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A World Worth Protecting Volume – Chapter 548: The Evil Art, Flame Snatch!

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

Wang Baole was about to go mad. Since he had started his journey of cultivation, he hadn’t come across any cultivation techniques that had managed to frustrate him so much. Even the Dark Art had been easy to grasp once he had begun absorbing Dark Qi.

The Dark Art? Wang Baole’s eyes flashed. He had previously thought he lacked some sort of catalyst. Now, he was sure that he must be missing a certain step. That was why he hadn’t seen any success in his practice.

Do I have to make another trip to the Eye of Infinite Techniques? Wang Baole smacked his forehead. He had tried asking Little Missy about the difficulty he had been facing with the Thearch Armor inheritance in the past month, but Little Missy hadn’t responded to his questions at all. She had pretended to be asleep.

Wang Baole was finally beginning to see through Little Missy’s act. Whenever there was something she didn’t know or didn’t wish to reveal, she would pretend to be asleep.

Wang Baole sighed. He had no choice but to set the Thearch Armor inheritance aside. Despite his reluctance, he had no choice in the matter. He began to study the other inheritances he had acquired. There were, after all, simply too many inheritances in his head.

Human nature dictated that one would always make comparisons, and feel dissatisfied upon making said comparisons. This was what Wang Baole faced. Even though he had plenty of inheritances, after comparison, it was clear that the most powerful inheritance was still the Thearch Armor inheritance!

The inheritance that was slightly less powerful than the Thearch Armor inheritance was something called the Flame Snatch. It was incomplete, not because Wang Baole had acquired only parts of it, but because… it had originally been incomplete. Even the person who had passed it down to him didn’t have the complete version.

It was an extremely evil cultivation technique. Every time the practitioner killed someone, he would steal his opponent’s vitality and will, then forcibly inject it into his own body. After which, he would continue killing… the adverse effects were great. The practitioner would gradually lose his own mind. In the end, he had to either kill his way to a clear mind or, failing to withstand the numerous minds that clashed with his own inside his head, go completely crazy. His body and spirit might be completely destroyed. He might go mad and kill himself.

The one who had passed it down to him had practiced only the initial levels. He hadn’t dared to continue with the inheritance. That was how he had maintained a relatively clear mind. The inheritance was rather impressive though. That was why the Vast Expanse Dao Palace had kept it and left it in the Eye of Infinite Techniques.

The Flame Snatch… Wang Baole shook his head. He dared not consider trying what was clearly a demented inheritance. However, after some thought, he began to have mixed feelings. After all, he was unable to master both the most powerful and the next most powerful inheritances… Fortunately, his research and study of the runic soldier was also in progress at the same time. Even though it belonged to a different system and hence he couldn’t yet fully discern its workings, his progress in learning how to control a single copper coin had been relatively smooth.

Even though he could only control one copper coin, and couldn’t summon the runic soldier puppet that rivaled a Nascent Soul, he did manage to figure out the Eight Trigrams seal on the back of the copper coins.

It was a spell that could allow the copper coin to form a seal. It would become one of Wang Baole’s secret weapons to be used as a last resort.

During the past month, the frustrated Wang Baole had also discovered, on many occasions, that the donkey had been sneaking out secretly. The donkey would disappear for a few days, then turn up with a satisfied look on its face. This had surprised Wang Baole. He might not have paid it too much mind if that had been all there was to it. He might have concluded that the donkey had found itself a romantic partner.

However, Wang Baole had discovered that the donkey’s level of cultivation had increased exponentially. It had returned once with a perfected Foundation Establishment realm cultivation. That had sent Wang Baole reeling back in shock.

What’s going on? Perhaps this fellow didn’t find a partner but found some extraordinary treasure instead? Wang Baole’s breathing quickened. He knew that the donkey was extremely wary. That was why he had pretended not to notice anything while observing it secretly. A few days later, one night, as the donkey sneaked back into the Sea of Fire, Wang Baole’s figure appeared at where the donkey had vanished. He concealed his presence and followed the donkey secretly.

The donkey raced through the Sea of Fire. It seemed to be familiar with its surrounding. It would stop every once in a while and observe its surroundings warily. It would even turn its head suddenly and stare behind it, as if worried that someone might be following it.

Wang Baole was almost discovered.

The ass finally grew some brains! Wang Baole followed hastily behind. He became more careful and more curious as well since the donkey was being so careful. He saw the donkey snake behind some ruins. It didn’t reappear.

If Wang Baole hadn’t used his senses as its master and realized that the donkey was hiding out in a discreet spot in the ruins, unmoving and monitoring its surroundings, he would have approached and checked the ruins out.

If he had really approached, he would have exposed himself.

He’s learned how to set up an ambush? Wang Baole was shocked. Pangs of anger burned inside him. Based on his understanding of the donkey’s character, it must be hiding some incredible treasure. There was no other reason for it to be so cautious and wary.

