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How To Tame an Academy Dragon Chapter 43

43. Becoming a Temporary Quartermaster at the Academy

Three days before the start of joint training. The inside of Belfia Academy was in a very noisy state.

It may be because the sophomores were excited ahead of the first joint training, but the most fundamental reason was the busyness of the staff who selected them as training grounds.

Everything should be ready when the students to be trained arrive.

Even if the students were to set up a camping camp for their own experience, teachers and staff had to do the maintenance of other essential facilities.

Practical experience is important, but since the person in charge is always a student, it is a pilot operation in a direction that focuses more on education.

For that reason, all employees, except for those necessary for academy operation, joined the advance party.

The training ground is deep in a small forest that appears when you head east from the capital.

The grove, which is said to be quite vast considering the size of the empire, even though it is small, is called the Purgio Forest after the old hero Purgius.

A long time ago, it is said that this forest was a demonic realm. The forest where the demon king resided and was dyeing the land with demonic energy, but the hero Purgius, who appeared at the call of the goddess, defeated the demon king and bestowed the blessing of the goddess.

Perhaps the foundation of the empire was built on such a thick forest?

Anyway, it’s a forest with a deep history and a story, a place where the demon king lived, and even the blessing of the goddess, so even thousands of years later, undiscovered dungeons appear.

From nob le mtl dot com

Not long ago, the Imperial Investigation Team discovered a two-story underground dungeon, and the high-ranking people who were wondering how to deal with it decided to try it as a practical experience for the academy students.

Of course, accidents can’t happen, so many adventurers and talented people were hired to serve as leaders or guardians, and after one leader was attached to each group, they dispersed and broke through the dungeon.

In the first place, since the dungeon had been investigated and the map had been completed, there was no way for an accident to happen. As the name implies, it must be more like a simple training ground.

I heard other difficult stories from Bamir in the carriage on the way to the dungeon, but the words were too difficult for me to understand, so I just let them go.

“As soon as you arrive, figure out the amount of mistakes and report them. This is the last chance to check if anything is missing. The rest will be resolved on the spot with the affiliated merchants.”

In the rattling carriage, Bamir briefed us in advance. It’s like a carriage.

I’m being carried on a carriage-like vehicle attached to a horse… But rather than a carriage, I feel like I’m riding on the back of a two-wheeler. It wasn’t very good.

“Especially Raj. The fireworks you’re checking are explosives, so you have to be really careful when handling them.”


“Don’t worry.

Barmir, who was stressing the importance to me, took a moment to look at Chad dozing beside him and clicked his tongue.

“Tsk. Anyway, it’s okay to make mistakes, so I record and keep records of all cases that happen during training. That way, I’ll use them next year too. Algan!”


Compared to Bamir’s powerful voice, the replies of the Quartermasters continued.

A month-long camp meant, in other words, that I couldn’t go home for a month. So I have no choice but to be strong.

“If you do well this time, you can start with the bonus and take care of it, so straighten your face, these guys.”

The eyes of the vendors, who had been staring blankly at the three letters “Bonus”, Began to come alive.

“How much?”

Chad, who had been dozing off, looked at Bamir with his eyes bright.

“Do you wake up while sleeping? I don’t know the details, but the accounting office said that I would take care of my share.”


The wagon, instantly buoyed by Bamir’s secret information, was overflowing with happy delusions of worrying about what to do with the money he received.

In the midst of all the fuss, each one thinking of a happy future, Bamir, who was sitting in front of me, started talking to me.

“What would you do if you had money?”

“Well, I never thought about it.”

Even when I made quite a bit of money from stationery, I didn’t have any particular plan on how to spend it, so I just kept it.

I’m not interested in luxury, and my place to sleep is on the second floor of the store. It’s not like I like to travel, so it would be accurate to say that I have nowhere to spend money.

“Hey dude. Earn it while you’re young so you can use it later.”

“It’s a start again, the captain’s old instruction.”

When Bamir’s voice rose a little, Chad jumped right in and pretended to cover his ears.

“I’m not an old man! How much does it cost to get married and buy a house?”

As if he was familiar with his nagging, Chad and other Quartermasters pretended to have heard him and continued the conversation among themselves.

On the other hand, Nana Reika, who had just joined the company, couldn’t bear to ignore Bamir’s words.

In the end, the troubles of the boss are for the youngest.

“You’re both young. Do it while you’re strong. Don’t get sick because you’re old. Especially uh!”

Bamir pointed at me at first.

“You must make a lot of money, man. You covet that crazy dragon… Or the dragon princess.”

“Hey! Long useless words!”

Before Bamir could finish his words, Chad stepped in and blocked his mouth. Even if I put aside Bamir, who is choked up by Chad and struggles, I can feel the eyes on me in an instant.

I pretended not to be, talking to each other and looking at different places, but all the people in the carriage were already focusing on me.

“Let’s go. We have a long way to go. Everyone is tired, so let’s get some sleep.”

Chad pretends to be calm and encourages his teammates to take a break. Conversely, Reika looked at me and licked her lips to see if there were many things she wanted to ask.

From the looks of Reika and Chad, I realized that they were holding back their curiosity because they thought of me in their own way.

