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ALL MY WIVES ARE BEAUTIFUL ELVES Volume – Chapter 80 G-viagra vs Berserker mode

Chapter 80 G-viagra vs Berserker mode

In the heart of the forgotten streets, the turning point of this brutal showdown had arrived. Silo, in a reckless bid for unmatched power, downed the remaining capsules in one fell swoop. His jaws worked in a mechanical frenzy, a relentless symphony of chewing and swallowing, each movement driving the drugs deeper into his system.

Then, it happened. The transformation was swift and overwhelming. Silo’s skin erupted in a vivid blue luminescence, veins coursing with an ethereal light, an outward manifestation of the raw power surging through him.

The blue glow that surged through his veins was a beacon of the supernatural forces now coursing within him.

His skin seemed to radiate with an ethereal blue light, every vein beneath the surface aglow. Even the scars, emblems of past battles, etched into his flesh pulsed with newfound vitality.gleamed with an eerie luminescence. His senses, heightened to an uncanny level, rendered every nuance of his own body vividly apparent. Heartbeats reverberated like war drums, the flow of liquids within him sang, and the symphony of blood coursing through his veins played in high definition.

Eyes, once dulled by pain, now widened with awe and realization. Silo gazed in wonder at his own hands, fingers trembling with the sheer intensity of the revelation. The surge of energy was nothing short of an epiphany, every fiber of his being alive with a force beyond comprehension.

Yet, even amid this newfound ascendancy, Kane’s approach resonated through the heightened senses of Silo, a warning bell tolling. Time seemed to stretch, yet, for Silo, Kane’s footsteps reverberated through his hyper-sensitized senses like a resounding church bell, a herald of the inevitable clash.

Almost like time itself paused as Kane surged forward, delivering a punch that promised annihilation,Silo, however, unfortunately was no longer bound by mortal limitations.

In the span of a heartbeat, Silo’s muscles responded with a precision that defied mortal reckoning. His hand sliced through the air like a vengeful blade. The impact, when it came, was an explosion of force, a cataclysm that shattered the boundaries of human strength. Kane’s world was a blur, registering the onslaught only after the fact, a cruel reminder of his impending doom. 𝚋𝚎dno𝚟𝚎l.n𝚎𝚝

The strike was delivered with a velocity that defied reality, a sonic crack echoing through the night. The impact, when it landed, was catastrophic.

Time seemed to warp, a moment of suspended animation before gravity took its cruel hold.

Kane’s head snapped back, a violent testament to the raw power behind Silo’s strike. His body, now a marionette with severed strings, tumbled through the air. The momentum carried him, His body spiraled, legs contorted yet somehow still in their relentless march forward like a helpless puppet, yards away, an agonizing spectacle of collision and chaos. As the dust settled and Kane’s broken form came to rest, the grotesque distortion of his once proud visage was a testament to the devastating might Silo now wielded.

“Agh…” Kane’s groan was a feeble whisper in the wake of such brutality. Pain radiated through every fiber of his being. He was a testament to the yawning chasm that had opened between them, a stark reminder of the overwhelming power now in Silo’s grasp.

A single punch had wrought this devastation. Kane lay broken, a testament to the cataclysmic force Silo now commanded. The very air seemed to thrum with the residue of that unleashed power.

Silo stood amidst the aftermath, his form wreathed in the lingering echoes of his cataclysmic strike. He was transformed, a harbinger of a new order, a force of nature in the shape of a man. The forgotten streets bore witness to this metamorphosis, their walls painted not just with blood, but with the irreversible shift in the balance of power.

Silo’s chest heaved, the rush of victory mingling with the intoxicating surge of the drug. His gaze held a feral glint, a predator reveling in the spoils of a hard-won battle. Every inch of him exuded the aura of a conqueror.

The night was draped in an eerie hush, disturbed only by the determined footsteps of Silo. His strides held the weight of inevitability, each step a foreboding pronouncement of doom.

Kane’s eyes fluttered open, feeble beams of consciousness struggling through the fog of pain. Before him stood a figure, an imposing specter that defied any rational explanation. This was no mere apparition; it was Silo, but a Silo transformed, towering over Kane with an intimidating fusion of heightened stature and bulging musculature. His frame had stretched, muscles rippling with unnatural vigor, casting a grim shadow over Kane’s battered form.

