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How to Steal the Protagonist’s Woman 65

Chapter 65 – Episode 65 the First Vacation Is in the Demon Castle (13)

“Wrong. Teacher…. Please… Punish me.”
“How could I stab the princess with my hand….”
“Please… Punish me.”

Rather, the gongnyeo had an expression of pleading with me.

If I say this, will Armonia believe me?

I don’t think I’ll believe it once I say it….

‘Fuck, who believes this….’

Who would have imagined that suddenly the princess would lift up her skirt and ask for her ass to be spanked….

There was no way to know if her princess’s thinking algorithm was messed up or if I had subconsciously messed with her princess.

‘But I can pass it on like this….’

It’s a dream anyway, so there won’t be a big problem even if you hit it.

But the sleeping candles she drank apparently had a weak anesthetic effect, she said.

Chop the ass of her princess! If I suddenly wake up the moment I hit it and blow a hand knife at my throat, that day could be the end of my life.

It all started with foreplay.

Foreplay to hit the bread….

If it had been pure white panties before, this time it was pink silk panties similar to her hair color.

The lace-rimmed pink undergarments shimmered in the sun.

I grabbed a handful of her tight hips.

“Huh! Ha….”
“Princess, why did you play well until the end and then make a mistake?”
“That, that… I’m sorry!”

Jumuluck, Jumuluck.

The war-torn body of the gongnyeo boasted of a body without any flab, but her buttocks were filled with flesh.

“Huh, huh!”
“Are you moaning now? In the time of divine instruction?”
“That, that…Hehe!”
“I really can’t. With this attitude, such absurd mistakes happen!”
“Huh! Sin, sorry….”

It was effective to give such high-handed coercion to a princess who strictly followed her hierarchy.

The princess hadn’t even hit her yet, but even her ears turned red and she let out her breath.

The elasticity of her hips was the best I’ve ever met.

I stopped massaging her ass and looked at her princess.

The sight of her princess turning her head toward me and looking up at me incited my sadism.

But I persevered.

‘Let’s live for now. You can get fucked….’

In any case, the situation in which the princess wakes up should be avoided.


“You must be devastated by the class dealing with sacred music.”


“Huh…. Stand, teacher….”

It’s embarrassing, but it seemed like he was asking me to stop.

I thought I’d give it up for now and then hit it hard with the sleep skill.

But when she lowered her hand, the princess’s trembling voice was heard.

“That… That doesn’t seem like a reflection. Me, i… More… Harder….”

Hey, what?

I wondered if I had heard wrong.

Once I pushed her hard.

“I have the right to corporal punishment! Are you giving me orders?”
“Oh no! Sin, sorry….”

The princess hurriedly lowered the skirt of her dress in a rigid posture and stood upright, then she sat down on her chair again.

‘Isn’t this more fun than I thought? But why am I dreaming like this?’

It’s interesting, but I couldn’t understand it.

The fact that she knew through her princess dream the other day was the fact that she was being persecuted in the Demon King’s Castle.

But when you ask me to hit you….

What part is causing this?

Place? Character? Temporal background?

‘It’s time to bounce back soon.’

I decided to get to know you little by little.

When the dream time was over, she was thrown out of her dream.

After that, she had several chimnongs, and the playing mistakes continued.

First of all, I ended the dream that day by gently hitting the bread (?) Several times.

I didn’t even use hand techniques for fear of breaking it.

Unknowingly excited, I continued to sleep while hugging the princess for a longer time than I thought.

And I came to know the fatal flaw of chimmong.

‘Ah… Sleepy. I think you’ll be fine here Let’s leave quickly.’

I don’t know if the princess had a good night’s sleep, but I didn’t feel like I slept at all, maybe it was because I entered someone else’s dream.

I used to be proud of my nocturnal nature, but thanks to my regular life in Stra, I had changed to a diurnal nature.

The problem was that the princess hugged me and seldom let go.

Then he muttered.

“… Hit me more.”
“Oh My God….”

The words of a paraphilia patient that seemed unlikely to come out of that noble face came out.

Moreover, the intensity of the princess hugging him was no joke.

If the princess was determined to hold me and not let go, she would never be able to escape.

‘Ha… I’m going crazy, let me go driving me crazy. Oh, I’m getting an erection!!’
[What the hell did you make me dream about?]
‘I’ll tell you as I go…. You won’t believe it….’

