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A World Worth Protecting Volume – Chapter 584: Someone From the Federation Has Arrived!

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

While thinking about this serious technical problem, Wang Baole exchanged his battle credits for many pills. He still didn’t have an answer to that technical problem when he prepared to leave.

Therefore, Wang Baole felt that having been bestowed with the great responsibility of firming up the union between the Dao Palace and the Federation, he could sacrifice himself.

I am the future Federation President after all. If I don’t sacrifice, who would? Wang Baole let out a long sigh and passed his contact details to several rosy-cheeked female disciples who had approached him to ask about some problems they had faced in their own cultivation process…

“The issue of achieving a breakthrough at the early-stage Core Formation realm is a very complex and profound problem. How about this? Come find me on Green Fire Island at night, and I will give all of you some pointers.” Wang Baole cleared his throat and spoke seriously before leaving the Dao Palace main island. Along the way, he felt emotional about the changes in people’s attitude towards him. He even saw some Federation Seedlings chatting heartily with the Dao Palace cultivators.

During this period of time, Wang Baole also read the discussions between the Federation Seedlings on the regional chat group. He came to know that with the conclusion of the trial, some, but not all, of the Dao Palace disciples had a change in attitude towards the Federation cultivators. They even took the initiative to befriend each other, and this allowed the Dao Palace and Federation to begin the process of union.

This wasn’t only noticed by Wang Baole, but also Feng Qiuran, who monitored the situation closely. After seeing what had resulted from the trial, she was extremely heartened. At the same time, she began raising the issue of the arrival of the second batch of Federation Seedlings to Mie Liezi, who had previously been vehemently against it.

This time, Mie Liezi remained silent. Both the agreement that he had made previously, as well as Wang Baole’s performance, caused him to be in no position to say anything. He could only agree.

It could be said that this was the first victory that Feng Qiuran had gained in recent years. She successfully accomplished it without having to pay a price. Even the disciples under her wing, who didn’t look upon the Federation favorably previously, had a change in attitude. Of them, Lu Yun and Xu Ming were the most affected. As personal disciples, the shock that they had experienced from the trial was extremely great and indescribable, even though they didn’t cross hands with Wang Baole.

As such, they held Wang Baole in high regard. It was also because of this that many people under Feng Qiuran’s lead who initially disliked the Federation had a change in attitude.

It could be said that Wang Baole’s rise in status benefited Feng Qiuran greatly, boosting her authority in the Dao Palace to the top. Therefore, half a month later, the teleportation of the second batch of Federation Seedlings began successfully!

This was a significant matter to the Federation as well, especially as they had already shortlisted the people to be teleported but didn’t receive a reply from the Dao Palace previously. The Federation had even guessed that a problem had occurred and made preparations to handle it. Now, with the turn of events for the better, the Federation heaved a sigh of relief.

After all, unless they were left without a choice, the Federation didn’t wish to start a war.

It was also because of this reason that the people who made up the second batch of Federation Seedlings were changed slightly after discussions held between Duan Muque, Li Xingwen, and the upper echelons of the Federation. Furthermore, there was another goal, as they no longer simply wanted to assist Feng Qiuran.

In this manner, after the teleportation array formation had been prepared for several days, Wang Baole ended his period of seclusion and left for the Dao Palace after receiving notice from the Dao Palace that the second batch of Federation Seedlings was about to arrive.

All the Federation Seedlings gathered outside the Dao Palace’s teleportation array formation. They all stood beside Wang Baole, putting him as a leader. Numerous Dao Palace disciples also joined in. After Feng Qiuran, Mie Liezi, and Daoist You Ran had arrived on scene, the teleportation array formation was activated slowly.

As a loud boom reverberated, and as the array formation outside the ancient greenish-bronze sword on Mercury was similarly and simultaneously activated, blurry figures began to appear within the Vast Expanse Dao Palace’s teleportation array formation!

The waves reverberated, and winds swept violently, sweeping up everyone’s hair and robes. At that moment, the figures within the teleportation array formation gradually became clearer. Wang Baole then constricted his eyes, as the first person he saw was a middle-aged cultivator who was standing at the front of the second batch of Federation Seedlings!

That person, who was about forty years old, looked handsome, though someone weathered. There was also an aura of someone from the upper seat that was given off from him. He felt imposing to others, and even though he was clearly someone who had a mere perfected Core Formation realm cultivation, he gave others a sense that he was extraordinary!

He was… Xu Yunkun, the Sect Lord of the Galactic Dusk Sect who had been punished to stay in prison for his entire life due to the incident on the moon! The failure of securing an opportunity, coupled with the punishment placed on him, probably made the then youthful Sect Lord look like a middle-aged man—though his appearance hadn’t changed much.

He was an elite of the older generation of the Federation, someone whose seniority had surpassed that of Duan Muque and was on par with Li Xingwen and the Head Senator. He was also amongst the first batch of cultivators that had arrived on the ancient sword together with Li Xingwen and company years before. The moment he appeared, Wang Baole was shocked, and several Vast Expanse Dao Palace Nascent Soul realm cultivators were surprised.

Only Feng Qiuran remained calm. Apparently, she had known that Xu Yunkun would arrive. At the same time, as the figures in the teleportation array formation grew increasingly clearer, Wang Baole soon noticed many familiar faces, with Zhuo Yixian and Jin Duoming amongst them!

