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How to Steal the Protagonist’s Woman 312

Chapter 312 – Chapter 312 Yggdrasil (3-20)

Midsummer stuttered her words while watching the empty mineral water bottle drifting away.

“Ha, Ha Yeon-ah… That water….”
“Yes? Why? Ha… Are you saying that I drank your water?”
“Oh no! It’s not like that! That, that water!”

Min Ha-yeon took out one of her bottled water from her inventory and threw it at Han Yeo-reum.

“Take it. It’s like that with water…. Little pup.”
“Squeeze, squat!? Did you just tell me that?”
“Then what is not a joke? It’s the first time I’ve ever seen a man do that with only bottled water.”

Han Yeo-reum forgot the fact that Min Ha-yeon had given her hallucinogens and went into a fit of rage.

“How much I’ve loved you until now, how could you treat me like this!?”
Haha… Love? Is cheating also love?”
“You, you gave me permission! Why the hell are you talking about something different now!”
“… Pup.”
“Dog, dog, bastard!?”

Midsummer could no longer endure Min Ha-yeon’s swear words, which she had never heard of for the first time in a sense, and started talking about her Seongsu-ho.

“You weren’t like that before! Strange! It must have changed like this after meeting that bastard!”
“Ha… It’s funny Rather, it just came out when I met Suho.”
“Seong Soo-ho, do you know what else he is? You’ll regret that you liked that kind of dog”
“Look. He seems to have thought that he was a decent guy with good skills, but look at what he is doing now!”
“… What are you talking about?”

Han Yeo-reum was excited about the fact that he was telling Min Ha-yeon about Seong Su-ho’s filthy things, so he started talking accurately without cutting back and forth.

“Do you know what he did last night? He went to Hanbom. And they bite and suck each other, but since you’re not there, they reveal their true nature.”

Min Ha-yeon muttered with an expression mixed with tears and anger.

“… Stop it.”

But midsummer, seeing her expression, she thought her words were working, and she began to speak more freely.

“What the hell is a bastard like that panting for even in mid-spring?”
“The bitch who said she had no interest in men all her life was whining about how good she was….”
“Stop it, you fucking bastard!!!”

Midsummer became an ice field after Min Ha-yeon’s death, and he began to panic and panic.

“He, he, you need to know about him….”
“Do not be ridiculous! Are you still a brother of spring? You bastard!”
“Ha, Ha Yeon-ah! Calm down… That, so what I’m saying is….”
“Why are you talking to me like that!”

While Min Ha-yeon was bruising her midsummer, her other members arrived and began to calm her down.

“What are you two doing?”
“Oh, sister! It’s okay?”

Min Ha-yeon couldn’t let out the anger boiling inside her due to the sudden appearance of the members, and she was furious.

Haha, nothing.”

Even as Min Ha-yeon exhaled and tried to calm herself down, Seongsu-ho came into her eyes.

‘Why is it spring? .’

While Min Ha-yeon was venting her anger inside, Seong Su-ho approached and began to worry.

“Ha Yeon-ah, are you okay?”

Min Ha-yeon looked at Seong Soo-ho, who was worried about her self, and she cried for a moment, then she started walking to another place.

“Sorry for the noise.”

She left the place without saying that and moved to another secluded place.

Min Ha-yeon’s anger from earlier didn’t go away, and she cursed Midsummer inside.

‘Fuck you bastard! Still, are you Bom’s older brother? I can’t hide it….’

Min Ha-yeon was angry at Han Yeo-reum’s behavior, but she was sure of it.

‘As expected, that’s right….’

Min Ha-yeon recalled the worries she had been carrying for several days and her tears began to flow.

Had she been another woman she could understand.

Min Ha-yeon’s heart has become open to the point where she thinks it’s enough to steal it again.

But it wasn’t midsummer.

‘How can I say….’

Min Ha-yeon thought so and calmed her down as she wiped away her tears.

So while she was alone, the others ate again, then gathered again and began to pack her things.

In the meantime, Min Ha-yeon secretly went to Yang Ji-hyeon and said.

“I… I have a favor to ask of you.”
“That member….”

Min Ha-yeon asked for a member she wanted to go with, and Yang Ji-hyun nodded her head and readily accepted.

“Yes, I will replace it later as you said. By the way… Is it really okay to go like that?”
“Yes I’m okay. Thanks.”

Min Ha-yeon listened to Yang Ji-hyun’s answer, and she thought as she left a word of thanks.

‘This time… Let’s talk properly.’

Min Ha-yeon thought to herself and waited for her to become her dungeon explorer again.

However, the time she had been waiting for to explore the dungeon did not come, and the midsummer she did not want to see was approaching.

“Ha, Ha Yeon-ah.”

