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Became the Butler of the Second Heroine of the Harem chapter 60

60 – The Academy’s clock is ticking(2)

“Three pieces of strawberry cake here, please! Scondos!”

“Isn’t the whipped cream cake the biggest?”

“Someone took all the cookies! Share some!”

As I and the young lady looked at the canteen at the academy, which was like a battlefield, we couldn’t help but laugh. Looking at it now, the store staff were three times more than usual to deal with the people who were buying desserts.

“It seems to be like this at the beginning of every semester. I remember it being like that when we first came here.”

“So I went to the academy with the lady. Actually, the desserts sold at the canteen are delicious. The lady also ate every bit of the chocolate cake she bought here.”

“The cakes I used to buy every day were bought here. It’s understandable that this kind of scene comes out as soon as I return to the academy. I’ll have to go somewhere else.”

The young lady nodded her head as she watched the people struggling. I don’t know where I got it from, but I often bought chocolate cake because it suited the taste of the lady.

I gave up buying at the canteen and came out of the academy. Even if she waited in line, it would take all day, and there would be no point in queuing if the dessert to buy ran out, so she moved her steps near the genie market.

“That chocolate cake…I remember the first time you bought it. It was really scary then…”

The young lady who was walking side by side moved her gaze to her belly and put her hand on her, and her expression hardened by itself.

How can I forget the sight of the young lady trembling as her white pants were stained with blood and the floor was wet due to her late menarche.

“We were both very embarrassed…Are you all right these days?”

“Yes, I went through it once last week, so it should be fine for a while. The underwear I bought from the Mage Tower works well, so it didn’t interfere with my daily life. But it’s uncomfortable every time. I have to do it every month…”

Through Shaula’s advice, the Mage Tower’s underwear, which she sent a letter to the butler to hurry up, seems to be more effective than expected.

I couldn’t tell you because it’s not something I’d dare to say, but I’m glad I found out about it even now.

“I’m glad… But I can’t help it once a month.”

“Right…Yeah, you said it’s something all women go through. Both of us were embarrassed because we couldn’t do anything.”


He opened his mouth and glared at me sharply. Even ten of his mouths were speechless. Did I say more than I should have just said okay?

As the expression of the young lady who had been crying while holding on to her stomach passed her head, he only scratched the scruff of her neck.


Around the time her shoulders felt heavy due to her sense of helplessness and remorse for not being able to do anything, the young lady put her arms around my arm and put on a bright expression.

“You gave up your work and sat next to me and fed me the first chocolate cake I bought. That’s enough.”

“…With just that?”

“It’s just that, just being by your side when you’re sick is how relaxing it is. You’ve experienced it too.”

The last time I caught a cold, I remembered myself in a daze.

In a situation where reality was indistinguishable from the strange dream, she remembered how she rubbed the young lady’s hand, and had to cover her flushed face with her free arm.

“…That makes sense.”

“Yeah, that’s it.”

The girl’s arm with her arms crossed slowly came down and grabbed my hand. She seemed to be excited when she came out unintentionally, and I smiled spontaneously at her excited appearance.

“Let’s go quickly. Everyone will be waiting.”

“It should be. Aklus-sama might even lick the cream off the plate.”

“Ahahahaha, maybe so.”

We entered the market with a quick and light step.


“…It’s late…”

When we arrived at the room, we were greeted by Aklus, who was holding an empty plate with Mr. Ruitena.

“He said it was too late… Ahahahaha…”

Mr. Ruitena, who explained why Aclus came out with a shy smile, accepted the paper bags we were holding in each of our hands.

As Aklus looked at our faces and envelopes, he was so concerned that he had no choice but to open his mouth as he handed over the plate he was holding.

“I’m sorry. The store was full, so I went outside to buy it. Instead, I have warm and delicious fresh bread, so would you please sit down at the table and wait?”

“…Yeah…Delicious bread…Forgive me.”

Oh, thank you so much for forgiving me.

Aclus walked towards the living room with brisk steps. I really wanted to see if I was a year older than the lady.

I came into the kitchen and helped Ruy Tena hand out the envelopes and put the bread on the plate carefully.

“Ms. Ruitena, did you cry? I can see some tear marks, but I wonder if the customers were bothering you…”

I wonder if the three women sitting at the table were harassing me while the young lady was gone. I could see the traces of tears on her eyes.

“Oh, no! Why would they bother me? I just let out a little yawn and shed some tears.”

“Tears from a yawn…”

“…I’ll get you some bread!”

