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ALL MY WIVES ARE BEAUTIFUL ELVES Volume – Chapter 75 Kane loves Ellie?!!

Chapter 75 Kane loves Ellie?!!

“So they weren’t allowed in today?” Ellie asked, her tone softer than before, her voice laced with concern.

Jessica, her anger now giving way to a sense of resignation, turned to face Ellie. “What do you think?” She couldn’t hide the hurt that simmered beneath her words.

“I don’t know what has been up with you lately, but you have to realize that we took them in. And they are not just some responsibility that we can afford to ditch when the weather’s bad. They are family, all of them. So we take care of our own. Fix yourself up!” Jessica scolded, walking off to another end of the dark corner they both stood in, her words echoing in the dimly lit space.

Ellie stood there, her tears now flowing freely. She couldn’t control the emotions swirling inside her anymore. The riot twins, as they were fondly known, were the youngest members of the gang. As such, the gang had taken it upon themselves to look after their welfare. However, for a while now, things hadn’t been smooth for them, and there appeared to be some friction in the upkeep of the twins, particularly in paying for their school fees.

“How much of it is remaining again?” Ellie asked, her voice choked with emotion.

Sighing, Jessica responded, “Well, I made some money from that one enforcer from the Gecko gang I told you about. He asked me to come over, but I told him I needed some money to fix myself, and he happily sent some. Five thousand Zenna.”

“It’s already in the gang’s treasury, if you are wondering. Although not the exact amount. I took two thousand Zenna out to stock the place. The food and snacks you see the kids eating, came from it. But…” Jessica was going to continue, but Ellie interrupted her. be𝚍nove𝚕.com

“But you should keep the remaining one for yourself. It’s your money, after all. Don’t worry, I promise before the week runs out, I’d figure out something. We can’t afford for the kids to drop out now. The whole point of this gang is to leave this life behind and have a better future. Maybe not for people like us, but for them!” Ellie said, wiping her tears away, her determination shining through her words.

“Now that’s the leader I remember. Hey, come here. I’m sorry for being so mean,” Jessica said, her arms spread apart, inviting Ellie for a hug.

Ellie, her heart heavy with guilt and remorse, stepped forward and embraced Jessica, their friendship stronger than any momentary discord.

Meanwhile, Kan and Kane were on their way back from the short stroll they had taken through the desolate streets of their territory. Kan couldn’t help but notice that Kane, despite his hulking, intimidating presence, wasn’t as imposing as he looked. In fact, Kane came across as one of the most relatable members of the gang he had met so far. He seemed ordinary, and that intrigued Kan.

“You know something, Kan, I like you,” Kane began, his gaze fixed on Kan as they walked past rows and rows of dilapidated buildings.

Kan raised an eyebrow, not entirely sure where this conversation was headed. “I really, really like you. But here’s the thing, I love Ellie,” Kane continued, his tone shifting to a more serious one.

“Okay?” Kan responded cautiously, unsure how to react to Kane’s confession. Kane’s expression seemed to ask, “That’s it? That’s all you’re gonna say?”

“You don’t care to know what’s next?” Kane prodded, sensing Kan’s hesitation.

“No, as a matter of fact, I don’t think I should allow your feelings toward someone who I equally care about bother me. Besides, the best man is always the one the lady chooses,” Kan replied with a surprising degree of boldness and modesty.

“Woah…woah…woah!!” Kane raised his hand, signaling Kan to stop walking. He stared at Kan with a mixture of incredulity and amusement, clearly taken aback by Kan’s response.

“You totally misunderstood me,” Kane clarified, trying to dispel any confusion. “What I meant was that I love Ellie, and she’s like a little sister to me. So I’m concerned about her well-being and what she’s up to.”

“Okay, that’s great. I appreciate your care for her. I also care deeply for her,” Kan responded sincerely.

“I see. And I believe she sees something in you that’s different from the others. I see that spark in her eyes. She loves you, Kan. I hope you understand what that means for you?” Kane said, his gaze fixed firmly on Kan.

Kane’s imposing figure, easily twice the size of Kan, stood before him, and he appeared undeterred. “Yes, I understand what it means,” Kan replied with unwavering confidence, earning a nod of approval from Kane.

“Good,” Kane said, satisfied with Kan’s response. “Now, let’s pick up the pace. The others might be waiting for us.”

With that, Kane initiated longer strides, his powerful legs carrying him effortlessly down the desolate street. Kan struggled to keep up with the much larger Kane, who seemed to navigate the terrain with ease, like a well-oiled machine.

