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Build a Human Empire by Creating Clans chapter 10

He put two of them in his left hand and held the other in his right hand.

Her arms tucked behind her ears and bounced forward in an instant.


I heard the wind ripping.

“100 million!”

And a scream broke out.

Looking back, the rider fell off the horse and the flag fell.

While the escorts looked down at the rider, Calliope repeated the same action twice more, and the escorts fell too.

The only difference is that the two couldn’t even scream.

“It’s done.”

“Good work.”

The corner of Calliope’s mouth went up very slightly at my praise.

Maybe it was my own smile.


Kistler, who happened to be next to him, let out a long breath.

It was a tone that felt awe at Calliope’s technique.

It would have been enough if he ran away even if he chased after him on horseback.

I couldn’t be surprised because I solved that distance with three stones.

“What amazes me to see that I fought and won against the elves.”

“hahahaha… that’s right.”

Kessler laughed awkwardly.

Soon, the family members brought the rogue boats.

Blood flowed through the holes in his armor, and he looked confused.

He ordered his followers to interrogate them after treatment and find out everything about the count, such as the route of movement, the time of the attack, and the scale, and saw the horses they rode.

“I think it would be okay to use it for farming.”

“yes. The legs are strong, so they look usable.”

As I stroked the horse that came close to me, he patted it and rubbed his head.

She has a gentle personality and unintentionally got a good horse, and that’s three marinas.

If you add two pack horses that previously pulled the wagon, you get five.

‘Sending an envoy must mean that they’ve already gone out. At this point, I need to catch the count and get the horse they rode on.’

I don’t know how many there will be, but even if it’s not, it’ll be dozens, since it’s the Count.

I raised the corner of my mouth thinking that it would be a pretty good income.

In the past, there were only two pack horses, so it was very ambiguous to mobilize them for farming.

‘With a plow, I need at least 2 and at most 8 cows or horses.’

Fortunately, the soil of the Great Plains was so soft that there were no cases of eight cows on one plow.

Still, it is true that it takes a lot of horses to pull one plow per household.

‘I’ll be fine if I take away the iron farming tools. Even if Wallochia is inferior to Germania, I will use it normally. and···.’

While calculating the spoils in my head, I smiled at the absurdity.

‘I never thought the words of raising the economy through war would come to mind right now.’

In the previous life, when developing the estate, plunder was rare.

Because it always started in a well-established territory.

It was the standard to expand to the surroundings while increasing what we had.

But now I had nothing.

It’s not the time to grow what you have, it’s time to have it in order to grow it.

‘I’m sorry to the Count, but I want to say thank you for fighting me.’

Now, we do not know how far the surveillance of representative system extends.

To come up with a fight so that I won’t be judged for having put my hand first.

It was a nobleman who was so grateful.

‘But… I haven’t even started the pilgrimage to the territory yet, so it’s a bit unfortunate that I have to go see someone else’s territory first.’

I turned my back and looked at Yeongji.

Even though not long after he took office, Yeongji was changing rapidly.

It was because his family had better strength and skills than Young Ji-min and did not need rest.

Even low-level people became several times the number of farmers.

In addition, Calliope and Wizard Grief, who are close to the highest level.

Development progress could not be delayed if it was delayed.

‘Once the development of Olymus is on track to a certain extent, I have to develop other villages, but there are too few followers.’

I thought of the newly created followers after Grif.




Lv. 9

Grade: F

wandering poet


Lv. 42

Grade: C



Lv. 12

Grade: F



Lv. 14

Grade: E

indulgences salesman


Lv. 38

Grade: C


The number of followers has already reached ten.

After arriving in Olymus, he made six more people including Grif.

However, among them, there was no follower with a higher level than Grif.

The second highest level is 42, and an obscure job called a wandering poet.

‘It’s better than an indulgence salesman.’

I recalled the job and let out a light laugh.

‘My subordinates follow me enthusiastically no matter what I ask them to do. Still, if possible, I’d like to entrust him with a job worthy of his job, but this is a bit embarrassing.’

Should I ask him to sell indulgences according to his profession?

‘It’s good that I don’t have to worry about simple tasks right now.’

Simple work alone was overflowing with work, and everything was lacking.

Grassy plains had to be cleared to feed the migrants, temporary huts had to be renovated, gathering and hunting to supplement food shortages until harvest time, and civil engineering for city construction had to be prepared.

If ordinary people, not family members, worked, the workload would not have been able to handle.

At least it was a member of the family, so progress was being made little by little even if there were not enough workers.

‘Suddenly, the skill level goes up and I have to increase the number of people.’

[Time remaining until next use: 46 hours 31 minutes.]

The limit of creating once every 3 days was clear.

It should be done at least once a day to open your breath.

‘Well, it’s not something I can do if I think about it right now.’

Since the skill’s experience value is unknown, I have no choice but to wait while using it steadily.

I put off worrying about my skills and thought of Count Dorin, who was on his way.

