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How to Steal the Protagonist’s Woman 492

Chapter 492 – Chapter 492 Between Family and Family

I watched it for a while just in case.

But the situation has not changed at all.

Beatrice lived with her parents and began to live a full life as the three of them without anyone appearing.

Beatrice is a dream race, a succubus.

Without recognizing the state of her dream, she was just immersed in a happy life and oblivious to her reality.

‘Coming to think of it, those nightmares weren’t dreams created by the person controlling them in the first place.’

She can control herself, but she can’t have nightmares.

In other words, Beatrice was having an uncontrollable dream like everyone else.

Then it was decided what I had to do.

‘It’s enough to wake up the dream. How will we do it.’

Her simplest method was to make her have nightmares.

One of the most common reasons why people wake up from a dream is nightmares.

A nightmare filled with fear that will startle your mind….

‘I’m sorry, but it’s important to wake up first… Then….’

Thinking so, I began manipulating the dream the way I used to in chimmong.


‘… It doesn’t work.’

The dream hanging over Beatrice was not at a level that I could manipulate.

It was impossible to wake her with the power of her dream, so I came to the conclusion that I had no choice but to step forward myself.

Her problem was the fact that even if she wanted to approach her right now, there were no gaps to reach her.

“Mom and dad… I really missed you.”

Beatrice was held in her parents’ arms for hours in her dreams, as she kept muttering the same words of her own.

And in line with her words, both parents responded with the same words.

“Vice… Mom wanted to see you too.”
“My daughter… I missed you too.”

It was the same words, the same dialogue, and the same situation.

However, Beatrice did not have any doubts and just smiled happily as she was held in the arms of the two.

Looking at those three people, I started to fall into trouble.

‘Should I mess with it and turn it into a nightmare?’

Right now, there was no other solution that could come to mind.

I’m glad I woke up like that….

‘No, if I did that and couldn’t wake up, it would be really troublesome.’

If he couldn’t wake up, things could have been twisted and made it harder to wake him up.

For now, I decided to be patient and watch the three of them.

It had already been five hours since they had been hugging each other like that.

I’m sure there will be a gap someday.

Thinking so, I slowly began to wait.


I sighed as I stretched myself outside the house.

‘Ah… I can’t do it.’

Three days have passed.

For three days, Beatrice spyed on and observed without ceasing, aiming for moments when she was separated from her parents.

However, the three of them showed no signs of falling at all.

That wasn’t enough.

‘Driving me crazy. It won’t end like this….’

It would be nice if there were some changes, but without that, only the same scenes were being directed.

“Mom… Dad… I like it so much.”

Beatrice, who had not been able to dream, was enjoying true happiness in her first dream.

Something needs to be done.

A countermeasure that would create a justification for me to intervene….

‘Ah! Even if it’s just a dream, it’s all there is, right?’

After thinking of a countermeasure, I left Beatrice’s house and started wandering around the mountains.


Beatrice muttered incessantly while being held in her parents’ arms like an angel’s arms.

“Mom… Dad….”

Unlike the Miao tribe who despised them and the Demon tribe who were jealous of them, two people who care for themselves endlessly.

He was on his own side, which he had no more in the world.

But that was the moment.

‘For a moment… It seemed like there were other people besides Mom and Dad….’

It’s been a while, but his memories started to flow as if he was faintly blowing a sense of alienation into his head.

The beings who stretch out their hands while looking at themselves….

Beings whose faces can’t be seen, but whose kindness can be felt….


“My daughter.”

Those disparate memories melted again with the warm conversation of his parents who had embraced him and disappeared somewhere.

However, the trace left behind continued to shake Beatrice’s mind.

‘What… I’m sure there was someone….’

The traces left in her head made Beatrice’s senses in her whole body little by little sensitive.

The voices laughing and talking, the taste of eating together, the tactile sensation of playing together, and the bright smile you smiled at yourself.


‘Smell… Like it’s weird Smells like mom….’

At that moment, Beatrice caught her subtle memories.

It hadn’t always smelled like her mother’s.

