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I Became a Professor at the Academy Chapter 87

87 – special evaluation(1)

After the third day, which was amazing in a sense, the fourth day began.

Above the audience seats in the auditorium where all the students who had seen the magic response and control evaluations had left.

“Four days went by in an instant.”

“Isn’t everyone amazing?”


The observers who watched all the evaluations of the students exchanged stories with each other.

“Huh, true. I put it in as if I was going to poke it in, but when I was selected and attended, the level of the students was so high that I thought I came for no reason.”

“It is the same here. I have visited many graduates of specialized schools, but it was at a level that I do not think it was in just one year.”

“It’s not just one year, but it’s a place where only other guys from cotyledons gather.”

Everyone laughed bitterly at someone’s complaint, not a complaint, and agreed.

“Still, the professors judged that our level was suitable for supporting students, so we were selected, so I’m thinking of making suggestions to a few students who have noticed.”

“This one too.”

“of course. When will this opportunity come again?”

“So we… … .”

When the observers are comparing whether the student candidates they picked each other overlap.

“By the way, I overheard a conversation between students yesterday, and it seems that there is one more exam left in the afternoon.”


“I remember the pass return time was lunchtime.”

“There was nothing like that on the schedule.”

“What are you talking about like villagers? You just have to ask. excuse me!!”

One of the guild leaders went down from the stands and asked the professors who were tidying up the stage.

“Hey, can I ask you something?”

“As long as it is not for the personal information of the students.”

“… He’s not that ignorant.”

“Ha ha, just kidding.”

It didn’t sound like a joke at all, but originally, the magic department professors were notorious for being eccentric, so I quickly brought up the matter.

“By any chance, do you have any more exams left in the afternoon?”

“Yes. There is one more item that has been newly added this time.”

“new… ? then-“


The professor shook his head lightly and continued.

“Nothing is missing from the brochure. In other words, you cannot observe.”

“ah… … Is that so.”

“Don’t be too disappointed. The afternoon exams are only open to first-year students and some professors.”

“Ah, yes. thank you.”

“no. Please return the pass and return before it is too late. If we raise the alarm for no reason, we will be embarrassed.”

“I will.”

The professor, who was explaining, turned to work again, and the guild leader hopped lightly and returned to the audience.

“Well, that’s right.”

“What the hell kind of test is this, why is it being held privately?”

“I wonder… … .”

The guild leader who came back after going downstairs shook his head and took care of the guild members.

“Unless you want to shorten your lifespan, let’s not be curious.”

“That’s what you mean, well… .”

“Well, seeing that doesn’t mean the choice will change.”

“I have to go out and apply for a visit quickly.”

The observers nodded their heads and moved to the checkpoint.


First year dormitory.

“Nayoung. not there yet?”

“Now, wait a minute… Ha, let me check one more time.”

Hana Baek shook her head as she watched Lee Na-young open the convex bag and take out the contents again.

“It’s okay, so let’s go.”

“Ahh… … !!”

Baek Ha-na put the contents back into the bag and took Lee Na-young with the bag into her arms.

“There is no kid in the world who checks ten times, not just once or twice.”

“Because it’s an important test… .”

“I thought you would be late after checking that?”

“M-I’m sorry… .”

“If you keep feeling down, I’ll come back and get a good night’s sleep.”

“Hee hee hee, I will do my best!!”

Hana Baek looked at Lee Na-young, who quickly strained her eyes, and her eyes widened.

“You hate my massage so much?”

“Yes? Oh no! It’s not like that, I’m afraid you’re having a hard time… hehehehe… … .”

Hana Baek smiled and put Lee Na-young down on the floor at the roommate’s gesture of fidgeting while holding her bag tightly.

“Because you may have to move for a long time. Let’s relax your legs a bit from now on.”

“Yes… !!”

Baek Ha-na took Lee Na-young and walked a little faster to the old alchemy workshop.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa… .”

“… … .”

In front of the building where other classmates are already gathered.

Baek Ha-na scratched her head as she glanced at Lee Na-young, who was struggling to breathe as if she were about to die. It was because I had just confirmed that Lee Na-young’s stamina was lower than expected.

“It’s fine?”

“Uh, uh… .”

It didn’t look all right at all, but Baek Hana quietly patted Lee Na-young’s back, deciding not to say anything more for a speedy recovery. That’s how Lee Na-young is recovering her condition little by little.


– Woo woo woo!!


The ringtones of smart watches and smartphones began to ring everywhere.


– Is it an announcement… .

– Didn’t get anything?

Each of the students confirmed their own, and Baek Ha-na continued to pat Lee Na-young on the back while looking at the smart watch. That moment.

[ (≧∀≦ゞ Hello!! ]

Messages with cute emoticons appeared on everyone’s screens.

[ ヽ(•̀ω•́ )ゝ My name is Yoo Hee-shin Vuar, who will be in charge of filming and broadcasting this time~!! ]

Yoo Hee-shin.