I barely managed to shake off the princess and leave her room.

Locking the door, she threw the key into her kid’s room.

“This bastard made a fuss earlier, and now he’s sleeping soundly….”

Someone is tired of flirting with her princess, but this guy is sleeping peacefully.

… Oh, mine is much better.

She said in a sarcastic tone to her little boy, who was sleeping on the floor, and left the room.

As I made my way to the guest room, the wick of the sun was starting to burn over the mountains.

He explained what happened in her dream to Armonia.

[… Are you telling me to believe that?]
‘I thought so….’

Who believes this….

It’s not another person, it’s a princess who wants to be beaten….

[… There is no separate sexual temperament related to the temperament window.]
‘So what?’
[But I had this temperament.]

-[Craving for dependence], [Up to down], [Fear of nothingness]-

It certainly seemed like a temperament that suited the situation, but I couldn’t be sure.

‘… I thought I could get to know everyone if I knew my temperament, but the princess is a little different.’
[Temperament tells everything. However, we cannot combine and interpret all temperaments. I think it would be better to take your time and find out information through dreaming.]

Even Armonia couldn’t confirm all the temperaments.

If you enter the princess’s dream tomorrow, let’s get more accurate information.


“Would you like to eat?”
“… Uh?”

What I saw in my blurry vision was the figure of a princess looking down at me.

The pink hair of the princess in her neat maid uniform seemed to pour down like rain.

Was looking down at me numbly.

For as long as I can remember, it was the first time I had woken up and looked at it this close.

“Uh… , Now….”
“It’s lunchtime.”
“… Huh? What about the viola?”

I asked as I struggled with my arm on the side of the bed.

I couldn’t see my real first love on the bed.

“You said you were bored earlier and went to find someone else.”
“You went out to look for it….”

No matter how good a cartoon is, living friends are still the best.

Viola seemed happy just to be with Beatrice.

The princess looked down at me and asked again.

It was so beautiful that I wondered if it was a scene of a goddess descending.

“How would you like to eat?”
“Yeah, bring two servings today too.”
“… All right.”

The princess quietly left the room, even lowering the sound of her heels.

Lying flat, I communicated with Armonia.

“Ah…. I will use chimmong only while I am here, and I will use it carefully later.”
[However, thanks to the Goddess that Suho-nim deeply cared for, she knew that Gongnyeo liked her Guardian-nim more than she thought.]

In anticipation, she asked Armonia in an excited voice.

“Five? Okay? What did you do?”
[I stood in front of the door while Mr. Viola was there, but after Mr. Viola left, I kept looking around the Guardian.]
“What about the pheromone effect?”
[It felt a bit different from that. In the first place, pheromone addiction has not yet manifested in the princess.]
“That’s unfortunate.”

Come to think of it, Luna is also affected by pheromones, but it took a long time.

That was enough even if I sat next to him every day.

I wondered if the gongnyeo would be slightly caught by the time I returned.

After some time, the princess opened the door and brought her meal cart.

She was pulling her cart toward her table.

It was a really great ass the more I looked at it.

It didn’t shake her hips vulgarly, it swayed gracefully.

As she sat down at the table in a drowsy state, the princess immediately began displaying the tableware containing the food.

Still 1 person.

“Just put it all up.”
“… If it’s because of me again.”
“Eat, it’s an order.”
“Oh…. All right.”

The princess was taken aback by my order and immediately put the food from the cart on the table.

‘Five! My reaction has gotten better?’
[There may be an influence of dreams, but it seems that Suho has definitely been imprinted as a superior.]

The princess, who had been responding to me in response until yesterday, immediately moved her body at my firm command.

The feeling is….

‘Come to think of it, it seems similar when the Grand Duke is angry.’
[I like that too.]
‘Oh, did you like it now?’

Armonia highly valued her princess, but she didn’t seem to like her very much.

Still in her mission, she was reluctant to take her place.

[I think he’d rather follow the orders of his subordinate, Suho.]

Then it is…. It would be nice to be the CEO.

Once she brought her princess, it seemed that her authority to command would belong to Armonia.

Well, Armonia is much better than this Gachaban.

After having a lunch like breakfast, the princess started to clean up her tableware.