Beatrice began to smell the body of her mother, who was carefully holding her in her arms.

However, no scent came from Beatrix, who was smiling at her.

‘I don’t like it. Like what….’

She began to feel strange because the scent she had smelled all her life was gone.

That was the moment when I sniffed her nose and sniffed her.

“Ah… Meat?”

It was so bizarre, but the scent wafting through Beatrice’s nostrils was that of meat that was so intense that he could picture it in his head.

Beatrice opened her mouth as she slowly fell from the arms of Orwell and Beatrix as she smelled the aroma of the meat that had been browned all of a sudden.

“Mom? Isn’t that the smell of food?”
“Oh… Did I eat?”

Looking at Beatrice, who was making a puzzled expression, Beatrice got out of her arms and went down to the first floor to check.

At that place….


A delicacy that was hard to see was prepared.

“Oh… Did I prepare this meal for you?”
“I guess so. Who else would have done it if not you.”
“Is it?”

Orwell and Beatrix started talking to each other about the food on the table.

Weird, but not strange.

The two nodded and looked at the food.

“I guess I was wearing it. He seems to have blinked with joy.”
“Then let’s eat this quickly.”

It was the moment when the two of them were about to sit down at the table and eat.

“Mom and dad!”

Beatrice smiled brightly at the two of them.

“Let’s eat at a rock after a long time!”


“I’ll eat well!”

Beatrice spoke loudly and eagerly began to eat the food on the plate.

Then, after dipping the food from the plate with a fork and putting it in her mouth, Beatrice’s mouth began to smile the moment she tasted it.

“It’s delicious!”

It was a taste I had never tasted anywhere else.

Not only Beatrice, but Orwell and Beatrix, who were tasting together, fell in love with food and started eating.

However, as she ate, Beatrice began to have a question.

‘Mom… Are you good at cooking?”

I didn’t mean to disparage Beatrix’s cooking skills.

But Beatrice, who had eaten Beatrix’s food all her life, couldn’t match this food with hers.

But even so, it was difficult for her to express her strangeness.

She’s enjoying her bliss, because she might have to appease her mother, who gets upset when she asks if the food was made by her mother.

Questioning her carefully, Beatrice turned her head and began to look around her.

It was the same.

She said that she was the same as Mt Hongshan, where she lived.


“… Yes?”

Beatrice, who was scanning her surroundings, began to see John Gae, who felt a sense of alienation from the scenery here.

A blue being that broke through the orange.

Was a person

“… Uh?”

The person you see in the distance… It was definitely something I had seen somewhere.

But as soon as the being met her eyes with Beatrice, she suddenly turned around and started running somewhere.

“For a moment!”

Beatrice put her down as if tossing her fork, and after raising her body, she threw her body away swiftly like a Miao, and she started chasing the man.

“Vice! Where are you going all of a sudden!?”

Beatrice ignored the voices of her two parents behind her, and she just ran towards the man.

‘It’s strange… Why am I after you?”

Spending time with Orwell and Beatrix isn’t enough, chasing a mysterious man… Originally, I would have ignored it.

But even as Beatrice thought so, she couldn’t stop his feet.

But the man he thought he could easily capture began to grow smaller and smaller in Beatrice’s field of vision.

‘No… I’ll miss it like this.’

As the thought that she might miss it crept into her Beatrice’s head, it began to tighten her heart.

Beatrice remembered her current feelings.

It felt like the moment when Orwell and Beatrix were being dragged into the battlefield.

‘Don’t miss it!’

It was at that moment that Beatrice’s heart tightened and her legs went numb as if she were paralyzed.


When the man rushed into a place, he stopped running and stood still.

Beatrice managed to close her distance from the man and opened her mouth, catching her wild breath.

“You… Like who are you?”

The man, dressed in an aristocratic blue robe, turned her around and showed Beatrice the front of her.

That was the moment.

“Ah… Ah!”

Beatrice held out her finger to him and began to smile broadly.

She walked up to him and, without looking back, she began to rejoice as he hopped on her arms.

