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How To Tame an Academy Dragon Chapter 87

87. A woman who was an employee became my boss and went on a business trip to an island

“What if I run into you again?”

Doha, who was on his back, makes an inappropriately weak sound.

Her As I was strolling along her beach with her on my back, I stopped her for a moment and turned her head to her side.

In my turned view, what was reflected was Doha’s head resting on my shoulder. And it was her expression that was somehow intimidated.

“Well, we should avoid it. We haven’t done anything wrong.”

Reminds me of an old man who was in a fit of rage. What did the old man feel from us and get so angry?

Or was it simply the reluctance of an old man suffering from dementia? If that’s not the case.

Did they smell me? It’s a heinous existence that shouldn’t set foot on this island.

“It’s not just this island.”

“Don’t talk to yourself, let me know.”

Doha taps me lightly on the shoulder.

“Ah. It’s nothing special. I’m afraid of him too, so I don’t want to run into him.”

“It’s strange. How to say… It was an unfamiliar fear, but it was also a very familiar fear…”

On the way to Doha, I fell into an accident of my own.

The constant muttering alone was a bit annoying, but I’m having a day that’s not like her, so let’s look at it in moderation.

From nob le mtl dot com

Now then, what should we do? Judging from the mess, it’s not something that can be solved quickly, and it seems impossible to go back like this.

If you’re not planning on sleeping on the beach, you’ll have to find a place to stay, so you’ll have to go back to the village.

The entire world is quiet as I trudge along, leaving behind the reddish sea reflecting the sunset.

All you can hear is the sound of the waves crashing against the sand, the sound of Doha’s small breathing, and the faint heartbeat felt in your back.

It’s fun.

I wondered if it was immature to think that way even in this situation, but there was nothing I could do about the magic of the atmosphere.

Doha, who muttered to himself, became quiet before he knew it.

“Hey. Stop it.”


As I neared the entrance of the village, Doha called me and stopped me.

When I stopped, Doha cleared his throat, patted my shoulders, and jumped off his back.

Then he walked in front of me with his hands behind his back and stopped about three paces ahead.

“I’ll kill you if you tell me anywhere.”

As it is, Doha, whose voice has risen a little higher than usual, is making threats that won’t work.


“What, what!”

As soon as I pretend not to know, Doha immediately turns around and gets angry.

“Okay, okay. It’s a secret between the two of us, right?”

When I put out my pinky finger, Doha puffed out her cheeks and walked away with her finger as if she couldn’t win.

Anyway, she’s an easy-to-read woman.


After returning to the village, unlike before, we received a little too much attention.

If you ask me if I’m in a bad mood, I’d say no, but…

“Why are you all looking at me?”

“Well, maybe Grandpa’s commotion has already spread. Rumors.”

“Ah… Come on, it won’t appear again, will it?”

Doha hugs my arm and sticks to it.

“I know that old man is scary, but is that enough?”

“I don’t know! If I knew, I wouldn’t!”

Are you angry?

First of all, let’s move as far as we can. If you don’t want to look for it, you might have to go all the way to the government building and ask Commander Barrod.

Have you walked halfway down the hill in the middle of the village? Someone was talking to us.

“Oh! Are you two right?”

“Ah. At the flower shop earlier.”

The owner of the flower shop where the old man bought flowers was the one who readily talked to us.

The flower shop owner, who puts various flowers in a basket and hangs them on his arm, approached us without hesitation.

Cista? I think it was probably called Systar.

“You were surprised earlier? Are you okay?”

Sistar, with long golden hair, looked down and smiled as if she knew our feelings.

A young woman who seems to be in her twenties now. She seems to have a kind and kind heart as much as her appearance on the outside.


As I was staring at Sistar, Doha’s elbow flew sharply at her side.

“…I’m fine, but I went to the beach for a while because my girlfriend seemed very surprised.”

When she answered by rubbing her side, which had been stung by her doha, Sistar covered her mouth and laughed.

“He’s not like that at first…But he won’t remember it tomorrow anyway, so it’ll be fine.”


Doha reacts to Sistar’s words.

Sistar, who was looking at her doha, smiled and handed a flower to her doha.

The vivid purple flowers were similar to the cosmos I had seen before, but they had much more petals and were richer.

“Are you giving it to me?”

“Yes. Even though it is like this now, it is originally a bright and warm island. I am giving it to you on behalf of you.”

Doha took the purple flowers Sistar had given her with both hands, brought them to her nose, and smelled her scent.

“Smells nice.”

“It blooms just around this time of year. It’s probably gone inland already. It’s warm here, so it blooms late.”

Ah. How does Jeju Island feel?

