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I Became a Professor at the Academy Chapter 74

74 – Knot(1)

The vividly moving representations stopped moving.

At the same time, a deep silence fell.

Even a small breath.

A heavy silence that made no sound engulfed the training room.

Bed, soggy, roll around.

The vulgar words and sarcastic tone that would insult anyone who heard it.

Na Min-seo, the person who uttered the words, opened her bluish lips.

‘I didn’t say that!!’

I wanted to scream right away, but my voice didn’t come out.

Anxiety, fear, fear, bewilderment… … Various negative emotions boiled over and tightened my neck.

‘No, no, no…’ … !!’

Slightly parted lips, widened eyes. Na Joo-hee, who had covered herself as an invitee, was looking at herself with her astonished feelings intact.

“Ha, ha, ha, ha… … .”

Two trembling legs as if they were about to collapse at any moment, and a beating heart. And the neck tightened by the pressure and fear of the current situation.

As Na Min-seo’s breathing began to grow rough, Lee Seon-yeong, who was standing next to her, grabbed her pale hand.


The divine power flowing through the hand that was holding it slowly calmed Na Min-seo, who was on the verge of a seizure.

After calming down a bit, Na Min-seo’s narrowed field of vision gradually began to return, and she realized that many people were looking at her.

And in that gaze, the boss who held his hand was also included.

Facing the cold gaze of his superior, Minseo Na bit her lips and shook her head. never said anything like that to believe

It is true that he mentioned the executioner to provoke the opponent.

However, because he knew the duty he had to follow as a fellow priest, he never forgot to add the word ‘nim’ and never used the word ‘that bitch’. Above all, the last two sentences were words that had never been uttered from beginning to end.

[Wait, Grand Priest… … I, really, really not!!]

Na Min-seo, who couldn’t keep her mouth shut, eventually used her ability to convey her inner feelings to Lee Seon-young.

“… … .”

Seonyeong Lee nodded and turned her head.

Because she, too, felt that something was strange.

The fact that he brought up Claire to provoke Yu-hee’s child is a fact that he has already heard from himself.

However, the level just reproduced was a remark that went far beyond the limit, and Lee Seon-young, who has been watching Na Min-seo’s growth, judged that the just-reproduced remarks were never the kind of things Na Min-seo would utter.

“It’s a little different from what I heard yesterday.”

Claire’s cold voice makes the suffocating atmosphere even more brutal.

“… … .”

Na Min-seo, who received her gaze, closed her eyes tightly and lowered her head.

Na Min-seo’s heart, which was barely pruned by the cold gaze that could not be seen as human, began to boil with negative emotions again.

“Wait… .”

Finally, Lee Na-young made a sound.

Claire’s blue eyes, which were heading towards Na Min-seo, turned to her.

It was just a line of sight, but the pressure I felt was strange. It was as if the coolness of stepping into the jaws of a huge monster gnawed at the whole body.

“Let me speak.”

It was obviously the same tone as before, but it was an emotionless voice, but those gathered there could tell. The chill that continued to add to her cold voice, the fact that her anger continued to build up.

“… … .”

Even though Claire gave her the right to speak, Lee Sun-young could not open her mouth easily.

If you raise objections to the reproduced situation, it is the same as indirectly expressing that you doubt Robert who created this situation.

He is the chief investigator of the ‘former’ criminal investigation agency, and he is suspicious of the highest authority in the field. This is a very bad choice. But… … .



A middle-aged man with a calm expression, as if he was alone in this space where the blade was standing, turned his head.


“… Really, is it true that the reproduction was done properly?”

Anyway, if this is the case, Na Min-seo’s crime is certain, and it was difficult for herself, who was in charge, to avoid punishment. That’s why I couldn’t back out.


The middle-aged man, Robert, took a pipe out of his breast pocket and put it to his mouth.

He took a sip of it made of reddish-brown hardwood that looked old and opened his mouth.

“It’s a question I haven’t heard in a long time. Oh, excuse me.”

When Claire’s gaze met Robert’s, he put the pipe back into his pocket.

“To answer that priest’s question, I don’t know.”

“… … ?”

