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ALL MY WIVES ARE BEAUTIFUL ELVES Volume – Chapter 97 All isn’t well?

Chapter 97 All isn’t well?

Kan meeting her was quite the surprise as he didn’t think she would come to his place uninvited or at least without a heads-up to him. Granted he figured a lot of things were looked at with a blind eye in this world, it still felt quite offensive and even with the large blossoms of Ellie pressed against his, he pulled her from himself and was on the verge of giving her a thorough warning for coming uninvited before she beat him to as she began to say something.

“Kan, I just left the hospital now and I’m afraid there’s bad news,” Ellie said amidst tear filled eyes. Kan could tell from her voice that all wasn’t well. The atmosphere was heavy with tension as Ellie’s trembling voice crackled through the phone. Her tear-filled eyes reflected the weight of the news she bore. In the silence that followed her words, a palpable sense of foreboding hung in the air. It was a moment pregnant with unspoken sorrow, a pause before the storm of emotions that threatened to engulf them both.

“”what’s the matter?” Kan asked, fearing the worst might have happened but he decided to brush all negative thoughts aside and not jump into conclusions just like that.

“Kane, I don’t know. I was listening to his heartbeat while I was with him today. Kan, I don’t know but…it doesn’t sound like one that would live for too long!!” Ellie said, falling into kan’s embrace yet again with sobs.

The air seemed to shrink, suffocating them with its oppressive stillness. Ellie’s voice trembled as she relayed the disheartening news. Kan’s heart pounded in his chest, each beat echoing the fear that gripped him. He fought against the tide of dread threatening to consume him, refusing to jump to conclusions. He knew he needed to be a rock for Ellie, a pillar of strength in her moment of vulnerability.

As Ellie fell into his embrace, her sobs filled the room, a symphony of pain and uncertainty. Kan held her tightly, the weight of the situation settling heavily on his shoulders. He could feel Ellie’s tears soak into his shirt, each drop a testament to the depth of her anguish.

Kan’s jaw clenched, a mixture of frustration and helplessness swirling in his eyes. He was acutely aware of the bond between Ellie and Kane, and the gravity of the situation weighed on him. He wanted to offer comfort, to ease Ellie’s pain, but he felt lost, drowning in his own emotions.

He needed to do something about it but what? It’s been a while he consoled anyone, if anything he felt he needed to be consoled as well.

It was all a lot to take in at that moment and all he could do was draw him nearer to himself.

In that moment, words seemed inadequate, so Kan let his actions speak for him. He held Ellie closer, his touch a silent promise of support. They stood there, two souls weathering the storm together, finding solace in each other’s presence.

The evening air outside carried a chill, nipping at their skin. Kan’s concern grew for Ellie, knowing that staying out much longer in this weather would do her no good. His mind raced, weighing his options.

The locked door to his own place seemed like a cruel twist of fate, leaving him without a haven to offer. He couldn’t imagine taking Ellie to Nora’s, especially not in her current state.

The only viable choice left was Ellie’s home, but the distance seemed vast given the circumstances. He pictured Ellie’s tired form making the journey, and it didn’t sit right with him.

Without overthinking, Kan made a daring decision. He gently lifted Ellie into his arms, her surprise mirrored in her widened eyes. She instinctively wound her arms around his neck, finding stability in his embrace.

Their eyes met, a silent understanding passing between them. “You are way too light, let’s fill that belly of yours up,”Kan’s words were laced with warmth, a tender attempt to lighten the heavy atmosphere. Ellie couldn’t help but chuckle, the sound a brief reprieve from the sorrow.

As he held her close, Ellie nestled into the crook of his arm, seeking solace in the cocoon of his warmth. Kan’s steady heartbeat provided a soothing rhythm, a reassurance of their shared humanity in the face of life’s complexities.

The world seemed to fade around them, leaving only the two of them in their fragile sanctuary. In that moment, the boundaries of their individual pain blurred, replaced by a sense of unity. They were not alone in their struggles, and together, they would find a way to weather the storm.

With each step towards Ellie’s house, Kan’s determination to shield her from the cold intensified. He carried her with a gentleness that belied his strength, a silent promise to safeguard her from further discomfort.

By the time they reached her doorstep, Ellie’s earlier sobs had transformed into soft, grateful breaths. The journey had been a physical and emotional one, and in Kan’s arms, she had found a sanctuary.

Kan gently set Ellie down, ensuring she was steady on her feet. Their eyes met once more, a silent exchange of gratitude and understanding. They stood on the threshold of Ellie’s home, knowing that within those walls, they would find a respite from the harshness of the world outside.

