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I Became a Demon Professor at the Academy Chapter 80

80 – Light Dragon

A splendid space where all kinds of treasures are lined up, regardless of whether they are from the demon world or the human world.

That alone proves how much wealth the owner of this space has accumulated.

However, despite this, those who find this room for the first time will not even glance at the treasure.

Because on the top of the high steps in this space was something a little far from treasure.

A demon dragon had a huge greatsword stuck in the ground and was resting on its chin. The Demon Dragon side is huge, and the Greatsword side is also huge.

It was something that needed no explanation.

The silvery-white armor around the body was decorated with gorgeous patterns, and the horns, a symbol of high pride, rose straight up from both sides toward the sky.

It was the demonic dragon that sometimes cursed or spat in this too flashy space, but no one was dissatisfied.

No matter what, her heart. This is her space. It was because she was Regita, the owner of the demon dragons.

“no… Well… ”

Regita fiddled with the handle of the greatsword.

He seemed more carefree than anyone else, but the demon dragons gathered here knew. That right before a typhoon is the most tranquil moment.

“Is what I heard right?”

“That, that… ”

Malygos stuttered.

It was Malygos who made the most recent mistake, and if Regita’s planting became uncomfortable, Malygos would be the first to fall.

Regita continued talking to him, who was sweating all over his body.

“By observing, Jekyll and Christine were making rice cakes?”

“Yes… That’s right. maybe… ”


“Oh, no. I’m sure.”

It is not permitted to post information that is not certain to Regita. Malygos hastily changed his words.

“Perhaps with the map in his hand, he seems to be careless, even setting aside the decoding. If we can decipher it first… ”

The reason why Malygos is still breathing.

The reason was simple. He remembered the appearance of the two maps he had seen at first glance.

He drew it as it was and dedicated it to Regita, and thanks to that, he was still alive.


Regita cuts off Malygos’s words.

“As long as it’s in Vivian’s hands, it’s natural that it will be detoxified. They’re taking it easy because they deserve it. Isn’t that right, Malygos?”

“Yeah.. it seems so.”

Even if it seemed like an ordinary conversation, Malygos trembled like an aspen. Because Regita’s atmosphere was different from usual.

“And while they’re making rice cakes… Malygos still has not deciphered the map.”

Regita stood up and stretched out. Even that simple movement is full of power.

“The first button is wrong. From the first button.”

hahahahaha, Regita laughed heartily. A smile filled his face as well.

“An incompetent guy comes forward to take on the mission, fails due to his lack of skill, and cannot decipher properly because of his lack of skill… ”

“ah… Regita-sama, that’s… ”

“This can be happen. I don’t leave my henchmen behind just because I’m competent.”

Regita, wearing a kind-looking smile, took one step, two steps down the stairs.

“But there are things that a demon dragon must have. With that, I judge my henchmen.”

“Ah yes! Lady Regita!”

What is it? Malygos quickly began to roll his head.

There was a plan to betray under Regita, so of course I don’t know what it was.

“Don’t you have any pride?”


There was still a smile on Regita’s face, and her tone was also warm.

However, Malygos’ body began to harden like ice. Because Regita is most dangerous when she shows a kind face.

“Pride. Pride. Those are two words to describe the demon dragon. But do you have anything like that?”

Regita continued talking towards him who had hardened.

“If you let a guy who failed in his mission live, either when he shows great pride or when he still has some value… That’s why I keep you alive.”

“Yes, yes.”

The smile on Regita’s face grew even stronger.

Malygos and his secretary Neltharion could tell. On the other side of that bright smile, life is blooming.

The mad dragon Regita. There is a reason why her nickname is Kwangryong.

“If you lost the detoxification, you would know what to do now. I came here to shamelessly report.”

“There is a reason… there is a reason! I am of black dragon blood. Because you must survive and prove your bloodline worth! ah… that, yes Even an arm or even a hand can be cut off as an apology!”

“Will that work?”

Regita’s work.

“You must die. Do something with one arm or one leg.”