Not only Lee Seon-yeong, but also the nervous students stared at Robert with their eyes wide open. As his eyes turned to him, Robert calmly shrugged his shoulders and continued.

“I wasn’t even there, so how would I know if it was properly reproduced? It just combines the scattered magical powers and displays the information contained therein.”

“Then, there is a possibility that someone may have cheated.”

“ha ha ha.”

Read at noblemtl.com

Robert laughed politely for a while and shook his head, as if he had heard a really funny joke.

“Well, yes. Things like that happen, too. If there is an Awakener who is so sophisticated that I don’t notice, breaking through the barriers coveted by other academies as well as the heads of each country.”

“If the barrier is helped from within… .”

“Ah, stop.”

Read at noblemtl.com

Robert, who had been listening to Lee Seon-young, reached out and interrupted his words.

“If you’re going to keep biting your tail like that, there’s no need to talk. You should use the method you like best. I don’t know why you’d bother dragging it along.”

Read at noblemtl.com

Robert raised his hand and pointed at himself and Na Min-seo, who bowed his head, and said.

“Wouldn’t it be a simple matter to call the priests of other temples and swear an oath in front of the god they believe in?”

“that’s… … .”

“I know. That you swear by no other god’s name. But from what I’ve heard, it’s an unspoken rule between you and yourselves. Isn’t it?”

Claire’s head, whose eyes were deeper than before, moved very weakly.

“I see.”

“… … .”

Lee Seon-young bit into it.

Her hands had been wrapped so tightly that they had long since turned white.

If, as Robert suggested, you summon the priests of other temples and swear an oath in the name of that god, you will be able to prove that heinous insult is false. But the questions obviously wouldn’t end there, and in the end, the insult itself would turn out to be the truth.

It was the same insult, but if the level was lowered, the level of punishment would also be lowered, so in fact, it was as if there was no choice.

Even so, the reason Lee Seon-yeong couldn’t open her mouth easily was because of the question Claire asked Na Min-seo yesterday.

-Can you swear?

-… … Yes.

He swore to God that he was innocent.

At that point, Na Min-seo had to be clean from this incident.

If, through the other clergy, the prestige of luck would fall to the floor, of course, there was a strong possibility that pressure would come from other temples.

If this incident becomes known to the outside world, there will be a lot of talk about God and the oath.

‘It has to be done now… .’

Coincidentally, everyone involved in the incident is silent, so the academy and other temples still understand this incident as a simple commotion caused by the children of the 10th guild.

So now was the time to minimize the damage. Although punishment from the higher up is unavoidable, even that can end up being relegated to the secluded countryside only if the knot is concluded now.

If things get bigger here, then you might have to give up your life instead of excommunication.

‘If it wasn’t for them… … .’

Ian and Robert are known to be in hiding. If it wasn’t for those two who suddenly appeared today, everything would have gone as planned.

But everything is already over.

Lee Sun-young decided to finish this work by shouldering everything to Na Min-seo.


“… … ?!”

Na Min-seo, who had been lowering her head, widened her eyes.

It was because Lee Seon-young’s divine power, which had been barely preventing her seizures, suddenly bound me tightly.

Na Min-seo was deprived of all rights of action except for breathing in an instant.

Lee Sun-young opened her mouth as she let go of Na Min-seo’s hand.

“In fact-“

Clack, clap, clap—!!

Everyone’s eyes turned to the place where the sound came from.

Stairs connecting the 1st and 2nd floors.

There, three paladins and a boy in silver armor came up.

Unlike the boy who stopped by the stairs, the paladins with coins in their chests stopped right in front of Claire.

“Why do you… … ?”

Lee Seon-yeong asked with a surprised look at the head of the 3rd Knights, who was in charge of the temple with her.

However, the captain who had brought the two knights didn’t even look at her and handed a neatly rolled white parchment to Claire and said,

“This is the position of the superior.”

“… … .”

Claire unfolded the parchment handed over.

Those blue eyes moved quickly and contained what was written inside.

“The seat is empty.”

“They are very free people.”

At the leader’s answer, Claire folded the parchment and nodded.

“Students other than Na Min-seo can stop going back.”

Claire’s cold voice echoed throughout the training room.

“Go, let’s go.”

