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How to Steal the Protagonist’s Woman 878

Chapter 878 – 878. Hero Academy (6)

Seongsuah looked at me with her perplexed eyes.


Sung Soo-ah’s eyes were full of embarrassment.

Seong Soo-ah was staring at me with an expression as if she was facing a scene she couldn’t see.

I sighed as if I had given up and opened my mouth.

“There is nothing I can do about it.”

Saying that, she calmly sat down on the floor.

As soon as she sat on the floor, she leaned her back against the wall, closed her eyes as if she had given up, and muttered:

“Take a break for an hour or two before going.”

Seong Soo-ah, who heard my words, replied with a bright smile.

“Thank you.”

The reason I suddenly decided to take a break like this was simple.

“I didn’t expect you to fall asleep all of a sudden.”

It was because as soon as Yeriel finished her meal, she suddenly fell asleep.

At first, she seemed to think that Yeriel’s sudden sleep was my fault, but she soon realized that it was not.

“I didn’t expect you to fall asleep like this all of a sudden…”

She couldn’t stand the sudden relief of her tension and she fell asleep on the spot.

“Call me for a minute…”

Seong Soo-ah cautiously started communicating with her using her smart watch.

It seemed that she was trying to figure out the situation of her colleagues.

If there is an emergency, she will wake up Yeriel even if she is forced to.

Because that’s the correct answer

As soon as Seong Soo-ah finished her call, she sighed in relief and answered.

“They said that the two search teams had just met. She told me to rest there for a while.”

This gave Yariel enough of her justification for taking a break from her.

Seong Soo-ah muttered as she looked down at her sleeping Yeriel.

“I guess you’ve relaxed.”

As Seong Soo-ah said, being relaxed is probably the main reason.

Before Yeriel met Seongsuah, she was going all over the place at an unbelievable speed.

‘Maybe he stayed that way after falling off the search party.’

Close to 24 hours she was alone and not even resting. At that rate she would have been looking for a search party.


Of course not.

Since she can’t be reached, she must have been worried.

She organized and led a search party on her own initiative, but she was the only person in charge of the situation.

Even at the moment of being subjected to the transfer gimmick, a fierce battle was unfolding.

Fear would have bloomed inside because I couldn’t reach you.

She was afraid that something big might happen to the search party she led…

Thanks to that, a lot of stress must have accumulated, and that stress must have been…

“You’re sleepy when you’re full.”

The food I gave them would have freed them at once.

After saying that, I immediately closed my eyes and leaned against the wall as if to sleep.

Then he let out a low voice.

“I should take a nap too. When she wakes up that girl she wakes up behind him. And…”
“… ?”

I looked at Seongsuah tilting her head, closed her eyes, and leaned her head against the wall.

“When she wakes up, tell her I slept first. Because it’s not okay to run amok because of her worthless pride.”
“… Thank you.”

Seong Soo-ah would have understood me well.

If it’s Yeriel, she’ll definitely blame herself for her mistake as soon as she wakes up.

At least if I fell asleep first, the guilt would be lessened.

And Seong Soo-ah seems to have adequately understood my consideration…

‘Armonia, wake me up if something happens.’
[All right.]
‘If there is a dangerous situation for Lena and Moonjua, she will use the warp unconditionally. The same goes for Moon Joo-ah.’
[All right.]

I slowly fell asleep while listening to Armonia’s reliable answer.


I woke up after 2 hours.

And the atmosphere was very different from two hours ago.

“Why did you do that?”
“I’m sorry. You slept so hard…”

Yeriel covered her forehead and let out a sigh, but she didn’t criticize Seongsuah too much.

She knows herself

The fact that her own fault is bigger…

However, Yeriel continued to nag Seong Soo-ah.

“Thank you for your consideration. But… You know what’s going on right now.”

Yeriel’s nagging was more like she was reprimanding herself for her mistakes than she was angry.

“I’m not trying to evade my mistakes. But if I make a mistake, it’s important that you correct me right next to me.”
“… Sorry.”

In fact, as Yeriel said, Sung Soo-ah also had some mistakes.