In that moment, as Kan gently set her down, Ellie felt an unexpected rush of trust wash over her. She looked into his eyes, finding nothing but genuine care reflected back at her. It was a sensation foreign yet oddly comforting.

With an impulsive surge of gratitude, Ellie embraced him tightly, her heart pounding. Then, daringly, she pressed a sneaky kiss to his lips before turning to open the door.

Before she could utter a single word, Kan swooped her up once more. His actions left her breathless, the intentional strength he exuded was staggering. It was as if he carried her with a sense of purpose, a determination to protect her.

As they stood at her doorstep, Ellie couldn’t help but wonder …”Could Kane be right? Kan really transformed? But I’ve never known Elves to be that strong. Also, the description matches something that’s more like me, a werewolf? Nah, Kane has to be under the influence of the healing potions they have been conjuring for him,” Ellie thought as she stared at kan’s face.

Ellie couldn’t tear her gaze away from Kan’s face. He looked so different from the battered, fragile figure she had rescued just a week ago. It was nothing short of a miracle. She found herself drawn to the absence of his previous wounds, a testament to his resilience.

Nestled in his arms, a scent that had been lingering on him suddenly piqued her interest. It was a fragrance that had been there since she embraced him at his doorstep, however she pushed it aside as the emotions then were too much to worry about a suspicious scent. However, she couldn’t suppress her curiosity.

“Hey, did you happen to come into contact with a female? Your scent is… different,” Ellie inquired with a shy grin, acutely aware of the precision of her question. Her sense of smell was keen, honed over years of practice.

Kan paused, clearly taken aback by the specificity of her inquiry. It wasn’t the first time she’d demonstrated her olfactory prowess, yet it still seemed to surprise him. Ellie’s ability to discern scents was a unique skill among their kind.

“No, maybe my mother, but hold on, I’ll get you something to eat so you stop inspecting my scent. It’s amazing what hunger can do to you!” Kan replied, playfully flicking her nose before leaving the room. be𝚍nove𝚕.com

“Just no fish sandwiches, okay!” Ellie called out after him, a mischievous glint in her eye. The playful banter left her with a smile, a brief respite from the weight of the day’s events.

Alone in her room, Ellie allowed herself a moment of reflection. The whirlwind of emotions and revelations had left her reeling. The presence of Kan, his newfound strength, and the mysteries that surrounded them all swirled in her mind.

It was a moment of stillness, a pause before the inevitable tide of events resumed. The room held an air of quiet anticipation, as if it too were waiting to see what would unfold next in this extraordinary tale.



Score 6.5
Status: Ongoing Author:
....*Lemons? - In excess!!!**V's? - Of course yes!!**Plot? - Divine!![Stop right here cultured bros and sis. Hope you are skillful with holding your phone in one hand? Because I bet ya, you'll need to, lol]..."Put some pants on, your d**k is staring at me" the lady in white heavenly transparent attire said to Alex. Alex looked around trying to figure out if truly this was heaven and if he had died. He wasn't all too sad about it because at the end, if heaven had naked women walking around, then it did live up to the hype."You are dead but it's a bit complicated. You see, I know a way you can go back, but I can't guarantee you'd get what you want. Do you want to go through with being reborn?" The lady with the alluring body said to Alex. With every word escaping her kissable lips, Alex listened with keen attention. Of course he would, for all he knew, he was basically staring at a god's p*ssy. That alone had beat all the accomplishments of his life time."Yes, I'll do it," Alex agreed to being a subject of the lady's experiment knowing fully well it could be the end of him.******Alex Riley, a man in his late thirties whose life changed into a nightmare when he caught his wife cheating with his boss. Frustrated, Alex left his apartment but little did he know he was living his life behind as a terrible accident occurred that lead to his boss and wife dying.Alex is pinned down for the death of the two. Alex now having spent about a lifetime in prison finally decides to give into the charms of his prison Warden, Brenda.Brenda had chased Alex for years but finally, she got hold of him. Now engaged in the act with Brenda or as he was about to, Alex discovered Brenda might be too much for him.Alex died a pitiful and ridiculous death. His whole life ended in a flash as he found himself drifting away from Brenda's unrestrained bouncing on him.But second chance awaits Alex and he looks to make good use of it.Now reborn in a new world, Alex finds himself starting over. A new start..a very very different world from the one he knew before.However, Alex runs into the impossible.Alex finds himself in a squabble with a god, the lust god.And of course Alex was defeated but not just that. The lust got made Alex his herald.Now blessed with a system by the lust god, Alex is tasked with the heavy burden of collecting wives. Dear readers! Without any ads, maybe you will prefer .


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not work with dark mode