Their journey back to the hideout continued in companionable silence, the weight of their conversation lingering in the air.

As Kan and Kane made their way through the dimly lit streets, they rounded a corner only to be met with an unexpected sight. A group of men stood before them, their figures ominously silhouetted against the faint glow of the streetlights. Two of these men, in particular, held strange, glowing red bat-like sticks that pulsated with an eerie energy. Even from a distance, Kan could feel the unnatural aura emanating from these objects.

Kane’s reaction was swift as he cursed under his breath and abruptly halted his steps. Kan, momentarily unaware of the danger, questioned Kane’s sudden change in demeanor.

“Hey, what’s the matter? Weren’t you the one who said we had to hurry? Let’s get going then, I don’t want to keep Ellie waiting…and the gang too,” Kan urged, though he was careful not to reveal his real reason for wanting to hurry – Ellie.

Kane, however, had other plans. “Okay, here’s what we’re going to do. The hideout isn’t far from here. Just go left, make as much noise as possible, and someone will come find you. When you reach the gang, tell them I said no one should come outside, no matter what!” Kane instructed in a hushed tone.

Kan was bewildered by Kane’s sudden change in demeanor and the urgency of his instructions. “What? Why?!” he whispered back, perplexed.

Kan was about to question further when realization dawned on him, prompting him to add, “Wait, why are we whispering like this?”

Just then, one of the men ahead began to strike his bizarre red bat-like stick against the wall. To Kan’s astonishment, bricks crumbled and fell from the building as though it were shedding its skin.

Kan’s shock was compounded when the leader of the group, wielding one of the pulsating bat sticks, shouted, “Kane!! I told you I’d find you!! You think you can just leave us just like that?!!”

Kane’s response was unexpected and brazen. He casually shrugged off his long black overcoat, revealing a body chiseled with muscular definition. His biceps, triceps, and every other “cep” bulged impressively, and a sardonic grin played across his face.

With a devil-may-care attitude, Kane scoffed, “I got bored waiting.”

Kan couldn’t help but express his surprise. “What the? Weren’t you the one about to pee yourself moments ago?” he exclaimed, astonished by Kane’s sudden transformation from fear to confidence.

The tension in the air crackled as the confrontation with the mysterious men grew more imminent, leaving Kan to wonder just what kind of danger they had stumbled upon in the darkened streets.



Score 6.5
Status: Ongoing Author:
....*Lemons? - In excess!!!**V's? - Of course yes!!**Plot? - Divine!![Stop right here cultured bros and sis. Hope you are skillful with holding your phone in one hand? Because I bet ya, you'll need to, lol]..."Put some pants on, your d**k is staring at me" the lady in white heavenly transparent attire said to Alex. Alex looked around trying to figure out if truly this was heaven and if he had died. He wasn't all too sad about it because at the end, if heaven had naked women walking around, then it did live up to the hype."You are dead but it's a bit complicated. You see, I know a way you can go back, but I can't guarantee you'd get what you want. Do you want to go through with being reborn?" The lady with the alluring body said to Alex. With every word escaping her kissable lips, Alex listened with keen attention. Of course he would, for all he knew, he was basically staring at a god's p*ssy. That alone had beat all the accomplishments of his life time."Yes, I'll do it," Alex agreed to being a subject of the lady's experiment knowing fully well it could be the end of him.******Alex Riley, a man in his late thirties whose life changed into a nightmare when he caught his wife cheating with his boss. Frustrated, Alex left his apartment but little did he know he was living his life behind as a terrible accident occurred that lead to his boss and wife dying.Alex is pinned down for the death of the two. Alex now having spent about a lifetime in prison finally decides to give into the charms of his prison Warden, Brenda.Brenda had chased Alex for years but finally, she got hold of him. Now engaged in the act with Brenda or as he was about to, Alex discovered Brenda might be too much for him.Alex died a pitiful and ridiculous death. His whole life ended in a flash as he found himself drifting away from Brenda's unrestrained bouncing on him.But second chance awaits Alex and he looks to make good use of it.Now reborn in a new world, Alex finds himself starting over. A new start..a very very different world from the one he knew before.However, Alex runs into the impossible.Alex finds himself in a squabble with a god, the lust god.And of course Alex was defeated but not just that. The lust got made Alex his herald.Now blessed with a system by the lust god, Alex is tasked with the heavy burden of collecting wives. Dear readers! Without any ads, maybe you will prefer .


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not work with dark mode