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Civil Servant in a Romance Fantasy chapter 48

The Visual Inspection Department – 2

Aristocrats must be noble beings. A being who guides the foolish and incompetent commoners and leads the righteous world while receiving everyone’s respect. That is nobility Only nobles can lead the world.

But what about empire today? Beings who should bow their heads and be guided by the noble blue blood dare to raise their heads and seek to become equals. Even animals know grace, so how can those ignorant people not know the grace bestowed by nobles? How do you want to be equal to the nobility?

It is even more unacceptable for the humble red blood to become blue blood. Blue blood is a being chosen by the sky, so how can red blood change to blue blood?

“What will the empire become in the future?”

It was always lamentable. If there was no one there, he would sigh alone. As an aristocrat burning with a heart of patriotism for the imperial family and the empire, I can’t help but worry.

An order in which the nobility reigns like an aristocrat and the commoner obeys like a commoner. It is for the well-being of the empire that this beautiful order is maintained. Aphels was a country full of corruption, greed, and arrogance, but at least this order stood upright, so it was able to reign as an empire.

Read at noblemtl.com

Not to mention the great Kfellofen, incomparable to the likes of Apels. How strong would such a Kfelofen become if even the order was established?

“Order written in blood must always be firm.”

That’s why I really liked the conversation with the person who introduced himself as Riyer San Sangju. He knew his subject, he knew the truth. It’s a commoner, but isn’t it quite admirable? No matter how stupid and incompetent a commoner is, if you know the subject, it’s enough to interest you.

After that, I met more often with Sang Sangju. Because of that commoner, he’s been able to make some pretty good deals.

“The mine was recently discovered, but it is said that it is experiencing difficulties in development.”

So I handed him the Explosive Scroll. So far, there are a lot of benefits obtained through the top share, and the benefits to be gained by handing over this scroll are considerable. It’s annoying to leak it to others, but if it’s simply used for mine development, there’s nothing wrong with it. Yes, no problem


There shouldn’t be any problems.

“Your Excellency, Baron!”

When I heard the voice of the chief chamberlain shouting from behind, I turned around and saw that I was sitting on the floor with a pale face. How could the chamberlain of Baron Bendel show such an inelegant appearance? Did he dare to shout at his master? Not only the chamberlain, but all nearby servants were like that.

But I couldn’t blame it. Because I was too

A group dressed in black uniforms came out and surrounded the servants as if they were laughing at such an appearance. Then the door to the mansion opened and a tall man entered.

“This is unexpected. I thought you would rebel.”

I bowed my head at those words. The Inspection Department had already notified the news about the Viscount Gorfu and the Baron Dosil. A private soldier was mobilized to counter the intruding inspection department, but in the end, it was annihilated in an instant and the entire family was sacrificed. In front of their burning mansions.

It is futile rebellion. Rather, rather, let’s lie flat. Then mercy may be bestowed. My death may be unavoidable, but my children may escape wrath. Extinction can be avoided.

“Tie it up.”

At the words of the man in the lead, two inspectors tied my hands behind my back and gagged my mouth. Then he pressed his head hard and forced it to the floor. Now I can’t even see the figure of the one who came to take my life.

“Listen to Johann Bendel of Camorra, the treacherous criminal who scorned the imperial family and the empire.”

I felt something strange about the man’s words. Destroy the royal family and the empire? Guilty of treason? Weird. The level of speech is unusual. It’s not just a level of discovery and corruption.

“A sinner had the duty to serve the noble imperial family above, and to care for his subjects below. He also had the right to honor the imperial family, the guardian of Heaven, and serve the only empire on this continent. How can you not lament that you dared to unleash your wicked heart and forsake your glorious duty and right?”

It is not a matter of corruption. It’s not just a matter of the death of the person involved.


The Inspection Department came to punish the treason. Somehow, I was puzzled that the Viscount Gorfu and the Baron Doshil provoked anger by futile resistance.

I tried to open my mouth to protest, but the gag prevented me from saying anything. He tried to raise his head, but could not be held back by the inspector’s hand. Despite my struggles, the man’s words continued.

“Therefore, His Majesty the Emperor, the legitimate and sole ruler of the Kfellofen Empire, has decided to revoke all rights of criminals and not expect any further obligations.”

Read at noblemtl.com

No, it’s not. How could I have dared to disdain the imperial family? How could he rebel against the empire!

“The barony of Camorra will be reclaimed by His Majesty the Emperor, and the Vendel family will perish with their filthy desires. The sinner John has no right to make any protests, so please do not commit any more crimes by polluting the imperial family and the empire with malicious words. Abide by His Majesty’s decision. This is His Majesty’s last mercy.”

Wrong, obviously a big misunderstanding! My loyalty is unchanging. Loyalty to the Emperor will never change—


Chief 3 brushed off the blood on the ax and handed the ax to the senior team leader who was next to him.

The patriarch of Baron Bendel and Johann, Baron Camorra. Now he has become just John, a high treason, and has become a decapitated corpse.

“Take it all away.”

With those words, all the members of Section 3 who were waiting in the back began to overturn the mansion. The servants are captured alive and handed over to the 1st and 2nd sections, and all members of the Bendel family are beheaded. Just like the Viscount Gorfu and the Baron Dosil.

‘Wasn’t this one too?’

At first, he was rather quiet, but as soon as he noticed that his treacherous hair was entangled, he wriggled to the point of despair. It must have been that he made a deal without knowing that he was not an active participant, but an Apels revivalist.