Seong Soo-ah was in a position to distinguish between public and private life no matter how much the opponent was the head of the tower.

If she had been in a situation where Yeriel couldn’t wake up, she wouldn’t have had a problem.

However, Yeriel just fell asleep in the accumulation and satiety of her blood.

He was, in fact, justified in waking him up.

Even so, the reason Sung Soo-ah couldn’t wake up was simple.

‘… How am I going to wake him up if he’s sleeping like that?’

It was because the appearance of Yeri El’s chair stimulated her Seongsu’s maternal love.

Although Yeriel’s mental age was far above her, the image of her sleeping Yeriel was only her elementary school student.

Seongsuah would hardly have been able to wake her up to her appearance of Yeriel, who is hard to see in her usual.

“If I have a problem, you are the one in charge. I hope you realize that fact.”
“… I will keep that in mind.”
“… I’m really sorry. I didn’t know you could fall asleep like that.”
“Oh no! It must have been a tiring situation.”

Seongsu Ahdo answered seriously as if Yeriel’s words had touched her heart.

After the conversation with Sung Soo-ah, Yeriel…


She started glancing at me following behind me.

Seong Soo-ah was in a situation where I explained that I fell asleep first, as I had told her beforehand.

Perhaps if she were Yeriel, she would listen to Seongsuah and she would be thinking two things.

One is that I slept first, as Seong Soo-ah said, and the second is that she saw herself sleeping and thought it was an opportunity and slept.

It doesn’t matter which one you believe in.

‘It’s fine as long as I don’t get caught.’

Yeriel’s liking towards me was not important.

It was enough for the two of them to get out of here safely, and then I hand over the business to Yeriel.

‘In the end, all members of the search team must be safe to convey the matter, but…’

If something bad happened to her search party, she would most likely become emotional about Yeriel.

Then, apart from his liking for me, there was a high possibility that his trustworthiness would fall into the abyss.

I tried to ignore Yeriel’s glaring eyes and followed her…

“Uh? What door…”

I was able to find a huge stone gate that I had never seen before.

The height and width of the stone gate were approximately 50 meters each, and a huge sun and moon were engraved on the top of the stone gate.

In the middle, huge lions, snakes, eagles, and other animals were carved in three dimensions looking up at the sun and moon.

At the bottom, at our eye level, two pupils protruded three-dimensionally.

The pupils were the size of a human palm.

The right eye was painted gold, and the left eye was painted silver.

And above those eyes…

“It is an unknown sentence.”

As Seong Su-ah said, there were hard-to-recognize ancient characters engraved on it.

In fact, the stone gate itself could not be called a problem.

Anyway, our purpose was to join the search party.

Such an important door is enough to stop by later when officially exploring the dungeon.


“… I think this is the road, what should I do?”

It was the fact that this door was blocking our way.

“Although there are other passages…”

As Sung Su-ah said, besides the huge stone gate, there was another open passage on the left side.

The passageway was not comparable to the stone gate in front of me, but it gave off an atmosphere that seemed like an important treasure.

But that aisle…

“I don’t think it is over there.”

Anyone could see that there was a distance from the direction the search party was pointing to.

In terms of direction, it was closer to the aisle we had just passed through when we arrived here.

“Yeriel, what should I do? Shall we go down that aisle for now? Maybe there is a way around it.”

Seong Soo-ah relayed the situation and began to ask for Yeriel’s opinion.

However, Yeriel did not listen to Seongsuah, focused on the stone gate in front of him, and barely opened his mouth.

“Only those who can connect the sun and moon using the weight of life will be able to pass through this place.”
“Uh!? Can you read this?”
“Huh… And below… There are instructions on how to get through this door.”

The method was simple.

It was said that if you put your right hand on the golden pupil and your left hand on the silver pupil and meet the conditions, you can pass.

“There are traces of other sentences written under the method, but… It is too damaged to be recognized.”

But once there was a way to get through, it was a great harvest.

‘And… Maybe it’s because he’s older, he’s got a lot of knowledge.’
[… Please don’t say that in front of yourself.]

Do I know that much?