Perhaps because of what had happened, her vigilant appearance was clearly visible before her eyes.

The princess quickly returned her tableware and returned to the guest room.

She also thought that she would procrastinate because she was afraid of making a mistake while asleep, but the princess handled her work quickly in that regard.

“Ah, it’s boring because it’s still like this. What, is there anything fun?”
“There is a library in Mawang Castle. But inside, I don’t know….”
“Let’s go!”
“Are you talking right now?”
“Oh, I’m bored.”

The gongnyeo led the way to the library, and I followed her with her clothes changed.

The appearance of the library was nothing special.

Except for being stopped the first time I entered….

“Go away! This is no place for humans to come.”

The disgusting giant centipede stopped him from entering, and the princess calmly explained to the monster.

“Sin, sorry! Only life….”
“I just want to take a look inside….”
“Feel free to look around!”

She had no intention of killing her, but was thanked for saving her life.

I wanted it to be a fight.

If you stab me with your poison teeth, will I die?

Besides, wouldn’t he die from excessive blood loss before the poison spreads?

Looking at it, that huge centipede was a librarian.

Hundreds of legs were walking around the bookshelves, busily organizing books.

But the problem was that the book was too big.

When the princess grasped my inner thoughts at once and asked her librarian for the location of the human-readable book, she came and guided me bending over.

The place we arrived at was a place full of shabby books.

“Sorry. This is all a book the size a human can see….”
“It’s okay. See you.”

I said that and started to look through the book.

[They seem to be books written by humans in this world, not demons.]
‘Hmm, is this the book you swept after you won?’

This place was not managed at all, so it was Jung-gu heating.

Documents with important data from each country were scattered like flyers thrown on the street, and books were also placed in a mess in no order.

I said to the princess.

“I’ll be walking around. You can watch as you like.”
“… All right.”

The Gongnyeo must have been interested in this place as well, so she began to look around her with a light smile.

Good to come

But I couldn’t really see anything.

‘It’s a mess, I came here because I was bored. There won’t be any comics, right?’
[… Guardian.]
‘Five? Do you have a cartoon?’

Contrary to my expectations, Armonia told a different story through communication.

[The book on the front, a book related to succubus.]
‘… Isn’t it a cartoon?’
[It seems to be helpful for the mission.]
‘Hey, don’t ignore….’

I’m blatantly ignoring this….

I took out a book from the bookshelf.

The friction between the books on either side shook the bookshelves, and dust fell in torrents.

The book was very thick, but because it was written on parchment, there were not many pages.

Roughly speaking, it was the contents of human research and research on succubus.

‘I’ll take it for now, will you lend me this?’
[Probably makes it easier.]

I wandered around wondering if there might be a good book.

The princess was reading a book intently while standing.

He didn’t notice me at all.

Long, pink skeins of hair obscured her book, obscuring its contents.

I approached the princess and said.

“Sit down at the table over there.”


The startled princess closed the book and looked at me with surprised eyes.

‘Have you missed it?’

The reason I said this was because the princess, who was so focused on looking at me that she didn’t notice me, was curious.

At the level of a princess, it seemed that she would catch my presence right away, but she seemed to be that focused.

I spoke to the princess again.

“Go look at the table. Don’t get in the way of movement.”
“… All right. Sorry.”

The princess listened closely to my order and carried it out.

He sat down at the table and looked at me, then started to focus on the book again.

I didn’t want to disturb, but I was curious what book she was reading.

I moderately looked around her study and then hung her sleeping face on her from behind.


The princess, who had been reading a book eagerly, lay her upper body on the table and began to sleep.

‘If I went to a world without anti-magic, would this be a fraudulent skill?’
[But you have to be careful. If you have even a little bit of exorcism, it can be dangerous because there is no magic circle.]

As Armonia said, if there is no anti-magic, it is fraudulent, but if there is anti-magic, side effects may occur.

I approached the princess and quietly took out her book.

The content of the document was a record about the king of Peron.

The princess turned her head to sleep, but she was weeping.

How to Steal the protagonists woman

How to Steal the protagonists woman

주인공의 여자를 빼앗는 방법
Score 6.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
There are heroes in this world. Unlike us lowly people, humans who were chosen by the absolutes. And I am a human who steals the women of such protagonists.


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not work with dark mode