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A World Worth Protecting Volume – Chapter 781: Rise, Phoenix!

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

Although Wang Baole didn’t completely know what Zhuo Yixian was thinking, he knew some parts of it. Combining that with his understanding of Zhuo Yixian, he made an estimated judgment in his heart.

He narrowed his eyes, pondered, and said, “I’m not selling!”

His voice floated out of his cave abode and landed in the ears of the three people and one donkey outside. The donkey’s ears twitched, and a glint flashed between Little Wu’s eyes. Only Zhuo Yixian and the female cultivator had changes in their expressions.

The former was nervous, while unhappiness appeared in the latter’s eyes. Staring at the cave abode’s gate with furrowed brows, her voice turned icy.

“Fellow Daoist Long Nanzi, I really do like your pet. Please sell it to me. I will give you one Icy Heart Fruit in exchange!”

When Wang Baole, who was constantly aware of the outside world, heard that she was offering an Icy Heart Fruit, his eyes lit up slightly. When he was buying materials several days ago, he had seen this Icy Heart Fruit, which was exclusive to the Ice Phoenix Legion.

The tree of this fruit came from an alien civilization. After the Ice Phoenix Legion pillaged said civilization, they planted the tree within the legion’s restricted area. The tree produced fruit once every century, producing around 1000 fruits every time. The number of fruits produced wasn’t considered small, but it was definitely not a huge number either. Hence, it still carried a respectable price. When added to medicine, it could increase the effectiveness of said medicine.

If one consumed it directly, it had an obvious impact on stabilizing one’s cultivation. They were very rare, so even Wang Baole was interested.

“I’ve taken care of this pet for many years, and we both can’t bear to leave each other, so… forget it.” After a moment, Wang Baole’s sigh spread out of the cave abode. When the sound landed in the donkey’s ears, it whinnied, and Little Wu, who was beside it, quickly went to help it straighten its fur with his eyes showing a strange enthusiasm.

Meanwhile, Zhuo Yixian was feeling indignant. If he weren’t afraid to speak, he would definitely have told the female cultivator beside him that he was bought by Long Nanzi not long ago and definitely could bear leaving him.

“Two Icy Heart Fruits!” Fairy Ling You’s younger sister raised her eyebrows. Even if she knew Wang Baole was lying, she was too lazy to argue with him and directly raised her bid.

Wang Baole’s eyes lit up. As he continued speaking, he didn’t hide the sound of him inhaling.

“Well… although I spent a huge amount of money on buying this pet initially and feeding it with the finest food every day to cause it to become so extraordinarily handsome, this definitely has nothing to do with the price. It’s the bond between us, we…”

“Four Icy Heart Fruits!” The female cultivator was slightly annoyed.

“Our bond can’t be…”

“Ten Icy Heart Fruits. Long Nanzi, this is already an exorbitant price. If you still don’t sell, I’m calling it off!” The female cultivator interrupted Wang Baole and spoke with decisiveness, her words bringing with them hints of a threat.

Wang Baole’s heartbeat quickened. He had already nodded thousands of times in his heart, but to achieve mutual agreement, he still acted like he had to deliberate and finally agreed to the deal reluctantly.

Hearing Wang Baole’s agreement, Zhuo Yixian heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. While he was secretly cheering, the female cultivator rapidly completed the deal, completed the transaction with Wang Baole, and left with Zhuo Yixian.

Little Wu, who had seen the whole transaction firsthand, walked directly to where Zhuo Yixian was previously and spit, his face full of disdain.

“What a fool. How good is it to be with Daddy. Even though we were just guarding the gate, at least he was treated in the same way Daddy treats me. But now, he’s really going to become a pet for someone else. What a fool. Don’t you agree, Second Master?” While speaking, he didn’t forget to keep straightening the donkey’s fur.

Seemingly because his technique was impeccable, the donkey was so comfortable it even wagged its tail a few times and agreed with a hee-haw.

Ignoring the two clowns left outside his door, Wang Baole kept one of the Icy Heart Fruits he received for himself and sold the other 9 away in exchange for a large amount of materials. He then started refining the thirteenth level of the Heaven Shaking Divine Justice Shield.

Using his previous method, it wasn’t difficult for Wang Baole to reach the thirteenth level, and he quickly did so. As the reflection of up to 130% formed, the value of the treasure also shot up.

He didn’t stop there. After gathering sufficient resources, Wang Baole achieved a huge breakthrough in his refining and jumped up to level seventeen from level thirteen!

The level seventeen Heaven Shaking Divine Justice Shield was basically formed by combining nearly 20,000 level seven Divine Justice Shields. Its power had already reached 170% reflection. Even if a true Spirit Immortal were to meet this, they would probably be in trouble too. And if they weren’t careful, there was a huge possibility of disaster caused by the backlash.

That was especially so as Wang Baole’s Divine Justice Shield looked very covert. On the surface, the Divine Justice Shield floating in front of him looked like a level three, but in reality, it was a level seven shield. Those who didn’t know had a high chance of screwing up.

But even after refining the Divine Justice Shield to such a degree, Wang Baole wasn’t satisfied. The further he refined the shield, the messier Wang Baole’s thoughts became. After analyzing, he thought that it should be attributed to the stacking method. Even though that method could increase the Divine Justice Shield’s level, there was obviously a limit.