“Uh, let’s go… .”

Maria and Idni, who caught Claire’s gaze, grabbed Baek Ha-na and Nam Seo-hee, respectively, and ran up the stairs as if they were running away. The rest of the students, distracted by the behavior of the four, also forgot to say hello and ran towards the stairs.

“Let’s read it.”

When all the students left, Claire threw the parchment she was holding at Sunyoung Lee.

“… … .”

Lee Seon-yeong, who received the parchment without difficulty, unfolded it and moved her pupils.

‘We admit the fault of this incident… … ?’

As he read the words written on the parchment, Lee Seon-yeong’s expression changed every moment.

“We acknowledge the fault of this incident and promise to send a letter of apology to those who have been harmed. However, it is correct to admit that it was wrong, but it is to be stated that this incident was an arbitrary act by the high priest Lee Seon-yeong and the apprentice priest under his supervision. Also, please know that when the apprentice priest made the oath, our god was away for a while and did not send any reply. Finally, the recruits of the high priest Lee Seon-yeong and the apprentice priest who committed the crime are transferred to Yu Hee-sin’s executor, Claire bin Asen.

“This, this, what is this… … ?”

Seonyeong Lee’s hand holding the parchment began to shake as if it were someone shivering in the cold.

A thick shadow fell in front of Lee Seon-yeong.

“Lee Seon-yeong.”

“ah… … .”

Just as his name was called, Lee Seon-young’s legs collapsed and he sat down on the floor.

A sticky energy that clings to the body little by little.

“The high priest, who should be the most exemplary model, tried to sacrifice the child he needed to care for in order to secure a way for himself to live. I was trying to make you bear your sins.”

A dry voice that doesn’t feel the slightest mercy declares.

“Crime of forgetting one’s duty and instigating trouble for greed.”

Sahiaak – — The sword of light is squeezed in the hands of Cler.

“Confess your sins directly to your god and be forgiven.”

Shining brilliance fell towards Lee Seon-yeong.



The captain turned around and the two paladins who had come with him took the fainting Na Min-seo and left.

She passed out at the same time as Seonyoung Lee’s head fell, and as soon as she wakes up according to Claire’s request, she will be excommunicated and kicked out of the temple. The student status was also obtained through the privilege of being an apprentice cleric, so that too will be recovered.

“Heh heh, I heard you started dating, so it seems you finally have feelings.”

“Shut up.”

As Claire tried to kill himself, Sean, who had come with the Paladins, scratched his head and raised his hands.

“I apologize if I offended you. Rather, the work is over now—”


Sean closed his mouth and looked back at Seongwon Kim, who was standing next to Jayden.

“This is an important call… … .”

Kim Seong-won answered the phone while ignoring the gaze directed at him.

“Yes. professor.”

Since all of them had good hearing, it was not difficult to eavesdrop on Kim Seong-won’s conversation.

– Prepare for the disciplinary committee tomorrow.

“Uh, that, if it’s a punishment… … ?”

-All the guys who had an accident yesterday.

“… … Okay. He, do you intend to participate as a member of the disciplinary committee?”

-yes. and Jayden.


Forgetting that he was eavesdropping, when his name was called, Jaden answered loudly.

Seeing the disciple’s ugly appearance, Sean crinkles his eyes and clicks his tongue.

-You choose the disciplinary committee members.

“All right.”

– Claire.

“… … Yes.”

Everyone except Kim Seong-won opened their eyes wide at the slightly softened tone.

-Stop coming back.

“… I will go now.”

Not empty words, Claire immediately turned around and left the training room, leaving those who were anxiously watching her waist.

After Claire left, a profound voice once again flowed from the silent speaker.

– Do only what you are told to do.

After that, the connection was cut off.



An old wand appeared above Sean’s head.

“Did I tell you to take good care of it?”

“… I think I handled it well in my own way.”

Jaden and Ian fall away from Robert.

Sean said, his eyes quivering.

“That’s your idea, you bastard.”

A thick old wooden staff crossed the air.

I Became a Professor at the Academy

I Became a Professor at the Academy

아카데미 듣보 교수가 되었다
Score 8.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
Resurrects dying students in every round. my goal


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not work with dark mode