Do you know who is stupid…

While I grumbled, Yeriel and Seongsuah continued their discussion.

And the discussion didn’t last as long as expected.

“Let’s just try it. There is no law saying that the road continues even if you turn around.”

He was determined to break through the stone gate.

It seemed that he had decided that he was in no position to cover up the situation as his colleagues were heading towards the door.

After making that decision, Yariel attempted to place her hand over her pupil.


“Yeriel! Wait a minute!”

Seongsuah grabbed Yeriel’s arm and restrained him.

The reason she stopped was simple.

“I will do it first.”

It meant taking a risk.

The end was to find out if he was a person who could pass through the gate with only his hand raised if it was true to the sentence written on the stone gate.

There seemed nothing particularly dangerous.


Yeriel was not different from Sung Soo-ah’s thoughts.

“No. Something unexpected might happen when she raises her hand. If such a situation comes, of course it would be better for me to deal with it.”

Rather than believing in Seongsu-ah, Yeriel showed her willingness to embrace her danger.

She would be perfect for this job if she had her traps, as Yeriel said.

However, Seong Soo-ah began to persuade Yeriel in a different way.

“Yeriel-nim, you have to lead the search party.”
“That goes for you too…”
“No. If you ever have a problem with Yeriel… The entire search party could be in danger. The search party needs Yeriel more than me.”

Seong Soo-ah’s opinion was also valid.

Yeriel was the center of the search party.

If you think about it calmly, it was the standard for Sung Soo-ah to try it for confirmation.

“Did you just say that? Don’t put your personal feelings in a place like this…”
“… Okay. It did.”

Yeriel smiled dejectedly at his words and nodded his head, as if he thought he had been victimized.

“Then I will ask you. If… If there is a problem, I will come right to you.”

Seong Soo-ah smiled and started walking towards her door.

In her honest feelings, I wanted to dry it myself. But…

‘What can I do? Shall we throw away the concept right now?’
[I don’t think that’s necessary.]
‘Huh? Why?’
[That door only has a function to check who passes through.]
‘Eh? How do you know?’
[I will show you the temperament window of that door.]
‘What? Temperament window?’

I wondered if there was a window on the stone door, but…

Pharaoh seal

[Death Scales], [Apathy], [Fairness]…

It had a temper window named Pharaoh Sealing Door.

‘That’s awful… That’s interesting.’
[First of all, please check the temperament called -[Death Scales]-.]

The temperament of the Pharaoh Sealed Door -[Death Scale]- Was a confirmation procedure to pass through the door that Yeriel mentioned earlier.

If you put your hand on the pupil, the weight of life was measured, and the door was opened for those who matched.

However, there was an ambiguous part.

‘The weight of life… ? Are you talking about age… ?’
[It seems similar.]
‘Her… It seems there won’t be any problems just by touching the palm of your hand.’

After hearing Armonia’s explanation, I was relieved and was able to watch.

Seongsuah raised her right hand to the right eye where golden light flowed.



Suddenly, the pupil inside the pupil began to vibrate like crazy.

“This… This… Do they look like living eyes?”

Hearing Seongsuah’s words, Yeriel carefully placed her hand on her right eye.

This time, the pupil shook.

“… Really.”

It seemed that the reason for the shaking was that it was painful to touch his bare eyes with his hands.

After Seong Soo-ah settled down again, she began to raise her hand.

“Hey, it doesn’t seem like a big problem. I will now put my hands up.”

When Sung Soo-ah put her hands on both of her eyes, they started shaking again.

However, in the end, it only fluctuated, but it did not harm Seongsuah.

And after a while…

“Uh… ?”

Suddenly, the shape of the sun drawn on the top of the huge stone gate began to glow in golden light.

And starting with the sun, the animals under it began to emit light into their eyes in turn from the right.

After shining the eyes of the lion and the snake…


The eyes that Seongsuah was holding her hand lowered their eyelids and all the lights went out.

By this point, you should know what the situation means.

“… Sorry. I think I failed.”

It meant failure.

I knew roughly what the verification process was like.

When you put your hand on your eyes, the sun’s light flows out.