Wang Baole decided to practice patience. He stared at where the donkey was hiding. He was determined to uncover its secret. He waited for four hours, and just as Wang Baole expressed surprise at the donkey’s patience, the donkey acted. It dashed into the distance, not further into the Sea of Fire but deep underground.

Wang Baole immediately followed. The entire fiasco took the whole night. The donkey hid in various locations in the Sea of Fire. It would dig holes and dash out, set up ambushes and then sit tight and wait. Someone else who wasn’t Wang Baole would have either lost or attacked the donkey by now. Wang Baole, however, not only knew the donkey’s character, but he had also done something similar and succeeded before. In addition, he had a certain mental connection with the donkey. He could manipulate the connection and ensure that the donkey remained unaware of it.

That was how he managed to tail the donkey for an entire night without losing it. After running around for a full night, the donkey finally seemed assured that no one was tailing it. Its heart was set at ease. With a merry heart, it pranced into the distance and soon arrived at another ruin.

This should have been a mountain valley. However, the mountain rocks had collapsed, and the Sea of Fire had flooded the entire place. It looked completely deserted and barren. The donkey clearly grew excited when it arrived. It began scouring the place. It would dig holes, then stomp on the ground with its hooves. Its nose continued sniffing as if it was trying to locate a scent.

The sight surprised and intrigued Wang Baole. He hid himself carefully, a distance away, and observed. Half an hour passed. After prancing around merrily, the donkey wormed underground. Then, soon after, it emerged, dragging with it… a corpse!

The corpse had three heads and six arms. It was one of the Never-Ending Clan!

There was a huge hole where the heart was meant to be. The corpse was missing body parts and didn’t seem to have any artifacts or storage bag on it. It was clear that these had either been looted years ago or that they had been taken by the person who had killed him after their fatal battle.

Is there a need to be so excited just because it’s found the corpse of an Never-Ending Clan member? Wang Baole couldn’t control his shock and surprise. He had come across such corpses before. There was one in his storage bag now. Curious, Wang Baole crept closer. He was about to observe more closely when alarm and shock colored his face.

After the donkey dragged the corpse out, it didn’t hesitate at all. With a loud crunch, it began to snack on the corpse’s arm!

There was a happy expression on its face as it began to munch more quickly.

The sight sent Wang Baole reeling back. His eyes grew cold. He knew that the donkey was a glutton, but he hadn’t expected it to lust after and feast on the rotting flesh of dead bodies!

I can accept you eating living creatures, but to eat a corpse! Wang Baole flew into an instant rage. He couldn’t be bothered to conceal himself any longer. He flew out immediately, unleashing his full speed and charging towards the donkey.

The donkey, which had been munching happily on its delicious treat, froze when it saw Wang Baole’s sudden appearance. Its eyes shone with guilt and sheepishness. It didn’t hesitate, however. It opened its mouth wide, as if planning to finish eating everything in one go. Wang Baole, furious, sped towards it with extraordinary speed. He sent his leg kicking as he approached.

With a thunderous boom, the donkey cried out as it was kicked aside. It might have a thick skin, but that still hurt. It was about to escape when Wang Baole appeared beside it. He grabbed its neck and dragged it before him. His eyes shone with fury.

“What a great job you’ve done!”

The donkey shuddered. It tried to appease Wang Baole, but before it could bray, Wang Baole pushed it towards the corpse and forced its mouth towards the corpse’s half-eaten arm.

“Come on, take another bite.” Wang Baole snorted. The donkey was no idiot. Even though it secretly drooled at the delicious sight before it, it shook its head hastily. The expression on its face indicated that it wouldn’t take a second bite even if it were given a beating.

Wang Baole glared as he pressed the donkey towards the corpse’s arm. He was about to say something when he froze. He stared at the half-eaten arm of the dead Never-Ending Clan member suspiciously. A quiet sound of surprise and suspicion escaped from his lips.

A World Worth Protecting

A World Worth Protecting

Awwp, San Cun Ren Jian, Three-inch World, 三寸人间
Score 6.5
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2018 Native Language: Chinese
By the year 3029 CE, Earth’s technology has developed rapidly, borders no longer exist, and Earth has been unified, marking the beginning of the era of the Federation. At that time, a huge sword flew from the heavens, piercing the sun and causing a huge sensation on Earth. Perhaps because the scabbard of the sword was already in tatters, countless shards have broken off from it following the collision with the sun and spread across the universe. Many of these shards have landed on various places across Earth. With the arrival of the bronze sword and its shards, a new unlimited energy source has suddenly appeared on Earth. This energy source has since been named Spirit Qi. Spirit Qi is like air, thick in some places and thin in others. As the Federation and other factions gather more shards, they discover more information on cultivation, pill refinement, Spirit Stone refinement, and other techniques. The words on the shards have an ancient feel to them, making it a trend for people to use ancient language. The appearance of Spirit Qi rapidly makes the original energy sources obsolete and has completely changed people’s lives. Not only has the Spirit Internet been formed, Spirit Qi has also changed the course of Human Civilization, causing the world to enter a civilization of cultivation. This would later come to be known as the Spirit Inception Era.


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not work with dark mode