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A World Worth Protecting Volume – Chapter 891: The Reason for Attacking!

Chapter 891: The Reason for Attacking!

Wang Baole narrowed his eyes. In view of his current state, this wasn’t an ideal time for him to get into a fight with a Planet realm. His trump card, the Planet realm palm, had been destroyed, and his Emperor Armor had been emptied of spirit energy. He retreated hastily as the Heavenly Spirit Sect’s right-hand elder charged at him, leaving an afterimage of himself as he flew back.

Wang Baole’s eyes flashed as he retreated, and the right-hand elder gave chase. He raised his right hand and formed a hand seal. Countless inscriptions appeared on the ground within a radius of three hundred feet. They exploded and transformed into countless blades that rushed at the right-hand elder.

These blades rained upon the right-hand elder like a fierce storm, charging at him with the ferocity of a hurricane. They might not be able to inflict serious injury on the right-hand elder, but they were still obstacles in his path that slowed him down!

The skies thundered loudly, and a stormy look darkened the right-hand elder’s face. His hands came together and formed a series of hand seals. Beams of light in the colors of the rainbow erupted from his body. Each eruption sent the skies rumbling, turning all blades that approached him into instant dust.

During this time, Wang Baole had made full use of the opportunity afforded him and unleashed his full speed, retreating fifty thousand feet away from his enemy. An icy glint flashed in his eyes as his right hand formed another hand seal and pointed at the ground.

The lands within fifty thousand feet of him began to quake violently, and beams of light rose to the skies, transforming the area into a sea of light. Once again, the right-hand elder was slowed down by the array formation.

These array formations… had been set up by Wang Baole in the past two weeks while he had been meditating. He might have appeared to have done nothing at all during that period, but being who he was, Wang Baole wouldn’t have placed all his bets on Xie Haiyang’s token. He had prepared extensively for the upcoming encounter with the right-hand elder.

In fact, if the right-hand elder hadn’t destroyed everything within ten thousand feet of him when he had first arrived and unleashed his divine power, Wang Baole’s array formation would have been able to unleash greater power. That didn’t matter though, as he had enough time to set up a foolproof trap!

Many of the array formations had come from Zhao Yameng. Coupled with Wang Baole’s cultivation, the power of these array formations was unleashed to their fullest.

As Wang Baole retreated, he formed a series of hand seals and pointed towards the sky. The heavens were transformed instantly. Dark clouds gathered, and bolts of lightning descended upon the earth as if drawn by the pillars of light on the ground. The land seemed to have transformed into an ocean of lightning.

Wang Baole didn’t examine the results of his summoning, nor did he pause in his retreat, falling back a hundred feet into the distance. Then, he formed another hand seal and pointed towards the ground, activating another round of array formations and sending his Divine Will into the Peace Token concurrently. He had examined the token previously. Even though he hadn’t managed to figure out its detailed inner workings, he had been able to conclude that the jade token could also be used for voice transmissions.

“Xie Haiyang, what kind of Peace Token is this? It’s useless. I’m being hunted by my enemy right now. He said that he doesn’t recognize the token!” There was a look of composure on Wang Baole’s face even though he sounded flustered and angry. The right-hand elder of the Heavenly Spirit Sect was howling in the distance, rainbow-colored lights glowing around him as he charged out of the sea of lightning, the beam of light, and the hurricane of blades and rushed at Wang Baole. With a series of hand seals, mountains suddenly rose from the earth like steps to heaven, placing obstacle after obstacle between Wang Baole and the right-hand elder and stopping the right-hand elder in his path once again.

“Long Nanzi!” A murderous glow lit the right-hand elder’s eyes. The pressure on him had spiked after Wang Baole had whipped out his Peace Token. He howled as his desire to kill Long Nanzi intensified. The sun suddenly flared up, and a beam of light descended from the sky and charged at Wang Baole.

Alarm flashed across Wang Baole’s face. He retreated hastily and narrowly dodged the attack. The right-hand elder slammed his palms on his forehead, and a furious howl that seemed to have come from the depths of the abyss pierced the heavens. An enormous crimson wolf suddenly materialized behind the right-hand elder. It then melded with the right-hand elder and charged at Wang Baole.

The right-hand elder’s form looked like a beam of red light from afar, charging wildly and menacingly.

Mountain walls and peaks protruding from the earth barely stopped his advance. Hard stone shattered and crumbled into dust. Wang Baole continued to retreat at top speed, forming hand seals and blowing up array formations that he had set up, but it was useless. The right-hand elder caught up with him in the next moment and opened his jaws, prepared to devour Wang Baole whole.


“Xie Haiyang!” Alarm flashed across Wang Baole’s face as he howled at the Peace Token. Perhaps the howling had worked, or perhaps some feature inherent in the Peace Token had been activated, but a white light erupted from the Peace Token just as the right-hand elder was about to swallow Wang Baole whole. The light surged outwards, enveloping Wang Baole and transforming into an enormous sphere of light!

The right-hand elder’s crimson lupine jaws snapped shut at the exact moment the glowing sphere was formed. A loud snap resounded in the air, which was followed by a scream of agony in the next moment.