“This ..this Is this the power you scorned?” Silo’s voice sliced through the silence, a resonant thunder that reverberated through the desolate streets. It was a bass note dipped in menace, a stark departure from the man Kane had once known.His once ordinary voice had metamorphosed into a deep, resonant bass, a chorus of a hundred voices merged into one.

Kane’s voice, a fragile whisper in the face of such overwhelming might, managed to rasp, “You… are… going to die…”

Silo’s response was curt, dismissing Kane’s words with a derisive, “You talk too much.” He loomed over Kane, a looming titan casting a chilling shadow over the fractured figure at his feet.

The impact Kane had suffered earlier was like a freight train driven by a reckless conductor, reverberating through every sinew and bone. He was a canvas painted with brutality, each stroke a testament to the relentless onslaught.

“F… you…” Kane’s defiance, though frail, lingered in the air, a desperate plea for dignity in the face of certain defeat.

Silo’s hand rose, a clenched fist poised to deliver the final blow, a thunderous crescendo to the macabre symphony.


It echoed, a final punctuation to the dirge that had played out on this forgotten street.

Kane was no more than a splatter of paint across the canvas of the street, a broken testament to Silo’s indomitable might.


Kane no more than a tableau of suffering than a living being, lay sprawled, an embodiment of agony etched in every contorted line.

With a final, decisive strike in mind, Silo raised both hands, preparing for the definitive blow that would seal Kane’s fate, a hammer fist.

Silo, however, abruptly halted, attention diverted to the far end of the street, his gaze narrowing with apprehension. He needed no further inquiry, for the answer was writ in the approach of a figure, an agent of horror in motion.

The figure bore someone in its grasp, a familiar face in Silo’s fractured world. From a distance, it was a blur of motion, an impossible display of strength and intent.

As the figure hurtled into view, carrying with it another form, one all too familiar to Silo. The figure threw the body up, the body soared through the air, landing with a sickening thud, lifeless eyes staring into oblivion.

“Josko?!” Silo’s disbelief hung in the air, his voice a mixture of shock and desperation as he stared at the lifeless form.

“You did this?!” His voice now held accusation, a demand for answers. The figure that approached was a specter, eyes glowing like amber coals, a harbinger of the nightmare that had come to life.



Score 6.5
Status: Ongoing Author:
....*Lemons? - In excess!!!**V's? - Of course yes!!**Plot? - Divine!![Stop right here cultured bros and sis. Hope you are skillful with holding your phone in one hand? Because I bet ya, you'll need to, lol]..."Put some pants on, your d**k is staring at me" the lady in white heavenly transparent attire said to Alex. Alex looked around trying to figure out if truly this was heaven and if he had died. He wasn't all too sad about it because at the end, if heaven had naked women walking around, then it did live up to the hype."You are dead but it's a bit complicated. You see, I know a way you can go back, but I can't guarantee you'd get what you want. Do you want to go through with being reborn?" The lady with the alluring body said to Alex. With every word escaping her kissable lips, Alex listened with keen attention. Of course he would, for all he knew, he was basically staring at a god's p*ssy. That alone had beat all the accomplishments of his life time."Yes, I'll do it," Alex agreed to being a subject of the lady's experiment knowing fully well it could be the end of him.******Alex Riley, a man in his late thirties whose life changed into a nightmare when he caught his wife cheating with his boss. Frustrated, Alex left his apartment but little did he know he was living his life behind as a terrible accident occurred that lead to his boss and wife dying.Alex is pinned down for the death of the two. Alex now having spent about a lifetime in prison finally decides to give into the charms of his prison Warden, Brenda.Brenda had chased Alex for years but finally, she got hold of him. Now engaged in the act with Brenda or as he was about to, Alex discovered Brenda might be too much for him.Alex died a pitiful and ridiculous death. His whole life ended in a flash as he found himself drifting away from Brenda's unrestrained bouncing on him.But second chance awaits Alex and he looks to make good use of it.Now reborn in a new world, Alex finds himself starting over. A new start..a very very different world from the one he knew before.However, Alex runs into the impossible.Alex finds himself in a squabble with a god, the lust god.And of course Alex was defeated but not just that. The lust got made Alex his herald.Now blessed with a system by the lust god, Alex is tasked with the heavy burden of collecting wives. Dear readers! Without any ads, maybe you will prefer .


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not work with dark mode