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A World Worth Protecting Volume – Chapter 897: Xie Family, Xie Dalu!

Chapter 897: Xie Family, Xie Dalu!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

“This little bastard must be crazy, he actually tried to activate my storage ring again after such a short while. Fellow Daoist Dan Zhouzi, can we quicken the pace?”

“No problem!” Dan Zhouzi laughed, and his expression was filled with anticipation. He controlled the golden beetle with all his might and caused its speed to multiply instantly as it headed straight for the coordinate Shan Lingzi sensed the second time!

The reason Shan Lingzi could sense the storage ring’s aura the second time couldn’t be blamed on Wang Baole… He already had the urge to throw away the storage ring previously and would definitely not check it again.

According to his original plans, he wanted to check the storage ring again after he reached the Planet realm. But what made him feel like crying was that the storage ring activated on its own yet again!

The paper human cutout’s strange laughter still echoed in his mind, his soul still buzzed, and his cultivation trembled. All that happened very suddenly. Even though Wang Baole experienced it before, when he experienced it again, he still almost fell as he flew.

Wang Baole’s expression changed immensely, but without having time to let out a helpless scream, he saw in the distant cosmos… that familiar ethereal spirit boat. As the paper human cutout on it rowed, it kept becoming blurry while nearing.

Just like before, the ethereal spirit boat, which dispersed an ancient aura, stopped in front of Wang Baole. The paper human cutout on it stopped rowing, raised its left hand, and beckoned Wang Baole over.

The thirty or so people on the boat all opened their eyes. Their pupils all shrunk as they stared at Wang Baole, and the surprise in their expressions was obviously more intense than before.

In fact, Wang Baole even discovered an extra person among those teenage males and females.

The extra person was a skinny lad. Judging from his appearance, he seemed to be 18 or 19 years old. At that moment, he obviously noticed the actions of the people around him. So as he looked towards Wang Baole, it was with a sense of curiosity.

Wang Baole sighed and waved towards everyone on the boat, greeting them. He felt that since it was his second time meeting everyone, fate must have brought them together.

“I trust that you’ve all been well? Haha…” As he spoke, Wang Baole noticed that the surprised expressions of those teenage males and females also contained some impatience. This made him feel very unhappy.

He thought, What are you all impatient about? I’m the one that’s impatient! I don’t want to board the boat, but the boat just has to appear for the second time. Thinking to that point, Wang Baole was too lazy to continue greeting everyone. He looked helplessly at the paper human cutout at the front of the ship, who kept waving as though he didn’t know fatigue.

After pondering, Wang Baole still cupped his fists and bowed deeply.

“Senior, I still have unsettled business. Umm… I won’t distract you from picking up others.” As he spoke, Wang Baole retreated rapidly and disappeared.

This time, Wang Baole was sure that his words had some effect. That was because when his body appeared in another area, the ethereal spirit boat that kept appearing and following him the first time didn’t chase him and appear before him when he reappeared this time.

Combining this with what he saw the first time the boat appeared, the answer was extremely obvious.

It was just that the answer made Wang Baole sigh again. That was because he confirmed another thing. That was… the paper human cutout on the sampan must have had Spirit Intelligence. Hence, it could understand his words.

The fact that it has Spirit Intelligence means that the paper human cutout in my storage ring also has Spirit Intelligence. Wang Baole furrowed his eyebrows. Now, he already analyzed that the appearance of the ethereal spirit boat was related to the paper human cutout in his storage ring. The spirit boat would appear when the paper human cutout laughed.

To him, he might think it was a laugh, but it might be what the paper human cutouts used to communicate with one another.

So be it. There doesn’t seem to be any danger for now. But this boat… I’m not going to board it no matter what! Wang Baole humphed in his heart. He hated being forced to do things. With a flicker, he unleashed his speed again and continued heading towards the Divine Eye civilization.

But in his heart, he already prepared himself for when the paper human cutout in his storage ring laughed again and made the ethereal spirit boat reappear.

I’ll just see it as the paper human cutout in my storage ring chatting with the paper human cutout on the ethereal spirit boat… I can’t stop them from chatting after all. Wang Baole consoled himself. Within the next ten days, every two to three days… the laughter of the paper human cutout would ring out in his head as the ethereal spirit boat descended again, the paper human cutout on it waved again, and Wang Baole rejected him again…

When the ethereal spirit boat appeared for the sixth time… although Wang Baole was already used to it and had an extremely calm expression, the more than thirty teenage males and females on the sampan all felt very negative emotions.

If anyone else kept seeing the same person who simply refused to board the sampan during that period of time, they would also worry about whether it would affect their own journey. So, after seeing Wang Baole for the sixth time, their original impatience finally turned into anger, and someone snapped.

“Are you boarding or not!”

