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I Became a Professor at the Academy Chapter 123

123 – Each role (3)

iron puck.

“… … Fuck.”

Idni, who stepped on a puddle on the floor, wrinkled her face and gnashed her teeth.

“You didn’t expect it to be wet… … .”


Maria let out a small sigh as she wiped the water droplets running down her cheek with the back of her hand.

It was good until it came into the rift.

The problem is, as you can see, the inside of the cave is very damp.

It wasn’t foggy or steamy, but it was definitely enough humidity to cause discomfort.

“Hey, Leader. Are you still there?”

“… Looking hard.”

Baekhana replied, pricking up the ears of the white beast.

“Nam Seo-hee. Don’t make a mistake by looking at your own tail.”

“Did I know you?”

“No, that’s really… … ?”

“It’s cheap, you can’t fight… .”

Lee Na-young, who was walking protected in the center of the group, was in a hurry, and Idni scratched her head and nodded.

Because of the rise in the discomfort index, he realized that he easily gets angry over trivial things.

“… It’s bad here too.”

A hole dug diagonally.

Next to it was an iron plate with the word ‘Jari’ engraved with a knife.

Since the roads in this cave-shaped terrain are so complicated and the passageways are jagged, it is an implicit rule to mark them in this way to secure an escape route.

“Was it really that difficult to catch a monster in the world… ?”

“Noisy and walk.”

“… When I go out, I have to stop by the magic workshop first.”

Dry clothes that are full of unpleasant moisture.

Idni’s head was filled with only that thought.

“ha ha ha… … .”

It wasn’t forced, but he scratched his cheek at the annoyance of his friend who came to help him.

‘I need to find it quickly.’

If more time passed like this, it seemed that Idni would run out of control sooner or later, so Baek Ha-na drew all her magic and made the beast’s ears more sensitive.

… Tuduk.

“… … ?”

“what? What? what came out?”

When Hana Baek suddenly turned around, Idna pulled out the sword from her waist and hid Maria, who was standing next to her, behind her back.

“… nothing?”

Idney, who had spread her spirits along with her magical powers in order to practice the learning to do her best in any situation, looked back at Baek Ha-na with a wink in her eyes.

Not only Idni, but also Nam Seo-hee, who was poised to throw it at any time while blowing brain energy into the sword at her waist, looked at Baek Ha-na.

Baek Ha-na, who was stared at by the two friends, answered with a slight frown.

“Sorry, I think it was the sound of dripping water.”

“Your face is tough for something like that?”

“… It’s because I’m a little sensitive.”

As Hana Baek straightened her crumpled forehead and patted her ears, Idney shrugged and took back the magic she had spread.

“Is that Seohee?”

“… … ?”

Nam Seo-hee, who scattered the brain energy blown into the sword, turned to Lee Na-young.

Lee Na-young wiggled her fingers and carefully opened her mouth.

“Hey, I think you’d better be careful here.”

“”ah… … .””

At Lee Na-young’s answer, not only Nam Seo-hee, but also Baek Ha-na, who took the lead, widened their eyes. A few months ago, when I first went to practice, I remembered what happened.

“… It should be. My clothes got wet anyway.”

Nam Seo-hee gave up throwing and chose close combat with Baek Ha-na.

“Then I’ll speed it up a little.”

“Please, hurry up and get out of here.”

Baek Hana smiled awkwardly and nodded her head.

Then, focusing on his keenly sensitive ears, he accelerated his steps.

‘… Who is it?’

I told my friends that I was mistaken, but the sound I heard earlier was definitely the sound of someone kicking a stone or debris at my feet.

At first, they thought that some of the adults were secretly following them out of concern, but Hana Baek quickly denied it.

The reason for this was the occasional sticky feeling from the corner of the road where no sign was felt.

‘We have to get out quickly… … .’

Obviously, I didn’t feel anything until just a moment ago, but the moment I recognized it, I gradually felt the unpleasant sticky energy more clearly.

An unpleasant feeling, as if looking through a product on a shelf.

– Tsk, why did the shield break?

-Hey, are you still not hurt?

-right. If I had been hurt, I would have gone to the medical bills for everything I earned today?

One hundred ears perked up at the voices of the people who seemed a little tired.

“this way.”


Idney, who had been building up the discomfort index, jumped up thinking that she could finally get out of this terrible place.


“Hey, I came out of a dull place, and flowers come out to greet me right away.”