“Like when did you come here! I really missed you!”

In her now Beatrice’s heart, the same excitement she felt when she met her parents began to rush through her bloodstream.

Beatrice was happy being with her parents, but she felt something was missing.

When she was confused about what she was lacking, the appearance of the man in front of her made her know exactly what she was lacking.

‘All I need is kids! Anything else… I don’t need anything else!’

She didn’t need anything else from her, her family and her friends.

It was a moment of joy as if she had everything.

“Yes? Why? She looks so worried….”

Just as her Beatrice said, Sung Soo-ho was looking at her endlessly with a worried expression on her face.

Seong Soo-ho looked at her eagerly, and then, looking at Beatrice, she said sternly.

“Beatrice. This is a dream.”
“… Nyan?”

She couldn’t understand

No, that’s nonsense.

“What are you talking about… You don’t know, but I can’t dream….”
“Think carefully. Do you remember what happened after you fell asleep with the hero earlier?”
“Nyan? It… Uh?”

Beatrice searched her memories, but she couldn’t remember exactly what happened after she fell asleep to the hero.

‘Boo, obviously… Dreaming… Uh, mom and… I met my dad….’

She felt sure and missing something that should have been in the middle.

However, Seong Su-ho did not stop there and continued the story.

“Do you remember what you did before you met Mom and Dad?”
“That… That is… Uh… Certainly….”

She couldn’t remember at all.

It was natural.

It was the result of forcibly manipulating it with a dream, cutting all the original events into chunks and getting rid of them, and scattering only the desired scenes.

And Seong Soo-ho’s last words continued.

“There is no intermediate process. Beatrice, how do you know me?”

Beatrice lowered her head and only then began to organize things neatly in her mind.

Seongsuho, Viola, Lena, and Armonia.

Those people I had never met in my dreams.

They were real beings.

As such facts gradually piled up, they began to pour despair into Beatrice’s heart.

“Nope… No… Uh, that can’t be… There is no….”

The appearance of Beatrice that he usually showed was not there.

It was only Beatrice who was white and looked at the Holy Guardian with eyes of despair.

And excited voices that seemed to wake her up….

“Vice! Who is that person!”
“Human!? If you don’t get away from my daughter, I’ll kill you!”

Beatrice came to her senses at the sound of her voice and looked behind her.

She was clear

It was her mother and father.

But she already knew.

“Oh, no… Oh no….”

His usual playful voice disappeared and he clung to Sung Su-ho with a struggling voice as he fell into the swamp of sadness.

“No! It’s my mother! You’re my dad! Look over there! Certainly….”
“Nope. It’s a dream.”
“Oh, no… No!”

Beatrice began to deny the fact that her perceived dream was not real, displaying a frantic look.

I wanted reality to be a dream, and I hoped dreams to be reality.

Seong Soo-ho hugged her and quietly whispered to Beatrice.

“It’s all my fault. Sorry….”
“Nope… No….”

Beatrice, in the arms of the Holy Guardian, let go of her and began to cry.

She was the one who didn’t cry even when she was despised by the Miao and the Demons.

However, she could not bear the feeling of loss that pierced her body like a spike.

While she was crying, Beatrice held her holy guardian’s clothes with both hands and opened her mouth while shedding tears.

“Right! Then you can’t get out of here! That’s it!”
“No. Then the person waiting outside….”
“Let’s stay together!”

Beatrice cried out as she hugged the holy guardian tightly.

“Let’s stay together! You can be happy for the rest of your life here! Don’t go either! You don’t have to go!”
“Please! Please… Please… Aaaaang!”

Beatrice began to force herself, hugging Seong Soo-ho, who was about to leave.

It wasn’t reasonable, but it was understandable.

Seeing Beatrice crying out in such a way, her holy guardian hugged her tightly and whispered softly to her.

“Beatrice. This is a dream after all.”
“It’s okay even if it’s a dream… With mom and dad… If only you….”
“It’s all fake after all.”

Saying that, Seongsu-ho turned her body around and made her look at Orwell and Beatrix, who were watching from outside the flower garden.