Other than that, Wang Baole realized that of the remaining people, there were more strangers than people he knew. There were over half of the new batch of people sent by the Federation that Wang Baole didn’t know. However, there was something in common about the group of people, and that was… Most of the people in the second batch were handsome and beautiful, astonishing in terms of looks!

Wang Baole narrowed his eyes in thought. At the same time, after Jin Duoming managed to gain a stable footing within the array formation, he directed his gaze downwards, as if searching for someone. He looked past Wang Baole and searched, and with a look of suspicion on his face, his gaze landed on Wang Baole again. After analyzing Wang Baole for a long time, Jin Duoming widened his eyes and mouth in shock.

Zhuo Yixian clearly didn’t recognize Wang Baole either. However, he noticed Zhuo Yifan and snorted under his breath with a cold expression on his face.

Ignoring the shocked expression on Jin Duoming’s face after he had seen the most handsome person in the universe, Wang Baole cleared his throat and raised his chin arrogantly. However, he still continued to ponder about the Federation’s intentions this time. Disregarding the handsome gentlemen and beautiful ladies, the appearance of the Galactic Dusk Sect Lord made Wang Baole feel that the Federation had sent a sly old fox to guard the ford.

“I remember that he was to be imprisoned for a whole lifetime…” Wang Baole murmured and suddenly laughed. He felt that regardless of whether Sect Lord Xu had managed to come after doing a good deed, or had used other methods, he was a vicious person with many formidable tricks up his sleeves. His arrival would be very helpful for the Federation in their current interaction with the Dao Palace.

That sly old fox has undergone many trials in the Federation and would probably survive better than me here. As Wang Baole thought about it, the teleportation was completed. The Galactic Dusk Sect Lord was ahead of everyone else, and with a look of sincerity and a warm smile, he greeted Feng Qiuran and the others with cupped fists.

“I have not seen Elder Feng for years, but you still look as youthful. Instead, I’m the one who has aged…” Sect Lord Xu spoke emotionally, before greeting Mie Liezi and Daoist You Ran again. Even though he was respectful, he didn’t bow down to them. Furthermore, as he was part of the first batch of people to arrive on the ancient sword back then, and wasn’t the Sect Lord of one of the Federation’s sects, even Mie Liezi and Daoist You Ran smiled towards him. They conversed amiably.

After meeting and greeting each other, the second batch of Federation Seedlings was being allocated to the various islands like the first batch of Federation Seedlings. However, right now, Feng Qiuran held greater authority and could make the decision to put most of the Federation Seedlings in the second batch with those of the first batch.

This way, it would allow them to familiarise with each other and speed up the formation of relationships between them. At the same time, it would also increase the factions that the Federation had in the Dao Palace. Xu Yunkun was left behind on the main island as his status allowed him to enjoy more privileges. He couldn’t compare to Wang Baole, but he was close.

In addition, his request to allow several Federation Seedlings to stay with him on the main island was approved by Feng Qiuran as well. As the first batch of Federation Seedlings excitedly brought their new companions who hadn’t adjusted to the new environment away, Jin Duoming stepped towards Wang Baole. He had a look of disbelief on his face and was about to speak when Xu Yunkun from the Galactic Dusk Sect walked forward and spoke to Jin Duoming calmly.

“Jin Duoming, you can catch up with City Lord Wang another time. I have some matters to discuss with City Lord Wang.”

Jin Duoming blinked before nodding and taking his leave. Before he left, he threw a glance at Wang Baole. Based on Wang Baole’s understanding of Jin Duoming, the meaning of that glance was clearly telling him that the old chap was someone he could trust.

As Jin Duoming left, Wang Baole looked lazily at Xu Yunkun.

“What is the matter, Sect Lord Xu?” Wang Baole spoke calmly.

Xu Yunkun looked at Wang Baole with a complex look on his face. He couldn’t help but recall that back then on the moon, it was this person who was now in front of him that had ruined his opportunity and gained the most out of everything!

A World Worth Protecting

A World Worth Protecting

Awwp, San Cun Ren Jian, Three-inch World, 三寸人间
Score 6.5
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2018 Native Language: Chinese
By the year 3029 CE, Earth’s technology has developed rapidly, borders no longer exist, and Earth has been unified, marking the beginning of the era of the Federation. At that time, a huge sword flew from the heavens, piercing the sun and causing a huge sensation on Earth. Perhaps because the scabbard of the sword was already in tatters, countless shards have broken off from it following the collision with the sun and spread across the universe. Many of these shards have landed on various places across Earth. With the arrival of the bronze sword and its shards, a new unlimited energy source has suddenly appeared on Earth. This energy source has since been named Spirit Qi. Spirit Qi is like air, thick in some places and thin in others. As the Federation and other factions gather more shards, they discover more information on cultivation, pill refinement, Spirit Stone refinement, and other techniques. The words on the shards have an ancient feel to them, making it a trend for people to use ancient language. The appearance of Spirit Qi rapidly makes the original energy sources obsolete and has completely changed people’s lives. Not only has the Spirit Internet been formed, Spirit Qi has also changed the course of Human Civilization, causing the world to enter a civilization of cultivation. This would later come to be known as the Spirit Inception Era.


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