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Became the Emperor in the Hero Game chapter 40

40 – 39.

I seemed to understand what the mage master meant by another world.

It was known that the barrier created for the one and only Lordaeron Edelwein would never allow his death.

But it’s also a barrier that wouldn’t have opened if I hadn’t allowed it.

“The Mage Tower Master said he couldn’t kill you in here.”

“Ha! Next to you is that old man!”

As he beckoned into the air, jewels shining brilliantly in five colors came to mind one by one.

Red ruby.

Blue sapphire.

Yellow topaz.

Green Emerald.

Up to purple amethyst.

“Is this a gift to Jim?”

“Ha, let’s see how long you can pretend to be aloof. Burn my enemies.”

As the amethyst shattered, a familiar power was displayed.

‘It’s a dragon word mediated by jewel magic.’

As soon as those words were finished, the rest of the jewels shattered all at once and emitted light.

‘For now, with magic.’

It was threatening, but not enough to kill immediately, so I tried to respond with magic first.

My artifacts were deployed all at once, and the staff was in my hands.

Didn’t it be said that masters do not choose tools?

The story is a little different when it comes to ending items.

Among the artifacts I have, there are quite a few defensive ones, but they are all for knights, warriors, and other enemies that come close.

There are no artifacts that block magic. There is only one reason.

“The wrath of the sky is nothing more than a spear of burden.”

Because magic is enough to be intercepted with magic.

The jewel magic reinforced with half-words and the elemental magic reinforced with all kinds of end-level items collided.

“Pierce through.”

After the first attack went futile, the Lordaeron changed tactics.

Concentrate on one point.

Countless jewels rose and shattered to form a huge window.

From noble mtl dot com

That’s a bit dangerous.

In a battle between wizards and wizards, there is no option to avoid the opponent’s attack.

If you have the ability to move and avoid it, that’s your master, where is the magic?

So, you have to block or intercept that window.

‘It’s difficult.’

No matter how much Lordaeron was played by the lord of the mage, the great mage is the great mage.

If you look at the realm of pure magic, I’m still under the rule of the Magic Tower.

And… Compared to Lordaeron right in front of you, it’s not particularly superior.

Well, that one is also a 300-year-old monster, so it’s only natural if it’s natural.

‘It doesn’t matter.’

“Your spear does not reach me.”

“Stupid. My spear will pierce you.”

Fire. Lightning. Ice. Earth. Wind. Water.

The window, which was a mixture of all kinds of elements, naturally blended together before I knew it, and soon became a window of light that changed color every moment.


“Yes, I roughly imitated the maniac of the owner of the mage tower.”

If you have seen and followed the season of the most outstanding wizard among existing humans, Lordaeron in front of you is also a great genius.

Well, if I didn’t have that level of ability, I wouldn’t have dared to fight against the Empire.

“I’ll make an offer right now. Won’t you come under the load? Your crime is a serious one that would not be enough to destroy the clan, but I have mercy… “

I coveted his talent and suggested it, but that cheeky guy didn’t listen and threw his spear at me.


As soon as the window of light was launched, it folded the space and arrived in front of my eyes,

Cheap weaving.

It slowly faded away with an audible sound.

“I told you. Your spear won’t reach it.”

As a matter of course, I raised the corners of my mouth, and his face hardened.

I wonder if he considers himself a descendant of Arhan, the dragon.

How dare King Edelwein’s words have any power in front of the emperor’s words.

Still, as if to prove that he wasn’t an idiot, instead of spitting out words like ‘why’, he threw up more jewels than before.

“You know it’s useless, right?”

He didn’t respond to my words, and he silently floated the jewels.

The barrier is now filled with jewels.

“I will show you the extreme of jewel magic.

“The meaning of the drama is simple water… Oh no.”

Is it a simple mass offensive? I tried to say

As Lordaeron reached out, all the jewels converged into one point.

It was truly a spectacle to see the amount of jewels that would fill a barrier constantly gather and condense into one small jewel.

Those weren’t just jewels.

Jewels with an amplifying spell on each one.

What if those jewels were combined into one?

No matter how much he became a great mage, the limits of his output would not disappear at all, but with this level of power, it could certainly be called the ultimate magic system.

The jewels that used to shine in all colors merged into one and lost their color, leaving only transparent diamonds.

There are no advanced spells or complex truths there.

There are only bombs with countless amplifications.


It’s not a word, it’s just an expression of will.

Speaking briefly, Lordaeron grabbed the diamond that was created and broke it with force.

