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Became the Emperor in the Hero Game chapter 53

53 – Part 2 Episode 9

“Anyway… ! I mean, does this make sense?”

“I would like to ask you something about that, Count Keyas.”

“Marquis Lucas.”

The man who had been watching the situation quietly opened his mouth.

He was the only marquess among those gathered, and he was also a noble who contributed the most to the king’s confinement.

“You are the emperor… It is certainly credited for finding His Majesty and recognizing the Chamber. However, as Count Minar said, it seems that the imperial title and the throne need clarification.”

When Marquis Lucas pointed out, based on logic rather than leaning on emotions, Count Keyas also calmly replied.

“I swear to Kiriya, it was not my intention. In the first place, when I found the empire, the one who greeted me was the emperor… He was the Imperial Duke of Triel, not Your Majesty.”

“Duke of Triel?”

“Yes. Not that old viper, but that daughter.”

“Ah, you mean Duke Roger Triel?”

“Yes. Anyway, the duke faced me and asked me various things. But rather than asking because I was really curious, I had a strong feeling of confirming what I knew.”

“Even if the rumors about the Imperial Intelligence Service were only half true, they would know a lot about us.”

“So I didn’t wonder about that either. When the check was over before I knew it, he asked me why I was here. So I said that I had come to acknowledge the existence of the Chamber and affirm the rule of the five of us. Of course, I also said that I would pay the corresponding price.”

“By the way?”

“That’s why I said I wanted to see Your Majesty, but he told me to wait. Then, when I looked around, I was already surrounded by the Imperial Knights.”

Earl Keyas said calmly even though the Imperial Knights were waiting right behind him.

“Didn’t you bring an escort knight?”

“We were accompanied, but we couldn’t enter the palace together.”

“The Imperial Palace? So, did the Duke of Triel welcome you at the imperial palace?”


“Killing Triel’s Venomous Snake… anyway. That’s why I thought the relationship would be rough.”

“Her Hwang Yeong-gi’s division was with her, so it didn’t seem like that.”

The killing of Derman Triel was the joint work of the Emperor and Rose Triel, but only a few people knew about it.

So, everyone assumed that the emperor had killed them, and naturally expected that Triel and Arhan would be uncomfortable.

Actually, the power of the Triel family has weakened a lot.

But that was also agreed upon.

Rosé Triel wanted to become the head of a family that conveyed the will of the emperor to the nobles, rather than living as the daughter of a family that led the aristocratic faction.

If the viper showed off its teeth openly, the rose hid its thorns.

“If this is the case, the calculation is wrong again. Then, when will we meet His Majesty the Emperor?”

“While I was waiting surrounded by the Imperial Knights, His Majesty called me, so I followed and found that an imperial conference was in progress.”

“Oh, yes. Imperial Conference. It seems that the date and time overlapped.”

“Overlapping. So when I stepped into the conference hall, all nobles gathered and were looking at me. Of course, His Majesty the Emperor was also there. You’ll know it after that. He praised me out of the blue, and he appointed me King of the Chamber with an imperial title.”

“You didn’t come to be granted the throne, so you should have refused!”

The Count of Minar said.

It seemed that the other nobles also agreed in their hearts.

They were Keyas’ comrades, not subordinates.

“I meant to. I was going to… “

Noticing such a sign, Count Keyas said dejectedly.

“But when His Majesty the Emperor said he would abdicate the throne to me, I couldn’t say anything. Damn, I don’t know how to explain this. Really, nothing came out at that moment.”

At Keyas’ words, the expressions of the other nobles became serious.

They knew Keyas.

What is the reason Keyas went to the empire as a representative?

That much was because he believed that he would never hand over the chamber to the empire for personal gain, and that he would speak in front of the emperor.

That’s why Count Minar felt betrayed.

If Count Keyas said that, there was a high probability that it was true.

“No way… Is it magic?”

So they were suspicious of other means.

I wonder if the emperor manipulated Count Keyas in some way.

It was an inference close to the correct answer.

In the midst of this, no one thought that Count Keyas had lied, so it was also a situation where we could get a glimpse of his personality.

“Well, is there any magic that can partially control people’s minds in such a short period of time?”

Marquis Lucas asked the only wizard present.

Viscount Iona, the only magician among the five nobles who imprisoned the king, replied.

“No. Usually, magic related to psychology is brainwashing, but brainwashing magic is usually extremely difficult and cannot be partially applied. Either make it into a doll or fail. The only way to partially manipulate is suggestion, which must be done continuously, so it is impossible to bet in a short time.”

The kind of powers such as dragon words were beyond the scope of what they could think of.

At this, the nobles present argued over the technique.

Most of them questioned whether it was some kind of evil tactic, but since the imperial knights were looking at them with their eyes wide open, it was also an argument that they desperately talked about.

In the meantime, Viscount Iona sent a message to Marquis Lucas.

[Marquis. If you wish, I will call the troops on standby. Although the two Hwangyoung Knights are strong, they are not at a level that can handle all of our troops.]