Seeing that Vamir, who had been stopped by Chad, also scratched his chin with an embarrassed expression, it seemed that he said it unconsciously.

I don’t mean to keep secrets or anything like that. It’s a bit strange to tell the story first. And even if I solve the story, I don’t know where to start, how, and to what extent.

“Hmm! Mo, I’m thirsty. Chad, give me some water.”

Bamir looks for a water bottle, and Chad hands him the bottle. The moment Bamir brought the water bottle handed to him by Chad to his lips, Reika, who was sitting diagonally to the left, burst out in curiosity.

“Um… Are you dating that dragon princess by any chance?”



Bamir spurted water and Chad freaked out and moved to the other side. The other Quartermasters also evaded with fairly quick movements, but I, who was sitting in front of Bamir, was unable to go anywhere and was directly hit by a water pistol.

“Ra, Mr. Raj!”

“Hey! A towel towel!”

A fuss broke out as the supply officers scoured the area to find the towel.

“Mi, I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay.”

I roughly wiped the water from his face with my hand. Still, there is one brush every morning. I’m glad it doesn’t smell weird.

“Wipe it with this. I’m sorry. Uh.”

My fellow Quartermasters remained silent as I dried myself off with the towel Chad handed me. After I wiped the towel off the water that splashed on my head, I saw that everyone was staring at me.

You seem to be getting a lot of attention and attention from people around you these days. It’s more tolerable than the past few days when they openly dragged aggro at school.

“Boo, it’s burdensome. It’s been a while since I’ve had this kind of interest hahahahaha. Ha…”

It was a joke thrown to relieve the stiff atmosphere, but the absurdity was evident on the faces of the colleagues.

And my pointless jokes only fueled their curiosity.

“If this is burdensome, what are you going to do?”

“You are the most famous person in the capital right now.”

“Are you really dating?”

While each person was helping out with a word, Reika’s stone fastball was lodged in her chest.

“We’re dating. We’re just acquaintances.”

“You know that dragon…”


I could have used my strength and denied it, but for some reason I didn’t want to do it again. At first, I wondered why I was like that, but strangely, the moment I heard people’s reactions, I could understand the reason as I felt a sense of pride.

“How long have you known each other?”

Maybe it was because he calmly reacted to a subject I thought was sensitive, but Chad, who had stopped Bamir earlier, stepped forward and tried to satisfy his curiosity.

“Ah. I do a stationery shop in front of that school. Should I say I’m a regular? A VIP? He comes often.”


A small exclamation came out of people’s mouths. Why am I so happy to see their reactions?

“I love chocolate sora bread so much that I buy it often. Well, that’s about it. Just as I was working, I came to see it.”


Speak as insignificantly as possible. And as if introducing an ordinary daily life, he continues to talk nonchalantly.

“Every time they come and take away the bread, do you know how much I lost? I didn’t even say thank you.”

She wondered how much money she would have if she counted the bread that was brought to her. When she hit Suji Tasan, her heart sank.

“The words are so harsh again, this guy, that guy, this guy, that guy.”


My fellow Quartermasters only nodded their heads and agreed with my story, which suddenly turned into lamentation.

“Just today, a strange vehicle suddenly came and caused a nuisance. The worst. The worst.”

“Hmm. I see.”

“I’d really like to give it a shot, but for real… I’m holding back.”

As I spoke, I became empathetic towards myself. It seems that the fever has risen quite a bit.

After sighing, I turned my head and looked up at the vast sky. Looking at the clear sky without a single cloud, it felt a little calming.

“The damn lizard.”

After that, the voice from the carriage disappeared. Everyone didn’t open their mouths, as if they were thinking about the stories I poured out.

I wanted to sleep, so I closed my eyes, but I couldn’t sleep at all with the image of the Doha Prius in my head.

I felt ashamed enough to kick the covers all night, especially when I thought of the embarrassing play with fire in front of the main building.

“So don’t mess with that dragon princess.”

I got grumpy for no reason, so I complained to the supply officers who were resting.

I can hear Chad giggling and Bamir snorting. I wondered what kind of expression he was making, but I didn’t want to open my eyes, so I just leaned back and stayed still.

Damn dragon. Nope really

“Hey look. That bastard is splitting threads. He’s funny.”

“You’re so unlucky.”

Bamir and Chad wake up to the whispering voice. When I raise my head and look at them, Bamir and Chad seem to be different from each other.

I wondered what it was, so I looked around and saw that the other Quartermasters were also ignoring me.

“Why? What did I do?”

“No. No. Go to sleep.”

“Yeah, you didn’t do anything wrong. No, just sleep because you’re f*cking.”

These people say what I did. Are you embarrassed? I was really honest about what I was saying.

“No really I…”

“Yes, yes. Hey, hey. Are you tired?”


Bamir and Chad worked together to calm me down and cut me off. Even after that, the carriage was noisy for quite a while thanks to me asking what I did wrong and the vendors making fun of me.

How To Tame an Academy Dragon

How To Tame an Academy Dragon

아카데미 일진 드래곤을 길들이는 방법
Score 8.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
Incubus 200th year of reincarnation. I became the owner of the canteen in front of the academy. And an Iljin* dragon that visits the store every day. ps:Iljin mean bully here


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not work with dark mode