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Civil Servant in a Romance Fantasy chapter 475

475 – Clubs are decoration – 2

In the end, Mar’s attendance at the fair was confirmed.

I wanted to oppose it until the end, but what could I do? Mar wasn’t the only one to have his first child, and it’s strange to see that I am also vehemently opposed to a subject in which I have half a stake.

“I was told that even if I don’t move my body too much on a regular basis, it can be a problem in the very early stages of pregnancy and just before giving birth.”


“Yes. So don’t worry. I did my own research and decided.”

Furthermore, while I was away, Mar had secured expert advice.

Thanks to this, she had nothing more to say. It’s ugly for a non-expert to ignore expert advice and only assert her own opinion. For the sake of Mar and her first child, it is right to follow expert advice.

Yes, there is no law that says pregnant women should stay at home. Don’t you think you need to be exposed to sunlight and the wind to be healthy? Excessive indoor living will actually have a negative impact on your health.

“If necessary, I will at least cast a shield spell on Mar, so don’t worry.”

But my expression seemed bitter, so Trixie gently comforted me.

After hearing those words, she quickly felt at ease. With the shield magic cast by Lord Mahjong, wouldn’t her opponent’s bones be broken if she collided with someone?

‘It was my mistake to collide with Mar.’

If you think about it, it would be okay even if your bones were broken. In that case, it is not the fault of both parties, but the fault of the person who was not careful and bumped into the pregnant woman while she was passing by.

I decided to think so.

This year, I am living as Ji Bakryeong in the club room.

Last year and the year before, I was also a hikikomori who spent time in the club room, but at least back then, there were second and third spaces such as the inspector’s dormitory or the student council room.

However, this year, there is no assigned accommodation to perform inspection work in the form of commuting, and it is difficult to go to the student council where Mar graduated. Thanks to that, I ended up unemployed, just breathing in the club room from morning to evening.

Of course, I’m not saying I want to work because I’m tired of being unemployed. It’s better to be unemployed than to be busy. Even though I am an unemployed fashionista who receives a regular salary.

“Armain, Juven, and the Holy Church said they would send someone. They said it was to express their gratitude to the Academy, which has excellently guided their country’s royal family and saint candidates.”

However, heaven did not tolerate my unemployed life.

“It is natural for the academy to lead students in the right direction, but thank you. This is too much.”

“I think so too.”

When I responded to the vice principal’s words with a wry smile, the vice principal also nodded vigorously.

It is bitter. I thought I would enjoy the fair peacefully this year without any fuss, but I didn’t expect to be hit in the back like this.

‘Thanks is a piece of cake.’

If you are truly grateful, just send the money to the academy. Otherwise, ‘since you’ve worked so hard, we’ll take responsibility for the rest.’ With the words, they dragged the members to their own country. Otherwise, it cannot be said to be a true thank you.

It is obvious what purpose the Three Kingdoms came for in the first place. Since Trixie and I are at the academy, they’re probably trying to use the open event called the expo to contact us.

‘Because this year is the last chance.’

Once the members of the Three Kingdoms graduate at the end of this year, Trixie and I will no longer need to reside at the academy. From the perspective of the three countries, this means that now is the only opportunity to contact me. After this year, we will be able to meet each other only if we come to the system as diplomatic envoys rather than as individuals.

‘Anyway, it’s annoying.’

Meeting people from other countries is a hassle. Even talking to government officials in my own country makes me tired, so what would it be like in another country?

But unfortunately, it is unavoidable. The Empire absorbed the North and rose to the rank of an overwhelming superpower, and I was ‘crowned’ as the Empire’s leading figure. In that position, it is natural for foreign countries to try to connect with me. Rather, if you excessively avoid contact with other countries, you may wonder, ‘Is the empire trying to take a hard line?’ There may be a misunderstanding.

Furthermore, those other countries are Armaine, Juven, and the Holy Church. Armain, who bowed his head in recognition of the superiority of the Empire; Holy Church, which gave the gift of beatification to me and Mar; and Juven, who seemed to have come together because the other two countries were going. It is a country that is difficult to ignore.

“However, the club fair is an event open to everyone, so as the owner, I am willing to welcome guests.”

While I was acknowledging the inevitable despair, the vice principal opened his mouth in a somewhat somber tone, perhaps having decided to accept the reality.

As an assistant principal, there is no other way than to face something unfortunate. Imperial Academy claims to be an educational institution that does not discriminate between nationalities, and also emphasizes that the club fair is an event open to everyone. Suddenly refusing entry to a foreigner on a topic that has been argued like that could lead to a diplomatic dispute.

And if you have to choose between diplomatic disputes and troublesome work, the latter is better.

“Since they are guests who have come a long way, it would be appropriate for me to welcome them as well. Do you even know who is coming?”

I asked while refilling the cup of tea of the sighing vice principal. It looks like some big names are coming, but at least prepare your mind by knowing who they are.

“It is said that Count Nerkaf is coming from Armain, Duke of Cylanas is coming from Juven, and Cardinal Alexandriana is coming from the Holy Church.”

The hand that was pouring the tea stopped.