Orwell and Beatrix were staring blankly at Beatrice.

“Ruler… Look. The moment you see them, they will be like your real parents, but in the end, the moment you don’t see them, they’re just dolls decorating your dreams.”

Seong Su-ho was awakening her harsh reality in her dreams.

However, there was also an important fact included in that reality.

“Viola, Lena, and Armonia are waiting outside.”
“Do you want to make them all a dream?”

It wasn’t sarcastic.

It was a sincere question.

As Beatrice looked at her parents standing blankly in the distance, she wiped the last tears with her sleeve and said,

“No… I don’t want to… Nyan.”

Happy dreams.

But her happier reality awaited her.

Not a fake family… The real family was waiting outside.

“Viola… You must have waited a long time, right?”
“Maybe I will be angry. I left it alone for days.”
“Huh! He doesn’t get mad at me for that.”
Haha… You know better than me.”

Beatrice began to look at Orwell and Beatrix again with her red eyes.

“Me… I laughed at humans and demons dreaming in the past.”

A dream is an act with the greatest meaning to a succubus.

But even so, the succubus tended to belittle the existence of the dream.

Every time I see beings who are unable to distinguish reality in the dreams they control, the beings who fall into dreams look like idiots.

“By the way… I want to know now… Why does everyone want to dream so much….”

What cannot be achieved in a lifetime can be achieved in a dream.

In the first dream of Beatrice’s life, she had fulfilled a wish she could not fulfill in her lifetime.

Beatrice gently hugged me while she whispered to me.

“Really… Thank you.”
“I’m rather sorry….”
“No… If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t have seen these two in my entire life.”

Saying that, Beatrice gently landed on me, then she waved her hand at Orwell and Beatrix in the distance with a happy smile.

“Mom! Dad! Me… I’ll go!”

Beatrice did not expect.

Will you catch yourself? Or should I just stare blankly? Whichever was good

It was because I was full of happiness just by seeing the faces of my parents, which might be the last.

Seongsuho said while carefully holding Beatrice’s arm as he was waving.

“Then let’s go.”

It was the moment when Beatrice was concentrating on holding Seongsuho’s hand and escaping his dream.


Beatrice hurriedly opened her eyes in surprise and began to look towards the source of the voice.

However, as the white light was already wrapped around him, his eyes were filled with just white light.

However, at least the voices of the two came clearly into Beatrice’s ears.

“Take care of yourself.”

Beatrice wanted to reply by spitting out some words, but at that moment, her mind went blurry and everything started to turn black again.



Beatrice slowly opened her eyes and began to look around her.

A blackened room, a cozy bed, and….

“Woke up?”
“… Yes.”

Beatrice smiled and hugged Seongsuho, who was lying next to her, and said,

“Thank you.”
“What can I say… Now she thinks it’s better not to hug her like that.”

It was the moment when Beatrice expressed her doubts like that.

(Hey you bastard! Get away from my daughter!)
“… Uh?”

It was a voice so familiar to Beatrice that it was impossible to miss it in her mind.

Then another familiar voice was heard.

(Aww! You can’t read the mood!?)
(No, you! Your daughter is entangled with a man, and you’re getting the mood!)
(Bice is a woman now!)
(Me, it’s still too early for me!)
(It doesn’t matter how early you are…)

The owners of the voices are gradually approaching….

“Ah… Ah!”

The two of them, who had come right in front of them, opened their mouths with sad expressions on Beatrice, who was crying.

(Vicheya…. I’m really sorry that Mom and Dad left it alone.)
(Kuhmm… I was lonely alone? I’m sorry.)
“Uh, Mom… Dad!”

It was the moment when Beatrice, who escaped her dreams and embraced her reality without turning away, reaped her reward.

How to Steal the protagonists woman

How to Steal the protagonists woman

주인공의 여자를 빼앗는 방법
Score 6.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
There are heroes in this world. Unlike us lowly people, humans who were chosen by the absolutes. And I am a human who steals the women of such protagonists.


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not work with dark mode