I’d rather kill those two knights here.

It was Viscount Iona who suggested that, but in the eyes of Marquis Lucas, it was nonsense not worth considering.

There are two Hwangyoung knights in the conference room right now, and there may be several more hiding in this chamber already.

And what if those two are over?

No matter how you kill those two, the Empire will lead the army straight away.

No, you don’t even need to lead an army.

There is no way to stop the leader of the Hwangyeong Knights coming with only a few subordinates.


Instead of answering Viscount Iona’s words, Marquis Lucas slammed the table to draw attention.

“What is the point of arguing about it now? His Majesty the Emperor has given Earl Keyas a title and has also been appointed by the King, so we must obey.”

“But… !”

“Tell me if there is another way.”

There was no way there was, so there was no one who could answer.

Hereupon, Count Keyas told me what he had been thinking since he was appointed king.

“Now that this has happened, I will be the king. But I’m still inexperienced and I don’t have enough skills… “

I will form a council and ask for opinions. I was trying to say that.

Of course, the council would be led by the other four here.

However, the Hwangyeong Knight cut off the words, so Keyas’s behind-the-scenes words could not be conveyed.

“Since you have made up your mind, I really appreciate it, Your Highness. His Majesty the Emperor said that Your Highness may lack experience and ability, but at the same time, he was really concerned about Your Highness, so he also provided an alternative for that.”

“Alternative… ?”

Marquis Lucas asked in an anxious tone.

“Yes, Marquis.”

Not even His Excellency, but the Marquis.

It was a rude title, but the Hwangyeong Knight’s continued words were so ominous that no one pointed it out.

“His Majesty has prepared a special advisory board for His Highness Keyas. Aristocrats with both experience and ability have volunteered for the Chamber, so they will soon come to the Chamber to help Your Highness with state affairs.”

“Speaking of those nobles… “

“Of course, they are the nobles of the Empire.”

At that declaration, Marquis Lucas felt as if his eyes went dark.


“So, you mean Scarecrow King?”

“That’s right, Fried. Do you know that the pope is coming soon?”

“Of course, Your Majesty.”

“If the pope cooperates with the order centered on the empire, wouldn’t there be a great deal of resistance here and there?”

“Of course he does, but will he really cooperate?”

From noble mtl dot com

“I have to do it. The pope has a stuffy and annoying side, but he’s not completely devoid of reality. Just this time, he doesn’t seem to be able to stop the war, so watch him urge the kingdoms to surrender.”

If the pope had really no sense of reality, he would have warned the empire to stop fighting or supported the kingdoms instead of inviting surrender.

It wasn’t like that, so it’s realistic.

“So, in the eyes of the pope, in the end, each country will maintain its form, but the appearance of becoming my subjects and giving allegiance is at least convincing. It would look better than having most of them die in a war.”

Actually, there are other reasons as well.

The death that is assumed to be behind the demon king and edelwein.

There is no exact information about its existence, but it was not difficult to guess from its name and actions that the continent’s death would become its strength.

So wouldn’t it be good for me to avoid a large-scale war?

“But, no. That’s why we set up a scarecrow king in the chamber. Oh, just in case, are there any devout believers here?”

“You ask so quickly, Your Majesty.”

“That’s right. If there is, he’s sorry, but he wants you to convert.”

In the first place, I’ve become a godless person now, isn’t it a little funny that my subordinates are Kiriya’s followers?

“Your Majesty is surprisingly dull about things like this. There are few devout followers among the high-ranking nobles of the Empire. Even then, there are no followers among the feudal lords.”

“Hmm? Exactly?”

Of these, Duke Triel, who knows the most about the ecology of nobles, said.

“That’s right, Kiriya’s followers put Kiriya at the top of the world, right? But there are some nobles who don’t understand that. High-ranking nobles are usually very proud of their empire, so they don’t put the empire under Kiriya. That’s why I think ‘Kiriya is great, but the empire is just as great.’”

Perhaps it was the gathering of those thoughts that formed my foundation.

Rosé Triel continued to explain while I was babbling in my understanding.

“Also, when you become a feudal lord, in fact, your pride in your own family pierces the sky. Because the former head of the family put me at the top of the world.”

“So he died.”

“Well, that’s true. If I’m correct, Duke Pale and Fried aren’t believers either… I don’t know much about Marquis Pell.”

“Kiriya is also great, but my family and soul belong to your majesty.”

In case his loyalty would be questioned, Count Pell added quickly.

“Um… I respect Kiriya, but if he is my master, that is not the case.”

“Did that Kiriya give me a sword? I follow Your Majesty.”

Following this, Duke Pale and Freed also answered.

“Okay. Then say it again After talking with the pope, I intend to seek his cooperation.”

Became the Emperor in the Hero Game

Became the Emperor in the Hero Game

용사 게임 속 황제가 되었다.
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
I was possessed by a game I enjoyed. Not as a Hero, but as an emperor.


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not work with dark mode