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Became the Emperor in the Hero Game chapter 7

7 – 7.

“Are you here?”

“Yes, my lord.”

The residence of the Marquis of Gyor. Housekeeper’s office.

As soon as the day dawned, Sergi Or finished his mission and posted a report in search of the householder.

“Most of them, including the leader, did not appear to be away. Only the Sword Master with the red greatsword, the silver-haired mage, and Lute’s idiot were guarding the mansion.”


“They said that the Imperial Knights raided the Viscount Fjord.”

“A raid?”

Kaju asked again, frowning.

“Yes, seeing as it was described as a raid, not an investigation, it seems that the Viscount and the Imperial Knights did not encounter each other.”

“Then they probably killed them all.”

“Yes, the sudden announcement by the imperial family is most likely due to that effect.”

“Tsk, useless stuff. I would have already caught the tail.”

I knew they were poor, but were they caught by their tails so quickly?

Kaju was troubled with a very unpleasant complexion.

“How would you like to do it?”

“They shouldn’t be found out already. Did you say that the imperial knights died in Viscount Fior?”

“Yes, I am.”

“Yes, I understand. It is good to go out.”

From noble mtl dot com

Following the family lord’s decree to celebrate, Serre bowed his head respectfully and withdrew.

The head of the household, left alone in the office, seemed to be lost in thought for a moment, then opened his mouth.

“I don’t want to do this, but…… We still need them, so there’s nothing we can do about it. Cannes.”

“Yes, my lord.”

When the family head called someone, an answer came from the empty air.

“Lead the 1st and 2nd divisions to Viscount Fjord and kill everything alive.”

“Yes, I understand.”

“Then manipulate the corpses to make them appear to be the work of demon worshippers.”


It was an order to annihilate the subjects of the empire, especially the eastern territory under his control, but both those who gave it and those who received it were unconcerned.

“Everything for Gyor.”

After leaving that one word, the man called Khan disappeared as if he was melting into thin air again.


“Your Majesty.”

“Okay, what happened?”

After announcing the treason of the Rutenos from earlier, I returned to my office and was doing my work.

Damn it, dare you kill the Imperial Knights?

I resumed my work shortly after lamenting to myself, who felt a greater sense of loss at the loss of a sharp knife than at the fact that a person had died.

Since we haven’t finished investigating the incident yet, we’ll have to make a detailed judgment when additional reports come in.

“Her Highness the Princess has come to visit.”


“Yes. He asked to see His Majesty, so we brought him to the reception room.”

“Good job. I’ll have to go if her brother comes to visit.”

My younger brother.

Not long after I ascended the throne, I went down to my mother’s family and didn’t visit her for a while. What happened?

Ah, I asked for your cooperation in the investigation regarding treason this time, but did you come here because of that?

Because he is a timid child, he may have come to explain himself.

After walking for a bit, I quickly arrived at the reception room and saw Rael, whose complexion was bluish.

“Woe, see your Majesty the Emperor.”

“Yes, it’s been a while. Rael. In private, you can call me comfortably like before.”

“Ah… Thank you, Your Majesty, no, brother.”

Seeing Rael nervous enough to stutter made me feel sorry for him.

How on earth did Rael, who was praised for being gentle but strong in his own way in games, end up like this?

I’ve never raised a hand to Rael, but it’s unfair to be so scared.

“So, why did you come here?”

I thought it would be more difficult if we had small talk here, so I went straight to the main point.

It was a pure question, but did it sound like a rebuke?

Rael answered with his body trembling.

“Sorry for not seeing you often. That… “

I was rather curious about what he was trying to say because he was so nervous that he wondered if he was about to collapse.

“Sorry! Actually… Jen Lute and Jenna Lute came to visit me… “

Ah, did you come here because of that?

When I looked at him with eyes asking me to say more, Rael hurriedly continued.

“He was talking nonsense to me, so I immediately kicked him out. Lung, no, my older brother thought it was not worth worrying about and didn’t tell me.”

“Yeah, what. Things like that happen, too.”

It’s not worth worrying about. Actually, I probably didn’t say it because I was afraid that I would get suspicious if I reported it. There’s no need to point that out.

“But what nonsense did they say?”

“That…… “

“It’s okay to say it comfortably. By the way, he told Duke Triel that he wanted to avenge his father.”