The limit should be level eighteen. If I want to continue increasing the level… I must change it from its source! Wang Baole sighed and rubbed his glabella. After resting for a moment, he continued thinking, and three days passed as he pondered.

Three days later, as Wang Baole started to have some inspiration after thinking, he received an order that called for all Ice Phoenix Legion cultivators to assemble at the public square. In that order, it clearly told all Ice Phoenix Legion cultivators that the eleventh army had issued a challenge towards the Ice Phoenix Legion!

This order broke Wang Baole’s train of thought. He furrowed his brows and decided not to go. However, very quickly… the second, third, and fourth orders and notices for everyone spread to him.

“The fifth, the sixth, and the seventh armies will assist the eleventh army and officially descend in six hours!”

“The army challenge match will officially begin in six hours!”

Together with the notices came the deployment of the entire army. It also contained Wang Baole’s mission. He was deployed to the border, and his mission was to work with his friends to repair the army’s Dharmic Artifacts at any moment.

At the same time, the voice transmission that Fairy Ling You sent to the entire army echoed in the surroundings. She told all of the army’s cultivators that the Ice Phoenix Legion was prepared to face the eleventh army’s challenge. At the same time, the eighth and ninth armies would assist them in battle as allies.

These continuous notices made Wang Baole narrow his eyes as he read them. Although he was somewhat unwilling to join the battle, he still walked out of his cave abode and headed to the place his mission told him to be.

On the way there, he saw that everyone in the army had serious expressions. As his silhouette sped through the air towards the place he was told to go, the whole atmosphere seemed suppressed.

Very quickly, under the suppressed atmosphere, Wang Baole reached the place he was told to be. That place could be considered the border of the Ice Phoenix Legion, and dozens of huge statues were placed there. At that moment, there were many cultivators around the statue busily checking it. In the end, they were all activated. As they circulated, waves of suppressive force spread from within the dozens of statues.

Compared to how busy others were, Wang Baole seemed to be in a daze as he stood there, thinking about the inspiration he previously got regarding the Divine Justice Shields in his mind. Just like that, time slowly passed, and six hours were about to be up. As for the entire Ice Phoenix Legion, they seemed like an awakening ferocious beast after six hours of preparation.

On land, countless statue puppets filled the horizon. Among those statues, there was one that stood out due to both its size and design. That was even more so when one looked at the statue’s head. There, a female cultivator clad in armor sat cross-legged and looked very much like a battle fairy.

This person was one of the perfected stage Soul Conduits in Fairy Ling You’s inner circle that Wang Baole met previously.

In the air, the sheer number of battleships could blanket the sky and cover the moon. As they spread towards the surroundings, another perfected stage Soul Conduit in Fairy Ling You’s inner circle—the seductive female cultivator with a sexy figure—was standing atop one of the battleships and raising her head to stare at the heavens beyond.

Besides that, there was a floating altar higher in the sky. One person stood atop the altar. This person wasn’t Fairy Ling You, but… the lady with the oval face that Wang Baole had met previously. She was the commander for this battle!

As for Fairy Ling You, she was meditating cross-legged in the pavilion at the back!

The seriousness and somber atmosphere affected almost all of the army’s cultivators, but Wang Baole was unaffected… As he stood there, all that appeared in his mind were his calculations regarding the Divine Justice Shields. As he paid little attention to his surroundings, the time for battle… arrived!

As the time arrived, the wind rose, and clouds rolled in the heavens above the Ice Phoenix Legion. Loud rumbles echoed as giant rifts appeared. It was as though giant invisible hands were ripping the heavens apart!

At that moment, the battleships from the fifth, sixth, seventh, and eleventh armies appeared through the rifts!

As they appeared, a glint appeared in the eyes of the oval-faced female cultivator clad in an orange dress standing atop the altar. As she spoke coldly, her voice echoed around the battlefield.

“Rise, Phoenix!”

A World Worth Protecting

A World Worth Protecting

Awwp, San Cun Ren Jian, Three-inch World, 三寸人间
Score 6.5
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2018 Native Language: Chinese
By the year 3029 CE, Earth’s technology has developed rapidly, borders no longer exist, and Earth has been unified, marking the beginning of the era of the Federation. At that time, a huge sword flew from the heavens, piercing the sun and causing a huge sensation on Earth. Perhaps because the scabbard of the sword was already in tatters, countless shards have broken off from it following the collision with the sun and spread across the universe. Many of these shards have landed on various places across Earth. With the arrival of the bronze sword and its shards, a new unlimited energy source has suddenly appeared on Earth. This energy source has since been named Spirit Qi. Spirit Qi is like air, thick in some places and thin in others. As the Federation and other factions gather more shards, they discover more information on cultivation, pill refinement, Spirit Stone refinement, and other techniques. The words on the shards have an ancient feel to them, making it a trend for people to use ancient language. The appearance of Spirit Qi rapidly makes the original energy sources obsolete and has completely changed people’s lives. Not only has the Spirit Internet been formed, Spirit Qi has also changed the course of Human Civilization, causing the world to enter a civilization of cultivation. This would later come to be known as the Spirit Inception Era.


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not work with dark mode