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Became the Butler of the Second Heroine of the Harem chapter 49

49 – Road to the North

“Why do bandits keep popping up?”

As soon as I heard the threats made by the bandits, I jumped out of the wagon and, not giving me time to speak, beat them all with my fists.

There are bandits on the mountain roads, so I shuddered when the bandits appeared even though I chose the plains where there was nothing around.

Are there so many scoundrels on the way to the capital of the empire? I trembled at the incompetence of the police force, and I sighed involuntarily, wondering if I shouldn’t ride the vehicle.

“When I served other people, I thought it might be once a year, but Sirius, you always meet when you ride in a carriage.”

Uncle Gillian, who was tidying up together, smiled and tied the thieves tightly with a single rope.

“Ha, yes, really.”

While grumbling, I fixed the thieves that the uncle had tied up on top of the wagon. Although it would stand out, the luggage compartment was full, and it was a choice because there were so many people.

Unlike Achilles who dragged Hector’s corpse in a chariot during the Trojan War, you cannot drag living people in a chariot.

“Mister, how long does it take to the village with the nearest police station?”

“There should be one within 2 hours of the nearest location. If that doesn’t work, why don’t we get to the capital and put it in?”

“Rather than attracting attention by putting bandits on a wagon, we stop by the town you mentioned and take care of them. They’re people who can just wake up and escape.”

When thieves are infested, the victims are passers-by. Garbage that fell on the side of the road had to be disposed of so that there was no further damage, just as the person who saw it first should clean it up.

As if the restaurant you were going to go to during your trip is just a holiday, or you miss a bus with a long interval, or a car crawling like a turtle on a busy highway on a weekday that is not the peak season. I was annoyed when the schedule was unintentionally changed during the trip.

My face seemed to show annoyance.

“Why are you so grumpy on a pleasant trip? Look at your face.”

“Yes…That’s how it should be.”

I couldn’t put the water that had already been spilled, and I had to throw away the garbage I picked up. In the end, as the uncle said, it took two hours to reach a large town called Meisa and deal with the bandits.

“When I ride with you, it feels like I run into bandits and thieves often. Maybe next time I’ll have to walk.”

While dealing with them, I couldn’t say anything about the rudeness of the lady who came out to get some air in the carriage.

“My lady, then you may have to walk four days to the capital.”

“Wouldn’t two days be better than four? And it could all be a coincidence.”

Tears welled up in my eyes as it was comforting that the two of them were at least on my side.



Even though it is summer when the sun rises for a long time, the setting sun dyeing the sky a red light tells us that a long time has passed.

The feet of the two horses pulling the carriage with the golden bull’s face pattern moved along the road with a cheerful sound of their hooves striking the ground.

It was not the coachman, Gillian, who grabbed the reins of the two horses, but Sirius in a black tailcoat.

I don’t know if it was because I didn’t want to see Europa’s face, or if it was to reduce Gillian’s driving fatigue, but I was driving the wagon more skillfully than before, using Gillian’s fingers as guideposts.

“My little butler has improved his wagon driving skills in a while. Now you don’t need me to serve the lady.”

“hahahaha, you joke really well, too. I’m still lacking…”

Sirius, who almost lost the reins because of Gillian hitting him on the back, smiled shyly and focused on driving again.

As the sun went down and the stars slowly emerged from the darkness, the village they were supposed to have arrived in began to be visible.

A smaller town than the Meisa they had visited during the day welcomed them with lights shining through the windows.

When we arrived at the entrance of the village, a man in light-looking leather armor and holding a dagger approached the carriage.

Perhaps they saw the family crest attached to the carriage, they hurriedly bowed their heads and bowed.

“Me, the pillars that hold up the empire. Why did the Taurus family come to our village?”

“I stopped by to find a place to stay before going to the capital. Are there any inns or lodgings?”

“Go to the center of town and you will find the largest inn. Let me guide you.”

“Thank you, but it’s okay. Just letting you know is enough.”

Sirius bowed his head, pulled the reins, and drove the carriage to the inn he had told him about.

The inn was smaller than the inns we had stayed in, but it was the largest building in town. As if there weren’t many guests staying, the light coming through the window came in sparsely.

“Welcome! You can park here!”

A waitress of similar age to Sirius and Europa was very nervous as if he had seen the aristocrat for the first time.

“My little butler is so good at parking! Why don’t you try working as a coachman instead of Angelo?”

“I don’t intend to quit being your butler.”