Midsummer, unlike before, began to look at Min Ha-yeon’s notice.

“Ha, Ha Yeon-ah… I’m sorry earlier. My, I’m not too in a hurry….”
“Ha… Okay because Go away, I want to be alone.”
“… Ha Yeon-ah, take this.”

The object in Min Ha-yeon’s eyes was a sharp dagger sharpened by Seo Seul.

But apart from her sharpness, her decorations were rugged, and if she hung in a shop, she would be nothing special, boasting a simple look that would keep her there all her life.

It would be a threat if you stick it in Korea, but it was such a dagger that I felt like it would not be a threat at all in a place like this.

“What is this?”
“My, this is an item I accidentally picked up. If it is dangerous, use it.”

Min Ha-yeon didn’t want to receive even one point from Han Yeo-reum right now.

In particular, she couldn’t forget the midsummer when she looked at her strangely saying that she drank a glass of water earlier, even if she wanted to forget it.

However, despite Min Ha-yeon’s cold appearance, Midsummer forced Min Ha-yeon to hold her dagger, she said.

“Contrary to what he looks like, he’s a really nice guy.”

After receiving the dagger, Min Ha-yeon said, putting it in her inventory without even checking the performance of her item.

“Ha… Okay because Leave me alone.”
“… Okay.”

Han Yeo-reum left her after answering that, and Min Ha-yeon felt her headache as he saw her leaving, and began to irritate her inside her.

‘Ha… Because he has to go with me anyway. If Bom solves the problem, I’ll have to break up with him right away.’

At least it was Min Ha-yeon, who had been dating Han Yeo-reum while staying with Seong Su-ho in the name of revenge.

She had been dating her forcibly until now, but now she seemed to be able to let go without regret.

As I was pondering like that, Han Yeo-reum recalled the dagger she gave me and took it out of my inventory to check it.

“… What? Bleeding? Curse?”

Compared to its simple appearance, the dagger had very dangerous abilities at a glance.

“Where the hell did you get this…. Anyway, good luck….”

It was the moment when Min Ha-yeon turned the dagger and confirmed it.

“Miss Hayeon. I will leave soon.”

Yang Ji-hyeon’s voice was heard from far away, and her observation ended there.

“Yes, I will go.”

Min Ha-yeon thought as she carefully put her in the inventory so that she would not be cut by the dagger.

‘What… It would be helpful to have it.’

Thinking so, she went to Yang Ji-hyeon who called her.


“Then, see you at the next branch.”

Along with Yang Ji-hyeon’s words, she started to move to the fork in the road, everyone nodding her heads.

One group consisted of Yang Ji-hyeon and Saminbang, and the other consisted of Seong Suho and Hanbom, and Min Hayeon and Hanyeoreum.

Even from the outside, the two groups showed a clear difference in atmosphere.

Unlike the trio where conversations come and go, Min Ha-yeon and the group did not talk to a single person.

But even in such a situation, she had someone to approach and talk to Min Ha-yeon.


Hanbom started talking quietly so that no one else could hear.

“Sister, didn’t your brother do something earlier?”
“… No.”

After Min Ha-yeon unknowingly answered Han Bom’s question coldly, she felt sorry for her inside.

‘Ha… I didn’t mean to answer this way.’

However, despite Min Ha-yeon’s cold reply, Han Bom answered with relief.

“Okay… Thank god. I was worried that my brother might have done something strange to my sister.”

Min Ha-yeon felt guilty at Han Bom’s relieved expression and began to take the lead.

“Come on, let’s go.”

That was the moment Min Ha-yeon took a step into the central aisle.

A light of great intensity began to flood in front of her eyes.



Soon after, the light was quickly withdrawn and changed the surrounding environment.

No… I could tell at once that the environment had not changed, but that I had moved to a changed environment.

“Where is here?”

As soon as Min Ha-yeon entered her fork in the road, she began to panic as she saw the environment turned into a forest.

The moment she realized that she had moved to another place, she frantically looked around and found Seong Su-ho and Han Bom.

However, the moment Min Ha-yeon tried to look around her, a tremendous headache began to stir in her head.

‘It’s great… What? Is it because he suddenly came out?’

Min Ha-yeon guessed the cause of her headache and started to look around her.

And that was the moment.


Min Ha-yeon’s vision suddenly started to fluctuate like a wave.

At a young age, she was Min Ha-yeon, who had tremendous concentration to the extent that she could become a national archery representative, but she became confused and began to grab her head at a foreign sensation she had never experienced before.

And just as she was holding her head like that, the muffled voices around her began to push into Min Ha-yeon’s ears.


Min Ha-yeon turned her head towards the place where she could hear the sound around her.

