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ALL MY WIVES ARE BEAUTIFUL ELVES Volume – Chapter 83 Promise me you won’t die

Chapter 83 Promise me you won’t die

Opening his eyes, sounds of machines beeping caught kan’s attention. He could hear footsteps past the door closing him from the outside world.

He looked around to see he was on a bed surrounded by multiple equipments which quickly gave away his location.

He was in a hospital room.

The hospital room was a blend of sterility and comfort. Stark white walls surrounded him, illuminated gently by the soft glow of overhead lights. The air held a faint scent of antiseptic, mingling with a subtle undertone of fresh linens.

The bed, upon which Kan lay, was pristine and inviting, dressed in crisp white sheets that cradled him in a cocoon of clean comfort. An array of machines flanked his bedside, their screens emitting a steady glow, punctuated by the occasional rhythmic blip or beep. They hummed with a sense of purpose, each monitor and apparatus a vigilant guardian of his well-being.

A small tray nearby held an assortment of medical instruments, neatly arranged, glinting dully under the room’s soft illumination. The surfaces were immaculate, reflective of meticulous care and attention.

A large window graced one side of the room, its curtains drawn to allow a gentle wash of daylight to filter through. The view beyond, though partially obscured, hinted at a world beyond the confines of the hospital.

A chair sat nearby, its upholstery a calming shade of blue, offering a place of respite for visitors or those attending to Kan’s care. The room exuded a sense of calm, a sanctuary amidst the whirlwind of the outside world, providing a space for recovery and healing.

By the side of his bed was another chair and this one had someone in it. A blond hair laid faced down on his bed.

He recognized this hair and called out to her.

“Ellie…” He said feintly, his voice still weak and unable to carry any audible message.

[Thank goodness you are awake! Do you know what it’s like being quiet for this long?!!] Hela said in Kan’s head.

The sound of its voice caused a throbbing pain in his head nonetheless, this was something he had to get used to.

“How long?” Kan asked in his head.

[It’s been a week now,] Hela responded.

“A week?!! My parents would probably be dead worried!!” Kan’s mind immediately flew there.

He didn’t know why that happened but logically, it was reasonable that he would be worried about that, regardless of his not so enviable relationship with his parents.

He remembered everything that had happened up until he activated the beserker skill and right after it was deactivated.

The things that happened in between were like a fog he couldn’t see through.

“How long has she been like this?” Kan asked, referring to Ellie who was asleep by his bed.

[A week,] Hela responded, its tone suggesting lack of interest in that subject matter.

“A week?!!” Kan was surprised.

From what he now knew, everything seemed almost the with his former world except for the technology, the people that live in this world and some of the weird traditions.

Everything else was almost the same including time and the calendar for the most part.

Which was why he knew that a week was actually a long time.

He looked back at Ellie and felt pity for her. The way her snores echoed through the room was a telltale sign of her exhaustion.

Her hair which was never a strand out of shape looked like a farmland that had been left for several days.

He thought of moving his hand over to touch her and wake her up but later on decided against it as all she needed then was rest.

He closed his eyes and began to see slight images of the scene before he passed out in that old building and it got him thinking.

“Did I kill those people?” Kan asked Hela.

[Yes, you did. Why are you asking, I can confirm you remember this fact!] Hela said.

“It’s just, I don’t know…never mind!” Kan shoved it aside.

[Just so you know baby, they would have killed you if you hadn’t] Hela relayed.

Kan took a moment to absorb Hela’s words. It was a harsh reality, one that stirred a mix of emotions within him. Relief that he had survived, but also a somber acknowledgment of the lives that were lost in the process. 𝓫𝓮𝒹𝓷ℴ𝓿ℯ𝓵.𝓬ℴ𝓶

The weight of it settled in his chest, a reminder of the brutality that sometimes accompanied survival. He glanced at Ellie again, her presence a poignant reminder of the lengths people went to protect those they cared about.

His gaze then drifted to the large window, the curtain still partially drawn, revealing a slice of the outside world. It was a small reminder that life beyond these walls continued, unaware of the struggles within this room.

As he lay there, Kan couldn’t help but feel a strange mix of gratitude and responsibility. He was alive, and that fact alone seemed like a precious gift. But with it came a sense of duty, a newfound awareness of the power he wielded and the consequences it could carry.

