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Became an Academy Spearman chapter 220

220. Meanwhile on the Imperial front… …


Same day.

ㅡWestern Front.

Anastasia, who had returned to the front a few days ago, had no intention of resting.

Although she was originally given consideration to re-adapt to the front for a few days after returning, she had no intention of doing so.

“Major Anastasia. Are you heading to the battlefield again?”

Returning to the front first, Medelfen, who was on the front line, matched her steps by her side, and Anastasia calmly nodded.


Lightly wrapped in the cloak of her uniform, she was ready to go to another front.

“…I will assist you.”

Medelpen let out a light sigh, hesitated on his lips, and made up his mind to accompany him.

Anastasia, who glanced at Medelpen, nodded calmly.

I know you are very tired right now.

Following herself along the front line would be on a different level from one-sided fatigue, but Anastasia thought that she had to endure all of that.

If he was really determined to assist himself, he had to be able to do that much.


After leaving the accommodation, I felt the heavy and soggy atmosphere unique to the front line again.

A dark and gloomy atmosphere that only stays on the battlefield. It was on a completely different level from the comfortable and peaceful time he had spent in the imperial capital a few days ago.

This atmosphere seemed to reflect the dark thoughts of each officer and soldier, and there were times when it felt as if the remains of countless monsters and apostles had deeply rooted in the land of the front lines.

‘Whatever it is… it doesn’t matter anyway.’

Since most of them died, they must have had a lot of thoughts. And the dead never spoke.

Since death comes fairly, even if there was a reason attached to it, it was really futile. Lightly check the condition of the wires.

“Medelpen, is there a singularity or the appearance of an apostle?”

“Information has arrived that a strange apostle has appeared at the current B5 coordinates in the west.”

“…B5? Let’s go right away.”

Saying that, as I slowly drew my sword and leaped toward the fiercely facing front, I felt Medelpen following me with familiarity.



While crossing the wire at once, it exerts its power as if lightly sweeping away the monsters rushing in like waves.

I felt some officers and soldiers pay attention to me at the momentary manifestation of power, but I just continued on my way to my destination, B5.

How far have you moved since then?


As soon as I arrived at the B5 point, I immediately frowned.

The entire field of vision was dyed red.

…A peculiar stench emanated from the corpses of soldiers scattered all over the battlefield. Pieces of flesh bursting out as if they were being crushed, or eyes that opened in vain. It was the scene where most of them were brutally murdered.

“This is really boring… .”

I was puzzled even as I nodded at the voice I heard next to me.

“Medelpen, is this a battlefield without officers?”

In the space where the Apostle appears, a platoon containing ordinary officers must come out and maintain the front line.

The soldiers had to face the flood of monsters, and the officer’s main role was to lead the soldiers and fight the apostles that appeared, so it was only natural.

Now, only the corpses of the soldiers who were massacred are visible.


While cutting off the crowd of monsters rushing towards me with a light sword cut, Medelfen calmly calmed her eyes when I looked at her.

He carefully examined the dead bodies of the soldiers, and soon opened his eyes.

“Looking at the markings of the platoon dispatched to the B5 area, it appears to be a platoon led by Lieutenant Grassel… .”

I could understand even without listening to the words that followed.

The fact that even an officer named Lieutenant Grassel had been attacked. That’s why he was slaughtered like this.

‘Something is strange.’

Even that felt rather strange.

The position of officer is not given for nothing. Only those who are strong enough to stand against the apostles, or at least have the strength to protect themselves, are given the position of officer.

However, there is no trace of Lieutenant Grassel, the officer of the platoon, and only the scene where the soldiers who appear to be platoon members were brutally slaughtered.

That means… even the officer couldn’t respond to the apostle.

“Lieutenant Medelpen. You focus on protecting yourself. Among the apostles, I must say that he is an apostle who has reached the highest level of danger.”

“Yes. All right.”

Keeping a large distance from Medelpen, who immediately responded with a stiff expression, I advanced further along the front line.

It was a strange feeling.

There is definitely a sense of heterogeneity that there is an apostle.

However, between the thoughts of the monsters wafting in the air and the endless hordes of monsters, I couldn’t feel that there was a specific existence as an apostle.

‘Did he hide himself among the monsters?’

Stay tense while thinking.

I’m always nervous when I’m on the front line, but being nervous when facing an apostle is different. There were times when the apostles showed completely unexpected appearances or showed off their powers, so I couldn’t let my guard down at all.


Every time I took a step like that, the freezing cold air rapidly erased the wires, opening the way to go.

“Kiki Kick!”


The monsters attacking me from all sides at every moment froze to death the moment I touched the ice wall surrounding me, and I was able to arrive at the source of the feeling of heterogeneity within a few minutes.

“… … .”

Numerous monsters widened their distance, and a strange being existed at the center.

Even as I narrowed my eyes, I ‘opened’ my power.

Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi!!

While countless ice shards took over the space around me, without even realizing it, I opened my mouth.

“Did you steal the body…?”

Originally, only the execution of questions and answers was the only answer to the apostle.

It was natural since he was the long-time enemy of mankind and the source of all harm. But what I see now is a terribly alien and unrealistic sight.

The existence identified as an apostle was a familiar face to me as well.

The appearance of ‘Lieutenant Grassel’, a platoon that was wiped out a while ago. I remembered her because of her unique short blonde hair and strong impression.

But even if it looked fine, it was too fine.

An officer’s uniform with no scars, and the friendly red eyes that dwell in the eyes that look straight at me. If it wasn’t for the red eyes, it was so strange that even I couldn’t feel like an apostle.

“…Major Anastasia?”

Then, when I heard a clear voice through my open mouth, I calmed my eyes.

‘It’s a form of power I’ve never seen before.’

It was not enough that the apostle had robbed the officer’s body, it seemed that he was using that body straight away.

Even expressing their opinions and recognizing me were all serious signs.

I have memories of the officers who were robbed. With that fact alone, he raised his sword and calmed down.


With a light swing of the sword, countless pieces of ice rushed at Lieutenant Grassel.


My heart sank even more when I saw Lieutenant Grassel, who immediately drew his sword and erased the frozen fragments.

that’s… .

It was clearly Lieutenant Grasel’s strength.

It’s not like the apostle’s power, but the obvious power of the officer’s own characteristics.

‘Matter interference ability… .’

“Why are you attacking me all of a sudden? Now I was on my way chasing the apostle who killed my platoon member!”

The sight of him shouting urgently and widening his eyes… I calmed my heart endlessly.

To manifest a characteristic is clearly one’s own strength. There was no way the apostle could use the human privilege bestowed only by the world.

In addition, Lieutenant Grassel is telling me that he is chasing the apostle who killed his platoon member. It didn’t seem like it at all to me.

In addition, even my thoughts of being robbed of my body were an illusion.

It was an incomprehensible ‘contradiction’.

Among the many monsters, he existed without a single wound, and when I arrived, the monsters around him didn’t even show signs of attacking or wary of Lieutenant Grasel.

An attitude as if looking at one’s own ally. At the same time, even the frequent widening of the distance and giving up seats completely matched the characteristics of the monsters shown when dealing with the apostles leading them.

He didn’t lower his hand that had been wielding the sword, and an incomprehensible feeling filled him.

‘It’s an extremely dangerous power.’

I guess I was mentally disturbed… … .

It was only a moment of time passing by thinking about it.

“The damned apostle must have… well killed my platoon members!”

When Lieutenant Grassel suddenly raised his sword and rushed at me, I hurriedly swung my sword.

The appearance of a complete change from before… And as soon as I opened my own characteristics, I unleashed all my power and cut him down.

Stand up!

The space distorted and the entire body of Lieutenant Grassel, who had been flooding in, froze in place at once.

……and immediately after. It was just one moment.


The ice that trapped Lieutenant Grassel creaked and twisted.

It was a sight that creaked as if it could not overcome the swollen mass.

Lieutenant Grassel’s face, arms, and legs swelled abnormally, leaving him no longer in human form.

“… … !”

He opened his eyes and hurriedly stretched out his hand in front of him.


With a violent explosion as if space were collapsing, Lieutenant Grassel’s entire body, which had been trapped in ice, exploded, and the ice that confined him was also blown away in all directions.

Papa papak!!

I just watched through dozens of layers of ice walls that completely blocked the front, between flesh, blood, and ice fragments that were menacingly embedded.


I just had to calmly concentrate on the death of the officer I had once spoken to through a thin wall of ice.

‘There will be a moment when the Apostle recovers his power.’

I had to seize the brief moment when I retrieved my interference and the sign of power was returned to the body of the apostle.


And as soon as I sensed a presence in my senses, I kicked the ground at once.


He bit his lip and hardened his heart.


An apostle with this power must be executed.

It felt more threatening than any apostle I had ever encountered.

The horrors I faced while getting off at the B5 area.

Even the horrors of the dead bodies of soldiers stained red… Looking back now, it was all a disaster created by Lieutenant Grassel.

But that was clearly not the will of Lieutenant Grassel. It is said that an apostle interferes with the mind of an officer who is the same ally and causes him to kill his ally… .


I just did something really stupid.


Extreme cold air that seemed to freeze all around spread, and the apostle’s energy quickly moved toward the recovered space.

Became an Academy Spearman

Became an Academy Spearman

아카데미 창술사가 되었다, I Became An Academy Spearman
Score 9.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
I Became an Academy Spearman Raw mtl [Spear Lv.1] Among the many attributes, having a spear spell can be seen as a bad result, but… … . No, it was bad. That was almost the worst outcome I felt.


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not work with dark mode