The students froze at the message that referred to themselves as gods.

No matter how friendly a god is to humans, he is still a god.

Everyone kept their mouths shut, not knowing what kind of divine punishment a small slip of the tongue might bring.

[ (⇀‸↼‶) Something. This hard reaction!! I’m not a bitch who gets angry just because I curse a little!! ]

Originally, the more you mentioned such a word, the higher the probability that it was a moth.

The students know that, so they keep their mouths shut.

[ ┐(ˇヘˇ)┌ Heh, okay. Even if you guys come out like that, after a while, a lot of fun things will happen soon!! ]


The door to the alchemy workshop, which had been tightly closed, opened by itself.

[ (★≧▽^))★☆ Before starting the exam, I will give you simple rules and tips~! ]

【Virtual Rift Attack Rulebook!】

1. If opinions are divided, be sure to decide by majority!!

2. If a non-combat member of the team is injured, they will be eliminated!!

3. If it is determined that the attack is impossible, shout ‘Give up!’

4. If the team member gives up in case 3, you can continue attacking with the remaining members!!

5. Never attack non-combat members of other teams!!

6. Anything is allowed except for the above 5!!

Tip: (`▽´) There’s no way something like that would happen in real life!!

The eyes of the students who were reading seriously grew cold.

[ {*≧∀≦} Wow! Ahahahaha!! ]

The students are definitely a message, but the illusion that my head is noisy made me dizzy.

[ (*  ̄︿ ̄) I will stop joking around here and tell you something really important ]

[ ᕙ(⇀‸↼‵‵)ᕗ Earn points every time you hunt monsters!! Of course, the points obtained for each monster will be different!! ]

[ (•̀ᴗ•́) و ̑̑ Point accumulation is my responsibility, so don’t worry about errors! ]

[ (๑•̀ƒ•́) و ✧ Also, if you acquire a hidden collectable, points are given according to its value!! ]

[ (`∇´ゞ Special benefits are given depending on the points you earn, so everyone work hard! And all of your actions are transmitted to the professors somewhere, so don’t be silly!! ]

Hunt monsters, acquire collectibles.

Those two things were clearly engraved in the minds of the students.

[Lastly, I will deliver a voice message from the professor in charge of this exam. ]

Hana Baek opened her eyes wide and quickly brought her ear close to the smart watch.

-I don’t know if it’s a proper explanation, but it must have been explained in a way that doesn’t go out of line.

The profound voice, which was the exact opposite of the noisy sentence, calmed the confused students’ minds at once.

-From now on, I am in the deepest part of the rift you will enter. Regardless of the points earned, the team that has reached where I am, apart from the chief, will grant what they want at the academy level.

The voice was everything.

[ ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ Then we will start forming the team. Once the team has been formed, go inside the building and follow the arrows directly into the rift! ]

[ ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ First of all, I’ll call the teams with all 4 members in advance~ ]

-Park Sung-min, Kwon Young-hun, Ji Yu-ri, Ha Min-seong. Entrance.

-Seol Ji-hyeok, Yoon Mi-rae, Kim Min-ho, and Park Seong-tae enter.

Students’ names were called through their respective devices, and classmates who had previously formed all four members began entering the building one after another.

[ (✧∀✧)/ Now, only students who have teamed up halfway or didn’t team up with anyone are left!! From now on, I will randomly mix and match names, so please enter without grumbling even if you have a complaint! ]

The names of the students began to be called again. And soon after, Baek Ha-na and Lee Na-young’s names were called through the speakers.

-Baek Hana, Lee Na-young, Lim Kyung-soo, and Na Joo-hee’s position.

“Nayoung. let’s go.”

“Uh, uh… .”

Lee Na-yeong walked close to Baek Ha-na and watched the other two students gradually step forward.

One was a girl with bright red hair, and the other was a very ordinary-looking boy.

“Hey, let’s meet again like this.”

Lim Kyung-soo scratched his head and approached Baek Ha-na. However, Baek Ha-na did not even look at Lim Kyung-soo and said,

“This time, block it with your shield, not your body.”

“… uh. I will.”

At Baek Ha-na’s callous warning, Lim Kyung-soo stunned and shut up. Na Joo-hee, who was watching it, stared at Lim Kyung-soo with pitiful eyes, then quietly joined Baek Ha-na’s side.


“… yes.”

Na Joo-hee was satisfied with the fact that he was greeted differently from Lim Kyung-soo and did not try to talk further. Communication was not necessary for this test.

“wow… … .”

“Isn’t this a real crack?”

Lim Kyung-soo and Lee Na-yeong admired the shimmering blue light, and Na Joo-hee also did not show it outwardly, but when she saw the light in a form very similar to the actual crack, she was admiring it at the same level as the two.


“uh? Oh yeah.”

