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A World Worth Protecting Volume – Chapter 870: Dilemmas and Denying!

Chapter 870: Dilemmas and Denying!

At the same time, he gave Wang Baole an independent satellite as his cave abode and base. In fact, after asking Wang Baole for his opinion, he immediately announced that Wang Baole was promoted to the role of the Divine Sovereign Justice Sect’s grand elder and was of almost equivalent status to him.

Such courteous treatment made Wang Baole very pleased in his heart. After thanking the Sovereign Patriarch, he chose to regroup on the satellite. After all, he was very clear that the battle… was far from over. This was only the beginning.

As the entire sect was preparing and regrouping intensely, Wang Baole spread out his cultivation and sealed both the interior and exterior of his cave abode secret chamber. He even took out his twelve emperor puppets and Dharmic Battleships. After strengthening the seal and ensuring that no accidents would happen, he released the lady with his Divine Will, who he had trapped within his Dharmic Battleship.

Who exactly is she?Wang Baole narrowed his eyes and focused his attention on the lady who couldn’t hide her extreme anxiousness and desperation after being released. Her expression also obviously showed that she wished to die.

Focusing his gaze on the lady in front of him, Wang Baole spread out his Divine Will. After engulfing the lady with it, he checked her thoroughly. But after the check, his eyebrows furrowed slightly. Previously, on the battlefield, he took a hurried look at her and didn’t recognize her. Now that he looked thoroughly, with his own cultivation… he still couldn’t spot anything on the lady’s body. It was as though this body was really her true body.

The lady had a decent appearance. Judging from her appearance, she looked like she was around twenty years old. Her skin was white, and her figure was also very lithe and graceful. She was clad in rainbow-colored clothes, and not only did it not hide her beauty, but it gave her a sense of youthfulness. However, Wang Baole was very clear that once cultivators reached the Core Formation realm, the age they looked like no longer mattered.

So long as they were willing to use some cultivation to make themselves look young, it wasn’t a difficult spell to do. It was very common among cultivators, so one couldn’t tell a person’s age from their appearance alone. Normally, one would sweep their Divine Sense over them to sense whether there were signs of aging.

For example, although the lady seemed to be there with her true body, according to Wang Baole’s Divine Sense, she wasn’t old. And her cultivation was extraordinary, considering she was already a late-stage Nascent Soul.

That might not mean much in the Violet Gold civilization, but in the Federation, it was very rare for someone of that age to have such significant cultivation. At least, among the friends that Wang Baole remembered, none of them could reach that cultivation at that age except for him.

This made Wang Baole suspicious in his heart, as he couldn’t clearly distinguish her identity. So, his gaze gradually turned icy as he spoke slowly.

“Tell me your identity!”

His words were like a cold breeze, causing the temperature in the secret chamber to instantly lower by a lot, a chilly air faintly spreading. This caused the lady’s body to shiver slightly. After remaining silent for a few breaths, she lowered her head, seemingly trying her best to calm down, and then slowly spoke.

“I’m a disciple of the Violet Gold civilization’s Heavenly Spirit Sect’s Ancient Sword Peak… Chen Xuemei.”

Hearing the lady’s reply, Wang Baole’s eyebrows furrowed even tighter together, and his gaze turned icier. In fact, he became somewhat impatient. He was worried that his guess had become a reality and that one of his friends was killed by this lady, thereby giving her possession of his Divine Will. He wanted to search her soul directly, but he considered that if he had a lapse in judgment, such a soul search would definitely cause irreversible damage to her body.

So, Wang Baole narrowed his eyes and sized up the lady in front of him again. Although she tried her best to stay calm, Wang Baole could naturally see the anxiousness and desperation in her heart and the wish to die hidden in her eyes. That made him understand that the lady was already prepared to die there.

And just as Wang Baole was sizing the lady up, the voice transmission jade slip in his storage bag dispersed disturbances. Wang Baole lowered his hand, flipping his right hand to take out the voice transmission jade slip. He was just about to check it, but in the next moment, he raised his head violently, raised his right hand, and pointed at the lady.

“You wish to die?”

As he pointed, the lady’s body instantly froze, and her expression became extremely pale. Her body seemed to solidify, and no thoughts could be formed. She could only stand there as the desperation in her heart spread around her soul. The wish to die in her eyes couldn’t be hidden as it spread around her pupils, and she couldn’t help but cry. She wanted to close her eyes to hide her weakness, but her body couldn’t even do that now.

Wang Baole humphed, raised his right hand, and grabbed in mid-air. Instantly, a light sphere flew out of the lady’s glabella. The light sphere was his Divine Will, and it floated in front of Wang Baole after it returned.

The moment he had checked the voice transmission jade slip, he felt the disturbance of his Divine Will. The lady who claimed to be Chen Xuemei wanted to unleash the Divine Will while he wasn’t paying attention. She didn’t want to kill him. Instead, she wanted to… commit suicide!

