team made it to the finals!!”

At that moment, as they were about to leave the arena amidst the cheers of the lower-class spectators.


A person flying from the seats to below in an instant.

It was none other than Guseongjun.

“Oh oh… I guess he wants to guide us before the finals.”

“Oh, I’m jealous… Guseongjun Hunter’s One-Touch Lecture… I wish I could go to the finals too.”

“Our team got eliminated in the round of 64… How could we make it to the finals…”

As Guseongjun approached Jihoon and Sooyoung, who had finished their games, the voices of envy from the audience did not stop.

“Are you the 11th Class juniors? I am Guseongjun, a graduate of the Academy’s 9th class.”

“Guseongjun Hunter-nim! It’s an honor to meet you!”

Sooyoung couldn’t hide her fan excitement as she looked at Guseongjun.

“hahahaha… Honor, huh… Your 11th Class friends were really amazing, weren’t they? Once the quarterly evaluation is over, you guys will definitely be transferred to the same class.”

Guseongjun alternated between praising Jihoon and Sooyoung.

Then, he turned to Jihoon and asked a question.

“Is your friend’s main weapon a sword?”

“Um, yes, but why?”

Jihoon felt somewhat uncomfortable with Guseongjun’s casualness.

However, since he thought of him as an academy senior who came to say nice things, it wasn’t bothersome enough to make a big deal out of it. But…

“In a team that heavily depends on healers, protecting the healer should be the top priority. You seem to have a strong offensive tendency…”

Guseongjun paused for a moment, handed his sword to Jihoon, then took the wooden sword Jihoon was holding and continued speaking.

“To protect the healer and succeed in attacking, you should use magic to increase your movement speed and attack speed. I’ll briefly show you how a swordsman should move while protecting the healer.”

What is this guy saying?

Jihoon looked at the sword in Guseongjun’s right hand.

Maybe it was because it was a sword used by top-class rankers, but it looked incredibly sharp.

I Have a Fiancee in a Parallel World

I Have a Fiancee in a Parallel World

평행세계에 약혼녀가 있다
Score 8.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
n the blink of an eye, I have spent 10 years in a parallel world. In real life, I was a failure at the Hunter Academy who was ignored by both my crush and my childhood friend. But now I don’t care about those things. I just miss the fiancee I left behind in the parallel world. But why has the world started to show interest in me now??


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not work with dark mode