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Avoid the Yandere Constellation chapter 118


A place full of water wider than the continent.

A place to enjoy with friends.

A place like that with Kane…

The group thought for a moment.

Kane takes off her shirt and puts on her swimsuit in the rippling waves.


A group of women swallowing dry saliva.

Soon, Lisana raised her hand as she glanced into Anje’s eyes.

“yes. You tell me.”

With Anje’s permission, Lisana, who heard the information about Riche from Willy a few weeks ago, nodded and said.

“Ah yes. It’s not that different… Would a senior who isn’t Kii really make that request during the field trip study period?”

“You don’t have to worry about that.”

Richie speaks in a confident tone.

“Because if I ask you, you will probably do it.”


At Riche’s subtle smile, the party kept their mouths shut as they had nothing to say.

In fact, isn’t she the closest person to Kane and Jung-sil right now?

Kane treats Richie with a subtle generosity compared to other women.

Like treating a real lover.

So if she asks, there’s a good chance Kane will listen to her without a word.

“still. I can’t be alone with it. Illin-nim, Skaya-nim, and Lisana-sama should ask us to do field experiential learning together.”

“Ah… but. that.”



Three people laughing awkwardly.

Anje and Riche looked at the three of them in turn with faces asking why.

next moment. Skaya smiles bitterly.

“It feels like Kane is avoiding us these days.”


Riche and Anje are astonished.

Skaya scratched the side of her head to see if she was embarrassed.

“Hey, what should I do? I’m doing something as usual. uhm. Feeling scared of us?”

“That’s right. Something seemed to be afraid of us.”

“Thinking about it, it seems like that.”

Illin and Lisana nod their heads in sympathy with Skaya.

Richie tilted her head with an incomprehensible face.

“Is there anything you can guess?”

“Ugh. I don’t have anything Illin, are you?”

“Neither am I.”

“I don’t have either.”

hmmm. The master avoids three people.

That person named Lisana, considering what the master had heard, well, it could be.

‘Why are you afraid of Skaya-sama and Ilyn-sama?’

The two of them never did any damage to the master.

Therefore, there is no reason for the master to avoid the two of them.

According to the three of them.

‘Hmm. I don’t understand.’

Richie made an incomprehensible expression and then opened her mouth.

“I understand for now. Still, it would be good to keep pushing. There is a saying that there is no tree that does not fall down after being shot ten times.”


“yes. All right.”

“It’s not… it doesn’t seem like it’s going to pass even after taking 10 shots…”

Lisana mumbles something to herself, but the group naturally ignores them.

Riche turned her head to Anje.

“Do you have time, Lady? You’ve been very busy…”

“I will definitely go.”

Anje answered with eyes full of enthusiasm before the words were even finished.

“I will force the time.”

He desperately wanted to go hang out with Kane, so he declared that he would make time by force.

From then on, the group of women held a few more meetings for the purpose of relaxation, not to seduce Kane.

But it’s only outwardly meeting.

inside out.

‘This time, I will unconditionally be ahead of anyone else!’

They must have been plotting to seduce Kane.


The day before the field trip period.


this is tight

You defeated the top level demon and got points and magic as a reward.

The point hasn’t been touched since.

Because it’s not urgent right now.

‘Rather than that.’

Read at noblemtl.com

Maggie is the problem.

It’s good to get Magi as a reward.


‘Too many came in.’

Was it the price of killing the top demon?

The magical energy in the body increased to an unimaginable extent.

In the first place, it should be something to be happy about.

But it’s too early to like it.

Because I can’t control the power in my body right now.

However, his magic power has increased quite a bit recently.

There was even a magician, so when I strengthened my body, it was quite a burden on my body.

Even though his physical abilities are superior to most of them.

However, after training, my physical ability got stronger and I wondered if the burden was reduced again.

‘Magi has increased again.’

It’s also unexpected.

Of course, having a lot of magic isn’t a bad thing.

Because if I do my best now, I can beat Willina Lisana.

But the problem is that I can’t control it.

When I first used it, I thought I was going to die while strengthening my body without adding a single exaggeration.

Because the magic came out so much that my body couldn’t stand it.

Had it not been for the cross of the Holy Spirit, I would have returned.

But now.

– Whoa!

It’s pretty much adjustable.

Of course, it’s still not completely in control, but it’s still a lot better than the first.

“Ehh. For the time being, I will have to focus on my physical abilities.”

With that said, let’s gather a large amount of magic again.

[The goddess of fate asks what’s your favorite swimsuit.]

The constellation asks with a message too suddenly.

huh? swimsuit? suddenly?

Obviously, the weather has become steamy lately, so it reminds me of the sea.

‘Isn’t it so absurd though?’

Usually, when this happens, something bad happens.

Even so, the constellation could not ask such a question for no reason.

Why the hell are you asking such a question all of a sudden?

when i don’t understand

[The goddess who sees fate asks why there is no answer.]

The constellation sent a message again.

“Why are you asking that all of a sudden?”

[The goddess who sees fate was just curious and asked.]


I feel like I care too much for just asking.

It’s not like she’s right in front of me, but if I see her waiting with an anxious face, is it my mistake?

‘Well, but it doesn’t matter if you tell me.’