“… Shut up you sick bastard. They are kids who look like they have a back stomach.”

Only then did one of the Awoken, who had been laughing, awkwardly pull down the corner of his mouth.

“Is it okay if we come in?”

“uh? Oh, then. Because we are leaving now.”

He gently brushed off his clothes soiled with light-green bodily fluids and dirt, and held up a thick bundle.

“But you’ll have to go a little deeper to hunt.”

“it’s okay. then.”

Baek Ha-na entered the cave first, and Nam Seo-hee entered the cave one by one.

– There was a time when I was so ambitious.

-What are you saying? Don’t be in a hurry and walk quickly.

-yes. Let’s take a shower and grab a cold beer.

Even while entering the burrow, Baekhana’s ears focused on the outside, not the inside. And the sound of men’s footsteps slowly moving away.

“Aren’t you going?”

“wait for a sec.”

Baek Ha-na stayed focused for a while even after the men’s presence had completely disappeared.

‘… It’s gone.’

The unpleasant aura that clung to him was gone.

I don’t know why, but it seemed to follow those people who had just come out of their burrows.

“I’ll go first, so follow me slowly.”

“what? no?! one hundred!!”

Leaving behind Idni’s voice calling him from behind, Baekhana turned into an animal and crossed the cave on all fours.

– Beep.

-Kick, beep.

After passing several roads strewn with traces of battle and dead bodies of killer ants, a fork in the road appeared.


Baek Ha-na ran again after leaving a large fist mark in front of the road on the side of the monster’s sound.


Sounds getting closer.

Both of Baek Ha-na’s thighs swelled up.


A gust of wind that blew into a place where no wind could ever blow.


– Beep.

Over the heads of the human-sized ants that were crawling through the tunnels, a hundred and one waves passed with the wind.


At the same time, the head of the guy behind him exploded.

Bodily fluids splashing in all directions. The cleanly killed piece of meat collapses.


In an instant, Baek Ha-na, who popped off the killer ant’s head, spun in mid-air, stepped on the ground, and attacked the hesitant killer ants.

– Kihiiik!!

The soldier ant, who came to his senses belatedly, swung his huge jaw and turned his head.


One hundred feet kicked the huge jaw first.

The head of the soldier ant turned sideways at the unbearable force, and its sharp jaw pierced the forehead of the worker ant next to it. Confirming that the worker ant had died instantly, Baek Ha-na climbed on top of the soldier ant’s head and punched the crown.


With a dull sound, green bodily fluid splashes in all directions, and the soldier ant collapses to the floor.

Three of them died in an instant.

All of this happened in the blink of an eye.

Without hesitation, Hana Baek blew off the soldier ant’s head and went back the way she had come, carrying only her huge body on her back.

The purpose of visiting this place is to secure samples of monsters to be dismantled, not to make money.

“One hundred and one!!”

After walking for a while, Hana Baek met a party with angry faces.

“You crazy bitch!! If you’re going that way, why did you bring us?”

“… sorry.”

“Ha, really… … .”

Idney scratched her head and took a handkerchief out of her pocket and wiped the bodily fluids from Baek Ha-na’s face.

Nam Seo-hee, who was watching it, said.

“If I dismantle it, I will bury it again.”

“… … All you have to do is wipe it again!!”

“yes. With my handkerchief.”

Idney gnashed his teeth as he looked at his dirty clothes.

Maria, who was nervous that there might be a quarrel, sighed in relief and opened her mouth.

“Why don’t we stop and break up quickly? I have to go out and eat.”

“Did you hear? Lee Na-young.”

“Ah, yes.”

Lee Na-young took out a disassembly tool from her bag and held it out to Baek Ha-na.

Sharp jigsaw, knife and hammer.

“I’ll take a picture.”

Lee Na-young started filming with Baek Ha-na’s smartphone, and Baek Ha-na only used a knife to dismantle the ant without using any other tools.

The long, thick legs were cut piece by piece and stacked next to each other, and the headless chest and stomach pieces were cut and separated. As a finishing touch, he even pretended to cut his chest and stomach in half to find a magic stone that might be inside.

“It’s not something I urged you to say, but if you submit this, you’ll get a D, and you have to hit it well to get a C+?”

“It’s fine. I don’t really care about grades.”

Hana Baek pushed away the corpses of the ants she had separated and got up with only tools.

