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Dear My Knight chapter 100

4. Asherah & Ed Glead – (45)


A knight engulfed in blue light and emitting a huge wave of blue.

With his appearance, the wave like the black sea has a moment of leeway, as if a void has been created.

As the older brother of the blue wave who far surpassed the highest level, Ashera at first thought that Aizen had returned, and even had that thought in a moment of nearness.

But within seconds, Ashera realized.

The knight was not his grandfather.

A completely different feeling of blue waves.

It is not a wave that is chauvinistic and strongly seizes everyone.

A type of wave that feels soft.

That’s when I checked the figure of the knight who was swept away by the waves at the end.

I’m just blank…

Asera looked at the article and stopped.


Asera’s blue bobbed hair swayed small and maintained the shape of the blue wave at an instinctive level, but Ashera’s eyes filled with great disbelief and hard to believe eyes, hoping for a knight who maintained another wave. I was watching.

A completely unexpected existence.

It was something that should never have been on this battlefield.

From noble mtl dot com.

At the end, Asherah hesitated and she finally opened her lips.

“Ed, how are you here…”

At that, Ed just smiled a little.

“Chersha Kalua, she was able to come to the battlefield with confidence because many of the talented members of the Kalua family were prepared to escort her.”

As I watch Ed answer calmly to my words, I naturally look into his blue eyes.

How can I be on this battlefield?

From the beginning, she had put Gleard’s last name in her mouth and dared to speak as if ordering him.

Knowing that he wouldn’t listen to me easily, he didn’t even bother to use that method.

‘What the hell…Why?’

“After that, he joined the battlefield and independently supported the right front line, and after that, it seems that something went wrong in the center…… “

Listening to his continued words, Ashera continued to feel her heart beating as if it were about to explode.

She didn’t want to meet him here.

That’s even more so at the forefront.

Her immense sense of crisis, which she had never felt before, made her feel impatience as if it had seized her.

“…Go back.”

As for the escorts of the Kalua family, she was subconsciously aware of them.

But because he didn’t know about their existence, Ed didn’t put him on Chersha.

Because I wanted him to be safe.

But now he was in front of me.

Using the form of the blue wave, he was trying to stand on the front line.

Forcibly calms burning emotions and draws out cold reason.

“Let’s go back to the citadel.”


“Ed Gleaard. As Glaad’s sword, are you not going to obey Glaad’s orders?”

If you mention his last name, he will try to send him back somehow.

If he were there, he wouldn’t be able to wield his sword like he used to and make cold judgments.

Asera was afraid that she would make a bigger mistake.

Early on, Rachel, an S-class mercenary, tried to stick to Ed by exchanging knights, the core force of the family, just because she was related to Ed.

But. For some reason Ed he didn’t shake at all.

Even though he said his last name, Ed was looking at him with unwavering warm eyes.


From the way he is now on the battlefield, to the way he is unaffected by his words right now.


I didn’t understand all of that.

Looking at Ashera like that, Ed slowly opened his mouth.

“Lady Asherah. No, Asherah… Now I, no I also exist as ‘Glead’.”


“Even now, it exists as Glaad’s sword, and I will live my life as Glaad. Didn’t I swear to you, Asherah, to no one else?”

…Looks blankly at Ed.

In the moment, as if time had stopped, Ashera blurted out the words.

“Suddenly saying that…”

“It was you, Ashera, and no one else, who told me to continue the Glaade. And now Gleaard is in jeopardy.”


Ashera was speechless at Ed’s words, as if he had a clear understanding of the current situation.

Now, Asherah was realizing.

Glead’s Crisis.

The defeat of the central front.

Than all of that.

Even now, he thinks of Ed more than him.

And now he can’t back down because the glaed is in danger to him.

I’ve been saying that as another Gleadra.

“In addition, how can I turn a blind eye to Glad, which is now in crisis, as I am trying to continue Glead in the future? Aren’t they all Glaad people?”


I couldn’t say anything at the sight of him urging me with a just argument that didn’t allow any counterarguments.

He was looking far ahead, ahead of his own thoughts.

His determination and attitude to continue the Glaade.

All of that was already beyond my imagination.

Recently, he has been missing by a mercenary named Rachel, or has suddenly lost consciousness, so Ed has always been the one to protect him.

Just… I was looking at him as a lover.

I value him so much that I couldn’t really look at him properly.

He is also a Glaad knight.

What kind of mind did he have the moment he decided to continue Glead?

I couldn’t even fathom that.

“Don’t you know that only those who are not afraid to stand on the front lines can be recognized as true Glaad knights?”

Saying that, Ed lifted up the blue wave brother he wrapped around him.

His blue wave, which greatly expanded its range, began to take on a deeper blue light as if the demons were not allowed to approach.

Asera, facing Ed, who was showing off his momentum, had no choice but to admit it at the end.

So, at the end, Ashera spat out small words.

“But… Please don’t overdo it.”

She could not meet Ed’s gaze and avoided it.

I just arbitrarily considered him a target to protect, and I didn’t even notice his growth properly.

Persuading himself with such upright and warm words, he did not waver even when he spat out his words, and even his talents bloomed splendidly as if they were in full bloom.

Even Ashera couldn’t believe that he could grow so quickly.

For a moment, Ashera wondered if it was okay to face him like this, she even thought about that.

He was like a jewel that shined so brightly in itself.

Then he raised his sword.

Raising the shape of the wave, matching his wavelength with his.

Ed’s level has definitely exceeded the highest level, but he has reached a level that is still short of master.

Nevertheless, he had enough power to stand alongside him.

“You are more important than anyone else who will continue to lead Glaade.”

An older brother of a different wave from his grandfather. If each of them made a breakthrough with a dominant momentum.

Now, Ashera naturally matched the momentum of the blue wave like a wave permeating as if she became one with Ed.

At the same time, Ashera’s expression showed a bright expression as if she had a lot of variety.

As soon as I lived here protecting the front line, pretending to be cold and indifferent, I lifted my sword, which felt heavy, like her feather, with a light smile on my face.

As if the blue waves of Ed and Asherah were resonating, the central wire, which had been helplessly pushed out by expanding its size greatly, faced another flow.


“… Cool!”

Aizen vomited a handful of blood.

His hand holding the sword was shaking, albeit slightly.

The blue wave still surrounds Aizen, and even the blue aura in the sword forms a very thick wave.

The situation was not good at all.

The more you attack, the more the reaction fades away.

ㅡUnknown Demonic Beast.

Continuing to use technology and attack the existence, the huge black monster obviously responded weakly, but it could not be said that it dealt a serious blow.

At the end of a few attacks, it spread its huge wings that were tightly wrapped around it like a giant sphere.

And as if it were blooming, it brightly revealed itself.

Like a huge stain suddenly appearing in a space where only white color existed.

The black being slowly concentrated itself.

It gradually got smaller like that.

The black being took the form of a human at its end.


And then he slowly opens his mouth as if he were vocalizing in a very bizarre voice.

‘How is that possible?’

It was the first sight that Aizen himself had ever seen that a monster transform into a human form.

Can you really call that a demon?

Aizen continued to be surrounded by deep doubts.

Dear My Knight

Dear My Knight

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Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
It reminded me of a conversation we had as a children. that he would be her knight.


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not work with dark mode