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How to Steal the Protagonist’s Woman 915

Chapter 915 – 915.Yggdrasil (7)

“… “Isn’t that a castle wall?”

Until I heard Han Bom’s words, I had no idea that those piles of stones were a castle wall.

The reason was that it was dark at night and the surrounding environment could not be seen.

However, after hearing the word castle wall, the surrounding environment gradually came into view and I was able to realize that it was a castle wall.

A pile of collapsed stones between the castle walls

“It looks like a castle wall.”

Coincidentally, there was a castle wall at the place we came up, and it seemed like the wall had just collapsed.

Hanbom looked up at the big Hangaeul and asked.

“Hey, do you know why that collapsed?”
“Eh? How do I know that!?”
“You said you were a prophet?”
“A prophet only sees the future!?”
“Then you can predict the future and find out why it collapsed.”
“It’s a shame, but since it’s just been uploaded, there’s very little information.”

Mid-Autumn’s foresight operates based on crisis and information.

Emergency foreknowledge that is activated in the event of a crisis or your own life, and foretelling the future based on the collection of surrounding information.

However, Han Ga-eul currently had no information about the 4th floor.

The only thing that helps by raising the current level is emergency prognosis.

Han Ga-eul explained that Basic Precognition cannot currently be activated.

“To improve my foresight, I have to keep accumulating information. “The reason I made money through prophecy on the third floor was because I kept an eye on all the people on the third floor.”
“… So that means I’m useless here?”
“No, how come my abilities are like this!?”

Hanbom and Han Gaeul began bickering and bickering as usual.

It was like a comical conversation, but I decided that it could easily turn into a fight, so I immediately started mediation.


Han Bom and Han Autumn closed their mouths at my firm words.

‘You listen really well to one word.’

I chuckled to myself and looked around.

“It’s too dark.”

Min Ha-yeon nodded as if agreeing with what I said.

“So I deliberately came up in the morning, but if I had known that time passes differently on the 4th floor, I should have come up at night.”

Everyone nodded at Min Ha-yeon’s words.

Except for one person.

“I thought it was kind of cool, but it was night.”

Namgung Yuha was keeping a watchful eye on the surroundings on our behalf.

“Plus, there was a seriously strong smell of gunpowder…”

Namgung Yuha trailed off for a moment, and then she concluded her last words with a shallow sigh.

“There is a strong smell of burning animals.”

Although Namgung Yuha expressed it indirectly, everyone understood what she meant.

Everyone knew that there was already a war going on here, so they made up their minds.

Nevertheless, everyone looked disgusted by the smell they sensed through their sense of smell.

‘It’s not a skill everyone should worry about, but they probably aren’t used to situations like this.’

The only information we currently have is that the 4th and 5th floors are at war.

Listening to Namgung Yuha’s words in a situation where I don’t know the exact internal situation, I couldn’t help but feel more anxious…

“Let’s find the gate first.”

It would be possible to climb over a collapsed castle wall, but if you do that, you will immediately be charged with an additional crime and your quiet life will be ruined.

I led the party members and started moving along the castle wall.

‘If you follow the wall, you will find the gate on your own.’

Everyone calmly followed me without any rebuttal, as if they agreed with my thoughts.

I don’t mean to say side by side in the expression.

Min Ha-yeon, Han Bom, and Han Ga-eul were following me in a huddle, right behind me.

‘These women are women.’

The towns and cities we have visited so far have one or two unsafe elements, but we have never doubted their basic safety.

However, this city was in such a miserable state that it seemed like you would encounter monsters or robbers as soon as you entered.

I also understood.

If nothing else, the lack of safety inside the city is a very serious problem.

Besides, if you suddenly come to a place like this after living a luxurious life in the royal class for a few weeks, it will take some time to adjust.

‘Is it a bit similar to when I went up to the second floor?’

The most unsettling situation was when I encountered ghosts on the second floor.

And everyone was showing the same thing as they did back then.

Except for one person.

“This high wall has collapsed in many places… What kind of attack did I get? .”

Namgung Yuha was calmly checking the collapsed castle walls from time to time through Balcheonbo.

As I followed the walls that had collapsed in various places…

“Huh? Who are you!?”

I was able to meet unidentified soldiers.

Five soldiers urgently aimed their weapons in our direction.

‘What can I say… Strangely, there is no threat at all.’

It may be rude to say this to the soldiers, but it wasn’t a joke, it really didn’t feel threatening at all.