She wondered if she was Seong Su-ho and Han Bom, and the moment she turned her head, Min Ha-yeon couldn’t help but be astonished.

“What, what!?”

It was the Red Summoner.

For Min Ha-yeon, there was no reason for calmness in this moment.

With the thought that she just doesn’t want to die, she instinctively shoots the bow.

Min Ha-yeon raised her arrow with her body reacting differently to her fear, and she shot an arrow at one of the Red Summoners.

Shoot aaaaa!

The Red Summoner was embarrassed by Min Ha-yeon’s behavior and covered her face with her arms in the shape of an X.

Min Ha-yeon was convinced.

‘Fix it and run away…’ , What!”

The arrow Min Ha-yeon shot and flew without hesitation was stopped by the Red Summoner next to him and smashed.

“Oops! What! One more!?”

Min Ha-yeon was startled by her broken arrow and turned around behind her, where one of her red summoners was looking at her.

Shoot aaaaa! Dismissed!


Min Ha-yeon shot an arrow in an instant to escape her encirclement.

And Min Ha-yeon’s sharp arrow pierced the Red Summoner’s shoulder as if it were a splendid decoration.


The Red Summoner fell to the ground after being hit by an arrow shot by Min Ha-yeon, and began to struggle with her strange voice.

‘Let’s run away for now!’

Deciding that her situation was not good, Min Ha-yeon stepped on the struggling Red Summoner on her floor, and then started running as fast as she could.

‘Why the hell are those guys here!’

Min Ha-yeon was in a situation where she had no reason left to distinguish the situation she was seeing from reality.

Even so, the only ray of reason that remained in her head made her think of just one thing.

“Bom and Suho!?”

While Min Ha-yeon ran like that, she started looking for Han Bom and Seong Su-ho.

Fear came over her that she might have left her where she was a moment ago, but she had no choice but to run away from the Red Summoner who might be chasing her.

“Oh, I wasn’t there before! It must have been summoned elsewhere! We need to find them quickly!”

Min Ha-yeon started running nonstop, just like when she ran away from the 0th floor boss battle area.

But the whole time she moved, she was in her field of vision. She couldn’t find Han Bom and Seong Su-ho.

‘Ha… Ha… I’m dizzy… At this rate….’

Min Ha-yeon felt extremely dizzy and went into a crevice in the rock to hide.

However, even at the moment of hiding like that, only the existence of Han Bom and Seong Su-ho came to Min Ha-yeon’s mind.

‘I don’t want it to end like this! Once you’re looking for two people….’

It was the moment I thought so.

Jerk, jerk, jerk.

‘I’m coming again… What do we do? It’s time to run away like this again…. Ah!’

Min Ha-yeon recalled the dagger Han Yeo-reum had given her at that moment and took it out of her inventory.

‘Great. Let’s try this!’

Min Ha-yeon caught her breath and waited for her red summoner to come nearby.

That buck

And it was the moment when I was sure that she had come right next to me.

‘It’s now!’

Min Ha-yeon grabbed her dagger with both her hands and charged her body at the Red Summoner passing by the rock.



Min Ha-yeon was able to stab her Red Summoner with the dagger she was holding.


The man let out a short scream and stepped back.

Unfortunately, Min Ha-yeon had never used her dagger before, so she missed it, and she ended up getting her knife stuck in her arm, not her face, which was her intended purpose.

‘Once the curse works on these guys, it would be much better if they continue to do damage like this. Let’s run away again!’

Min Ha-yeon was about to start running again after putting her sword, which had been stabbed by her Red Summoner, into her inventory.

“In addition!?”

In the direction Min Ha-yeon was running, four Red Summoners were facing each other.

‘This, at this rate!’

It was the moment when Min Ha-yeon showed her dismay.


The Red Summoner, who had stabbed her arm earlier, stepped forward to Min Ha-yeon, lifted her pierced arm, and started aiming an arrow at the other Red Summoner.

‘What, what is this guy? Are you trying to help?’

Even to Min Ha-yeon, who doesn’t have a rational judgment, the Red Summoner standing in front of her gave the feeling of protecting herself.

But at that moment, as the brain cells in her head gradually calmed down, all the tension in Min Ha-yeon’s body began to subside.

Her body gradually lost strength and became languid, and her eyes gradually began to close.

‘Oh, no… If you don’t wake up now….’

However, Min Ha-yeon’s body did not respond to her earnestness, and she collapsed on the spot.

How to Steal the protagonists woman

How to Steal the protagonists woman

주인공의 여자를 빼앗는 방법
Score 6.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
There are heroes in this world. Unlike us lowly people, humans who were chosen by the absolutes. And I am a human who steals the women of such protagonists.


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not work with dark mode