“Ugh, if I had known this would happen, I would have just waited outside… … .”

“It is one. here.”

Idney turns around grumbling, and Nam Seo-hee wipes Baek Ha-na’s cheeks and hands with the handkerchief she had been holding a while ago.


Baek Ha-na smiled lightly and put the tools she had packed into Lee Na-young’s bag, then wrapped them around herself.

“Let’s go out now.”

“What kind of ramen is finished faster than boiling one?”

“Be loud and move quickly.”

“Are you going?”

Edni grumbled and led the way, and the party followed her slowly back up the way they had come.

Whoa ah-

“… … ?”

Upon reaching the exit, Hana Baek frowned at the sweet scent that reached the tip of her nose. And right at that moment.

‘uh… … ?’

His vision, which had been fine, gradually began to slant to the side.


Nam Seo-hee, who was standing right next to her, quickly helped Baek Ha-na, who was collapsing to the floor.

-one… … .

-the former… … what… .

A voice that gradually fades.

Baek Hana lost consciousness without even having time to think about anything.



“or… … .”

Starting with Hana Baek, one by one they lost consciousness and fell to the floor.



A middle-aged man appeared from the empty void.

He looked down for a moment at the girls sleeping entangled in the tunnel, then approached the girl with beige hair and lifted her smartphone from the island in front of her.


A smartphone that literally gets crushed in a man’s hand.

“Even though I’m young, I’m still a priest of Yu-Hee-sin.”

It wouldn’t be strange if I just spilled it, I immediately made a video call somewhere to share the whole situation with them.

– Three Bishops. Found the nucleus.



three bishops.

As a faithful servant of Amos, one of the four evil gods, he took out a white and black mask from his bosom and put it on his face.

A god-class artifact.

Loki’s mask.

Even the face, physique, gender and unique wavelength.

It’s not enough to perfectly transform into a slain target, it’s an artifact that possesses the ability to transfer memories when you take the target’s heart.

‘If you hurry, things will go wrong.’

The gaze of the three bishops moved from Baek Ha-na to Lee Na-young.

Something not planned in advance.

Read at noblemtl.com

Quite by chance, I found it while waiting for a report from those who infiltrated the academy even after the barrier was restored.

Two apprentice clergymen cherished and cared for by the high priest.

And a female student who was directly guarantored by an enforcer who was a symbol of fear to them.

The student closest to the target to be contacted.

‘We must find the whereabouts of the demon bullet.’

An explosion occurred, and the practice, which should have been engulfed in chaos, ended without incident, and the followers who entered with the demon bullets evaporated like a mirage.

Literally evaporated.

I watched the rift for several months, but the believer who went in with the magic bullet did not come out.

‘It’s definitely those two.’

Lee Ye-sol, one of Yu Hee-shin’s high priests.

She always has a smile on her face, but those who have dealt with her even once in the past will clearly remember how creepy that smile is.

And such a high priest, a man with his head bowed.

Every effort was made to identify him, but all he could find was his publicly revealed name.

However, according to the recent memories of the faculty, it was possible to find out that Jayden Martell, who had the same authority as the chairman and was more proud than anyone else, bowed his head and went under.

As such, the Triad was intended to turn into a female student under the protection of two apprentice priests or bailiffs. Because that would be easier to access.

‘It’s also a place where you can’t be careless.’

However, one of the apprentice priests acted quickly, so they couldn’t reach out easily.

“Even though I am not a believer, I will not forget your sacrifice.”

The hands of the three bishops went to Lee Na-young’s heart.


A terrible sound of flesh digging echoed through the tunnel.

“… … Pooh.”

The Three Bishops coughing up dark red blood.

When he tries to bow his head in disbelief.


The body of the Three Bishops split in half and collapsed to the floor.


The broken flesh of the triad wriggled and was pulled out by the hand of a woman with a heart still beating as if it were alive.

Viche picked up the mask that had fallen on the floor and looked at the beating heart in her hand.

【Merciful Master… … To allow such a comfortable death.]

With a dreary sound that seemed to stimulate the instinctive fear of life, the invisible figure disappeared.

After a while.

Toduk, tok.

Two lively beating hearts and a mask went into Maria’s bag.

I Became a Professor at the Academy

I Became a Professor at the Academy

아카데미 듣보 교수가 되었다
Score 8.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
Resurrects dying students in every round. my goal


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not work with dark mode