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Civil Servant in a Romance Fantasy chapter 371

371 – Gun’s Will – 6

Using Extermination in PvP is a taboo that even he didn’t practice. In the process of preparing for extinction, gaps inevitably arise, so in the meantime, you may be knocked down by the enemy’s blow. In other words, annihilation targeting individuals is insanity—that is, one must have faith that the other person will not interfere with oneself.

If you have even a little bit of common sense, you would never be able to say anything about it. But why?

‘I don’t mind.’

I don’t know if it was because Tala was citing a precedent, or because he had an intuition that this meaningless battle would not end.

However, I vaguely sensed this. If I had heard that, I would have accepted it even if there was no precedent, and I would have nodded my head even if I could have ended it normally. Reason screamed that it made no sense, but instinct whispered.

‘It’s perfect for decorating the end.’

To put an end to this tiresome evil relationship, it’s too much for a loser who can’t die alone to put an end to it. Because what he proposes would be more splendid than any other end.

Where he fell, he finishes everything with his skills. Just imagining it makes me smile. Doesn’t that mean that you can finally shake off all your regrets and lingering feelings?

“Okay. Let’s do that.”

That’s why I answered him. If it didn’t end this time like it did three years ago, he would have bitten his tongue in shame. At least such a catastrophe could have been avoided.

He nodded his head at my answer. It’s weird. It’s as if I believed that I would accept it for granted. How could anyone show such faith that they would accept such madness?

Unfortunately, I became one of those crazy people—but it doesn’t matter. From the moment I rebelled against the empire following him, I have abandoned common sense and reason.

“Tala would love to see you.”

“That bastard is a bastard who will be liked by anyone. But he’ll like it more if he sees his comrades.”

I couldn’t deny it, so I only raised the corner of my mouth. Yes, Tala would be the one who would welcome me to the underworld and he to the underworld.

Besides, if he knew that the cause of death was the same as himself, he would roll on the ground and burst into laughter. It’s obvious.

‘Anyway, I’m not crazy.’

And while I was adjusting my posture, I almost laughed out loud when I saw him coming into my field of vision. He, like me, was preparing for extinction.

Actually, if he attacks at this moment, I will collapse. If a knife is stabbed in the heart in a defenseless state, it is only a matter of seconds to die. That is an inevitable end even for him.

But to my surprise—no, of course, he gave up his surprise attack and prepared for the strongest blow he had unleashed. It’s only the two of us anyway, so there won’t be any damage to our honor if we break the rules. Even if there were eyewitnesses, no one would be swearing at it because it was to deal with the enemy’s massacre.

‘Shouldn’t I have been born in the north for a while?’

No matter how you think about it, you’re the one who chose the wrong place to be born. If he had been born as a nomad, he would have become a warrior next to him. He would have created a nation of nomads by running through the grasslands with us.

I shook my head softly at the sudden rush of thoughts. It is foolish to hold on to something that has no possibility. At best, he had a chance to shake off his regrets and regrets, but he didn’t want to create new ones.

‘Is it a stab.’

Before he knew it, he pulled the hilt of his sword, which he was holding with both hands, onto his right shoulder. He intended to finish it with a single blow, so he chose a thrust rather than a slash.

That’s right. If it is a skill to be used against one person, it is correct to narrow the attack range.

So I act accordingly. Since we decided to exchange blows, wouldn’t it be better to use the same attack?

‘Pour it all out.’

As soon as she got into her stance, all the mana in her body exploded. Up until now, doing this kind of thing would ruin my body, so I didn’t dare to try it, but this is the last attack. You don’t have to worry about a broken arm or burst organs.

In the first place, the madman in front of me could also be seen doing his best, so I couldn’t control it.

‘I can finish it.’

I felt the energy emanating from him and was convinced. If that energy collides with the energy I am operating, someone will surely die. I’d rather die if both die, neither will live. Embarrassingly, ‘Even extinction was equal.’ The same ending doesn’t come out.

For a moment, I felt grateful to Tala. If it wasn’t for that pioneer, the idea of exchanging extermination would have been impossible, so my end must have been far, far away.

“Krasius sword!”

To my cry, the guy, Krasius Carl, answered silently.

“It’s been fun!”

With those words, he extended his sword. I felt my bones twist and my muscles melt, but I ignored it.

