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How To Tame an Academy Dragon Chapter 76

76. If I’m frustrated, I run

“Oh! How far did you run?!”

“Oh, you can’t be that kind of a man.”

Unable to overcome her anger, a woman passing by covered her son’s ears to her shouting.

A woman passing by without forgetting to glare at me. Hey. Because I don’t want to do this either.

After this damn dragon runs out. It’s already been 20 minutes since I ran after her with the tracker left by the female students.

Running down the street like a madman is okay, it’s okay. It’s crazy to see the pendulum leaning more strongly no matter how much I run.

Stop running for a moment and catch your breath. It’s not hard, but I think I’m going to run a marathon with no answer, so I need to prepare my mind.

“Did it fly?”

I was suspicious that the Doha Prius transformed into a dragon and flew away, but since the atmosphere on the streets was normal, I don’t think there are any rumors of a Yonggary appearing in the imperial capital.


The pendulum soars at a right angle of 90 degrees as it tilts even more violently because it stopped for a moment and thought of something else.

It’s amazing what kind of material it’s made of and how strong it is. It’s a fairly heavy-looking metal material made of jet black…

“Go go!”

Can’t beat the torch of the pendulum and runs out again.


How long did it run? I could see a group of murmuring crowds in front of me.

It looks like it was an accident that made a lot of noise. A whistle could be heard over the crowd of people.

“Let’s go! Get out of the way!”

At someone’s cry, people are split on both sides.

What appeared among the people were guards in military uniforms, accompanied by broken and damaged wagons behind them.

Behind it, another half-broken wagon was lying on the side of the road, and two loose horses were being pulled away by a man who appeared to be a merchant.

“Oh, I’m so glad I’m so glad. I’m seriously hurt.”

The lady standing next to her spoke up. Wherever you go, the ajumma’s affinity.

“Did you have an accident?”

“Ayu~ I was surprised! I was shopping here, and the apples looked delicious. So I was debating whether to eat this one or that one…”

This is the beginning. Before getting into the main topic, the lady’s way of building a solid build-up of the story.

“Isn’t it that the wind suddenly rises from behind like this? After apologizing and sleeping, everything fell off because of the wind.

“The wind?”

“Yes wind!”

Shaking her cheeks, her aunt waved her hand.

It’s the wind. Have you ever had such a wind? At least not in my memory today. If so, did it not happen because the wind blew?

“The horses were also reeling from the wind, and ahhhhh. Anyway, there was a loud noise and two wagons hit.

So there was an accident. No why am i listening to this here?

Even now, the pendulum is clamoring to chase after the person in question, but I’m wasting my time.

As I listened, I became immersed in the lady’s conversation in a daze. Done. Let’s chase the Doha Prius.

“Oops. Be careful going in.”

Let’s quickly hang up and run away before the conversation continues.

After giving a short greeting, she turned around, but her mother had to stop her movements as she clapped and shouted.

“But then a pretty girl appears, picks up her carriage and sets it down on her shoulder!”

“Who is it?”

“A virgin. How beautiful she is. I was surprised too! But how can I lift her carriage with one hand… Alas, today is a very strange day. Be careful, even a young man!”

Her aunt said so, she picked up the apples she had picked and left with her quick steps.

A pretty girl who lifts her carriage with one hand.

“Don’t you usually rescue a cat that got stuck in a tree?”

In any case, she seems like a woman who is far from common sense in many ways.

“Still, it doesn’t look like you were worried.”

What is it? A cliché-like scene of a typical heroine often seen in anime. Like a depressed heroine.

Hagishi It doesn’t look good even if you die soon.

She hurriedly got out of the scene of the accident caused by the Prius in Doha and left the road to the guidance of the pendulum again.

Even after that, I could see the various streets she had messed up.

A clumsy splint was forcefully inserted into a broken roadside tree to support it so it wouldn’t fall.

A thief chained to a pole and being investigated by the guards.

There was also a cat trembling and biting bubbles in the arms of a child.

A consistent statement, like one of the pieces of information I found out while passing by and asking questions, is that she is a filthy pretty black-haired woman.

And that he solved the case with a strange power that a normal human could not do.

It seemed like I was running around the city, but I followed the footsteps of the Doha Prius and finally I was able to arrive at a big park.

“That’s a lot.”

There are many people who enjoy taking a walk from the entrance. Maybe it’s because it’s a park in a wealthy village in the northern part of the empire.

What does life taste like when you leisurely enjoy a late afternoon on a weekday?

“Did the Doha Prius know a place like this?”

A Doha Prius that roams around a well-established park leisurely. Ugh I can’t imagine

“Here I am. I’m going to lie to you now.”