‘…Did I hear it wrong?’

For a moment, I was so embarrassed that I even thought about it. Because each of the three people the vice principal mentioned were big names at the level of national leaders.

Count Nerkaf, the Grand Marshal in charge of the central army of the Kingdom of Armain and the greatest sword of Armaine. Rumor has it that he is an ardent follower of the King of Armaine, to the point where he is on friendly terms with him.

Duke Kilanas, the chairman of the Magic Council of the United Kingdom of Yuven, an elder who exerts great influence on the political and magical world of Juven. As a political partner of King Juven, he is the focal point of the argument for the unification of Juven.

Cardinal Alexandriana, the person I saw last time. She is the most passable.

‘I’m going to be amazed.’

I couldn’t help but laugh. She is a cardinal and a person of decent growth. Does this make any sense?

“The principal was very surprised. Isn’t it true that people from all over the world who are busier than anyone else are taking the time to come?”

“It’s surprising. I wouldn’t have believed it if it weren’t for what I heard from the vice principal.”

I nodded at the vice principal’s words. If you are not surprised when you hear that gorgeous lineup, it means that the principal has given up on the human heart.

‘I’m glad it’s an individual qualification.’

I was truly relieved to learn that the nobles were coming as individuals rather than as delegations.

If you came as an individual, you can prepare as if you were welcoming an ordinary guest, but if you came as a delegation, you will need more elaborate and detailed protocols. That is not a problem that can be resolved between me and the academy. Probably at least a director-level person from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs rushed to lead the charge.

Conclusively, if a delegation has come to the empire, it means that there is a diplomatic agenda, but the agenda brought by such big figures can never be light. Just thinking about it makes me dizzy.

“If you ever need my help, please come to me at any time. I will help as much as I can.”

“Thank you. Just listening to it makes me feel reassured.”

That’s why I showed a little sincerity to the assistant principal who was as dizzy as I was.

In fact, it is embarrassing to even call it sincerity. I know and the vice principal knows that the reason that big trio came all the way here is because of me.


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“Stop fooling around. Everyone who sees this is disgusting.”

When I couldn’t control my overflowing joy and was laughing, old man Aldino scolded me.

Normally, I would have been disappointed if something was said about my smile, but now I don’t mind being scolded by my elders.

‘Academy dispatch.’

I continued to grin as I looked at the order in my hand.

A blessing I never expected came into my hands. I, who had to wait for Tanian to come to the Holy Church, can now go directly to where Tanian is.

That too legally! No problem! Fairly!

‘Student Tanian.’

My heart is pounding. Tanian in school uniform, not Tanian in priest uniform. Not Tanian praying among priests, but Tanian smiling among friends.

I can’t stop laughing when I think of seeing Tanian like that. It is clear that Enen found me special for working hard for the church and its believers. Otherwise, there is no way this kind of happiness would come.

‘The timing was good.’

When the elder Al Dino’s eyes began to sting, he quieted his mouth and checked his orders again. Two days later, the beatification of the Minister of Imperial Inspection and his wife will take place. And after the beatification, it is customary to deliver the cross and clothes blessed by the Pope to the beatified person.

Of course, since beatified persons are overwhelmingly more likely to be beatified after death than during their lifetime, it is extremely rare to deliver items to the person who has been beatified. In most cases, it is delivered to the bereaved family or descendants of the blessed person.

However, this time, since the Blessed One was alive, I, the Minister of the Congregation for Canonization, took charge of the movement myself.

‘As expected of a blessed person.’

The corners of his mouth that had barely calmed down rose again. The blessed person is truly blessed by God. You give joy to others just by being yourself. I think it would have been okay if he had been canonized as a saint rather than a beatify.


“…I should have said I was going.”

I heard the old man Aldino muttering, but I easily ignored it.

The order with the Pope’s seal has already been sent, so I can go see Tanian—no, no one can stop me from going to say hello to the Blessed One.

No one!


We shared information with foreign members gathered in the club room. A big name is coming from the country, so let’s play together.

Fortunately, the big names coming from all over the world did not seem to have an awkward relationship with the members. He is an ardent follower of the king, or the king’s partner, so he should have an easy relationship with the prince. Alexandria and the cardinals also seemed to be followers of Tanian, so if they added Tanian, there would be no problem.

“Oh, you mean uncle? I heard someone was coming, but I didn’t know you would come.”

I was happy to hear Lyutis calling Count Nerkap his uncle. If you have that close of a relationship, you’ll probably play well on your own.

I believe that then the frequency of people coming to me and being annoying will decrease.

Civil Servant in a Romance Fantasy

Civil Servant in a Romance Fantasy

로판 속 공무원
Score 9.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
I was possessed by a Romance Fantasy. Fortunately, the blood flowing through the possessed body was blue, so there was no problem eating and living. “Our family’s prosperous fortune is thanks to the generosity we have received from the imperial family.” In exchange for that, I had a father who seemed to shake the portrait of the emperor a little hard in the Jedo Plaza, and was forced to take the civil servant route. When I’m filming other people’s romance, I spend my life as a civil servant with a smile.


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not work with dark mode