“What’s the name of this?”

Doha laughs and asks if the flowers liked her.

“It’s Aster.”


“Oh, Aster?”

Doha stares at me while holding a flower.

From nob le mtl dot com

No, it’s strange if you look at me like that from there.

“Why is that?”

The person responsible for embarrassing me and Doha is tilting his face, saying he doesn’t understand the situation at all.

Is it a coincidence? Could it be a coincidence?

“Oh, no. I thought the name of the flower was strange.”

“Right? Right? They say this is an ancient language. I don’t really know anyone!! It’s so amazing! What did they say? I’ve heard of it.”


Since I was looking at the happy sister, I gave the answer without even realizing it.

After hearing my answer, Sistar literally made circles for her eyes and mouth.

“Stars! That’s right, stars! Twinkling stars in the sky! Whoa! How do you know? Archaeologist? Historian? Explorer? Adventurer?”

SISTAR approaches me more and more with each word.

Is it because Sistar met someone who knew the story behind the flower? The tension started to rise very much.

“Ha-ha-ha. Can you get away?”

Doha got in between Sistar and her, and then she forcibly separated her.

“I’m sorry! I’m too excited to stop… But this flower really only knows people. I’m excited.”

“Keuheum. Anyway, thank you for the flowers. Then!”

Doha grabs my hand and drags me along.

A face full of jealousy and thumping footsteps filled with annoyance.

“Go carefully~”

Sister, whether or not he knew what Doha was thinking, shouted a friendly greeting behind us.

After being caught and dragged away by Doha for a long time, I was able to catch my breath only when I reached a deserted street.

“Is it good? Is it good? Huh?”

Doha turned around quickly enough to make the sound of the wind and stabbed my chest with his index finger.

“Nu, who likes it? I was surprised too.”

“Oh, I’m so happy that the young woman calls me by name, right? Huh?”

Doha’s nagging did not end there. Is it not nagging but an explosion of jealousy?

“Let’s go! Oh! Take this flower too! They have the same name, but she gave it to her, so you can keep it!”

Trying to forcefully squeeze the flower, Doha grabs my hand and tries to spread her fingers with force.

He must be very angry and mean. Why are you cute


Doha that I can’t open easily when I give it my strength. I put my other hand on top of Doha’s hand.

As I quietly touched the back of her hand, Doha’s hand also slowly began to lose strength.

“Who would have done it because he liked a woman? The language of flowers is Aster. I was surprised because the flower seemed to be our relationship because you were holding it in your hand.”

Doha quietly listens to me with her lips pouting.

“So you have this flower well.”

I placed the flower in her hand and wrapped it tightly with my hand.

“Where did you train that snout?”

Doha stared at the purple Aster and snorted at her.

“It’s thanks to you. Seeing you follow me around, I had to use my tongue well.”

“It’s ridiculous. I don’t know! Go look for accommodation!”

Doha screaming loudly and passing by. I glanced at it, but I think I saw the corners of my mouth that went up.


It wasn’t until the sun disappeared over the sea and darkness set in that we found the inn.

The price was a bit high because it was a lodging for tourists rather than residents, but there was no way there would be tourists except us in the first place.

Thanks to that, we found a room that was much cheaper than the original rate and threw our exhausted bodies onto the bed.

As soon as he got on the bed, Doha wriggled and wrapped his arms around me. He put his arms under Doha’s head and wrapped her arms around her shoulders.

“I’m so tired.”

“Words, words. Let’s use pretty words.”

“Oh yes yes.”

After holding each other for a while and recharging our energy, we came back down to the first floor at the same time as the belly button ringed.

I wondered if they were not open for dinner as there were chairs on most of the tables, but the owner heard the crowd and walked out of the kitchen.

“Do you want to eat?”

It is a visual that raises doubts as to whether the owner of the inn is really the owner of the inn.

“I want to do it if I can. I haven’t eaten a single meal today.”

“Hey. Sit there. Don’t dream about the menu. There aren’t many customers lately, so there aren’t many ingredients.”

So, what about omakase?

The innkeeper took her by the arm and went back into the kitchen. I was surprised that she crouched down a bit to avoid banging her on the head, for she was also tall.

“Can I trust you?”

Her doha held her hand in front of his eyes and waved her up and down.

“Is this washbasin different?”

“Hey. What is a washbasin? A washbasin. At least…”

If possible, what should I say? Take off the top plate? Face? Wow?

“If anything.”

“…No, let’s make it a washbasin.”

After listening to the washbasin, I can’t think of anything else.

“Ha~ What to do tomorrow? Can’t you point it out?”