Then we have to destroy it. If you made half of Villa Auss run around and you’re wrong, you’ll be held accountable.

I had the illusion that the pendulum’s attraction was getting a little stronger.

When I entered the park, to my surprise, there were guards patrolling. Also rich. Maybe it’s because there are people who have a lot to protect.

A park that looks dirty and vast at first glance. If it hadn’t been for the tracker, we would have had to catch people and interrogate them all day long.

The closer you get, the stronger the reaction. It felt like it represented my feelings right now.

Unknown expectations and excitement. My mind is slowly getting dizzy from worry.

What should I say when we meet? The stronger the attraction of the pendulum, the faster the paralysis of thoughts.

It’s pretty. No, other than that, there is really nothing that comes to mind, so what should I do?

“You idiot, did you make a sudden confession?”

I’m curious as to why.

The pendulum only points in a straight line, not navigation, so I found a small gap between the walls of the garden after wandering the road several times.

Twigs flowed down and covered it as if it wasn’t a road, but when I looked carefully, there was a road going inside.

It’s another walking trail with nothing special about it, but the difference is that there are several chairs placed in a wide space for people to rest.


“What is it? How did you know?”

“Um… What.”

There was such an existence here that made an unspecial place special.

“By persimmon?”

Hide the pendulum tracker they gave you behind your back and lie. I don’t know why.

“Sounds like persimmon.”

Doha The Prius laughed and didn’t seem to believe me.

Doha Prius sitting cross-legged in poor posture on a chair. With his messy hair tucked back roughly, he looked pretty.

What stands out is that the left part of the skirt seems to be torn and flutters, showing a glimpse of her thighs.

I managed to focus my eyes on her face, which were constantly being led by male instinct.

“I tore it while doing something.”

“What. Oh this? I did it while picking up the wagon.”

“Be careful.”


Doha The Prius is mocking me.

“Are you chasing me and nagging me? I’m an idiot for expecting that.”

“I guess you expected it.”

“You made me look forward to it.”

At first glance, it seems ordinary. These are just a few words that we always exchange. Today, my toxic heart is beating.

What does she expect from me?

“I made you look forward to it, but it suddenly jumped out.”

“It’s your fault.”

I did not dispute the Doha Prius. Because the sudden acceleration is my fault.

But what I want is an answer to the sudden acceleration, not to reveal the whereabouts of responsibility.

We just looked at each other for a while without saying a word. Only the occasional wind, birdsong, and people’s voices proved that time did not stop.

“Why do you like me?”


“Why is it good?”

I tried to pretend I didn’t hear, but…

“Grunt… Curious?”

“Then aren’t you curious? Depending on the answer.”

Doha The Prius raised his thumb and pretended to draw it against his neck.

“It’s Kak.”

I think it was a joke that he gave while laughing. Even if you look at cancer, half of it is sincere. With her already pretty face and makeup and coordination, she looks like no other goddess.

You look so f*cking pretty.

“Uh… Um… Huh, the first time I saw it…”

First of all, spit out whatever you want.

As the words that were hastily assembled in the head through the hasty process were scattered randomly, the Doha Prius frowned.

“Seriously, if you start with that, you’ll break the pot.”


Looks like this isn’t it. I thought it was the best of the best.

What to say? What should I say to make that dragon like it?

Her First of all, since you’ve been warned, stop her and look at her.

Still white skin and a pretty face. Let’s call that rough mouth a charm.

The one-piece dress I saw for the first time looked feminine enough, but as I already have her image imprinted in my head, there is a strange feeling due to the gap that occurs there.

Even the ripped, exposed thighs started to wriggle her evil instincts, and her voluminous body was even more highlighted, perhaps because she had tied her waist strap.

Unlike her dirty and hard personality, how soft is that skin? How good does it smell?

Ah. Can not be done. The more I think about it, the more horns come out.

If I continue to think beyond this, I think I will awaken as a demon.

“What? Is that really the limit? That’s f*cking disappointing.”

Doha The Prius gets up from its seat. Even the look of disappointment is s*xy.


But what’s the point? I had the feeling that if I sent the Doha Prius like this, I would never see it again.

Doha Urgently calling the Prius to turn around.

The face of the Doha Prius as it turns around clearly shows anticipation, not disappointment.


Reorganize the compliments that pass through your head.

Is this correct? I have a question for myself, but what should I do? Throw it out and see.

“Your blue eyes are pretty! The cool style with short hair is totally my taste! I really hate pants, but thanks to you, my taste has changed! The unnecessarily kind part is also cute!”

“That, uh, eh?”

I’m afraid I’ll chew my tongue, so I concentrate my whole mind and spit it out. Of course, the Doha Prius, which was hit by a rapid-fire rap, was embarrassed and stuttered with a surprised face.

