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A World Worth Protecting Volume – Chapter 994: Federation reorganization!

Chapter 994: Chapter 994, Federation reorganization!

As Wang Baole cupped his fists, the little missy beside him heaved a sigh of relief. She was actually in a difficult position, but she believed that with Wang Baole’s methods, he should be able to handle such matters well. After all, from what she knew.., wang Baole was very good at dealing with people.

At the same time, she didn’t believe that Wang Baole didn’t understand that both parties were natural allies. This was because they shared a common enemy, and her existence was also one of the reasons.

Therefore, ever since she had appeared, she had been observing without interfering. Now that everyone was happy, a smile appeared on Little Missy’s face.

Seeing Little Missy’s smile, Wang Baole smiled as well. He didn’t immediately invite her back to the mask. Instead, after communicating with her, he temporarily left her here to reminisce about old times. He took his leave and left the ancient green-bronze sword.

In the starry skies, he raised his right hand and waved. Immediately, the dark artifact at the tip of the sword whizzed over. Although the three dark artifacts were still incomplete, their bodies had already recovered to a critical point. There was no point in remaining on Mars, wang Baole grabbed with his large hand, and the dark artifact immediately fused into his body.

It turned into three black dots between his brows and then disappeared without a trace. However, with just a thought, they would instantly appear on his body, turning into a dark child that could graze the starry skies.

After doing all this, Wang Baole looked at the solar system from afar. He knew that he wouldn’t be able to stay here for long. Cultivation was like sailing against the current. If he didn’t advance, he would retreat.

Once he set foot on this path, he would have to keep moving forward. Only by doing so could he protect the people and things he wanted to protect and realize his dream.

The Federation president is my lifelong dream… it may be within my grasp now, but the federation is too small… I want to make the federation bigger and bring the level of civilization to the maximum. When that happens, I will be able to live up to my name as the President, at the same time, there was a reluctance to part before his departure.

For the sake of his dream and cultivation, after completing the fusion of the divine eye civilization, he had to go out. Therefore, his clone walked out of his original body once again and headed straight for Mars. He planned to spend more time with his family in the coming days.

As for his original body, he left the Solar System and relied on his connection with the divine eye civilization’s star. He was teleported away and returned to continue setting up the array formation and making preparations.

Time passed slowly after Wang Baole returned to Mars. A week passed quickly. During that week, the news of Wang Baole killing the five generation Sky clan and destroying the planet in the Dao Palace had spread throughout the entire federation, on one hand, too many people had witnessed it with their own eyes. On the other hand, Li Xingwen’s return to Earth and the publicity he had received after taking over the government affairs of the Federation had caused Wang Baole’s reputation to rise like a huge wave in the entire federation. It had reached its peak.

Everyone was excited. After Li Xingwen’s return, the federation began to reorganize itself. As the news of his appointment spread and the large number of cultivators on Mars returned, the federation was like a half-withered flower, after being doused with the water of life, it slowly began to bloom again.

First, there was the presidential candidate. After seeking Wang Baole’s opinion, they re-elected the members of the Parliament. Finally, Zhao Yameng’s mother, the governor of the Martian colony, Wu Mengling, was elected as the new president!

Zhao Yameng’s father was still in charge of the Spirit Sciences Academy and had entered the parliament.

Li Xingwen, like his previous status, was helping the Martian colony governor with matters regarding the federation.

The entire federation was shaken by the news, but no one raised any objections. Zhao Yameng’s mother had been able to take up the position of president, regardless of whether it was due to her hard work or her own experience.

Wang Baole personally attended to her promotion. He removed the divine armament crimson star from her hair and gave it to her, allowing the federation’s tradition to continue. He also informed Zhao Yameng of the recent developments. The vacant position of Martian colony governor.., the successor was… the current Vice President of the Senate, Lin You!

Not only was he the vice president of the Senate, he was also appointed as the vice president. Lin You, who held three positions, was undoubtedly being groomed as a future star in the federation.

Lin You didn’t fail to live up to his expectations. Not only was he resourceful and experienced, he had also made a breakthrough in his cultivation over the years. He had stepped into the spirit realm, and his improvement was extremely fast. He wasn’t far from breaking through to the late-stage spirit realm.

At the same time, the Venus project had been reactivated after the five generation Sky clan’s chaotic governance had been suspended. With Wang Baole’s help, they had retrieved the stellar source from the vast Expanse Dao Palace, allowing Venus to be built, this was going to be a major event for the federation.

It would be built into the second Mars, and it would become the core of the array formation of the Solar System. The person who would take over the position of the Venus governor would be… the former deputy governor of Mars, the giant tree on the Moon!

During the five generation Sky clan’s chaotic period, the giant tree had obtained the true trust and recognition of Li Xingwen and the others through its own choice. That was why it had been given such an important position!

At the same time, there were also Jupiter and the other planets. After Zhao Yameng’s mother, Wu mengling, became the president, they were all appointed one after another. This made the Solar System’s array formation even more majestic and left many openings. Once a large amount of spiritual energy was released.., it could expand the array formation’s scope.