Followed by Krasius Carl

─The darkness swallowed it.

I saw the light.


When I hurriedly opened my eyes, the kaleidoscope was uploaded and then bounced off. I think I passed out, but this time I almost died.

I looked at the sky while lying on the floor and saw a horribly torn sky. No matter how much it was written towards people, the impact is not at the level that people can handle. The impact spread in all directions, and the sky suffered damage again this time.

The sky was like that, so there was nothing to say about the earth. I barely lifted my head and saw the earth literally melting away.

From noble mtl dot com

But it looks like it’s still melting.

‘It’s worse than Tala.’

Well, I’m sure Dorgon and I are ahead of Tala in sky slashing proficiency. After Tala’s death, the two of us survived for years.

After taking a few deep breaths like that, I lifted myself up from the ground—


I woke up with strength in my legs and back due to the familiar feeling of emptiness. After all, it was because I hit it with full power, so my arms went crazy.

‘Still, this is good enough.’

A right arm with no trace left below the shoulder, and an immobile left arm with several fingers cut off. Surprisingly, it’s good for a full-power sky slash without considering the side effects. Besides, there is no such thing as a permanent unhealable debuff for this wound. I wish I could fix it.

Anyway, as soon as I got up, I started walking. It was very, very faint, but I felt the mana of someone other than myself.

Of course, it’s a faint and dangerous energy that you can barely feel. It’s not clear what condition it is in.

“Huh, can you walk?”

Dorgon, who had been thrown away for a while and was scattered in strange places, laughed as soon as he saw me approaching.

“So you’re talking like that?”

From my point of view, the fact that this bastard could talk—no, that he was alive was itself a miracle.

The arms, which would have received the greatest impact, could not be seen whether they were cut or ruptured. Even below the waist there was nothing left. It was to the point where I felt like a miracle after losing a limb.

“The magic was overdone. Even in this state, the breath is still attached, even if the shaman is too competent, it’s a problem.”

Looking at the grotesque appearance, Dorgon let out a laugh. With complaints that excessive doping prevented even instant death.

“Oh, don’t worry. It’s not an injury that can be repaired.”

“I know when I see it.”

At first glance, it looks like he only escaped death, but he’s saying something obvious.

“By the way, it’s futile. To think that a battle that dragged on like that ended in one shot. It should have been like this a long time ago.”

Dorgon quietly closed his eyes and muttered. However, unlike the word empty, the voice felt relieved.

“Still, I’m satisfied that you ended my life. Yes, as expected, my end is the Krasius sword, only you—”


I stopped talking to Dorgon who was about to go to the testament time by himself and sat down on the ground. If this guy is still alive, he has a lot to ask.

“What were you thinking when you rebelled?”

Dorgon, his mouth closed, looked me in the eye without saying a word.

“It’s not that the Empire doesn’t know that you’re dangerous, nor did it completely unite the north. There were more tribes who chose to surrender rather than fight us. But you fought against the Empire with that kind of strength?”

I can’t understand it at all. This bastard is not reckless or thoughtless. He can be classified as rather cunning and quick-witted. Isn’t that why he survived the last war alone and opened the second war?

A guy like that led tribes that were no different from bean flour, and he didn’t even properly crack down on the inside. Although he had many means to harass the Empire, he did not use them and, abandoning his command, insisted on fighting with me one-on-one.

I don’t understand. Right away, rather than Dorgon’s intentions, he focused on the gains the empire could gain from it, but if he could hear the person’s intentions, he would have to point it out.

“That’s an embarrassing question.”

After a long silence, Dorgon smiled and turned his head to the sky. He looked as if in response he wouldn’t say anything, so he tried to peck again, but—

“He wanted to die without saying anything, but he’s alive, so he can’t help it. Isn’t it the loser’s duty to answer the winner’s questions?”

When he said that he would confess without hesitation, he shut his mouth again.

“…As someone who could not die alone, I wanted to take on the final responsibility.”

It felt like his hair was going white at those words.

Kagan led 100,000 nomads against the Empire. The nomads, who had been wiped out unilaterally by the empire at regular intervals, expressed their anger without filtering, and tried to create their own country free from the empire’s interference.

But it failed. 100,000 Nomads suffered close to annihilation, and the heroes and warriors who led them died.

