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Civil Servant in a Romance Fantasy chapter 469

469 – 1979 Season Opening – 2

Titi, who has an excellent sense of smell and intelligence, quickly brought in a butler. He moved at a speed that made you wonder if the butler was nearby.

“I’ll call someone right away!”

As soon as he was brought in by Titi, the butler’s eyes widened as he saw Marr’s nausea, and he took out a communication tool and called all the doctors, wizards, and priests. I think calling just one would be enough.

From noble mtl dot com

“This kind of work definitely needs to be cross-checked by experts!”

“That’s right.”

However, I was overcome by the force of the butler, who rarely let out a loud voice, and nodded.

Now that I think about it, what the butler said is true. If you call only one, a misdiagnosis may occur, but if you call three, even if someone makes a mistake, the other two can correct it. Since this is a matter related to pregnancy, not any other matter, it is right to do it thoroughly.

“Ma’am, are you experiencing any discomfort? Are you feeling stiff somewhere, have chills, or something like that?”

“Gwae, it’s okay. There’s no problem.”

Meanwhile, the butler looked at Mar’s condition with enthusiasm, as if he was already sure that Mar was pregnant. What’s more, she wonders if Mar, who had been treating her butler poorly since she became a countess, will treat her with respect again. She seems to be very surprised when Mar, who is sensitive to manners, treats her subordinates with respect.

– Kiing, whining…

In the midst of the chaos, Titi was held in my arms and whined as if she was sad.

‘Even if your intelligence is good, it’s a problem.’

She smiled bitterly as she petted Titi. Unfortunately, thanks to the butler’s passion, Titi came close to being kicked out of the room.

The justification is that animal fur can be harmful to pregnant women, so they should be let out for a while. With that justification, the butler tried to get Titi out of the room, but the sight of her hiding behind my legs and her ears drooping earned Marr’s sympathy and he was able to hold on.

And Titi must have realized that she was almost kicked out by the butler she called, and from a while ago, she didn’t think about leaving my arms.

“I won’t let you out, so don’t cry.”

– Wow…

As I looked down at her and consoled her, Titi let out an even more sorrowful cry.

If you take an IQ test, he might get 80 or 90.

The first to arrive was a wizard who could use teleportation.

“The wife’s mana is not the only thing flowing within her body.”

Of course, it was the wizard who first announced the positive results.

I felt like my legs were losing strength after hearing the words of the wizard who smiled slightly. I haven’t heard the opinions of doctors and priests yet, but the wizard’s testimony alone is enough to confirm the pregnancy. If only Mar’s mana exists in Mar’s body, it means that she has a child.

“Congratulations. A new life is in your arms.”

“That’s good news. Thank you.”

He barely resisted collapsing and expressed his gratitude to the wizard. I can express my gratitude a hundred times to the person who first proved that me and Mar had a child.

“That’s too much to say. Isn’t it the result of your Excellency and Madam’s efforts? I just confirmed it.”

However, the wizard shook his head at my greeting. He said all he did was use magic.

Honestly, it’s true, but I quickly became happy. It is natural to look good on the person who said something nice, but if that person shows a humble and polite attitude, the likeability increases even more.

“Oh, it seems like it’s been about 3 or 4 weeks now. Of course, please refrain from making any vigorous movements.”

“Keep this in mind.”

He even spared no effort in giving valuable advice. What a great wizard this is.

‘Hakon Milliwood.’

I repeated the wizard’s name several times in my head. Since he is a wizard who has given me all kinds of joy, it is only right for me to give him something in return.

Of course, there is no need for me to step forward directly. Just tell Trixie that you’ve seen a good wizard and she’ll take care of the rest. There can be no better reward than that for a wizard.

“I think it’s just been about four weeks.”

“This is a child born between two blessed people. It is truly a blessing from the Lord.”

And the doctor and priest who arrived later made the same judgment as the wizard.

If I didn’t have eyes to see, I would have cried.


I carefully stroked the head of Karl, whose face was buried in my stomach.

‘Am I pregnant?’

Doctor, wizard, priest. Three experts working in the medical field spoke in unison. There’s a child inside me.

This is so sudden. Well, I’ve been spending passionate nights with Carl since getting married, so I might have a child… Still, it was just a vague guess. I didn’t expect it to happen right away.

But it happened. A treasure was created within me that proves the love between me and Karl.


Instead of being dazed, joy filled me. Even the discomfort of nausea felt like a blessing from Enen.

‘My child.’

Before I knew it, tears were welling up in my eyes. Tears that come out of happiness are too extravagant.

“It’s a happy thing. This child was born right after we got married. This child is truly a blessing from God.”

Beatrix, who was looking at Carl and me with a happy expression, smiled and said.

“But if you needed a diagnosis, why didn’t you tell me? There’s a wizard living in the same mansion.”

“I’m sorry. I was so distracted…”

Her older sister responded to her own joke with a smile.

Actually, I was really out of my mind. As soon as I thought I might be pregnant, I couldn’t see or hear anything except the knife in front of me.

“In 4 weeks, he will be born this winter, right? Maybe he will come with the first snow.”