“Griff. Can I use illusion magic?”

“It is easy.”

Griff smiled and raised his right hand.

The hands shimmered like a haze and soon turned into tentacles.

Griff’s hand, which had turned into the tip of a squid’s finger, nodded at me.

“Huh… how are you?”

“It’s okay. Could you make the ears look like elves?”

Grif clapped his hands twice instead of answering.

Then Calliope’s ears turned into rabbit ears.


Calliope looked at Griff without saying anything.

I read Calliope’s thoughts sinking heavily.

Grif hurriedly dissipated his mana and erased the rabbit’s ears.

“…Well, will this be enough?”

Griff continued while avoiding Calliope’s heavy gaze.

“Anyone who handles magic better than me will notice it right away.”

“Does not matter.”

What I’m trying to deceive is not a strong person like the representative system.

I wouldn’t have been able to see through Grif’s illusion magic.

“What are you planning?”

“I’m trying to make my belly believe that I’m a ghost. So that the vigilance does not focus on me. misunderstood. Since you fooled the representative system last time, shouldn’t you fool the humans this time?”

richest mountain range in the world

A crow soared in the sky.

I looked up and gestured to Calliope.

Calliope tossed a pebble, and pings and waves rang out.

From noble mtl dot com


At the same time, the crow screamed and burst its feathers in all directions.

It was hit so hard that I couldn’t see it fall.

As if scattering dust, the crow’s figure disappeared.

I read the stopped words and started walking again.

Behind me were three of my friends and Kistler.

“They are very annoying.”

griff grumbled.

The crow was a family word.

It shared sight with the shaman and watched over us.

He had been following him since he left Olymus.

“Isn’t it already eight?”

“It did.”

The crow you just caught is your eighth familiar.

Because the familiar makes a contract with the magician and the soul, when the familiar dies, the magician is shocked.

It should be said that the mana flowed backwards, or the mana could not be moved for a while.

‘In other words, it means that they monitor us through a different magician each time.’

“It seems that the boundaries are too strong.”

I looked at Kistler as I put the dried fruit in my mouth.

He was the one who accompanied me to guide the way to Turan.

His expression stiffened as he listened to the conversation between Griff and I.

Since the years he spent in the frontier were at least 10 years old, he must have keenly felt how cruel the different races were.

I must have been afraid to hear that such a family was wary of me.

“It deserves it.”

I let out a small laugh.

“Didn’t you take away the land from me? I would be the only human who took the land from them, so what else would I do? Perhaps, sooner or later, I may return to the representative system.”

After looking up at the sky for a while, Calliope lowered her head.

“It’s done.”

“Can’t you see more?”

“As far as I can detect.”


I put the fruit in my pocket and looked at Griff.

“Maybe the goblin sent it?”

“The potential is great, but I wouldn’t be alone. It would be better to assume that the representative system is watching.”

“It would be difficult to take away the territory even if the count was captured at this rate. Surely there will be no words like this?”

“I guess so.”

This is what it’s like to just come out of the territory.

It was obvious how they would react if I expanded my territory inland.

“I hope the plan works.”

“for a moment.”

I stopped talking and looked at the bushes beside the dirt road.

The road we were passing through was in the middle of a forest that is embarrassing to even call it a road.

All kinds of untouched plants were growing in the lush bushes.


I got off my horse and picked up a handful of plants growing among the bushes.

At the same time, those who got off their horses stood behind me.

I tilted my head at the plants I dug up from the ground.

“It’s alfalfa.”

“okay. Do you know how to see plants?”

“Magic arts is a thin and broad discipline. It also has a bit of a foot in herbalism.”

I passed the alfalfa to Griff who shrugged and stood up.

“Dig up a plant identical to this one by the root and bring it.”

“Ehhh… it’s a legume. Are you going to plant it in fallow land?”


Grif narrowed his eyes even more and smiled.

Kistler, who followed, blinked.

Why put weeds in fallow fields? I guess that’s what you think.

Because it was an era when botany was not developed.

How plants affect soil is known only through experience.

Also, the experiences of this age were accumulated very carefully, incomparable to those of the previous life.

Because there is no social security, one mistake can end your life.

Planting unknown plants on land that should be left to rest after farming?

It deserved to be pointed at as crazy, let alone a challenge.

“Now, as for this alfalfa, it makes the land fertile. What is the reason for farming and resting the land? Isn’t it to restore the soil?”

Grif held the alfalfa in his right hand and stirred it exaggeratedly.

“Planting alfalfa in fallow fields helps considerably in restoring intellect. Not only alfalfa, but also plants such as clover, purple milkweed, and peas can be used for other purposes while producing the same effect as alfalfa.”

The plants just mentioned are grouped together and called legumes.

Among the nutrients that crops suck from the soil, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are particularly consumed.

Legumes have bacteria that fix the nitrogen in the air to the ground, so they were a great help in restoring intellect.

‘Another advantage of legumes is that in addition to restoring intellect, they also create ancillary income.’

