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I Have a Fiancee in a Parallel World Chapter 11

11 – Bad Guys Need to Meet Crazy Guys

“Do you think, professor, that I attacked them and hurt them for no reason?” Jihoon’s dry tone is directed at Professor Jinho.

If a moment ago he had thrown a question filled with doubt, now it was time to reprimand.

It’s about this confident guy who came out of nowhere, interrupting the conversation.

“No, I don’t think that way. Surely there must have been a reason, but- “

“hahahahaha… I was wondering when this would come up. That damn ‘but’…”

Professor Jinho is annoyed by Jihoon’s interruption and laughter.

“Why is that damn ‘but’ only used to defend cowardly and treacherous people?”

“W-What are you talking about?! I called you for an investigation into the things you’ve done. I meant you should speak only the facts, not beliefs.”

“Yes, that’s why I will tell you the facts. While waiting for the hot dogs, I was hit by a magic-infused skill attack from an invisible place. After dodging it, I made two holes in the perpetrator’s belly and cut his right thigh.”

Jisung Hyun, the professor, is left speechless by Jihoon’s confident and straightforward response.

“Uh… no, that was a fellow student from the same academy-“

“Yes, it turns out that terrible incident was also caused by a fellow student from the same academy. I don’t know if he was in the 6th or 5th class, but his name is Sung Changhoon. Please bring him for questioning and, if possible, send him to prison.”


Professor Jinho couldn’t regain his composure due to Jihoon’s brazen words.

“Also, I hope there will be appropriate retribution for the four gang members who broke my nose before.”

“What is this about…”

“They surrounded and harassed me, a righteous student waiting for class.”

“Wait a minute…”

“Do you know why they harassed me?”


“Don’t be surprised.”


“The reason they harassed me is…”

Professor Jinho’s face no longer shows its perplexed expression. It has now transformed into an expression of curiosity, waiting for Jihoon’s next words.

“That is…!!!”

“Stop it and just tell me.”

Understanding Jihoon’s mischievous expression, Professor Jinho assumes a serious expression and softly mutters.

“That is… tap tap tap tap tap tap tap”

Jin Professor didn’t know what expression he was making or what he was feeling, according to Jihoon.

Jihoon was just a bystander, whether the person in front of him was a professor or a grandfather.

He just started to find some enjoyment in this situation.

“No reason at all!!!”

With a grandiose atmosphere, Jihoon eagerly played the role of a wind catcher and, with his final words, he forced his expectations for an answer, causing Professor Jin to burst into anger.

“Now, are you… joking in front of me? How dare you mock me!!!”

Professor Jin couldn’t control his emotions and emitted a hostile energy.

As his mana overflowed and permeated the office air, a suffocating pressure filled the room.

Jin Professor, a Class E Hunter of level 11, or rather, a Hunter of a much higher level, knew that it would be difficult to withstand this level of intimidation.

The bookshelves shook, books fell, and the glass on the table trembled as if it might shatter.

“What are you doing?”


With his eyes widened, Jihoon’s behavior of looking around caught Professor Jin’s eye.

Does this ignorant guy not feel the intimidation?

No… even if he were someone who didn’t know anything, could he remain so calm in the face of this level of mana?

“Do you not know proper etiquette?”

Behind Jihoon’s reprimand, it was unclear whether it was a reprimand or mockery, a strange feeling followed.

Suddenly, Professor Jin felt a tension so extreme that he couldn’t breathe, and his whole body was drenched in cold sweat.

Mana? No, it wasn’t.

There was hardly any mana in the energy emanating from him.


Unlike Professor Jin’s mana that controlled space, Jihoon’s qi was solely directed at Professor Jin.

Without wasting unnecessary strength, it was a power that solely imposed intimidation on the opponent.

“What… what is this?”

Professor Jin had to admit it.

It was a challenge he had initiated, but he had lost miserably.

“Well… I got a bit excited, and the power flowed out unintentionally. I apologize.”

As the office air settled and Professor Jin’s mana subsided, Jihoon, who was equally intimidating, was collecting his hostile energy.

“Oh my… You should be careful; if you go around letting it flow like that, you’ll get into big trouble. Not everyone in the world is as kind as I am.”

Even with Jihoon’s impolite and arrogant words, Professor Jin couldn’t get angry.

“Hmm… Alright, I’ll keep it in mind.”

Reluctantly speaking, Professor Jin felt that everything was not going as he had wished.