“That… It’s so blasphemous that it would be terrifying to even dare to say it… I’m afraid I’ll dirty His Majesty’s ears… “

“I don’t care, just tell me.”

“I… Don’t you want to take revenge on me and ascend the throne… “

Well, that’s probably the only thing I can suggest to Rael.

It was a more obvious proposal than I thought, so steam leaked.

How he took the change in my expression, Rael was very embarrassed and added his words.

“Well, I’ve never had such a terrible thought. Revenge, I’ve never thought about it. Hwangwi, of course. There is a brother who is the rightful ruler of the empire… “

It’s pretty cute to see my little sister, whom I haven’t seen in a while, talking nonsense.

“I never did it, didn’t I do it once?”

In fact, I had no ill feelings at all, for the vengeance posed no threat to me. So it was just a joke that I laughed at, but I guess it didn’t sound like that to Rael.

“Yes… ? Yes… ? That is… “

Looking at Rael’s face, I thought he would faint if I said one more word here, so I just let him go.

What kind of scandal is this, a princess who fainted after meeting the emperor?

“Well, I was joking. Anyway, thank you for reporting honestly.

You can go now.”

“Yes… Thank you, brother… “


Princess Rael Arhan was so afraid of the emperor of the empire, Laios Arhan.

He was an older brother who showed an extraordinary appearance since he was young, but after he ascended the throne, it felt as if he had completely changed.

Seeing her move without any emotion, as if she knew everything, I felt fear before awe.

When the survivors of Lute first came to visit, I initially thought of giving them some kind of hospitality.

It was a relationship that I had known since I was young, and I felt sorry for them who lost their territory overnight due to the war.

However, when they spoke of their rebellion, they were horrified and had no choice but to kick them out.

While contemplating whether I should report it to my brother after that, or if I was caught in the middle of reporting it for no reason, I heard that the royal family would announce the treason of the Rute family.

No, even for the imperial family, it would be correct to say that it was actually the emperor’s announcement.

Excluding the remaining brother, the only remaining member of the royal family is himself, who has no real power.

The moment I heard the news, I was so shocked that I had no choice but to put everything aside and head for the imperial palace.

I saw the imperial palace for the first time in a while, it was still beautiful, and I was afraid.

The steps to her waiting room to meet her brother were too heavy, but she tried her best not to show it.

After waiting for a while, my older brother and emperor of the empire, Laios Arhan, entered.

She almost froze the moment she saw that face, but managed to say hello.

“Yes, it’s been a while. Rael. In private, you can call me comfortably like before.”

My older brother was greeted with a smile as if nothing had happened, just like in the old days.

I wouldn’t have been so afraid if I had glared at myself, if I had been cold-hearted, but the casual smile on my face was so frightening.

Even in the past, even after killing the nobles who followed me overnight, I couldn’t help but remember that day because I had such a smile on my face.

“So, why did you come here?”

Is it right to be honest?

Wouldn’t it be better to just say that I came to say hello after a long time.

No, if I do that, my brother will never forgive me when the testimony later comes out that the survivors of Lutega came to me.

I closed my eyes and confessed honestly.

My older brother did not respond to what I said. As if he knew it would happen, he calmly asked me back.

“But what nonsense did they say?”

Can I tell you this?

I really didn’t want to say it, but I had to.

Because lies don’t work with my brother.

My older brother’s face changed for the first time after hearing my words.

I was so surprised by that expression of disappointment that I continued to make excuses while talking nonsense.

By the way…

“I never did it, didn’t I do it once?”

Uh… ?

Since there was no response, I thought I went unnoticed, but it wasn’t?

“Yes… ? Yes… ? That is… “

What should I say? Are you thinking about it?

Should I run away right now?

In the Imperial Palace… From the emperor… ?

When I was so shocked that I felt that I couldn’t breathe properly, my brother laughed and said.

“Well, I was joking. Anyway, thank you for reporting honestly.

You can go now.”

Are you sending me… ?

I hurried out of the audience room, not knowing what I was talking about.

The escort knights who saw my complexion worried about me, but they couldn’t even afford to react.

Became the Emperor in the Hero Game

Became the Emperor in the Hero Game

용사 게임 속 황제가 되었다.
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
I was possessed by a game I enjoyed. Not as a Hero, but as an emperor.


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not work with dark mode