Rough-looking armor that ignores design and weapons that don’t look in good condition…

In addition, he was wearing a clunky helmet that made it impossible to see his expression.

The only ones who would feel threatened by seeing something like that would be the summoners who had just ascended to the first floor.

I responded to them as a representative to sort out the situation.

“We are summoners who just came up from the third floor. “I was just looking for the gate.”

The soldiers suddenly started talking loudly, then immediately put away their weapons and came towards us.

If it didn’t feel intimidating before, it felt like it was full of favorability now.

“Sorry. “They were fighting a big battle all morning, so they were mistaken for enemy troops.”

It was a situation that could have been misunderstood.

I received an apology as the representative and accepted it politely.

“I understand.”
“Thank you for your understanding. “Is this your first time visiting Umbra?”

When I gave him a puzzled look, the soldier nodded, laughing into his helmet.

“Yes, the city you are facing now is Umbra. And I…”

A soldier answered as a representative, taking off his helmet.

“This is Dray, the gate guard captain.”

Originally, we would have had to introduce ourselves here as well.



I couldn’t bring myself to introduce it.

His face with his helmet off…

“This… Sorry. “There have been few summoners who have visited recently, so I just showed my face without realizing it.”

It certainly had human facial features, but it was so pale that it looked distant from a human.


Dray, who introduced himself as the guard captain, had a face too pale to be described as human.

And the soldiers accompanying him were the same.

But only after learning his identity were we able to understand his pale face.

“I am a vampire race belonging to the inhabitants of the night.”

Since the races themselves were different in the first place, it was only natural.

“Sorry. Because we rarely see other races…”

The reason I apologize is simple.

This was because everyone stiffened when they saw his expression.

But Dray responded by bowing his head as if he didn’t care at all.

Haha, it’s okay. “It happens once in a while.”

Perhaps because this happens surprisingly often, he accepted our apology right away.

No, it didn’t seem like he thought it was rude to begin with…

With his guidance, we were able to quickly arrive at the castle gate.

‘… ‘You’re not going to fall down, are you?’

Just as the walls were in disrepair, the gates were also in poor condition.

No joke, the door was in such a precarious state that I thought it might fall and hit the visitor.

Fortunately, the place we passed was not the castle gate.

It was an ordinary wooden door next to the castle gate.

It was only natural that the gates were rarely opened for a few visitors.

“This is the checkpoint. “As this is an exhibition situation, we are verifying the identities of all visitors, so please understand.”
“All right. “How much is the entrance fee?”

Perhaps because so many people were ripped off on the 3rd floor, the point story came out first without me even realizing it.

But Dray, who heard my question…

Haha! They charge an entrance fee. “I’m just grateful you came to visit!”

He laughed as if my question was strange.

It wasn’t a laugh.

Everyone was smiling like Dray.

“Did you say that you have to pay an entrance fee to enter the city on the 3rd floor?”
“That’s right, it’s amazing every time I hear it.”
“They even say you have to pay an admission fee again when you go out and come back in.”
“Well… “These guys are crazy about points.”

Everyone was rather surprised to learn that there was an admission fee.

Dray laughed for a while, then reassured us.

“There is no entrance fee to Umbra. “Please write only your personal information.”

We were each given a piece of paper and started writing down basic information on it.

‘I’m not used to this again.’

Letitia City on the 3rd floor was just a free pass if you gave it points.
In comparison, Umbra does not receive points, but identity verification was thorough.

It was as if other soldiers from far away were exchanging stories about our appearances and writing them down on paper.

While going through this cumbersome process, a problem arose.

“Namgoong Yuha, would you like me to write it for you?”
“Ah… “Can I ask you a favor?”

This was because Namgung Yuha could not fill in her own information.

Namgung Yuha can sense her objects, but she cannot even recognize the letters written on them.

Naturally, since the form written on her paper was indistinguishable, she could not write down her own information.

But the real big problem was what happened next.

“… Namgung Yuha?”

As soon as Dray heard her Namgung Yuha’s name, she let out a meaningful voice.

And as he mentioned her Namgung Yuha’s name, other soldiers also began to exchange her name.

“What? “Is that her?”
“That woman is what the detachment leader said…”

The atmosphere that had been bright until now suddenly began to subside.

I carefully whispered to Namgung Yuha.

“Do you know why the soldiers do that?”
“Well… It’s my first time visiting the 4th floor, so I’m not sure. Plus, it’s the first time I’ve met the people here…”

The guard captain chatted quietly with the soldiers and eventually opened the checkpoint door wide and left.