Mr. Ruytena’s footsteps as she hurriedly brings the plate piled with bread to the living room seemed like she was running away, maybe because of her mood. It wouldn’t be if it wasn’t you

Looking at the faces of Mr. Ruythena and the other young ladies as they put the bread in the living room, the atmosphere was more friendly than before the lady and I went out to buy dessert.

“Shaula, how do you like this bread?”

“Thank you. I couldn’t tell you earlier, but you and I are getting along well.”

“It’s an honor, Mr. Shaula. Mr. Nefeli, don’t you have enough tea?”

“It’s perfect. They fill it up again when you’re done drinking, so it’s perfect. My housemaids wouldn’t wish if they did half as much as Ruitena-san.”

“Thank you very much.”

What is this awkwardness? As if acting in a friendly atmosphere, I became suspicious of the awkward tone and behavior.

While the three of them were acting suspiciously, Regula’s eyes met hers and she jerked her head away. Did i do something wrong?

Aside from Aklus, the behavior of those people, including Mr. Ruitena, became strange after the lady and I went back. Could it be that they are plotting something?

“What were you talking about while I was away?”

A young lady came to the table, draping a towel around her neck to wipe the sweat off her forehead from the late summer heat and tying her hair up in a ponytail. I put away the towel that wiped her sweat while she was sitting in her chair.

From noble mtl dot com

“I didn’t say much. I was talking with Luitena, who said she was serving Miss Europa from this time on.”

“You didn’t bully me, did you?”

“You know we’re not one of those people. Should we say that the work is as delicate as Sirius’s, or more delicate?”

“They’re trying their best to work hard between the two of you.”

“…Fresh cream cake…The most delicious…”

“I’m sorry I couldn’t introduce you formally because of an urgent matter… Ruitena, you have a great affinity.”

“hahahahaha… Thanks to the lady and the butler.”

Everyone was busy praising Ruitena-san. Receiving her compliments, she was also twisting her body to see if she was embarrassed. She approached Mr. Louis Tena and whispered.

“You’ve become very close.”

“Perhaps it was because they were friends of the lady, and instead of harassing them, everyone accepted them kindly.”

Did I get it wrong? Doubt settled on her relaxed-looking face. Well, the people who used to be abnormal are now normal people thanks to me and the lady, so there’s no way they’re bullying me.

Perhaps if it had been before we met… Shaula wouldn’t have paid any attention to it, Nefeli would have gone mad at the mention of ‘ta’ to Taurus, and Regula would have asked to fight just because he was a servant of the Taurus family. That’s it

Everyone is done, it is done. In the meantime, Aclus, who was only interested in bread, was eagerly eating only bread.

“…I need to prepare the next plate quickly.”

“It must have been a ghost that died without eating bread in its previous life. I’ll prepare it.”

She hurriedly brought the plate full of bread, and at just the right moment, the last piece of bread on the plate moved to her mouth. As I quickly removed the empty plate and put a new one full of bread on it, it was Aclus who stared at me blindingly.

“…The best…”

Oops, thank you. I don’t know what to do.

She has also become a little human because of us. If it weren’t for us, rumors wouldn’t have spread around the academy that there was a swordsman wielding and installing swords.

“Eat a lot.”


Her cheeks were filled with bread instead of a sword demon.

Seeing her eat made me want to eat too, so I took a piece of cream bread from her kitchen and ate it.


When three women get together, the bowl breaks over chatting, and when four get together, you don’t know how time passes. What if five come together? Don’t think about going home

They didn’t stop talking even after the dinner that Luitena-san and I had prepared.

Starting with how I was on vacation, I came up with travel destinations suitable for this heat, fashion, training, and mana.

As I looked around the table, wondering if I wasn’t getting tired, I saw Aclus dozed off with her eyes closed, trying to keep her eyes open. Eventually, she fell asleep.

“So this Academy Fall Tournament will be fun… Aclus is asleep.”

“Neither the mouse nor the bird fell asleep.”

“Looks like it’s time to go. It’s getting late.”

The people who noticed that she was asleep got up cautiously and prepared to leave. When Regula tried to carry Aklus on his back, he helped him.

“Then see you tomorrow.”

“Isn’t it a bit sad that Sirius is away?”

“No, so go quickly, everyone. It’s late, so I’m worried about what the dormitory manager will say.”

When she brought up the story of the dormitory blind, everyone except for Shaula, who was in the room next to her, turned blue and moved quickly. If you run, you will be scolded, but you can walk at the highest speed.

