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I Am a Low-Class Aristocrat of a Perishing Country Chapter 100

100 – Later Story – Mirren & Arnel (1)

A mansion where peaceful daily life continues. There, jealous jealousy and heavy sweat were mixed.

Among them, the jealous jealousy turned into a noise that made someone’s teeth grind goosebumps and was displayed on the scene.

Far, far, far, hard.

“Focus on the sword to increase the density of fighting.”

Kkaduk, Wooddeuk, Badauk!

“Yes! Marquis Justiha!”

The boy who was pointed out swung his sword while trying to avoid the assailant’s gaze. However, even that seems to have been difficult to satisfy the aesthetic sense of Illelpi.

“This time the sword path is stiff…”

Kkeudeuk, ppajik!

Illelpi was the first to speak out in the deafening jealousy.

“Haa, Nefi? Stop it because you’re crazy.”

“I don’t like it… I don’t like it.”

Yes. The owner of the jealous jealousy was me. And the person with jealous eyes is Arnell Chester. He was a small genius who grew rapidly under the guidance of Ir Elfi.

“For a guy who dares to look at Mirren like that…!”

“It’s true. Anyone who sees it would think that Nefi and Mirren have been together for 10 years.”

Irelf is at a loss for words and bruises me. Loneliness, not even the lover I love, was like a bitter tea leaf.

“It’s useless to look at it with those pitiful eyes.”

“… Ill Elp. Aren’t you cold towards me these days?”

“Neffi, why are you paying attention to a girl and not me?”

“Because Mirren is her sister.”

“I’ve said it over and over again, she’s ‘my’ sister. Now she’s a full-fledged minor marquis.”

As expected, Irlp. It was flawless logic. Either that or I’m stupid.

However, even if you convince them with logic and reason, sensibility is a separate area. I felt sorry for Ir Elfi who half-accepted Arnel.

To give me a compulsory understanding, IrLP suggested a solution.

“Neffi. If you value your family that much… Shall we try?”

“That challenge. I’m sure it’s not an act that refers to the two of you becoming three.”

Ir Elfi was silent and pulled the corners of her mouth. She was clear about the implications of her smile, as beautiful as the full moon set in the middle of the night.

I couldn’t help but groan at the terrifying non-verbal expression.

“… I’m leaving for today.”

He backs away while spitting lines like cheap, third-rate villains. My love for Irlp is increasing, but my capacity cannot keep up with my heart.

Irlp’s gaze toward me as I walked away while performing the moonwalk was painful. She let out a deep sigh and muttered a little to herself.

“Must treat people like monsters… That’s why they’re heartless. Stupid Neffi…”

Leaving behind her cute whining, Ir Elfie let out a small smile.

“But, well, when ‘the thing’ arrives, it’ll be all right.”

“Human beings are creatures whose front and back are different, so you can’t intuitively check them.”

“You’re right.”

He readily agreed.

“You never know what kind of grotesque disposition might be hidden behind the seemingly innocent side.”

“The sea of deep sympathy.”

He nodded lightly this time.

“Illelpi is secretly indifferent to this kind of thing. In the end, they made me step in…”

“No matter how much I want to refute that it’s manners, not insensitivity.”

“What dude?”

He who had been silently taking sides, suddenly reversed his attitude. I made a face like a distraught Dionysus.

“I wondered why they came to the imperial palace, but they asked me to help my younger sister-in-law stalk for a long time. Even the person asking for help is my dad. If it was a previous life, it would be a 9 o’clock news topic?”

“Shut up! Zekeharun!!! This is just my duty as a guardian. It’s not the kind of criminal activity you claim!”

“This one, there are no separate helicopter parents. If Dad had been in the original world, he would have become a very annoying parent.”

Zeegharun shook his head excitedly. Ignoring such provocative behavior, I fixed my eyes on the two men and women walking down the street.

‘Let’s see…’

It is questionable what kind of fangs he might have with Mirren, who is as cute as gold.

I scratched my nerves because the subtle distance between them was oddly unfamiliar. It would be good to express that the intention is revealed in the middle of the day.

“Isn’t it true that you’ve been using Spiritual Art?”

“Although it’s reluctant. I’m really reluctant. After all, it’s like following a relative. So… What do you call your biological stepmother’s younger brother? I’m confused because the genealogy is messy.”

“Okay, just be careful not to let it come loose.”

Water Elementalism – Dreamy Mist.

As a hallucination-type spiritual art, it distorts the surrounding shapes and transforms them into completely different landscapes.

In the game, it was a skill that had an option to decrease hit rate and increase evasion rate.

With this, you can get close to Mirren and Arnel by pretending to be someone else. It is diagnosed that it will be stable until at least seven steps outside.

“I want you to think of a position where you are forcibly suited to such an obsolete act.”

“No, I’ll send Char to the seat next to her, so just talk.”

“From today, the grand adventure of chasing after Daddy’s tail has begun.”

It was around the time we were having the kind of conversation that fools would have. Mirren, who had been walking affectionately with Arnel, hesitated and stopped, then looked away.

Glittering golden eyes passed our image. Mirren’s grim eyes, which were pointed precisely this way, curved like her crescent moon.

I was stunned by Zeke Harun as well as myself at the quiet gaze.

“Hey, hey… You didn’t catch this…?”

“It can’t be. It’s a technique that even Bartlante’s younger brother can’t detect. It’s not something that can be found out by a girl.”

“Then what is that…? Aren’t they looking at us?”

“It must be a coincidence. It’s embarrassing.”