“Sorry, sorry. Anyway, we managed to arrive, so if we leave tomorrow morning, we will arrive in the capital in the morning.”

Gillian, stretching all the way, took out carrots from a small storage box installed on the coachman’s seat, fed them to the horses, and checked their condition. Sirius stretched out in the same way and opened the carriage door.

Louie Tena, who was smiling embarrassingly, was waking up Europa, who had fallen asleep in boredom since she had been in the carriage for a long time.

“My lady, we have arrived.”


Sirius’ mischievous spirit kicked in as he didn’t even open his eyes, as if he was still in the land of dreams. Louis Thena’s eyes widened as she poked her cheek with her fingers.

The result of the teasing was that Europa’s sharp teeth gnawed at his fingers like a crocodile biting the leg of a drowned bird.


Sirius’ shriek echoed loudly through the small town, and Europa’s grim eyes stared at him.

“It’s going to wake up on its own, but in the meantime, there’s an evil butler playing pranks.”

“…Lady, are you actually awake?”

“No, I just woke up.”

Europe, coming out brazenly, got off the carriage and, without looking at his face, went into the inn, being guided by the waitress.

Sirius grabbed hold of his dented finger to the point where there was no blood, Luitena came out carrying a simple piece of luggage, and Gillian entered after Europa.


We were assigned two twin single rooms, and Mr. Gillian and I decided to share one room, and the lady and Mr. Ruitena share one room.

You seemed dissatisfied with the young lady’s puffy cheeks, but you couldn’t bring out your dissatisfaction because four people use it and it’s appropriate to divide it by gender.

And now, in the middle of the night, I woke up and stayed up all night. Judging from the sore joints and sore knees, it seemed that my small stature would grow like a beanstalk.

It’s too late to sleep, so let’s leave the room carefully so that Mr. Gillian, who is sleeping, won’t wake up for a light walk.



A young lady wearing thin pajamas and a shawl was at the door. She must have been very surprised when she clenched her fists, so she hurried out of the room and shut the door.

“That… That’s why…”

“Shhh… Talk outside in case the other guests wake up.”

Whatever the purpose of the bewildered lady, she put her index finger on my lips and asked her to be silent.


“Let’s go.”

Walking as carefully as possible on the floor that creaked with every step, we came out and strolled side by side under the moonlight, in this small town where everyone was asleep.

“Are your fingers okay?”

First of all, Lady Shin took her bitten hand and lifted it up. She stopped and showed her index finger.

“As you can see, I’m fine.”

“I guess I should have bitten harder.”

“That would have bleed.”

“…I suddenly wondered what your blood tastes like.”

When I tried to bite her finger again, I was startled.

It wasn’t because of the pain. I hurriedly withdrew her hand, fearing that by sharing my blood like the vampires of other creations, I might turn the young lady into a vampire like me, or a subordinate who obeys her orders.

“…Someone who has tasted other people’s blood doesn’t let them drink their own blood.”

“I can’t give it to you because I don’t know if the young lady will become something she wants to drink blood like me.”

“It’s very expensive. I gave it away easily.”


She was a grumbling girl with her mouth, but her eyes were full of mischief. I smiled lightly at the ironic eye smile and walked around the village again.

“Come to think of it, why did you wake up? Were you hungry?”

The lady who was walking side by side glanced at me and asked. This is what I wanted to ask, but since the person who asked the question first was a young lady, I have to answer.

“I haven’t slept since I woke up because my bones hurt.”

“Are you okay?

“Yes, I’ve heard that it’s the growing pains you feel when you grow taller. Haven’t the young lady ever felt like this?”

“Well… I’m not sure… Come to think of it, I think we’re the same height now.”

“It must be because of my mood.”

It can’t have already grown that much in just three weeks. It’s probably just because of her feelings.

From noble mtl dot com

“And the voice also became strange. Should I say it felt a bit thicker?”

And I wonder if the puberty, one of the characteristics of puberty, has arrived, and I noticed a change that I had not noticed. He lifted her head slightly and pointed to her neck as she explained to the young lady.

“Men say that as they grow up, the vocal cords here deform and their voices become thicker like everyone else. That means I’m growing too.”

“I see…”

She was a mysterious girl who touched my neck, but since she hadn’t grown properly yet, it was a long way from getting the lump in her neck. Even so, the lady stroked my neck several times.

“What kind of voice will you be when you grow up?”

“Time will tell. But why didn’t you go to sleep until that time, young lady?”

A young lady who walked ahead of me at a fast pace in response to my question put her hands behind her back.