“At times like this, it’s really nice to be in the next room, hoho. Then, Ruitena. Personally, we get along really well.”

“Yes, Mr. Shaula. Be careful going in.”

When Shaulla was exceptionally kind to Mr. Ruy Thena, her doubts began to rise again. What the hell was the conversation about, how can you be so kind to someone you’re seeing for the first time today?

“…Sirius. If you stare at me so terribly, I’ll break it. Do you have anything on it?”

I was rude to Shaula because I was staring too much. She hurriedly found an excuse.

“I’m sorry. You look a little different from what you used to look like…”

“I’ve lost some weight lately. Maybe it’s because I ate less during vacation. I think I ate too much while I was at the academy.”

“If you take it off too much, it won’t look good, so it’s better to keep it moderate.”

“Hoho, thank you for the advice. Sirius seems to have put on some weight. It looks good.”

“It’s because there are more people serving the lady than me.”

Certainly, it seems that the appearance of the cheeks that were plump right before the vacation are surprisingly missing is not an illusion.

After sending off the last guest, Shaula, and coming in to clean up, the lady came out dressed in clothes that were comfortable for working out.

“The swordsmanship that senpai wielded earlier. Can you reproduce it right away?”

I shook my head at the lady’s words. No matter how I was, such swordsmanship was difficult.

“Aclus-sama’s swordsmanship was complex and subtle compared to other families’ swordsmanship. If Regula-sama’s daring and forcible swordsmanship and the girl’s swordsmanship, which are overbearing and oppressive, are similar, Aclus’s swordsmanship is similar. Is more like flexible imperial swordsmanship.”

“I’m a little used to imperial swordsmanship. Is it difficult though?”

“The characteristic of Aklus-sama’s swordsmanship is that it’s irregular compared to the supple Imperial swordsmanship. As you’ve bumped into a few times, you know, but have you ever seen the moment when the sword path changes? It’s hard to imitate swordsmanship. “

“You managed to win against that kind of swordsmanship. After all, it’s a great sword, so did you win with the opposite s*x?”

“To be precise, the yam sword I bought played a part. Compared to other ordinary two-handed swords, the sword’s side is thicker, so it’s easier to defend, so you can see that it’s struggling. Today, let’s focus on mana management instead of swords.”

The young lady and I sat face to face on the living room floor. It was time to check whether the young lady had taken the Magical Affinity Basics class well and how much her magical power was through the Magical Resonance, which she hadn’t tried before.

“It’s the first time…Should I slow down?”

“Yes, don’t worry. First lady, would you like to send magic first?”

I held the girl’s hands and closed my eyes in order to resonate with the magic power flowing through the hands we were holding so that each other’s magic flowed through the other’s body and returned to the other hand.

When the lady’s mana flowed through my hand and flowed half way through my body, I tried to slowly send my mana to her.

As I was training with Irina’s maid, I learned how not to burden the opponent, so I thought it was something I was used to, but my instincts shouted.

[Quit now.]

I got goosebumps, so I told the lady to drain the mana and stop it immediately, and the lady’s mana was recovered.

“What’s wrong? Is there something wrong? Your complexion is pale.”

“…Is it too bad?”

“Yes. Your face has turned white. Are you okay?”

It was hard to imagine what would have happened if I had not listened to my instincts and proceeded as it was. It was difficult to breathe and dizzy, as if I had run hastily.

“There must be something…Something wrong.”

“Maybe something related to blood?”

“I don’t know. I think we should put aside the magic resonance.”

“We still have a lot of time, so let’s go to the Seonggwang Church in the capital tomorrow. Maybe you know something?”

“I hope so. I’ll take a break and go back to my room.”

The young lady nodded her head and said she would go review the swordsmanship she had learned from the Count, and went out with Mr. Louis Thena. She sat on the sofa in the living room, catching her breath and letting her magic flow through her fingertips.

And at my fingertips, instead of the blue magic that flows through ordinary people, red magic like blood rose up.

“…Crazy, really…”

I could only sigh as my mana, which seemed dangerous to anyone, spread through my hands.

Became the Butler of the Second Heroine of the Harem

Became the Butler of the Second Heroine of the Harem

Score 8.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Fantasy harem story “The Stars that Embrace Me” features the second heroine, Euryope Taurus, a young noble Countess. After watching the episode where her head butler dies, I fell asleep and became her servant. Moreover, I became a completely unknown character that doesn’t even appear in the novel.


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not work with dark mode