“Nothing. No number, no money.”

“Should I just fly away and pick up the money?”

I don’t know if that would be much faster. Really that might be the best way.

“Are you wizards? If you’re wizards, don’t fly away. We’ll get rid of that damn storm.”

The owner appeared before I knew it and interrupted the conversation. Then he set the plates in his hands down in front of us.

“If it’s not that, you’ll have a hard time getting anything you want. As you may have noticed, an island cod isn’t a horse.”



The innkeeper said something, but he didn’t listen. The only thing that catches his eye is the splendid delicacies he has laid down.

My mouth waters naturally at the steam rising and the scent of the food that stimulates my sense of smell.

One was meat grilled in seasoning and served with vegetables, and the other was something similar to pasta.

“It’s not a contemplation of not being able to live without food.”

The owner smiled and went back.

“You mean to eat?”

“I have to eat.”

They lift the forks at the same time, no matter who comes first.

Even the time to bring it to the mouth is a waste. The taste of the concentrated sauce that spreads on the tip of the tongue as soon as you hurriedly put it in your mouth. And the enormous gravy that follows.

“Delicious as hell!”

“Uh. Uh.”

Without time to point out Doha’s vulgar admiration, he rolls up the pasta with a fork and puts it in his mouth.

Similarly, the refreshing taste of tomatoes and the spicy taste that comes in as a point wash away the feeling of greasiness. The perfectly cooked pasta noodles were delicious on their own.

The conversation is crazy.

We hurriedly finished our food like people who hadn’t eaten in days before we found an empty plate.

“Yeah~ It’s really delicious.”

Doha smiles with satisfaction as she pats her bulging belly.

“Yeah. It’s amazing.”

“It’s different from a washbasin!”

Doha gives a thumbs up to the owner who is sitting at the counter smoking a cigarette.

Anyway, isn’t it a bit like giving compliments in the washbasin?

“A cheeky fellow. What is a washbasin to an adult?”

The owner, who had been smoking, looked at Doha with one eyebrow raised.

“Then how about a top?”

However, Doha pushes forward with perseverance without losing.

“…Do it in the washbasin.”

The owner raised his hands to show surrender, as if he had roughly grasped Doha’s personality through just one conversation.

“I can’t do it. I need to get a drink soon.”


Do-ha got up from her seat without even having time to stop and walked straight to the counter and sat down on a chair.

“Imperio. Straight.”


The owner, who was staring at Doha, who was accustomed to ordering, looked at me once and nodded his head.

I shrugged at his behavior as if he was asking if I could really give it to him. If Doha wants to do it, it does it.


When I responded with a tone that said I didn’t care, the owner of the gingamin or hanji approached the display stand behind him with a short sound.

The owner took out a dark yellow bottle, more like honey than gold, poured it into a straight glass and held it out in front of Doha.

“It’s been a while. I ate this often.”

Doha spat out words reminiscent of the old days, and then shoveled Imperio down his throat in one shot.

“Big… One more.”


Looking at Doha, who coolly brushed off the straight glass, the owner’s face straightened slightly. Rather, it’s a face that seems to be satisfied.


The sound of glasses being filled fills the store.

“I didn’t expect the guest who came after a long time to be a drunkard without a hitch.”

“That washbasin is kind of classy.”

The two gave each other strange compliments that they couldn’t understand and grinned.

I don’t know if that’s the case, but watching Doha get along with a man makes my stomach hurt.

If you stay still like this, you’re not a boy.

I got up from my seat and sat next to Doha with my buttocks attached.

“A drink?”


The owner took out another glass, filled it with Imperio, and pushed it in front of me.

When I grab a glass, the owner and Doha smile with a meaningful smile.

As the glass approaches your lips, the strong yet sweet scent stimulates your sense of smell.

Did it taste sweeter than I thought?

It may taste like honey, just like the color of the bottle. As soon as I thought about it, I lost my fear and poured it into my mouth at once like Doha.

I wondered if the strong alcohol energy was burning hot, but it disappeared and only the sweet scent of honey remained in my mouth.



The voice of the owner and Doha makes me feel better.

What’s wrong?

“One character…”

The moment the glass is handed to the owner, the owner’s face and the surrounding landscape begin to rotate dizzily. It feels like putting a dot and mixing it up.


And then my eyes went black.

How To Tame an Academy Dragon

How To Tame an Academy Dragon

아카데미 일진 드래곤을 길들이는 방법
Score 8.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
Incubus 200th year of reincarnation. I became the owner of the canteen in front of the academy. And an Iljin* dragon that visits the store every day. ps:Iljin mean bully here


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not work with dark mode