Na Ju-hee grabbed Baek Ha-na’s outstretched hand.

“Catch you too.”

“Uh, that, excuse me… … .”

“Hick… .”

“… If you react that way, it really hurts.”

Lim Kyung-soo did not even hold his hand, but just grabbed the hem of his clothes, but his face became very gloomy at Lee Na-yeong’s reaction as she clung to Baek Ha-na’s side in fright.

However, no one cared about Lim Kyung-soo’s feelings.

“Let’s go in.”

At Baek Ha-na’s signal, everyone moved into the crack.

Just when they wanted to briefly feel the rising floating feeling, the vision of the four changed completely.

“Wow, I’m not kidding… … ?”

Lim Kyung-soo was truly impressed by the scenery of the room, which was thickly colored with medieval colors, as if from a movie somewhere.



Lee Na-young was taken aback by the lightning flashing through the dark window and went straight into Baek Ha-na’s arms.

Baek Ha-na patted Lee Na-young on the back and said to Na Ju-hee, who was standing next to her.

“Light up your surroundings.”


Na Joo-hee ignited weak flames in the air to prevent the surrounding objects from burning.

As the surroundings became brighter, Hana Baek was convinced.

That the space I am standing in now resembles Baek Woo-jin’s study.

“There are two doors?”

Lim Kyung-soo pointed to the doors placed opposite each other.

Baek Ha-na did not respond to Lim Kyung-soo’s question and took Lee Na-young to the desk. And opened the drawer.

“A drawing, a drawing… ?”

Lee Na-yeong, who was next to Baek Ha-na, carefully took out the old-looking parchment from the drawer. In response, Na Ju-hee brought the fire a little closer to light the parchment.

“It looks like parchment with the structure of this rift drawn on it. This is where we are now.”

“I know.”

Lim Kyung-soo, who was far away, sneaked up to me and looked at the blueprints together. And after looking at it for a moment, he opened his mouth again.

“Shouldn’t we just go left?”

Heading to the door on the right, you had to go around for a long time to reach the place that looked like the deepest part. However, going through the door on the left cut the distance by more than half, so in a way it was a natural choice.

“I am of the same opinion.”

Na Joo-hee also agreed with Lim Kyung-soo.

It was an agreement based on the idea that Na Joo-hee, unlike simple Lim Kyung-soo, could easily deal with any situation because she was with Baek Ha-na, who had defeated her.

“What do you think Nayoung?”


“Don’t look at other people.”

“Uh, uh… Me, I think the right side is better.”

“The reason is?”

“here… Look here.”

Everyone moved their eyes following Lee Na-young’s hand.

“If you go this way, the distance will definitely get narrower, but in the middle, the road splits again. And depending on where you choose, the distance narrows and expands again and again.”

“It’s just a trap—”

“shut up.”

“… … yep.”

At Baek Ha-na’s threat, Lim Kyung-soo shut his mouth.


“Yes. You might think it’s a trap, but… If you look closely, every road that gets shorter has a sign that shows a room.”

As Lee Na-young said, on each road where the distance decreased, a square sign was drawn like the space where they are now standing.

“Boo, I think there must be something.”

“… That makes sense.”

Na Joo-hee nodded.

“Still, my opinion has not changed. No matter what it is, I think it can be destroyed if it is one hundred and one with me.”

“… I think going left is correct too. sorry.”

When Hana Baek apologized, Lee Na-young waved her hands in surprise.

“Oh no! are you okay. Then, take care of this for now… ?”


Lee Na-young carefully pushed the parchment into the bag.

“Lim Kyung-soo.”


“Go ahead and open the door.”

“… … yep.”

Lim Kyung-su approached the door holding a shield, and Baek Ha-na and Na Ju-hee followed him with Na-young Lee in the middle.

“Hey, open it?”

“open it.”


The door opened with a ghastly sound.

Unlike the room at the beginning, where the light came in, the space was completely covered in darkness.


As Na Joo-hee lit a flame in front of her, Lim Kyung-soo moved forward again.



The door, which had been left open just in case, closed by itself.

“Im Kyung-soo. come back.”

“Uh, uh.”

Lim Kyung-soo slowly stepped back. And when I met the three female students again.


The space that had been stained with darkness was instantly filled with bright light.

Iron gruck.

Except for Lee Na-young, the three of them turned towards the sound.

An empty space with nothing.

The jet-black armor that moved there.

iron gagging.

The approaching armor suddenly stopped.

Then he raised the visor of his helmet.

“Kang, Hanna… … professor?”

Kang Han-na grinned and pursed her lips at the name that came out of Lim Kyung-soo’s mouth.

“Come on. My bonuses.”

I Became a Professor at the Academy

I Became a Professor at the Academy

아카데미 듣보 교수가 되었다
Score 8.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
Resurrects dying students in every round. my goal


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not work with dark mode