“hehehe, that could be possible.”

Irina’s words and her sister’s laughter made me stroke Karl’s head again. A child who will be born with the first snow is a happiness that will never be forgotten even if he or she is born normally.

“Her sister and her birthday might be similar.”

She smiled again at Louise’s words after her. My birthday is at the end of November. As Louise said, there is a high possibility that my child will be born around that time.

I wonder if this is my child. Her birthday is similar to that of her mother. If my father hears this news, he will laugh out loud ─


Look at my mind. We kept this good news to ourselves.

“Carl, would you like to wake up for a moment?”

“Can’t we just keep doing this? I hate the thought of having to leave him behind and go to work.”

She gently scolded Karl, who still had her face buried in her stomach, but the response she received was an uncharacteristic grunt.

It was dangerous. For a moment she almost answered, ‘Then I’ll stay like this until tomorrow.’ The sword has melted, so I need to come to my senses.

“Please be patient. It’s too happy to keep it to ourselves.”

Then, as if Karl had no choice, he slowly got up and took out her communication device.

Carl will contact my in-laws, so I can contact the Barenti family. Your father, mother, older brother, and sisters will all like it.

With such expectations in mind, I picked up the communication device I had placed on my desk.


I thought the title Blessed was only for humans, arbitrarily chosen by the Church of Dawn, but perhaps it is a title recognized even by God.

With the academy opening just around the corner, it’s time to be bothered by Lyutis, Laterer, and Tanian again. Suddenly having a child during that period? Didn’t Enen send down treasure to cheer you up? There was no such happiness last year or the year before, but this year, when he was beatified, something like this happened, so it is certain.

‘It would have been perfect if I hadn’t gone to the academy.’

I cannot erase the regret that has settled in a corner of my heart. Of course, since he does not live at the academy but commutes to work, he can see Marwa and the child in her arms every day, but the husband still wants to cling to his wife and take care of her.

But what can we do? The reality of the empire is that although husbands have honeymoon leave and childcare leave, there is no pregnancy leave. To put it bluntly, if you give pregnancy leave, it’s like taking 10 months off, so it’s natural.

“Father, calm down.”

While she was trying to control her mind, she heard the voice of Mar, who was still in contact with her father-in-law.

– How can I calm down? I can’t believe you’re already the mother of a child. I don’t know how time passes so quickly.

And whoever heard it heard a voice mixed with tears and quietly turned their head.

I didn’t hear anything. I didn’t see anything. I don’t know the reality of that Iron Blood Ball crying so hard.

-You, who handed flowers to this father with those small hands, said that you would live with her father for the rest of her life ─

“Ah, father!”

I bowed my head to Mar’s dark history that was revealed in real time. In fact, Soin had been deaf for some time.

– …Anyway, thank you for the good news. I really want to go see it in person, but she can’t be the father who comes and goes in the newlywed’s house.

My father-in-law, who had been crying for a long time, quickly calmed down and spoke calmly.

“I’m fine. I would rather be grateful if my father-in-law could stay by Mar’s side while I’m at the academy.”

With those words, she slowly walked up to Mar’s side and shined her face into her communication port. For the next few months, Mar will have to spend time alone at her mansion from morning to evening, and wouldn’t it be nice to have her family by her side as she spends her days alone and lonely?

However, when my father-in-law heard me, he snorted and shook his head.

– Are you planning to turn your father-in-law into a ruthless person who lives in an ownerless house?

I couldn’t open my mouth because it was a rejection I couldn’t refute. Certainly, it is strange for guests to stay for hours while the owner of the mansion is away. Even if the guest is the hostess’s father.

– When vacation comes, send an invitation. Go with your wife.

“Can’t we go to my father-in-law?”

-Mar’s stomach must have been quite full by then, but she said she would come all the way to Ulken with Mar like that?

She closed her mouth again in response as if to tell her not to talk nonsense.

She didn’t bother to say that it would be easy to teleport anyway.

The day of the school opening ceremony dawned.

“If anything happens, call me right away.”


Now he has to leave his pregnant wife and go to a faraway place.

“It’s still cold, so walk around warmly and be careful of slippery surfaces when entering the bathroom.”

“hehehe, it will happen, so don’t worry.”

A wife who cannot receive enough loving care from her husband is forced to spend time alone in her mansion.

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“It’s okay if it’s not a big deal, so call me if you’re bored─”

“…Carl, I’m going to be late. Let’s go quickly.”

Mar, who had been quietly listening, pushed my back.

She still hasn’t been able to tell me to tell her right away if I want to eat something.

Civil Servant in a Romance Fantasy

Civil Servant in a Romance Fantasy

로판 속 공무원
Score 9.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
I was possessed by a Romance Fantasy. Fortunately, the blood flowing through the possessed body was blue, so there was no problem eating and living. “Our family’s prosperous fortune is thanks to the generosity we have received from the imperial family.” In exchange for that, I had a father who seemed to shake the portrait of the emperor a little hard in the Jedo Plaza, and was forced to take the civil servant route. When I’m filming other people’s romance, I spend my life as a civil servant with a smile.


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not work with dark mode