In the meantime, Dorgon was the only one who survived. It was Dorgon who was left alone in the dead of the nomads’ dreams and hopes.

“I was confident. I thought that if it was him, if we united, we would be able to defeat the empire. So we tried to defeat the empire in the grasslands and build our own country by forming an appropriate alliance. We had no interest in the mainland of the empire. “

Indeed, the empire was on the brink of recognizing nomadic nations. Like Dorgon himself, it was a nomad’s dream come true.

“But even then, I lost. That’s why I couldn’t see any hope. I lost even with an advantage that was unlikely to come back in history, but what about after that? Hope quickly turned to despair.”

He said that the higher he climbed, the longer it took him to fall. It is said that the nomads fell into a sense of shame and helplessness when the opportunity that would never come again disappeared. Even with such power, what can we do when we lose? We live like this and then get killed like insects by the Empire.

“I wanted to stop that. I failed to create our country, but at least I couldn’t accept that my compatriots, my people, died without even leaving a name.”

That’s why he rallied the nomads once again. He decided to bring the Empire to the negotiating table rather than being wiped out by the Empire or becoming a desperate subject.

“You don’t have to tell me after that.”

I inadvertently nodded. After knowing Dorgon’s intentions, all the puzzles came together.

The reason why the empire was threatened by an unreasonable uprising, the reason why the imperial army did not touch the nerves of the imperial army as much as possible on such a subject, the reason why the internal tribes were not governed when the subject volunteered to be khan, the reason why the fugitives were watched.

‘Is it to raise the ransom?’

If Dorgon hadn’t revolted, the nomads of the north would have lived in tribal units as they did before the arrival of the kagan. Then, in order to prevent the second kagan, he would have been hit all over by the oppression of the empire with his eyes reversed, and died without a sound. In the process, the nomads would have been thoroughly subjugated or enslaved.

However, Dorgon rallied the nomads and threatened the empire. Thanks to this, the Empire pulled out a card called acquisition rather than unilateral sweeping.

I understand now. I get it…

“Was it to the point where you were about to die?”

That’s why it’s so excessive and insane. The empire, which has suffered a great subjugation war and a succession dispute, is reluctant to consume additional national power. Why didn’t the guy who figured it out and induced the empire to pull out the acquisition card didn’t know anything else?

In order to subdue the nomads scattered in tribal units, the empire would have been thorough, but not overdoing it. Even the eradication Dorgon was concerned about could only be accomplished after tens or hundreds of years.

Dorgon stood in front of the Empire again because of such future events. He, a guy who might have enjoyed a natural life if he shut up and lived in hiding, committed his own death.

This is an obvious suicide. This guy doesn’t have the kagan’s power. Even if he killed me on the spot, he would have been subjugated by the imperial army one day.

“I told you. It’s the responsibility of those who didn’t die alone.”

In reply to the obvious question, he kept his mouth shut again.

“We promised our compatriots a nation of our own and a world free from the threat of the empire, but we couldn’t achieve it. We carried the will of the north, but we couldn’t live up to it.”

The doping effect seemed to wear off. Dorgon coughed bloody several times before finally speaking.

“He died with a consensus for the sake of the north. I, who was worse than him, had to die under the burden of a consensus for the sake of the north.”

Now, the consensus of the compatriots should be loyalty to subjugate the evil in the name of the empire, not the reverse spirit against the empire by following the ruler of the river.

After adding that, Dorgon burst out laughing for a long time.

I just laughed as if I was happy with this situation.

‘Crazy bastard.’

Hearing that laugh, he couldn’t help but think so.

He couldn’t die alone, so he shouldered the responsibility alone, and the guy who struggled with the ideal that we couldn’t achieve together ended up going crazy.

There’s no way I’ll come up with an idea like this unless I’m crazy.

Civil Servant in a Romance Fantasy

Civil Servant in a Romance Fantasy

로판 속 공무원
Score 9.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
I was possessed by a Romance Fantasy. Fortunately, the blood flowing through the possessed body was blue, so there was no problem eating and living. “Our family’s prosperous fortune is thanks to the generosity we have received from the imperial family.” In exchange for that, I had a father who seemed to shake the portrait of the emperor a little hard in the Jedo Plaza, and was forced to take the civil servant route. When I’m filming other people’s romance, I spend my life as a civil servant with a smile.


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not work with dark mode