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A World Worth Protecting Volume – Chapter 700: The Federation

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

Upon hearing Duan Muque’s declaration, Wang Baole, who had just reached into his storage bracelet for another bag of snacks and started munching again, shook. He almost choked on his chips. His eyes widened, and he could hear buzzing in his ears. Fortunately, his throat was thicker than most. He took a huge gulp and forced the chips down, then swiftly set his bag of snacks aside. His breathing quickened as he stared at Duan Muque. He blurted out a question hastily.

“You mean it?”

In principle, Wang Baole’s current strength and cultivation had made his becoming the Federation President a moot point, but this was his goal in life, a dream that he had pursued since childhood. It was his personal mission. He had entered the Ethereal Dao College largely because of his dream to become the Federation President. Besides, he had sent back so many sets of cultivation techniques when he had been on the ancient sword. Based on his calculations, that should have been enough for his promotion to Federation President.

However, since he had returned and gained a greater understanding of the current dilemma the Federation was in, he had realized the gravity of changing a president during wartime. He knew that something was amiss. He also knew Duan Muque’s character. He would face great challenges if he were to force the man to retire and give up his presidency. It would be difficult even if he were the strongest cultivator in the Federation.

There were too many complications involved in taking over the office. This was his home. Besides, Duan Muque and the rest had always treated him well. There was no way he was going to force his way into office.

That was why he hadn’t asked about the rewards he would be receiving. He had observed the discussion Feng Qiuran had with Duan Muque and the others and realized the situation with the Dao Palace. He planned to ask Li Xingwen in a roundabout way instead. He wanted to know if he could maybe get a promotion to the next Noble’s rank. It would be best if he could be declared the next candidate in waiting for the presidency. However, if that were impossible, he would be satisfied with a promotion to Secondary Rank One Noble.

He hadn’t expected Duan Muque to initiate the succession himself. His excitement peaked at that moment, especially when he saw Duan Muque nod after he asked him to repeat himself. Excitement and glee flooded his brain, causing him to feel slightly faint. His breathing quickened, and he smacked his chest hard, his eyes red.

“The Federation is going to win this war. The Never-Ending Clan and the Dao Palace are going to lose. I’ll kill whoever stops me from becoming the Federation President!”

Duan Muque watched the intense emotions playing on Wang Baole’s face. He had no idea whether he should laugh or weep. Li Xingwen smiled. He wasn’t surprised by Duan Muque’s declaration. If not for Wang Baole’s young age, he could have become the president right away.

He knew Duan Muque’s character. His successor had a strategist’s mind. He had ambition and vision. He also had his own pride. Their failure at Mercury had dealt a heavy blow to Duan Muque. Others might not have realized it, but Li Xingwen knew how serious an impact it had on him!

On the other hand, Duan Muque knew his responsibilities as well. He wasn’t going to let Wang Baole be the president who would witness the civilization’s end. He was going to be the one to shoulder the burden of their loss. If they won, however… he was going to be there, fighting with all that he had to prove his worth with their victory. He wanted the future generations to know his contributions to the Federation. He wanted Wang Baole to begin his presidency with a fresh new era!

“Baole, your mission will no longer be to fight. You’re going to have to… ensure that you and many others with equally important missions stay safe and survive!” Li Xingwen took a deep breath, then gave Wang Baole a meaningful look.

Wang Baole shuddered when he heard that. He shoved down the rising excitement and cleared his mind. It took him less than a second to understand Duan Muque’s choice, as well as the meaning hidden behind Li Xingwen’s words.

If they won, Wang Baole would be the future president. If they lost, he would have to shoulder the burdens of protecting their civilization and ensuring its survival!

“How much longer can the Venusian line of defense last?” An unfathomable light appeared in Wang Baole’s eyes after a long bout of silence. He stopped worrying about his future presidency and finally asked solemnly.

“If nothing unexpected happens, it will collapse completely the next time the Never-Ending Clan launches a full-frontal attack,” Duan Muque replied hoarsely. He finally admitted to the inevitable end that he hadn’t wished to accept but couldn’t deny.