All of this was in preparation for something that could be said to be an extremely important event for the Federation!

That was… the fusion of the divine eye civilization!

Wang Baole had already informed Li Xingwen and the others about this. Although it was still a secret, it had already spread among the higher-ups. Everyone who knew about this was extremely excited, because they already knew.., once the sun fused with the divine eye star, the level of civilization in the Federation would increase. At the same time, all life born in the Solar System would receive a feedback from the Sun’s will the moment it fused with the star!

This feedback was a rare supplement in the world. It could increase the aptitude of ordinary people and the cultivation of cultivators. Some people who were stuck at a cultivation realm could even use this opportunity to attempt a breakthrough!

How could such a thing not be exciting? Besides the appointments of the various planets, there were also a series of internal adjustments within the federation. For example, Jin duoming had officially taken over the position of the family head of the Jin family, becoming the Supreme Leader of the TRILUNARIS Corporation, after he took over, he immediately issued a plan to cooperate fully with the Spirit Sciences Academy and create more powerful Spirit Sciences Dharmic artifacts together!

Liu Daobin also rose in status. With his relationship with Wang Baole, his own hard work, and the contributions he had made to the federation over the years, he was promoted to the Deputy Governor of Mars and was fully in charge of the work of the Martian Special Administrative Region!

The other four dao colleges began rebuilding after the federation had straightened things out. The person in charge of the reconstruction of the ethereal dao college was Zhou Xiaoya. She had been appointed as the sect lord of the Ethereal Dao College!

While all of this was going on, Wang Baole had a lot of free time on his hands. He spent every day with his parents, and his life had returned to the calmness and gentleness that he hadn’t experienced in a long time.

While enjoying the warmth of his family, Wang Baole continued to nurse his parents’bodies. He slowly healed his mother’s injuries, and at the same time, kept the fire of life in his parents’bodies in a healthy state, they even looked much younger.

Based on the spirit Qi that Wang Baole left on their bodies, their lifespan could basically reach the limits of their souls. In order to prevent what had happened in the past from happening again, Wang Baole had spent the past few days, he had made some accessories with his planet cultivation.

With these accessories, even if a planet cultivator made a move, it would be very difficult to endanger his parents’lives in a short period of time. He would also be the first to notice.

Time passed once again, and half a month before the day of the integration of the god eye civilization, Wang Baole received an invitation to a wedding.

Lin Tianhao and Du Min’s wedding!

When he saw the invitation, Wang Baole had a strange expression on his face as he prayed for Lin Tianhao.

Although he and Du Min were old classmates, they had never gotten along. From Wang Baole’s point of view, with Du Min’s hot-tempered personality and her flat figure, it would be extremely difficult for her to get married in this lifetime.

“Tianhao, Oh Tianhao, you have to pray for yourself…”Wang Baole coughed. Even though he said that, he was still very happy deep down. After all, Lin Tianhao was a good friend that he wouldn’t get to know unless he fought with him, and Du Min was a classmate of the old class elder, therefore, he was very happy that the two of them could have a result.

Of course, this was also the reason why he didn’t have any romantic feelings for du Min. If not, he would have been furious by now.

Therefore, after receiving the invitation, Wang Baole sent a voice transmission to Lin Tianhao, sending him a message to attend. Ever since he had returned, other than going to Zhao Yameng’s mother’s promotion ceremony, he had been at home all the time, refusing visitors, therefore, after learning that Wang Baole would be coming, Lin Tianhao was very happy. At the same time, the news spread, causing everyone who wanted to visit Wang Baole to pay attention to this matter.

Just like that, a few days later, Lin Tianhao and Du Min’s wedding on Mars was packed with friends and elites. It was so lively that it could be said to be the wedding of the century!

Sigh –

Happy holidays, everyone. I plan to take a break during this holiday to spend time with my family and keep up with everyone’s holidays

A World Worth Protecting

A World Worth Protecting

Awwp, San Cun Ren Jian, Three-inch World, 三寸人间
Score 6.5
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2018 Native Language: Chinese
By the year 3029 CE, Earth’s technology has developed rapidly, borders no longer exist, and Earth has been unified, marking the beginning of the era of the Federation. At that time, a huge sword flew from the heavens, piercing the sun and causing a huge sensation on Earth. Perhaps because the scabbard of the sword was already in tatters, countless shards have broken off from it following the collision with the sun and spread across the universe. Many of these shards have landed on various places across Earth. With the arrival of the bronze sword and its shards, a new unlimited energy source has suddenly appeared on Earth. This energy source has since been named Spirit Qi. Spirit Qi is like air, thick in some places and thin in others. As the Federation and other factions gather more shards, they discover more information on cultivation, pill refinement, Spirit Stone refinement, and other techniques. The words on the shards have an ancient feel to them, making it a trend for people to use ancient language. The appearance of Spirit Qi rapidly makes the original energy sources obsolete and has completely changed people’s lives. Not only has the Spirit Internet been formed, Spirit Qi has also changed the course of Human Civilization, causing the world to enter a civilization of cultivation. This would later come to be known as the Spirit Inception Era.


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