After that, after the sun’s light goes through the eyes of the animals in the middle in turn, you can light up the moon at the door on the left.

“Once it’s confirmed safe, I’ll try.”

Next was Yeriel.

As Yeriel approached, she raised her eyelids again, revealing her pupils.

Yeriel was out of reach of her height, so she levitated and then put her palms on either side.

Stretching her arms out to the sides…


She blushed softly, thinking that Yeriel had shown her something embarrassing.

The distance between the pupils was no problem for an adult, but it was a little too much for the small-sized Yeriel.


Yeriel, whether aware of my expression or not, placed her hand over her eyes, her face slightly reddening.

Let her raise her palm like that…

The sun shone much brighter than before.

Then, she began to see light pouring out of the eyes of the animals in the order of lion, snake, and eagle under her.

“Yes, Miss Yeriel! We are almost done!”

The moment the moon shines with the cheers of Sung Soo-ah…



All the lights in the stone gate went out.

Yeriel groaned at her regret, but Seongsuah jumped up and started to rejoice.

“A few more tries will make it look promising.”
“Whoa… Then once again…”

Saying that, Yeriel raised her hand again.

But even after that, she barely managed to get close to the moon, but she couldn’t make moonlight.

Rather, the more I did it, the more I got tired, so I felt like the light level was getting lower and the distance was getting shorter.

“Yeriel-nim, I think it would be better to do it after resting.”
“… Okay.”

Even if Yeriel’s body was childish, her mind was not childish.

Judging that it was not a problem that could be solved in a hurry, Yeriel seemed to be trying with a clear mind after concentrating her mind through her meditation.

‘If Yeriel can’t do it, then I can’t too? Even if Yeriel looks like that, she’s quite old.’
[Suho seems to pass without difficulty.]
‘Eh? Using hand techniques?’

Do you mean to touch that eye and make it go away?


I didn’t say it over the phone, but I wondered if he was reading my thoughts.

Armonia was silent for a while, but eventually she gave up and explained to me.

[Pay attention to the temperament on the sealing door.]

As Armonia said, I looked through the temperament window of the Pharaoh’s sealed door.

And a striking temperament…

‘Oh! Would this be enough?’

There was one

I started slowly heading towards the sealed door with anticipation.

As I headed towards the sealed door, Sung Soo-ah looked at me with her curious eyes.

And Yeriel, who was meditating with her eyes closed, heard the sound of her footsteps and began to look at me with her narrow eyes.

The two of them started whispering with me next to me.

“Are you going to try?”
“… It won’t work.”

Listening to Yeriel’s blunt answer, I chuckled.

‘I’m sorry, but joining first is important.’

I thought so and placed both palms on top of my eyes.

When I raised my palm, the pupils began to vibrate as if in pain.

And the sun’s light began to pour out.

First of all, it was brighter than Sung Soo-ah.

However, no one could compare it to Yeriel’s light.

After checking the amount of light I created, Yeriel closed her eyes in relief and began to meditate again.

‘… Please don’t hurt your pride.’

Obviously, at this rate, it would not be possible to create moonlight as Yeriel had hoped.

But for me…

‘Now, should I try it?’

There was an easy way to get through this door.

I didn’t put strength on my palms, but gave strength to my eyes and looked at both eyes.



The pupils fluctuated as if facing the god of death…


The light of the sun began to shine enough to light up the whole surroundings.

And not long after the sun was shining…

“Everything, moonlight… It is shining!”

Even the moonlight began pouring out so strongly that it enveloped the surroundings.

Cuckoo coo coo!

Unlike the two who failed earlier, the stone gate began to open with a roar.

After a while, the stone gate opened, and I smiled at the opened stone gate.

‘Kya… Cerberus, your eyes are dazzled.’

At the same time, the temperament of the pharaoh sealing door that Armonia had opened earlier came into my eyes.


How to Steal the protagonists woman

How to Steal the protagonists woman

주인공의 여자를 빼앗는 방법
Score 6.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
There are heroes in this world. Unlike us lowly people, humans who were chosen by the absolutes. And I am a human who steals the women of such protagonists.


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not work with dark mode