“If you’re done talking, you may leave. In the future, refrain from summoning me for such trivial matters. I am not a person with so much free time.”

“…Go ahead and leave.”

As Ji-hoon opened the door to leave, he turned back as if something important had come to mind and spoke cheerfully.

“Oh, and that guy, Sung Chang-hoon, who had his leg cut off. He will continue to be cut or pierced and brought here in the future. There is some personal resentment… But I won’t kill him… um… um… I’ll go now.”


As the door closed, Professor Jin, who was left alone, wondered where things had gone wrong.

But soon, he took out Kang Ji-hoon’s academy record file and erased the accumulated demerits.

“This brat… I need to send him to the upper class quickly. I can’t keep someone like him by my side.”

It was Professor Jin Seok-hyun, who quickly made a wise judgment.

However, it was uncertain whether his desire would be fulfilled as he wanted.


“Ahh!! Ahhh!!”

“Seol Yoo-jeong, are you properly using the Healing Skill?”

“Yes, I am! The nerves in the leg are almost completely connected!”

“And the blood? Is there enough blood for transfusion?”

“Yes, almost all of it has been infused.”

Seol Yoo-jeong, a Class B healer hunter, had a healing skill that was powerful enough to surpass the imitation of others.

Of course, it couldn’t compare to the skills of Class A or S, but those individuals were like nonexistent unicorns.

In her urgent summons, she rushed to the healing room and was greeted with a dreadful sight.

Sung Chang-hoon. She also knew who he was.

He had been ardently pursuing her for a long time.

Unlike Kang Ji-hoon, who had only circled around without confessing, Sung Chang-hoon had been straightforward in his confession since their first year of high school.

Back when Yoo-jeong had little interest in romantic relationships, she had made efforts to reject him, but unlike the many other guys, Sung Chang-hoon never gave up and expressed his feelings until the end.

Yoo-jeong knew that he had a handsome face and came from a good family.

The fact that such a good person did not give up on her and liked her made her quite happy and proud.

Ah… Hasn’t that bastard, Kang Ji-hoon, given up either?

However it happened, the person who had such a connection with her was now lying in front of her in a terrible state.

Screaming in agony and writhing in pain.

“The healing and recovery of the wounds are almost complete. However, there is no way to touch the patient’s pain or trauma.”

Yujeong was using her magic power to continuously unfold her healing skill with both hands.

However, despite his severed leg being reattached and his pierced stomach wound being filled, Changhun’s pain seemed to remain unchanged.

His desperate groans echoed through the treatment room.

“If it’s all done, Yujeong, you can go now as a survivor. We will take care of the rest.”

Upon Professor Hyeonjayoung’s words, Yujeong bowed her head in greeting and quickly left the healing room.

Changhun’s screams continued to reach her until Yujeong left.

Yujeong felt an indescribable sadness seeing someone who wasn’t a stranger suffering in pain.

Yunjini, who was pacing outside the healing room, caught Yujeong’s eye.

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“Jin…hee, right? We went to the same high school.”

“Uh…uh, Yujeong, hello…”

An awkward atmosphere flowed between them.

“So… Changhun’s… severed leg, you brought it?”

“Huh?…uh…yeah, that…yeah, it’s true.”

“How did Changhun end up like that? He’s in so much pain, and my healing skill doesn’t have the ability to eliminate pain…it hurts so much.”

“Well, there was something that happened.”

“Huh? Did you witness him getting injured like that? Did he fight against a Gate-Exit monster or something?”

“No, it’s not that. We got into a fight with someone on the way to the academy…”

Yujeong’s words made Jinhee raise an eyebrow.

Is it really believable that a C-rank Hunter got so injured because of a fight on the street?

That C-rank Hunter who is a practical combat force.

“Did you happen to encounter a high-level malignant black hunter?”

“No… it… was Kang Jihun…”

“Huh? What did you say?”

“That I fought with Kang Jihun.”


Yujeong was at a loss for words, while Jinhee looked at her as if she understood.

From behind them, the sound of Changhun’s screams coming out of the healing room could be heard.

I Have a Fiancee in a Parallel World

I Have a Fiancee in a Parallel World

평행세계에 약혼녀가 있다
Score 8.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
n the blink of an eye, I have spent 10 years in a parallel world. In real life, I was a failure at the Hunter Academy who was ignored by both my crush and my childhood friend. But now I don’t care about those things. I just miss the fiancee I left behind in the parallel world. But why has the world started to show interest in me now??


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not work with dark mode