The one shattered to bits wasn’t Wang Baole but… the crimson wolf that the right-hand elder had transformed into. His jaw had shattered. It was as if he had bitten into hard rock—resilient and impenetrable. His fangs cracked, and his lower jaw split open. His lupine form blurred away and reformed into his human form. There was a look of stunned disbelief on his face as he retreated hastily.

The right-hand elder stopped only after he had retreated a thousand feet from Wang Baole. His face had grown pale, and there was blood flowing from his lips. A fire appeared to be burning in his eyes as he stared unblinkingly at the glowing sphere of light and Wang Baole, who was inside.

The right-hand elder made a charge again, heading for the glowing sphere as he unleashed his trump card. Rainbow-colored lights lit the skies and sent a thunderous boom rumbling in the air. The glowing sphere suffered no damage. The right-hand elder, on the other hand, shuddered from the repeated backlash of his attacks and spat out another mouthful of blood. In the end, he decided to risk everything he had. He activated the power of the sun once more. A beam of light descended, but the attack was useless against the sphere of light.

The right-hand elder was on the verge of madness. His eyes were turning red rapidly.

Inside the glowing sphere, Wang Baole appeared to release a sigh of relief. He stared through the walls of the sphere and at the right-hand elder. Then, he picked up the Peace Token as the right-hand elder watched and growled at it.

“Xie Haiyang!”

This time, Xie Haiyang’s voice emerged from the token and echoed inside Wang Baole’s head.

“Brother Baole, I’ll look into this immediately and give you an answer. Humph… disregarding the Peace Token of the Xie family is akin to challenging our authority!” Xie Haiyang’s words took on a murderous tone as he spoke. An imperceptible flicker appeared in Wang Baole’s eyes as he listened to Xie Haiyang. He ended the voice transmission, then looked up and beyond the glowing sphere. The right-hand elder had a stormy look on his face. Wang Baole smirked mirthlessly at him.

The right-hand elder was raging with madness. He didn’t know why this was happening to him. Why was it so difficult to kill a mere Spirit Immortal realm cultivator? He might have explained his earlier failure with the excuse that they had been in the Divine Eye civilization, but he was on his own turf now. Yet, obstacles continued to appear. The appearance of the legendary Peace Token had also unsettled him very much. This sense of unease had grown after he had seen Wang Baole sending what had appeared to be a voice transmission through the jade token while standing inside the glowing sphere.

Anxiety and frustration spiked inside him. He had reached his limits. The right-hand elder roared, then shot Wang Baole a vicious glower and, without any warning, turned around and raced into the skies. He was headed for the man-made Eternal Star.

He had made up his mind. He was going to return to the man-made Eternal Star and make use of the power of the Eternal Star to contact the Eternal Star realm patriarch of his civilization. Doing so might expose the Heavenly Spirit Sect’s failure and draw attention to his incompetence, but he was crumbling under the stress that he was feeling. He didn’t care any longer. The sense of impending doom he was sensing left a bad feeling in his guts.

I’m quitting this game and returning to the Violet Gold civilization. Let whoever wants to kill Long Nanzi do it himself! The right-hand elder fumed as he moved swiftly, soon vanishing from Wang Baole’s sight.

Inside the glowing sphere, Wang Baole looked up and stared at the right-hand elder as the latter departed. His eyes narrowed slowly.

It seems like Xie Haiyang is trying to sabotage someone, except it’s not me that he’s sabotaging but the right-hand elder*… If he had yielded to the Peace Token’s authority, my predicament would have been resolved. The fact that it was so easily resolved would indirectly prove how powerful Xie Haiyang is. Is he trying to show off?* A thoughtful look appeared on Wang Baole’s face.

Similarly, if the right-hand elder didn’t yield to the token’s authority, Xie Haiyang would also have a reason to step in. He’ll still be able to show off! These thoughts flashed across Wang Baole’s head swiftly. He raised his right hand and waved. A cloud of mist flew out from a Dharmic Battleship inside his storage bag and appeared outside, gathering and materializing into… another Wang Baole!

A World Worth Protecting

A World Worth Protecting

Awwp, San Cun Ren Jian, Three-inch World, 三寸人间
Score 6.5
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2018 Native Language: Chinese
By the year 3029 CE, Earth’s technology has developed rapidly, borders no longer exist, and Earth has been unified, marking the beginning of the era of the Federation. At that time, a huge sword flew from the heavens, piercing the sun and causing a huge sensation on Earth. Perhaps because the scabbard of the sword was already in tatters, countless shards have broken off from it following the collision with the sun and spread across the universe. Many of these shards have landed on various places across Earth. With the arrival of the bronze sword and its shards, a new unlimited energy source has suddenly appeared on Earth. This energy source has since been named Spirit Qi. Spirit Qi is like air, thick in some places and thin in others. As the Federation and other factions gather more shards, they discover more information on cultivation, pill refinement, Spirit Stone refinement, and other techniques. The words on the shards have an ancient feel to them, making it a trend for people to use ancient language. The appearance of Spirit Qi rapidly makes the original energy sources obsolete and has completely changed people’s lives. Not only has the Spirit Internet been formed, Spirit Qi has also changed the course of Human Civilization, causing the world to enter a civilization of cultivation. This would later come to be known as the Spirit Inception Era.


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not work with dark mode