“That, yes… I’m sorry.”

An uncomfortable and uncomfortable feeling dominated a corner of my heart. However, there was no contradiction in Siegharun’s argument, so he could not refute it.

Our tailing started off by ignoring the uneasy feeling.

“Mirren? What’s behind it?”

“Yeah, nothing.”

From Arnel’s point of view, Mirren had a mysterious expression on her face.

It was as if displeasure and pleasure coexisted in a quiet smile, like a forest on a moonlit night. She gave the impression that she was wearing a cold mask, and she was also reminiscent of a mischievous little devil.

A woman’s heart can be very complicated. Arnel was able to fully understand the feelings of Bartlante, who was struggling with women’s hearts.

When Arnel was struggling alone, Mirren proudly suggested it.

“Arnel. Let’s go to the theater.”

“Weren’t you going to the dessert shop recommended by Marquis Justiha?”

“It’s just a whim. Don’t you like it?”

“No! Great!”

Arnel had extremely little greed. In fact, as long as she could spend time with Mirren, she would enjoy the same utility anywhere.

Besides, the theater was right nearby, so Mirren’s whims were rather willing.

Arnel, who was not good at leading conversations, preferred a quiet theater to a dirty store.

“Well, by the way, Mirren.”


“Are you angry or… Not like that?”

“Whoops, it can’t be. It’s not that Arnel did anything wrong.”

“I’m glad.”

At Arnel’s dispirited attitude, Mirren felt a little sorry.

Her misunderstanding has been resolved, but the incident in which she got angry and shot Arnelle during her debut dance still remains as a debt in her heart.

I felt guilty because it was obvious that Arnel was paying more attention than necessary.

And I hated the culprits who made me feel guilty again. I really, really hate you today!

As Mirren shuddered, Arnel’s hesitant voice was heard.

“Can I sit in a place like this?”

“…Sometimes I forget that Arnel is the Duke’s little brother.”

“I don’t think you’ve ever sat down, huh.”

The seat I bought belatedly was comfortable. There are two chairs that are so soft that if you close your eyes in a spacious space, you can sneak in. It was a space just for the two of them.

Although he was Arnel, the son of a duke, his way of thinking was close to that of the common people due to his family customs against extravagance. It was natural to be embarrassed by the sudden VIP treatment.

“You know what? You can have a quick dessert here too?”


Just then, one of the theater staff cautiously entered and held out a small plate.

Above the plate was a strawberry cake cut into straight shapes that Ir Elp would like to taste.

At this time, Mirren was kind enough to make her half-moon with the corners of her eyes and the corners of her mouth. She resembled the mischievous smile that came to her just before entering the theater.

“Come on, Arnel.”

“Ugh, huh?”

“Ah~, try it.”

“Mi, Mirren?!”

Miren offers cake like a lover dripping with honey.

Thanks to that, Arnell threw out his dignity and let out his voice. Fortunately, the situation in the play became noisy at the right time, so it’s a shame, I almost got a warning.

“What are you doing? My arm hurts.”

“Yeah, but this…”

“Why is this? It’s just feeding. Arnel doesn’t like cake?”

“No, I like it… Ugh.”

Steam seemed to leak from the top of Arnel’s head, like a heated kettle. Even in the dim light, the recognizable red face and embarrassing expression were enough to stimulate her sadism.

So Mirren deliberately hardened her expression. To hasten Arnel’s decision.

“Ugh… Ah, okay! I’ll eat it… Don’t be discouraged.”

Only then did Mirren smile.

“Okay then, one more time… Ahhh.”

“Ah… Ah…”

Arnel, who imitates the awkwardly lively voice, is fresh. The moment Mirren, who has gained her own sense of satisfaction, is about to push her cake with affection as if showing off!


“Kyaaah!? What, what?”

“Did the building collapse?”

“The ground seems to shake a little…!”

A roaring sound engulfed the inside of the theater. The unexpected commotion caused panic in the audience.

Arnel reacted quickly to the noise as if a huge shock had hit the theater.


The green eyes shimmering with speculation gave off an eerie glow. Even if there is no sword, it can be substituted to some extent if it is a finger wrapped in speculation. Just like IrLP, who has been guiding him lately.

However, Mirren, who is the person being protected, was indifferent. As if knowing that the unprecedented turmoil was nothing…

“It’s okay, Arnel. Nothing will happen.”

“Because there is a just in case… Just keep it like this.”

“Whew! It’s okay, cha-am…”

Mirren’s golden eyes glared viciously somewhere in the audience. Arnelle followed the tip of her gaze, only increasing her curiosity.

The cause of the mysterious roar was unknown, but it was quickly rectified. The owner of the theater quickly calmed down the audience, and the troupe performed lively play again.

The enigmatic commotion that hit the middle of the day later decorates the side of the extra.

“Arnel. Can you feed me this time? Aang~.”

“Ah… Ah…!”

Miren, who was the only one who wasn’t embarrassed, boldly enjoyed the situation.

As if you’re showing off to someone…

The afternoon, in which her devilish grumpiness came out, was splendidly neglected under the blazing wrath of an ugly man.

Arnel, who senses life threats from time to time, was a bonus.

I Am a Low-Class Aristocrat of a Perishing Country

I Am a Low-Class Aristocrat of a Perishing Country

나는 멸망 국가의 폐급 귀족!
Score 8.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
One day, after discovering the game’s easter egg, I became a garbage aristocrat of the world. In order to survive, we must prevent the darkening of the female knight, the world’s strongest. But why is original knowledge useless?


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not work with dark mode