“The Federation made preparations many years ago for war with the Dao Palace. The plan had been to make use of the Solar System Array Formation and the three lines of defenses on Mercury, Venus, and Mars. Unfortunately… there wasn’t enough time. With the additional Never-Ending Clan forces and their terrifying battleship, we aren’t their match, even after we include you and Feng Qiuran.” Li Xingwen sighed. He smiled wryly as he spoke.

“The fall of Mercury was my fault!” Duan Muque said solemnly.

“Duanmu, you don’t have to blame yourself for that. Even if we were to blow up Mercury, the war would still continue. It would only have given us more time, time that still wouldn’t be enough for us to prepare for a complete war. We would still have ended up here.” Li Xingwen shook his head, then turned towards Wang Baole.

“Baole, Earth is the origin and the core of our civilization. The objective of this battle is to ensure that the Solar System Array Formation, which was set up to protect Earth, does not get destroyed.”

“As long as the array formation survives, the Federation will have the power to defend itself. Our civilization will have hope of survival. Mars and Venus are the two key points supporting the Solar System Array Formation. As long as either of these planets remains, the array formation will stand indefinitely. Destroying just one of them will not affect the array formation,” Li Xingwen said. At that juncture, Wang Baole frowned and interrupted him.

“Grandmaster, President Duanmu, I have two questions!

“First question. The two key planets are located on either side of Earth, and their coordinates are completely different. Why did the Never-Ending Clan decide to destroy Venus first, then make their way around Earth to destroy Mars? Are they unable to break through the array formation and head for Earth instead?

“Second question. Is the Solar System Array Formation really that powerful? Is it truly capable of protecting our civilization?”

Wang Baole looked at Li Xingwen and Duan Muque after having asked his questions. The two exchanged looks under Wang Baole’s gaze. Then, after a bout of silence, Duan Muque suddenly formed a series of hand seals with his right hand. A defensive barrier rose around them, shielding them from eavesdroppers. Li Xingwen pulled out a wooden figurine, placed it on one side, and activated it. The defensive barrier strengthened visibly.

Wang Baole’s eyes flashed brightly as he observed them. He formed a series of hand seals as well, even drawing on the power of the Thearch Armor and his Stellar Nascent Soul. The latter pulled on the power of Venus, further reinforcing the defensive barrier around them.

Layers of protection ensured that no eavesdropper would be able to listen in on their conversation. A serious look fell on both Li Xingwen and Duan Muque’s faces. They stared at each other again.

Finally, Li Xingwen sighed and whispered, “Baole, what I’m about to tell you next is something that only I, Duan Muque, and Master Zhao Pinfang know. You’ll be the fourth person in the Federation to know this secret!”

“This is the most confidential secret in the Federation. In principle, only the president should have access to this information. Zhao Pinfang is exceptionally gifted in the study of Spirit Science, which was why Duan Muque and I agreed to share this information with him!

“That is why… you must not share this secret with anyone else! Unless… the Federation loses this war. If that happens, the confidentiality of this secret will be made void. You can decide then if you wish to tell anyone else.”

The expression on Wang Baole’s face turned solemn when he heard that. His heart began to race slightly. He could sense the solemnity in both Li Xingwen and Duan Muque. He knew that the secret that Li Xingwen was about to share was likely going to be something very important. It was likely going to be world-shattering.

“Yes, Master!” Wang Baole cupped his fists and swore.

Li Xingwen stared at Wang Baole for a long time in silence. He seemed to be lost in memories, or perhaps he was trying to find the words to express himself. Some time passed before he spoke again, softly.

“The spirit energy that is supporting the Solar System Array Formation comes from the Federation citizens practicing… the Qi Fostering Art. We have ten billion citizens, and almost all of them practice the Qi Fostering Art. The Spirit Qi that they produce during their cultivation fuels the Solar System Array Formation. This is supposed to be a secret, but there are many who know of it. However, there are only three of us who know the core foundation that the Solar System Array Formation is built on!”