“I really like his cool personality, and sometimes I couldn’t take my eyes off him because I was worried.”

“Uh. Uh. Yes, thank you?”

A Doha Prius whose face is gradually getting redder.

“Do you know how hard it was to pretend you didn’t see your breasts?”

“Uh. Huh? What?”

“Do you know what the belly button and abs are like? Aren’t there too few without being aware? That man? Do you think you can stand it?”

What am I talking about?

“What, what you bastard? Huh? Hey! You! You! Horn! Yamma!”


Doha The Prius looks surprised as it stutters to the end. He hurriedly approaches me while pointing his finger at me, but I can’t help but look so pretty.

“The horns are out, you madman…! Put them in!”

A Doha Prius that grabbed my horns with both hands. Thanks to her, she forced her to lower her stance to the same eye level as hers.

Are you worried about me right now?

Look into the sparkling pupils of the Doha Prius.

“Doha, Doha!”

“Put it in…!”

Even though I didn’t name you, she doesn’t seem to mind at all. She only cares about my identity.

Ouch. I don’t mean to break it by force.


“Boo, it’s broken.”

“Hut! Sorry!”

I heard a bad sound…

When he put his hand up and fumbled through his hair, he saw the real horns. Perhaps it was forcibly awakened by excessive visual stimuli.

It’s okay since it’s not clumsy.

“Did you like my compliments?”

She stares at her and smiles at her. She’s not smug, she lets out a boisterous laugh just by looking at her.

Doha The Prius couldn’t meet my eyes and wanted to avoid my gaze, but then pulled back.

“Where are you going again?”

Unknowingly, I stretch out my hand and wrap her around her waist as she tries to run away and pulls me back.

“Mi, Mi, Mi, are you crazy!! Let go? Don’t you? Do you want to search? Let go!”

The Doha Prius, caught in my arms, struggles in anger. It was just a literal struggle, and it had no meaning or power beyond that.

“You can loosen it by force and run away.”

At my question, the Doha Prius closed his mouth.

“Actually, that’s a good thing, isn’t it?”

Embracing the Doha Prius more strongly.

The struggle of her silently struggling to get out of my arms began to subside.

At the same time, the Doha Prius relaxed and came close to me.

“f*ck it.”

An unstoppable dragon princess who swears ferociously with her face buried in her chest.

“Do you really want to install it?”

“Crazy bastard.”

The Doha Prius, which has been dutifully swearing. Then she lifted her arm and hugged me.

It’s warm. It seems like it smells good, but my head has already reached the breaking point, so it’s impossible to tell what kind of scent it is.

The texture of the flesh felt through the single layer of fabric is insanely soft, and the desire to peel it off right away is like a chimney.

He raises his hand and gently strokes the back of the Doha Prius’s head. The Doha Prius flinched as soon as I touched it, but it quietly accepted my touch.

“That Doha.”


“It’s hot. Please don’t breathe too hard. Ohhhhh! Ohhhhh!”

An enormous amount of pressure is applied to the body. It’s because the arm of the Doha Prius that was wrapped around me tightened with the momentum to burst me.

It was the Doha Prius that released me when I urgently tapped her on the back and declared surrender.

“Looking back.”

The Doha Prius fell off my chest and blushed. Her slightly parted lips were shining with moisture, perhaps because of the moisture she exhaled.

When I couldn’t stand it any longer and pushed my face in, the Doha Prius opened his eyes wide as if he realized what was about to happen to him.

A little more to come. When they were close enough to feel each other’s breath, the Doha Prius drew his head behind him, inhaling his breath.

“Ah, isn’t it still early to kiss Ki? What about that? It’s sticky like lovers do, huh? Hey, it’s erotic!”

What is he talking about?

I pondered for a moment about her words. But no matter how much I thought about it, I couldn’t figure out if that would be a reason for us to stop, so I looked at her again.

“So we have to. Kiss.”

“Keys, keys, keys, kisses…! Suck!”

I don’t know.

Doha Pulling the back of the Prius head. Still, the bad case of lip smacking that popped up in that moment came to mind, and at the end I lost my strength.

Because I can’t cause a traffic accident like the carriage I did earlier.

Soft touch. Lips opened in bewilderment. Breathing irregular with excitement and surprise. The body of the Doha Prius bounces as if struck by lightning.

This is a kiss. f*ck… That’s f*cking good.

How To Tame an Academy Dragon

How To Tame an Academy Dragon

아카데미 일진 드래곤을 길들이는 방법
Score 8.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
Incubus 200th year of reincarnation. I became the owner of the canteen in front of the academy. And an Iljin* dragon that visits the store every day. ps:Iljin mean bully here


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not work with dark mode