“Please wait a moment!”

Seeing that, I unconsciously became wary and spoke quietly to the members.

“Everyone, just in case. “I’m preparing.”
“Sorry. Because I was accompanying him for no reason…”
“Are you okay. Namgung Yuha’s fault…”

It was a moment of comfort and caution to Namgung Yuha.

Quang! Paaaaang!


Suddenly the checkpoint door broke and she fell forward.

Thick dust began to burst out of the checkpoint, which was already dusty.

Everyone was surprised and took out their weapons and took a fighting stance.

The moment you try to attack, expecting an enemy to jump out of the dust…

“Everyone, stop attacking!”

Namgung Yuha suddenly took the lead and stretched out her arms to stop us.

Why is she suddenly blocking us like this when she was in an attacking stance just now?

Namgung Yuha opened her mouth with a sigh of relief when she saw the real us.

“Long time no see. Izanka.”

At the same time as Namgung Yuha said…


“Oooh! It was really Namgung Yuha! “It’s been so long!!!”

A barbarian-like woman cleared the dust and came out.

We were able to enter the city under the guidance of a woman who suddenly burst through the checkpoint.

“Fuhahaha! “I never thought you would visit here!”
“I never thought we would meet so soon.”


She was a woman reminiscent of a barbarian, with a height of about 190 cm and huge muscles reminiscent of a male bodybuilder.

For reference, her shoulders were as thick as my thighs.

If her breasts were small, she would have been mistaken for a man.

And her identity is…

“It looks like you abandoned us and found a new party member!?”

He was a former party member of Namgung Yuha.

The reason why the guard captain called Izanka as soon as he heard Namgung Yuha’s name was because Izanka had told the guard captain in advance.

In case a summoner named Namgung Yuha visits her, she tells him to call her.

Namgung Yuha sighed with an embarrassed expression.

“You’re throwing it away…”
“Fuhahaha! Just kidding, kidding! “It’s actually nice to see people interacting with each other!”
“I was also relieved that Izanka was doing well.”

This woman is one of the monster party members… I finally understood it.

‘Now I know why she was able to catch Shock Rain.’

No kidding, if you look at her appearance alone, this Janka has the brute muscles that make her look like she could rip off a Shockbee’s head with her bare hands.

We formally greeted Izanka.

“Hello. “I am Seong Su-ho.”
“I’m Min Ha-yeon…”

After completing her introduction, Janka Lee smiled with satisfaction and introduced herself.

“I am Izanka! “I am currently serving as the leader of Umbra’s separate branch.”

I didn’t know what mission the separate unit was assigned to, but I could tell that she was holding an important position.

Izanka smiled cheerfully and spoke to us.

“It’s been such a long time since we last met, why don’t we have a drink!?”
“Izanka… These people just came up to the 4th floor. No matter how late the night is, suddenly drinking alcohol is…”

Namgung Yuha tried to somehow calm down her Izanka.

She was embarrassed, but she also seemed worried that we would be harmed because of her.

However, after hearing Namgung Yuha’s words, Izanka said something unexpected.

“Fuhahaha! “It’s night time, you’re telling a funny joke!”

Namgung Yu Haya, even if she can’t see her eyes… She suddenly couldn’t figure out why she was smiling.

Han Bom tilted her head as she looked around her.

“Anyone can tell, isn’t it night now?”
“Fuhahaha! It’s night… Well, since it was my first time here, it was probably a natural reaction. Look up.”

Not only me, but all the members raised their heads and looked up at the sky.

The sky I saw for the first time, there were no clouds or the moon…

“Uh… What?”

The stone ceiling blocked the sky.

An unfamiliar place with a stone ceiling rather than the sky.

At first, I thought this was a huge cave.

All members except Namgung Yuha looked at Izanka as if hoping for an explanation from her.

This Janka responded by shrugging one of her shoulders and shrugging her thighs at the same time as she grinned.

“There is a stone ceiling so huge that it turns Umbra into night… “It is the bottom of the floating island that supports the Kingdom of Arbos, which is just above.”

How to Steal the protagonists woman

How to Steal the protagonists woman

주인공의 여자를 빼앗는 방법
Score 6.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
There are heroes in this world. Unlike us lowly people, humans who were chosen by the absolutes. And I am a human who steals the women of such protagonists.


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not work with dark mode