“If you’re not boarding, then scram!”

Hearing those people actually say such things, even if he knew they had extraordinary backgrounds, Wang Baole still got angry. He thought, I refuse to board. Only an idiot would board the sampan. Thinking to that point, he stared at the person talking on the sampan.

“Why, you wanna beat me up? Come, come down. Let’s have a fight to see who’s the daddy!”

“You!” Those who spoke with anger stood up violently. When they all looked towards Wang Baole, a cold glint spread in their eyes, but they were helpless. That was because they discovered that they were unable to disembark after boarding the sampan!

“If you’re so great, why don’t you come down? I’m telling all of you, if you don’t come down, you’re all my grandkids. Come, Grandpa will be waiting for you right here!” He rolled his eyes. Wang Baole noticed something amiss, so his words became more arrogant.

Faced with his arrogant provocation, the paper human cutout at the front of the boat didn’t change its actions at all and was still waving. And those who were staring angrily at Wang Baole all calmed down. Among them, a horse-faced teenager narrowed his eyes and suddenly spoke.

“Lad, do you dare say your name!”

“Why should I listen to you? Horse-faced grandson, tell daddy your name!” Wang Baole picked his ear. He was already feeling very frustrated and suspicious because of the multiple appearances of the ethereal spirit boat. At this moment, he seemed to be quarreling with the horse-faced teenager, but in reality, he was extremely calm. He wanted to make use of the quarrel to learn where those people came from and indirectly learn where the spirit boat came from.

The phrase horse-faced grandson caused a killing intent to flash between the teenager’s eyes as he spoke calmly.

“Cloud Chill Sect, Li Linzi!”

“Green Sea Dao, Wang Yishan!”

“Country of Northern Ze, Du Fei!”

“Te Ke Clan, Ye Luo!”

Not only Li Linzi replied to Wang Baole. Those who quarreled with him also spoke coldly. Although they told him their backgrounds, Wang Baole didn’t recognize any of them. But from their expressions and the gazes of the others in the surroundings, Wang Baole noticed that those sects and clans seemed to be very powerful.

Chosen ones from every clan? Instantly, that guess appeared in Wang Baole’s mind. That was especially so considering that the cultivations of those people all had one similarity. Although Wang Baole noticed this previously, he didn’t pay much attention to it. At this moment, he suddenly realized that there was something really amiss about that… because all of them were perfected stage Spirit Immortals!

“Your turn!” Not waiting for him to continue thinking, the horse-faced Li Linzi spoke softly.

Wang Baole stared and secretly thought, I’m not scared of you. You’re just cocky because of your background, which I also have.

“Xie family, Xie Dalu!” Wang Baole spoke calmly and thought, Who doesn’t know how to bluff? I’m Xie Haiyang’s brother. He thought that way in his heart but displayed a look of arrogance. And after he spoke, the people on the sampan, especially those few who spoke previously, all had their expressions change immensely, and their pupils shrunk. But a sense of suspicion appeared in their expressions as well. Hence, Wang Baole saw that they doubted his identity.

That was normal. If they fully believed him, that would mean something was wrong.

But no matter what, maybe out of caution, after Wang Baole declared that he was Xie Dalu, everyone on the sampan went silent.

Wang Baole also noticed the extraordinariness of the ethereal spirit boat. But the more he felt that, the more cautious he was. Therefore, after cupping his fists towards the paper human cutout on the sampan and rejecting again, he prepared to leave as per normal with a flicker of his body.

But… something unexpected occurred!

A World Worth Protecting

A World Worth Protecting

Awwp, San Cun Ren Jian, Three-inch World, 三寸人间
Score 6.5
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2018 Native Language: Chinese
By the year 3029 CE, Earth’s technology has developed rapidly, borders no longer exist, and Earth has been unified, marking the beginning of the era of the Federation. At that time, a huge sword flew from the heavens, piercing the sun and causing a huge sensation on Earth. Perhaps because the scabbard of the sword was already in tatters, countless shards have broken off from it following the collision with the sun and spread across the universe. Many of these shards have landed on various places across Earth. With the arrival of the bronze sword and its shards, a new unlimited energy source has suddenly appeared on Earth. This energy source has since been named Spirit Qi. Spirit Qi is like air, thick in some places and thin in others. As the Federation and other factions gather more shards, they discover more information on cultivation, pill refinement, Spirit Stone refinement, and other techniques. The words on the shards have an ancient feel to them, making it a trend for people to use ancient language. The appearance of Spirit Qi rapidly makes the original energy sources obsolete and has completely changed people’s lives. Not only has the Spirit Internet been formed, Spirit Qi has also changed the course of Human Civilization, causing the world to enter a civilization of cultivation. This would later come to be known as the Spirit Inception Era.


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not work with dark mode