To name a few, milkweed is helpful in beekeeping.

Peas were edible, and clover and alfalfa could be used as livestock feed.

‘If turnips are added here, the basic frame of the 4 crop rotations from wheat to turnips, barley, and clover is completed. If you have potatoes, you can put potatoes in the middle to maximize crop production.’

From previous lives to modern times, agriculture accounted for more than 50% of the global economy.

What about an era without the technologies, institutions, and resources that are the foundation of the industrial revolution?

It is not for nothing that we say that agriculture is the foundation of the world.

‘If you plant a grain on farmland, it is common farming in this era that 3 grains in a normal harvest and 4 grains in a good harvest. Assuming that we harvested 3 grains because it was a normal crop, we would have to keep 1 grain for planting, pay taxes on 1 grain, and survive for a year with the remaining 1 grain.’

There was a reason why I cared about livestock and farming tools.

Agriculture before the Industrial Revolution was simple and too inefficient.

Therefore, even a small improvement can increase efficiency and increase income significantly.

If you restore the land as quickly as possible,

If you plow the ground even a little deeper,

What if the average crop yields 3 to 4 grains?

What if the number of grains in the hands of farmers who have finished sowing are 2 to 3?

From 2 grains to 3 grains, that is, a 50% increase in profit.

It was only a difference of one grain, but it was a huge leap.

‘It would be nice if there was a skill that summoned farmland or gave farming buffs. Unless there is such a thing, you have to approach it realistically. We have no choice but to introduce a method that produces as much efficiency as possible as soon as possible.’

Kistler couldn’t take his eyes off the alfalfa that Griff was wielding like a magic wand.

‘You look like you’re looking at some kind of treasure. No, it’s a treasure.’

Because he was a farmer before the village chief.

You know what it means to be able to fertilize the land a little more.

‘The question was whether the farmers would believe my words and plant them in the fallow field, but looking at the reaction, it seems to be okay.’

Kistler asked, holding the alfalfa carefully.

“How do you know this?”

“I am also a sorcerer. There is nothing that Madou does not know.”

Griff answered, but Kistler’s eyes were on me.


I laughed and let out an answer.

No matter how many times I ask this question, the answer is always the same.

The knowledge and experience I reveal are not this life, but the experience of the previous life.

You can’t answer that you did it in the previous episode, isn’t it?

‘I rolled in the fields, worked for a craftsman, and became a fisherman.’

There was a time when he started as a slave because he was tired of playing hero and living as an aristocrat.

‘All the experiences I gained at that time were only possible because the skills assisted me. However, even after the effect of the skill is gone, the memories remain. As with achievements, I can roughly see what the results will be if I do something.’

Knowing the health benefits of alfalfa or legumes was one such example.

When farming skills were assisted, the status window listed the benefits of alfalfa.

Realism and gameplay were appropriately mixed in such a way that a certain effect would be produced when mixed with a certain crop, and that the effect would increase as the skill level increased.

‘Unlike the achievements, I had no intention of memorizing it. Memories are fun.’

Memory sometimes clearly remembers trivial things and forgets important things.


I got off my horse and walked through the woods.

It was to put the legumes hidden by the forest in the pockets that were visible.

I thought it was hard to find because it wasn’t sprouting because it was early spring, but Calliope did well.

With his unique keenness, he dug up legumes that the walking party couldn’t see.

“This is poisonous weed.”


Calliope stared blankly at the poisonous plant in her hand, tore it into small pieces, and threw them aside.

I read that her thoughts were strongly shaken.

It was a trivial matter to mix non-legumes with too much enthusiasm.

The bag filled up in an instant and hung tight against the horse’s side.

As I looked at it with satisfaction, Kistler cautiously opened his mouth.

“What is the reason why Count Doreen bothers to fight the lord?”

The apparent justification was that I killed Anton.

However, that is a misunderstanding, and there is a sense that it is not enough to bet on Yeongjijeon.

Kistler knows this, so he will ask me.

“It must be because of the mine.”

“A mine?”

Kistler was startled and threw his neck back.

It was more surprised than when he saw alfalfa.

“I know the name of the mountain range north of Olymus.”

“I have heard of the Gray Mountains.”

“right. The Gray Mountains are the longest mountain range in the world and also the richest. The gold is buried.”

“So, are you saying there is a gold mine?”

Is it just a gold mine?

There were all mines of silver, copper, iron, and salt.

It is only estimated that there are many gold veins in the mountains that span my territory.

It was information that I realized by substituting the map in the representative system and my memory.

It may seem expedient or contrived, but it is.

It was what the producers intended.

– The development is too one-sided.

Build a Human Empire by Creating Clans

Build a Human Empire by Creating Clans

권속 생성으로 인류 제국 건설
Score 9.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
Right after I was possessed, my family exiled me to the place of exile. And got the ability to ‘create a family’. [Randomly creates a clan.]


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not work with dark mode