“Its foundation… is a talisman of mysterious origin!” Wang Baole’s eyes widened when he heard what Li Xingwen said.

“A talisman?”

“More than a thousand years ago, before the arrival of the Spirit Inception Era, a talisman was discovered in an ancient ruin in the southeastern region of Earth. It had been an object of worship. No one knew what it was, and the conditions were unsuitable for excavation. Despite numerous guesses and a great deal of research, no conclusive findings were reached. The talisman was eventually categorized as an ordinary historical artifact and archived.

“Then came the Spirit Inception Era. Spirit Qi, brought forth by shards from the ancient sword, transformed civilization on Earth. I was the first person to reach the Foundation Establishment realm in the Federation. That very day, the talisman suddenly appeared before me. I did extensive research before I could conclude that it had been unearthed more than a thousand years ago.

“The talisman possesses incredible power. What is most extraordinary about it… is that it appears to be invisible to those who are not from Earth. They can’t see it or sense it. It is almost imperceptible to them. I tested it with a Divine Armament and witnessed the Divine Armament shudder in the presence of the talisman, as if in extreme awe!

“After a great deal of research, I believed there was a sixty percent chance of this talisman being a map of an array formation. I called for the Federation to build the Solar System Array Formation. However, nobody knew that the core of the entire Solar System Array Formation… was built on this talisman. It acted like an amplifier. However, without sufficient resources, it couldn’t expand its reach. We have to use Venus and Mars as keystones to increase the reach of the talisman’s power. Extraterrestrial species that are alien to Earth will face increasing difficulty as they try to approach Earth. The closer they get, the harder their advance will be!

“When I retired from office, I shared this secret with Duan Muque. A rule was set up. Only Federation Presidents are privy to this information, while the public will believe that the Divine Armament is what is keeping the Federation safe. In reality, what is protecting us is this talisman!

“The world believes that Master Zhao Pinfang conjured the Anti-Spirit Bomb out of nothing. The truth is… he gained enlightenment after studying the talisman and its changing contents. That was how he came to invent the Anti-Spirit Bomb.

“I wasn’t worried about you and Feng Qiuran arriving on Venus. The reason being, because I could borrow the mysterious powers of the talisman through the Solar System Array Formation and verify if you had parasites hidden inside your body, or detect if any extraterrestrial beings had seized control of your mind!”

“That is the truth behind the Solar System Array Formation. That is why I am certain that the Never-Ending Clan will head for Mars after they’ve destroyed Venus. There is no other way for them to land on Earth!” The words spilling from Li Xingwen’s lips were like bolts of lightning that were striking at Wang Baole’s senses. His eyes widened as he listened to Li Xingwen, and his breathing quickened. This was beyond his wildest imagination. There was no way he could have guessed this—that such a secret existed on Earth!

A World Worth Protecting

A World Worth Protecting

Awwp, San Cun Ren Jian, Three-inch World, 三寸人间
Score 6.5
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2018 Native Language: Chinese
By the year 3029 CE, Earth’s technology has developed rapidly, borders no longer exist, and Earth has been unified, marking the beginning of the era of the Federation. At that time, a huge sword flew from the heavens, piercing the sun and causing a huge sensation on Earth. Perhaps because the scabbard of the sword was already in tatters, countless shards have broken off from it following the collision with the sun and spread across the universe. Many of these shards have landed on various places across Earth. With the arrival of the bronze sword and its shards, a new unlimited energy source has suddenly appeared on Earth. This energy source has since been named Spirit Qi. Spirit Qi is like air, thick in some places and thin in others. As the Federation and other factions gather more shards, they discover more information on cultivation, pill refinement, Spirit Stone refinement, and other techniques. The words on the shards have an ancient feel to them, making it a trend for people to use ancient language. The appearance of Spirit Qi rapidly makes the original energy sources obsolete and has completely changed people’s lives. Not only has the Spirit Internet been formed, Spirit Qi has also changed the course of Human Civilization, causing the world to enter a civilization of cultivation. This would later come to be known as the Spirit Inception Era.


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