He turned his attention back to Ellie, a sense of determination flickering in his eyes. When she woke, he would be there for her, just as she had been for him. They were bound by something deeper than he could fully understand, a connection forged in the crucible of their shared experiences.

With that resolve, Kan closed his eyes, letting the steady rhythm of the machines and the distant sounds of the hospital become a comforting backdrop. There was much to face in the days ahead, but for now, he allowed himself the solace of rest.

The room seemed to brighten as Kan’s eyes fluttered open, greeted by the warmth of a tender touch against his head. Meeting Ellie’s brown gaze, her moon-shaped smile felt like a balm to his senses. Before he could react, he found himself enveloped in her embrace.

Kan couldn’t help but jest through his weak protest, “Okay, sick person here. Maybe a little too much.”

Ellie’s confession spilled forth, her eyes glistening, as if on the brink of releasing tears. “I’ve missed you!!”

“How so? I’ve been here all week with you,” Kan playfully teased, a subtle grin tugging at his lips.

“You!!! …you almost got yourself killed!!” Ellie’s tone shifted, a blend of playfulness and earnest concern. Her fingers found their way to Kan’s neck, her eyes locking onto his.

“And you might succeed in doing that with the way you are closing around my neck!!” Kan’s playful protest flowed, though genuine warmth danced in his eyes.

Ellie feigned reluctance, releasing her hold on his neck and turned her face away, arms folded, a mock sulk overtaking her features.

“What? You won’t talk to me now because I almost died? Wow, how entitled can you get?!” Kan’s teasing continued, sparking a playful retort from Ellie. Her words were delivered with a mixture of earnestness and a playful edge, her emotions swirling beneath the surface.

“You have no right to die. You hear me?!!” Ellie’s words were a fierce declaration, her gaze unyielding.

Kan’s laughter danced through the room, a counterpoint to Ellie’s seriousness. “Fine, next time I want to die, I’ll come take permission from you first, my lady,” he teased, his eyes alight with mischief.

Ellie huffed in response, then swiftly moved closer, pressing her lips against Kan’s in a deep, impassioned kiss. As they parted, she implored, “Promise me you won’t do it again!”



Score 6.5
Status: Ongoing Author:
....*Lemons? - In excess!!!**V's? - Of course yes!!**Plot? - Divine!![Stop right here cultured bros and sis. Hope you are skillful with holding your phone in one hand? Because I bet ya, you'll need to, lol]..."Put some pants on, your d**k is staring at me" the lady in white heavenly transparent attire said to Alex. Alex looked around trying to figure out if truly this was heaven and if he had died. He wasn't all too sad about it because at the end, if heaven had naked women walking around, then it did live up to the hype."You are dead but it's a bit complicated. You see, I know a way you can go back, but I can't guarantee you'd get what you want. Do you want to go through with being reborn?" The lady with the alluring body said to Alex. With every word escaping her kissable lips, Alex listened with keen attention. Of course he would, for all he knew, he was basically staring at a god's p*ssy. That alone had beat all the accomplishments of his life time."Yes, I'll do it," Alex agreed to being a subject of the lady's experiment knowing fully well it could be the end of him.******Alex Riley, a man in his late thirties whose life changed into a nightmare when he caught his wife cheating with his boss. Frustrated, Alex left his apartment but little did he know he was living his life behind as a terrible accident occurred that lead to his boss and wife dying.Alex is pinned down for the death of the two. Alex now having spent about a lifetime in prison finally decides to give into the charms of his prison Warden, Brenda.Brenda had chased Alex for years but finally, she got hold of him. Now engaged in the act with Brenda or as he was about to, Alex discovered Brenda might be too much for him.Alex died a pitiful and ridiculous death. His whole life ended in a flash as he found himself drifting away from Brenda's unrestrained bouncing on him.But second chance awaits Alex and he looks to make good use of it.Now reborn in a new world, Alex finds himself starting over. A new start..a very very different world from the one he knew before.However, Alex runs into the impossible.Alex finds himself in a squabble with a god, the lust god.And of course Alex was defeated but not just that. The lust got made Alex his herald.Now blessed with a system by the lust god, Alex is tasked with the heavy burden of collecting wives. Dear readers! Without any ads, maybe you will prefer .


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not work with dark mode