Even Malygos’ mouth hardened.

Regita’s face changed to a serious face in an instant. The word change is even appropriate.

“As you said, if you want to prove how great the black dragon lineage is, you should have won on the hill. Or at least he should have shown the ability to decipher maps.”

“But the opponent is a sin… Because… ”

“Then you should have died after losing. They probably wouldn’t have been labeled as poor survivors. A dragon doesn’t need a tail like that. You sick bastard.”

Gradually, veins were engraved vertically on Regita’s forehead.

Regita stood in front of Malygos. The height difference between the two was huge.

“The value of the black dragon has already been well proven. As a very inferior seed.”

“crime… sorry.”

First you have to survive. No matter what you do, survival comes first.

Malygos fell on his stomach, resting his head on the floor.

“You are making fun of me. Malygos.”

“No… no. It is still very scary.”

“Then why didn’t you die there? Aren’t you afraid to come and report to me?”


When Regita spreads her hand, the greatsword that was on the top of the stairs in the distance flew into her grasp.


no answer comes back Malygos, prone, only trembled.

“Raise your head and take a look. How many demon dragons besides you are here.”

At that, Malygos raised his head and looked around. Most of the high-ranking demon dragons were standing there with frightened expressions.

“In front of these guys, I think I have to teach them what the pride of demon dragons is all over again.”

“Regi… Lady Regita… ”

Card deed deeddeuk—

Regita simply places her massive greatsword on Malygos’s back. The huge greatsword escaped from its owner’s grip and sank to the ground as it was under the force of gravity.

“aaa!!! ah… ”

Malygos let out a shriek, powerlessly crushed. However, even that doesn’t last long. Because it was distorted to such an extent that there was not even a shape left.

It was a weight and size that Malygos could not bear. Soon after, only the greatsword stuck in the blood was left on the floor.

“Everybody clap.”

Regita laughs again.

“what are you doing? Everyone applauds.”

– clap clap clap clap

A demon dragon died in front of their eyes, but there was no one who didn’t clap their hands. If you don’t agree, the next thing you’ll fall for is what you might be.

“Wipe that clean.”

What Regita is talking about here is the great sword, not the floor.

Then, several demon dragons rushed in and began to polish Regita’s greatsword. It’s impossible to pull it out, just wipe it while it’s stuck in the ground.

“Lady Regita.”


“What do you plan to do from now on?”

Secretary Neltharion’s question. Regita yawned.

“I have to go myself. You can’t be because you’re frustrated.”

Confidence and arrogance to believe that everything will be solved if you step forward.

And the grounded strength behind it was Regita’s pride.

“Where are you going? Is this where Vivian is? Or is it the old castle of vampires?”

“No no.”

Regita waved her palms. It seems there is no need to go there.

“Anyway, Lepista’s wand is in the human world, so we should go there. I have to follow where Jekiel is going.”

“All right.”

“Hey, Lady Regita.”

“why. repeatedly.”

Regita frowned slightly as she turned to Neltharion. If it hadn’t been for Neltharion, who had worked alongside her for a long time as a secretary, she would have been killed right away.

“Malygos was the last remaining Black Dragon. Are you okay?”

“I do not care. Please fix the armor.”


When Neltharion nodded and stepped back, the other demon dragons began to move in search of their own tasks.

in the middle of it.

“Malygos. Bring some water.”

Regita muttered that.

“Oh, I just killed him.”

I quietly scratched my head.

I stare blankly at the ground crushed by the greatsword.


Sooner or later, Jekiel’s place will be made just like that.

And that would be a lot of fun. greatly.

I Became a Demon Professor at the Academy

I Became a Demon Professor at the Academy

아카데미의 마족 교수가 되었다.
Score 8.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
“I’m quitting now.” After waiting for a hundred years, he resigned as an executive in the Demon Realm. In a world where the bad ending is enforced, where the main character and heroine and even the named NPC are destined to die. I became a professor teaching them.


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not work with dark mode