“Someone keeps me awake.”

“Isn’t it because you slept a lot in the carriage during the day?”

“Ah~ it’s you? And it was boring because someone was outside the carriage and I couldn’t see their face properly. So…”

With his back to the moon in the sky, he seemed to be enjoying the time spent together.

“Hug me. For 10 seconds.”

“…How do you come to that conclusion? What the hell is the relationship between being bored and hugging…”

“Uh huh, are you going to disobey the owner? You’re like a bad butler.”

“Whoops, I met the wrong owner…”

With a mischievous smile, he approached and carefully hugged her to grant her wishes. As if to say hello lightly, I pulled her back slightly and put my arms under the arms of the lady who had been covered all the way and wrapped my arms around my back. The lady wrapped her arms around my neck and said

“Yes, I also met the wrong butler.”

A smile came naturally at the young lady’s voice as she giggled and laughed. As I was about to fall slowly after such a short 10 seconds, I felt strength in the lady’s arm.


“Ten more seconds…”

After 10 seconds of this, another 10 seconds were repeated until the total was 30 seconds before the fallen girl showed a satisfied face.

“I think that’s enough. Let’s go, go to sleep. Wake up at dawn.”

“Yes, you can’t sleep in the wagon again.”

“I haven’t slept that much!”


The lady’s low kick hit my calf. As soon as she limped back to the dorm and lay down on the bed, she fell into a deep sleep like a lie that she couldn’t sleep earlier.

It was a comfortable bed, as if a lady was sleeping next to her.


We set off early the next morning and arrived in the capital shortly after sunrise.

It was the first time I saw the capital in about 3 weeks, but it looked magnificent when I looked at it again. Mr. Louis Thena, who was sitting next to her, turned her head and watched her at the first sight she had seen.

The portal we arrived shortly thereafter had a strange appearance. There were four buildings that looked like looking at a large door without a door at the height of a two-story building.

I wanted to look inside the big doors, but I couldn’t see anything like a black abyss, so I gave up and got off the carriage. The wagon was still limited in its use of portals due to the lack of technological development.

While I took my luggage out of the luggage compartment and the uncle parked the wagon, I followed the signpost that said “Northern Territory” And attached to the back of the line where people were standing.

“Come to think of it, aren’t there any portals in the northern part of our territory?”

“Our 12 pillars can be reached in a day or two to three days by carriage from the capital, but important places like the north are far away, so they say they set up a portal. The butler said he could help you where the portal was installed.”

When the lady’s curiosity came out of her mouth, she kindly explained it. Actually, it was from the original story, but I was able to move on with the excuse that I had heard it from the butler.

When the man who came after parking joined us, it was just our turn. I handed one salt to the staff standing in front of the portal.

“Four people.”

“You can go right in.”

As I was looking at the abyss where I couldn’t see anything, I swallowed dry saliva as I recalled the portal accident the main characters went through. The accident had caused the party to scatter all over the northern part of the country.

As I was about to stiffen from nervousness, the young lady grabbed my hand. Since it was the first time that the young lady had experienced it, he seemed to be nervous, so his body stiffened.

The two of us stood side by side and stepped into the portal. As I took one step, I felt myself speeding into the darkness, and on the second step, I had to raise my hand to cover my eyes because of the sudden sunlight.

Once we crossed the portal, it was not snowy country… But unlike the hot and muggy weather of the capital, a slightly chilly wind blew, making it feel like the weather of autumn, when the season was one step ahead.

“It’s not as cold as I thought. Rather, it should be said that it is cool.”

“Yes, the weather is pleasant.”

“But the portal is very empty. I thought it would have a better feel.”

“Then what were you thinking?”

“A little more colorful and magical…?”

“Can you stop being stupid?”

Mr. Ruitena and Mr. Gillian came over behind the girl who shook her head.

While looking around, two familiar people approached us from a distance.

“You came earlier than expected.”

“Welcome, is this your first time in the North? We will guide you well.”

We were greeted by Laland and his maid, Alte, from Soga in the north.

It was the first day of the holiday in the north.

Became the Butler of the Second Heroine of the Harem

Became the Butler of the Second Heroine of the Harem

Score 8.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Fantasy harem story “The Stars that Embrace Me” features the second heroine, Euryope Taurus, a young noble Countess. After watching the episode where her head butler dies, I fell asleep and became her servant. Moreover, I became a completely unknown character that doesn’t even appear in the novel.


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not work with dark mode