She’s quite resolute…Wang Baole focused his gaze on the lady for a while before lowering his head to take a sweeping glance at the voice transmission jade slip. It was the Sovereign Patriarch who sent a voice transmission to him. He invited him to head to the hall later, as he had something to discuss with him.

After giving a simple reply, Wang Baole looked towards Chen Xuemei, whose body was frozen by him, again. A weird glint appeared in his eyes. The resoluteness on her body made the silhouette of a lady appear in his mind unwittingly.

As he remained silent, Wang Baole waved his hand and dispersed the binding on the lady. Without the binding, the lady seemed to lose all her strength at once. She retreated a few steps back with a pained expression, her whole body seeming to beg him to kill her as she spoke softly.

“With Senior’s cultivation, please don’t humiliate me. I don’t care whether you kill me or not. If Senior wants to know anything about the Violet Gold civilization, I can tell you about it truthfully. I just hope Senior can leave me with a complete corpse and allow me to die with a bit more dignity!”

The words expressed an even more intense sense of resolution and deepened the suspicion in Wang Baole’s eyes. So, after pondering, he raised his right hand and waved it. His body changed instantly, shedding the appearance of Long Nanzi in the blink of an eye. He exposed his original appearance as he looked at Chen Xuemei.

“That’s enough. There’s no need to continue hiding. The Divine Will on your body was given by me. Who exactly are you?” Wang Baole expressed a sense of helplessness. As he spoke, his Divine Will was also extremely sharp, as he wanted to see the lady’s reaction.

He didn’t say his name, and he didn’t say the name of the person he guessed she was. That was because he still couldn’t confirm his suspicions. Therefore, he tried to expose his true appearance and make a judgment after she saw it.

It was just that… after Chen Xuemei saw Wang Baole’s appearance, although she was stunned for a while, there was still some confusion in her eyes. This made Wang Baole’s heart sink.

After remaining silent for a few breaths, he slowly spoke.

“I’m not interested in information about the Violet Gold civilization and Heavenly Spirit Sect. I’m not asking you for your identity in the Heavenly Spirit Sect either. What I want… is your true identity!”

“I don’t know what you mean, Senior… I don’t have any other identity. Senior, have you… mistaken me for someone else?” Chen Xuemei looked even more confused. As she looked at Wang Baole’s true appearance, a sense of doubt also appeared in her expression.

Seeing the lady like this, Wang Baole was a little impatient in his heart. He stood up, his gaze becoming icy again as he swept his glance toward Chen Xuemei.

“Let me remind you. The Federation!”

After he said that, Chen Xuemei was still confused, and there was even more doubt in her expression. After hesitating for a moment, she spoke softly.

“Senior, the Federation… is a sect?”

“You really don’t recognize me? You really don’t know what the Federation is?” Wang Baole furrowed his brows as he spoke with a deep voice.

“I really don’t know.” Chen Xuemei smiled bitterly as she shook her head. Her heartbeat and actions didn’t reveal anything, and it was as though she really didn’t know.

Wang Baole suddenly laughed.

“Seems like I’m indeed mistaken. I previously captured an alien cultivator named Wang Baole. You probably don’t know him either. I’ve locked up the fatty and obtained many interesting things after searching his soul. I’ve also swallowed a portion of his soul, so I sensed the Divine Will disturbances of part of his soul. Since you don’t know him, it seems like he used some unknown technique to hide something from me. I’ll go swallow him completely now and destroy his body and soul!”

As he spoke, Wang Baole laughed coldly and raised his foot to leave the secret chamber.

A World Worth Protecting

A World Worth Protecting

Awwp, San Cun Ren Jian, Three-inch World, 三寸人间
Score 6.5
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2018 Native Language: Chinese
By the year 3029 CE, Earth’s technology has developed rapidly, borders no longer exist, and Earth has been unified, marking the beginning of the era of the Federation. At that time, a huge sword flew from the heavens, piercing the sun and causing a huge sensation on Earth. Perhaps because the scabbard of the sword was already in tatters, countless shards have broken off from it following the collision with the sun and spread across the universe. Many of these shards have landed on various places across Earth. With the arrival of the bronze sword and its shards, a new unlimited energy source has suddenly appeared on Earth. This energy source has since been named Spirit Qi. Spirit Qi is like air, thick in some places and thin in others. As the Federation and other factions gather more shards, they discover more information on cultivation, pill refinement, Spirit Stone refinement, and other techniques. The words on the shards have an ancient feel to them, making it a trend for people to use ancient language. The appearance of Spirit Qi rapidly makes the original energy sources obsolete and has completely changed people’s lives. Not only has the Spirit Internet been formed, Spirit Qi has also changed the course of Human Civilization, causing the world to enter a civilization of cultivation. This would later come to be known as the Spirit Inception Era.


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