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Author’s Reincarnation in a Fantasy Setting Volume – Chapter 54 Worst Of The Worst Of The Worst Possible Outcome

The next day, I woke up early as I went to sleep in the evening yesterday. This bed was not that soft so I can’t say that I slept comfortably but, it was enough to wash the tiredness off my shoulders.

After that, I spent five minutes lying in bed thinking about nothing, then I brushed my teeth—the toothpaste flavor was bad as usual—and took a shower. As for breakfast…I didn’t eat anything, since I was too lazy to make it.

‘Hmm, now that I think about it, not eating breakfast will tire me out way faster than usual. Maybe I’ll buy something on my way.’

Yesterday when I was shifting in the dorms, I saw some shops on the academy campus so it’s possible they sell stuff here.

Now it was the time to change into the uniform, we were provided with. Mine was lying in a corner of my room because I didn’t care to put it in the wardrobe.

I went and pick it up. It was a pair of grey pants and a white blazer with a pattered strip on it. We also had robes but they were optional. It wasn’t a super-cool uniform but it wasn’t bad either.

When I was done getting dressed up, I stood in front of a wall mirror that I recently hung—I bought this by myself.

“I, think I’m looking fine?”

I stared at the mirror, or rather at myself. I had my normal hairstyle on and I wore the uniform correctly, but…it felt like something was missing. Then as a blub lit inside my mind, I quickly went and grabbed my hand gloves—the black, skin-tight ones.

As I put them on that feeling of ‘something’s a miss’ disappeared. I took my wallet and left the room. The money Ron had provided us with was enough to spend a year or so for both I and Anya.

Most of it is in our bank account and we can withdraw it whenever we want, so for now I just have enough to pass a month in my wallet. By the way, the currency that is used in this world is named “C”.

When I was done, I left my room and headed for the main building. It was located at a distance of five to ten minutes by foot and not long after, I reached there.

Entering the building I went through a hallway that led to a hall—the same one as yesterday. I stepped in and saw many other students were already there, all of them dressed in the school uniform.

There I saw the uniform for girls. The blazer was almost similar to the boys but they wore knee-length skirts and thigh-high tights. Also, there was one major change in the hall.

This time chairs were put across the hall for the students, unlike before when we had to stand all the time.

I looked around a bit, trying to find Anya but she wasn’t there so I went and sat on one of the chairs in the fifth row from the back. This row was mostly empty and that’s why I choose to sit here.

There was still some time left before the opening ceremony and I didn’t have anything to do. So, to pass time, I started observing other students.

Both boys and girls were good-looking and had an air of elegance around them. It was clear that all of them came from good families—high-class nobles.

‘This scene seems familiar to me. The result of reading and writing too many novels I guess.”

Among the novels, I read, and the ones I wrote, most of them had an academic arc. I mean, it’s easy to write them and academy arcs are the ones that give you the most freedom to do whatever you want with your characters.

And of course, as a result of that, we have many novels full of clichés.

Time passed while I was thinking about my novels—the ones I wrote. Before I knew it, the hall was filled with students; all of the chairs were booked. I don’t for sure but I think I saw Anya also; she sat in the third row from the front.

Then along with Mr. Halls, the principal came onto the stage. He was an old man with white hair and a wrinkled face, though, despite his age, his body structure wasn’t bad at all.

The principal stood before our motley bunch, atop a podium that was newly placed here, giving his speech.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I am honored to have you all as students of our academy. This academy has been producing great magicians from…” blah, blah, blah…he gave that ordinary speech.

All the students were told to stand up so following that command, I simply stood at my place before the principal’s long speech finished.

“And now, a few words from the representative of the first years.”

Representative of the first-year students? Who is that? No wait, I heard something about this yesterday. The student who scores full marks in all the four entrance exams is to be made the representative.

At Mr. Halls’s words, a boy came forward and stood atop the podium. He had black hair and a pair of red eyes, his facial features were also good, along with his body posture.

‘Kinda generic I’d say.’

Then the boy in question spoke.

“My name is Leon Void. I am a first-year student at the Zaforths magic academy, just like the rest of you. I am very grateful that Mr. Halls gave me this opportunity to be the representative, despite my being a scholarship student. I’m looking forward to…”

Wait for a second, Leon Void? And a scholar student on top of that?

This can’t be what I’m thinking right?

I mean, there’s no fucking way it can be that?

T-That’s impossible!

Hold on, if I think back to some certain events they gave me this feeling of nostalgia—and a bad one.

If this is what I think it is, then everything makes sense.

Why Walric seemed so familiar, why this world is based on a generic fantasy setting, why I thought I’ve heard the name of this academy somewhere before…all of that makes a fucking sense!

I want to deny this so badly but I can’t!

I can’t coz Leon Void…is a name I can’t forget that easily.

After all, he’s the main character in the novel of the author I hate the most.

If that’s true and then it means I’ve reincarnated inside the novel of the author I hated the most.

‘Wait a minute, now that I’m thinking about that novel, there was also a character named Anya. Fuck! If she really is that Anya and I really have reincarnated in that novel then—’

Ignoring all the other students, I fell back on my chair and leaned back.

‘Oh shit!

This is the worst of the worst of the worst of the worst of the worst of the worst of the worst of the worst of the worst of the worst possible outcome!

Because if that’s true, then I am going to die.’

Author’s Reincarnation in a Fantasy Setting

Author’s Reincarnation in a Fantasy Setting

Score 6.5
Status: Ongoing Author:
What does it feel like to find yourself inside the novel of an author you hated? How will you survive in a world that's filled with clich? Well, something similar happened here.Once there was an unpopular fantasy novel author. His life was pretty messed upno, he made it messed up. And remember I said messed up, not sad.Due to certain reasons, he ended up never having the life that an average teenage boy should have.But soon he was freed from that life as he died due to a lovey-dovey couple. He was freed but he had regretsafter all, he didn't make his life that way because he wanted to.The things he did were the result of his condition and impulses.It seems luck was on his side at that moment, seconds after he closed his eyes and died, those eyes opened again but this time they were gazing at a world different from his old one.He got a second chance! Now he will live a new life, a life he wanted to live! This time he can live, grow old, and then die in a "normal" way! The way things should have happened in his former life.Though it turns out he also had a good amount of bad luck on his side as well.Later he found out that the world he reincarnated in was the same as the novel of an author he hated the most. The only person he never wanted to talk to againhe was reincarnated inside that very person's novel.This is his story! The story of the man who was known by the name "Zero" in his second life. The story of how he survived without plot armor in a world filled with clich situations, only in the favor of the MC of that novel.This is, Author's Reincarnation in a Fantasy Setting!!


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not work with dark mode