The diamond, which seemed to be unbreakable by any attack, turned to dust in the hands of its owner,

“Eternal ice, protect me. Will not melt or break in anything.”

A huge explosion occurred.


As for the result, my shield was broken.


With internal injuries, he vomited blood for the first time in a long time.

But he didn’t die in the end.

Unlike me, Lordaeron didn’t have a single wound, but his expression was dark.

Since you couldn’t kill me even with your secret means, you must have realized that there was no other way.

“Lordaeron. The last king of Edelwein. I think I’ve given you enough courtesy with this. Be broken.”

The barrier created above the empire disappeared at the words of the owner of the land.

When I came out of the barrier and looked around, I saw the decapitated King of Tamiel, the charred corpse of a silver-haired mage, and a knight with a red greatsword who was holding out with a lot of blood.

“King… Come on.”

“Bern… “

I wonder if the already exhausted knight held out to see his lord one last time?

Seeing that I walked out with Lordaeron, the Knight of the Red Greatsword openedly opened his eyes to Lordaeron and looked at Lordaeron.

The neck was cut off by the sword of the Duke of Pale.


Lordaeron finally bowed his head as his neck fell to the last of his minions.

“It’s over now. Lordaeron.”

“In the end… Didn’t Edelwein cross Arhan?”

At his empty question, I silently nodded.

Edelbein let out a dejected laugh, unable to raise his head.

“hahahaha… “

“You are the first to inflict such great damage on the Empire in the past five hundred years. He will die with a proud heart.”

“Ha ha ha… “

Looking at Edelwein’s appearance of giving up, I raised my staff and tried to prepare for his end.

With respect to him who was quite a match, neatly..

“Ah, hahahaha. Ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!”

“What… ?”

Have you lost your mind? It’s hostile, but I thought it was quite gentle.

“Tsk. The last king of Edelwein. Don’t be rude anymore.”

“Idleness? Okay. Chutaeji. It’s a terrible ugliness. How can you fail like this because of your insignificant pride?”


At the same time, a black mist rose beside Lordaeron.

A black mist that makes you feel unclean and ominous just by looking at it.

“Your Majesty!”

As soon as the fog rose, Duke Pale swung his sword, but the black fog covered Lordaeron first.

“Arhan. A descendant of the hateful Black Dragon. Edelwein failed. But neither Nor Will fail.”

“… Who the hell are you.”

The interest in front of you is not Lordaeron Edelwein.

“I don’t know, he’s a descendant of the damn lizard.”

That’s what Lordaeron said, no. Something in the guise of Lordaeron tried to reach out to me.

However, as if being stopped by something, his hand couldn’t go all the way up and stopped in an halfway position.

“Not yet… It is I who ends Arhan, not you! I have not yet failed.”

The black mist condensed according to Lordaeron’s beckoning, and soon became a black jewel.

A gem with a black glow.

It was a jewel that was both dark and bright, far outside the rules.

“I am Edelwein. Lordaeron Edelbein.”

As if repeating it to himself, he raised the jewel again.

It was still dark and ominous, but it was definitely a jewel.

“You showed ugliness, Arhan.”

“Yes, it was ugliness. Edelwein.”

“From now on, I will no longer choose the means. I will use everything I can to kill you and burn the empire.”

“If you can.”

A black jewel reminiscent of death turned into a spear and aimed at me.

That is not pure Edelwein’s jewel magic.

It must have been possessed by the power of some god.

That black aura wasn’t created by any magical technique.

In the first place, it’s the energy of the owner’s mana itself.

It’s not the master’s aura, but the pure energy mana has the owner’s characteristics?

Actually, I know one aura that contains the owner’s characteristics.

Divine power.

It would be rude to even compare it with that ominous and dark energy, but I thought that Kiriya’s divine power and its essence were very similar.

From noble mtl dot com

“This is the Empire. No god can reign over the emperor.”

At my words, the black energy weakened a little, but it did not disappear completely.

Can that window be blocked with ordinary magic?

It’s difficult.

Then what should I do?

Sacred power is, after all, mana containing the will of the owner.

Kiriya’s is bright and gentle, and that is ominous and dark.

Looking at the spears flying towards me, instead of casting magic, I simply drew up mana and wrapped it around me.

That mana was purple, the symbol of Arhan’s royal family.

Became the Emperor in the Hero Game

Became the Emperor in the Hero Game

용사 게임 속 황제가 되었다.
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
I was possessed by a game I enjoyed. Not as a Hero, but as an emperor.


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not work with dark mode