If you think about it, even if you tell me what swimsuit I like, there is no way the constellation can do anything to me with it.

Swimsuits aren’t even an offensive item.

“just. All you need is a kid’s swimsuit like a school swimsuit. Well, but honestly, I think anything would suit you.”

I have a stereotype about him, if I get rid of it.


Not to mention the body.

People who pass by their faces are so beautiful that their chins fall off, what more can I say?

Probably, if it wasn’t for the PTSD of being a yandere, it wouldn’t be strange to fall in love with her by now.

Because the appearance of the constellation is so perfect.

That was then.

[Fate tells the seeing goddess not to praise suddenly! I’m embarrassed!]

The constellation sends a message in a way that doesn’t suit its shape.

He was about to nod his head without hesitation at his message.

[The goddess who sees fate asks what else suits him.]

I start to write in droves to get more compliments on how good my comments are.

no. don’t do it F * UCK.

The change in the posture of the constellation is ridiculous, and it makes me laugh out loud.

[The goddess who sees fate urges us to talk more quickly.]

After that, after 10 minutes of compliments, I was finally able to free myself from her message bombardment.


next day.

The first semester of the sophomore year became the field experience learning period.

Unlike last year, this time I was going to do an easy quest.

“Kane. Let’s do field experiential learning together with me.”

The world doesn’t always go the way it should be.

Skaya came up to me and forced me with a soft smile.

In fact, in the past, I would have nodded my head at her suggestion.

Because he was one of the only normal people around me.

However, the last thing she said when she raided the branch is very concerning.

-I can’t escape by locking the barrier…

Her words linger in my mind.

Kim Soo-yong’s robbery boss passes through his mind.

While I’m shaking the balls for a while.

“Is that… can’t it?”

Skaya looks up at me with a crying voice. Like a dog that died of grass.

Whoa. Okay, let’s hear it first.

To be honest, the reason she said that at the time was, in a way, because of me.

I made it look like I was going to kill the party with my directing, so maybe it was just something that Skaya said in a cool way before she died.

At first, it seemed that Skaya was too shy to hold hands with me.

‘okay. It must be.’

However, these days, I unconsciously avoided her and felt sorry for her.

So, it would be better to listen to her story and judge.

“Ugh. let’s talk first What, do you have any plans?”

“yes. I will tell you right away.”

Skaya smiles brightly at my question and nods her head.

Then, with a confident face, he crossed his arms and continued.

“This is a quest to catch a sea monster on an island called Gold Reach. They provide accommodation and food, all for free. I heard that there were no people on the island because of the monster.”


F * UCK. What did I hear?

“Is it an island without people for a moment?”


She nodded her head without hesitation in answering my question.

f*ck off. Somehow, when that guy asked me why we should do a quest together, there was a reason for this.

I know what Skaya is aiming for now.

that’s no different.

‘You’re trying to kidnap me.’

The island of Gold Richie is a place I have never even heard of.

I don’t know what kind of island it is, but from what she said, I think it’s like an uninhabited island.

Because I said it was an island without people.

Anyway, Skaya is now trying to take me to an island where there are no people on the pretext of a request.

‘If my guess is correct.’

Read at noblemtl.com

Maybe I’m doing this to put into practice what I said last time?

That’s right, Skaya said last time she’d put me in a barrier and had s*x with me.

Thinking about it this way, I am sure.

The guy kidnapped me and tried to make me a sergeant.

I narrowed my eyes for a moment and looked at Skaya.

At my gaze, she tilts her head with a pure face.

Like why are you looking at me like that?

‘The thing that that guy was ashamed of until now was all acting.’

Read at noblemtl.com

My acting skills that will fold even the constellation.

A better person than that has now appeared before my eyes.

‘That quest may have been manipulated by that guy.’

I completely penetrated Skaya’s plan in front of me.

while praising myself.


This time, Illin’s voice came from behind.

That guy said he was doing the same thing with me the last few days.

I turned my head towards Dangerous Person #2.

with a heart full of boundaries.

“why····? Do you have any business?”

“Hey, can you do field experiential learning with me……?”

Illin makes a proposal with her cheeks blushing.

hmmm. definitely not bad

If you don’t know anything else, a really bad ending can happen the moment you play with Skaya.

So, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to receive Ilyn’s offer in front of Skaya.

Still, don’t you know

“Do you have any plans?”

“He and I are doing this on an island called Gold Richie…”


f*ck off. you too?

I thought Skaya had a kidnapping plan, but Illin was planning the same.

A sudden dilemma.

Two people are trying to kidnap me and make me a boss.

At this point, it is unavoidable to wonder if the two of them were scheming.

While thinking about how to get out of this crisis.

“Baby♥ Let’s go to an island called Gold Richie with me!”

Lisana ran up to me and sentenced me to death.

So recently, I was forcibly surrounded by three dangerous people.

f*ck off.

Avoid the Yandere Constellation

Avoid the Yandere Constellation

얀데레 성좌를 피해라
Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
Avoid the Yandere Constellation mtl Possessed as a third-rate extra villain. He barely escaped the fate of being killed by the protagonist. However, that changed the Yandere constellation’s interest from the main character to me. [The goddess who sees fate is interested in you with a sinister expression.]


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not work with dark mode