But it doesn’t matter. Because His Majesty the Emperor and his lieutenant wanted the annihilation of those three families. What can I do if it is unfair, it is true that I made a deal with the traitor who promoted the revival of Apels. That’s why you don’t know who the opponent is like an idiot and leak the main material.

I went out of the mansion after watching the servants who were dragged out one by one, or the members who came out with only their heads in their hands. Now hang your neck and burn the mansion and it’s all over. Fortunately, the manager’s wrath was directed against us.

‘I lived.’

The director stopped moving.

I came out of the mansion and confirmed that the members of Baron Bendel (the former) were killed.

‘Gaju, right. Ma’am, that’s right. Heir, right.’

For the current situation, I tend to keep my face intact. Because we need to make sure we’ve dealt with the guilty properly. Fortunately, the most important characters were definitely taken care of.

I checked the heads hung side by side, and my eyes stopped at the end. The last head could not be identified as its face was severely disfigured.

“Who brought that?”

I asked the senior team leader next to me, and he brought a member shortly after. When you lower your head, you seem to know that you are aware of your own mistakes.

“What happened?”

“The prisoner fell from his face while fleeing and was severely damaged. I’m sorry I couldn’t deal with it quickly.”

“I see.”

The last time he looked alternately at the head and member, he nodded.

“Come to think of it, it’s a strange face.”

“Yes. I was assigned to Section 3 this time.”

“This must have been your first job.”

“Yes. It is.”

“Yes, good job. Let’s go.”

Then the new member lowered his head again and quickly withdrew. As the new member walked away, the senior team leader opened his mouth.

“What would you like to do?”

“Take care of it.”


Looking at the senior team leader who was moving to the place where the new member was headed, he took out a communication tool from his pocket.

‘I’ll be in touch soon.’

As expected, the communication sphere began to glow shortly after.

“Uh. Section 5. Did you go that way?”

– Yes. He managed to escape all the way here.

“I’m sorry. We missed it because it was so small.”

– Be careful. Thanks to that, our necks almost flew off too.

Shortly after contact with Section 5, the severely damaged head was lowered and a new head was put on.

After that, in the subjugation report of Baron Bendel, which was submitted to the deputy chief by the 3rd section, it was written that one of the inspectors from the 3rd division died during the operation. It’s unfortunate.


I succeeded in subjugating the three families who dared to join the conspiracy. Now, all you have to do is raise the evidence obtained from subjugating the weightlifters to the upper ranks, and this subjugation operation will be completely over.

“What can I do with such a bad memory?”

The basement of the Inspection Department, Section 1 tilted his head as if in trouble.

The servants captured while subjugating the three families were sent to Division 1 as they were. To receive testimony that the subjugated family collaborated with the Apels Resurrection Army. Unfortunately, however, the servant in front of me doesn’t remember what happened not too long ago. It seems that he was nervous because he was suddenly placed in an unfamiliar environment.

“You kept the high-ranking criminal closest to you. You must have seen him come into contact with the traitor, right?”

“I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t know… See, never seen, never, have…”

A servant who trembles and speaks while stuttering. What a pity. It’s because the chief chamberlain has such a poor memory.

In the end, Section 1 sighed and leaned back in the chair. If you keep questioning someone you can’t remember, nothing comes out.

“Your son was an apprentice attendant, right? I heard he often served treason criminals, too?”

“Yes, yes?”

“Come to think of it, no matter how much you are the son of the chief chamberlain, you have an apprentice nearby, right? It means that you are very, very trusted. Then you must have seen a lot, right?”

At those words, the servant, the chief chamberlain’s eyes fluttered.

“I can’t help it because I can’t remember. I’ll ask my son instead. I’m resting.”

“I am me! Now I remember everything!”

Okay, that’s over. As expected, this method works well for recalling memories.

“The great, treacherous criminal, is usually dissatisfied with the Emperor, His Majesty, His Majesty… And then Apels gets up again and says…”

“What a terrible idea.”

Chief 1, after receiving many testimonies and interrogation, left the interrogation room.

“Oh, are you done?”

When I left the interrogation room, Section 2, who was chewing jerky outside, greeted me. Since Section 1 took all the servants, Section 2 had nothing to do, so it was possible.

“Yes. I’ve got all the testimonies. They’re terrible weightlifters.”

“It’s terrible, it’s okay.”

With the report from Section 1 at the end, the subjugation operation of the Inspection Department was officially completed.


The reports posted by each department were finalized by the deputy director. Since the report of the deputy director was an order directly issued by the emperor to the head of the inspection department, it went directly to the emperor without going through the minister of finance.

The Emperor was satisfied with the Inspection Department’s report, which was made in just a few hours, and praised the Inspection Department.

“The weightlifters were punished without exception. Even His Majesty the Emperor was very pleased.”

– Well done. Because it doesn’t disappoint either.

And someone at the academy was also satisfied with the deputy director’s report.

There was no one to question the process, and the result was a perfect operation.

Indeed, the operation was completed perfectly.

Civil Servant in a Romance Fantasy

Civil Servant in a Romance Fantasy

로판 속 공무원
Score 9.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
I was possessed by a Romance Fantasy. Fortunately, the blood flowing through the possessed body was blue, so there was no problem eating and living. “Our family’s prosperous fortune is thanks to the generosity we have received from the imperial family.” In exchange for that, I had a father who seemed to shake the portrait of the emperor a little hard in the Jedo Plaza, and was forced to take the civil servant route. When I’m filming other people’s romance, I spend my life as a civil servant with a smile.


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not work with dark mode